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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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December 25, 2010 at 11:51am
December 25, 2010 at 11:51am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Many groups are being formed to assist in the development of the soul, and the earth’s spiritual hierarchy has encouraged us since the time of the writing of our religious books and before that we should spend quiet times listening to the voice of God. That is, listening to our inner voice or higher self where all wisdom resides.

We are encouraged to spend this quiet time alone on a daily basis and in groups whenever we can. Groups of like-minded people create an energy that is increased substantially. We are told that where two or three are gathered in My name, there will I be also. Whenever there is a gathering of like-minded people, the energy created draws to it the help of the guides and teachers of each individual in the group; thereby the effect is intensified dramatically.

In prayer we are speaking to God, usually asking for help or thanking Him for help already received, in meditation we are listening for His answers.

Just wanted to share an answer to a prayer with you. I’ll get back to the dimensions later.

Dec 22 I received an email from my daughter Wendy telling me that she has been very sick for more than 2 weeks. I closed my eyes and said a prayer for her to get better.

A few hours later, I went down for a nap. I woke up about ten minutes later and someone was singing to me. The song was “What a Friend we have in Jesus”. Does God hear our prayers? My first thought upon awakening was, He heard my prayer. Today, Wendy told me she feels much better.

We are in deep meditation those few seconds upon awakening, if we hear something in that short time space, it is almost always spirit talking/singing to us or giving us an answer to what we have been seeking.

December 20, 2010 at 12:03am
December 20, 2010 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Evolution will bring us to this way of life as promised in our religious books. There are many paths but they all lead to enlightenment. There are many religions but there is only one creator, there is only one dream. Whatever you wish to call Him, whatever your religious beliefs, His dream includes you, we are living God’s dream here and now and we will live His dream to its conclusion. That conclusion is enlightenment.

As far as I remember, there was never any mention of the 9 dimensions or levels ‘on the other side’. The following is what I have been given. I realize it is different from what others have written but we may not know the ‘truth’ until we get there. I won’t go through them all in one entry – far too much information. I’ll start with the first. There is no clearly defining progression through the dimensions. They are like waves on the ocean, blending and overlapping into the others.

We all live in the third dimension and can draw expression from all other dimensions but other dimensions cannot draw from the third.

When the soul leaves the third, it moves through all the dimensions to find where it fits in.

We began in the First dimension at the time of our creation.


The soul has a very brief stay here.

Where the soul itself is given life and becomes aware of that life.

The awareness of free will.

Separation from All That Is.

This is called the 'Self' dimension.

Where Karma begins.

Definition of Karma :

Awareness of will in the First dimension

A purpose to exist

A motivator to exist – it is not negative.

Simply put – a reaction to every action.

Without Karma there would be no need to exist.

I will have company for the next two weeks so I may not post entries on my regular Monday and Friday times.

I wish everyone a very Happy Holiday.

December 17, 2010 at 12:11am
December 17, 2010 at 12:11am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

God’s love is our purpose for being here; our joy, our existence depends on His love and our only purpose for existing is to return to God’s love. That is our mandate, to return to our spiritual beginnings, there to remain for all eternity.

In our society today we are seeing more and more individuals who use energy in the healing of others. Healing generally means an expansion of consciousness. Physical healing often accompanies the expansion of consciousness. In ancient times, very few individuals were initiated into the use of energy work, and then only those who were screened by gurus and mystics were chosen to enter into the temples for initiation. Of all those chosen, only about two percent were given full initiation and called the enlightened ones.

The key words in the above piece are “Healing generally means an expansion of consciousness.”

My friend who was in the last months of her physical life living with lung cancer came to me as her last hope. We had been friends for many years but her plea was that she receives this hour of my time at no monetary cost to her. I charged only half the fee that most healers in the area charged but still she was unwilling to pay even that.

This was so unlike her I did not understand how she reached this decision. I had known her to be a very generous person. She and her husband owned a 62’ sailing ship somewhere in the south, a home here in Ottawa and a winter home in Mexico. It was unlike her but I wanted to do this for her even though I knew I could not stop her cancer. Maybe she thought I could. All I could do was expand her consciousness. She came to me in spirit about six months later to thank me, she still seemed a little lost but she did find her way here.

I don’t do table work any more, but the healing work continues. Most of the time, I do not know I am healing. I have been told there are only ten people on earth who do this work at this level. I do not know the others and they do not know me.

At the time Alexander was teaching me, he took me into a meditation and showed me how to reach the seventh dimension.

At the seventh we find -

Beliefs originate.

Very high vibrations.

Healers draw from the seventh dimension.

Angels and Saints float about here.

The rationalization of thought processes on an emotional basis – that’s what beliefs are.

I don’t know if any humans reach the Eights Dimension but there –

Is consolidation and integration format.

Thoughts and emotions consolidate with All That Is.

Soul Expression.

All soul has experienced consolidation into thought and emotion.

Atonement with self.

State of knowing.

The state of the Nazarene, and

The integration of all levels of self.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand this, neither do I, the purpose of writing this is to expand consciousness – the purpose of this blog. *Smile*

December 13, 2010 at 12:01am
December 13, 2010 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All around us, we see nature completing the cycles that bring us the seasons of change in a never-ending pattern of evolution. We see the summer changes to autumn and autumn changes to winter, winter to spring and then back to summer. These are the visible cycles of nature. There are also thousands of invisible cycles that affect the way we live.

Earth is the environment that is our teaching ground. We see people of the world come together in compassion when there is a natural disaster such as an earthquake, flood, and fire or even in cases of medical emergencies such as Cancer or AIDS. These emergencies are given to us as learning experiences to restore our soul nature, which is compassion and universal love. Another lesson for us is to share our knowledge of building codes that can better withstand the earthquakes and other disasters.

The wisdom and knowledge is available to construct buildings that are better able to withstand the tremors of earthquakes and to reduce the loss of life because of the disasters. The sharing of the wisdom and knowledge to areas that are most likely to experience earthquakes is essential. The cost of construction of such buildings is not realistic in poorer nations now but the equal distribution of wealth will solve this problem. Universal love, universal compassion and universal cooperation will go a long way in the healing of our world. These are soul lessons that can only be learned while we are in the physical body.

I sometimes saw the unexplained while working with clients. One event stays in my mind as most unusual. My friend Derek was so advanced spiritually, we called him the Avatar. He was a regular client of mine at “The Living Room”, a drop-in Centre for those who are infected or affected by the HIV/AIDS virus.

One particular day while he was on the table, the energy was so strong I was leaning against the table to keep myself stable. I was either too determined or too silly not to end the session but I knew something was out of the ordinary. I had never felt such energy.

I made it through the hour with very little energy of my own left. I was exhausted, drained and all I wanted to do was sleep. Derek knew what was happening all through the session – he was trying to trick me. When he sat up, he had a grin on his face and asked me how I felt. The silly goose knew exactly how I felt. Then he told me he had a crystal in his pocket. Not a simple little stone one finds in rock shops but a large, perfect, clear, flawless, very expensive crystal.

When he showed it to me, we saw there was another trickster in the room. Inside the tip of the crystal was a golden image of a pyramid. How did it get there? And who was teasing and playing tricks on whom?

December 10, 2010 at 12:05am
December 10, 2010 at 12:05am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There are certain universal laws that must be adhered to if the soul path is to be followed. The first rule we would say was to follow your conscience. The conscience mind is directed by your guides and those in the spiritual realm that are there to guide your life in the best pathway to fulfill your lessons and karma. Karma is the cause and effect that brings your lessons learned from one lifetime to another. When you have successfully learned a lesson in one lifetime, there is no need to revisit that lesson a second time in another lifetime. There are many, many lessons and many, many lifetimes in which to learn them. When we are finished with our lessons, we can either remain in the spirit form or we can choose to return to earth to complete a certain mission. Certain missions could be correcting a wrong that has been going on for a long time and only a few individual souls would have the best knowledge as to how to fix the wrong.

The story of the healing in Montpelier took place on our trip from Peterborough New Hampshire to Ottawa. Eleanor Moore was my healing mentor. I visited her in her home in Peterborough a few times and she came to Ottawa to hold seminars several times. She lived in a very large home on a country road with many similar large estates. These homes were the summer homes of the early cotton barons. Her husband lived in a similar home, right next door to Eleanor.

More than fifty people attended the New Year’s weekend that brought us into the 90’s. They came from all around the world. Most were accommodated in the main house and some of us slept on the healing tables in a converted horse barn. There were about thirty healing tables in the converted barn that was her workshop.

When Terri and I were there in September 1990, Eleanor already had terminal cancer of the esophagus. She had not yet had a speaking apparatus installed and during our visit, Terri channeled both Alexander and Eleanor. Alexander told us that at one time Eleanor had said she had taught so many healing seminars she could do it without speaking. Now perhaps we might think of this as a cruel joke but that is exactly why she had lost her voice. She continued her workshops for the rest of her life without the use of her voice. I saw Eleanor once more after that. I went to visit her the following autumn, just about a month before she passed over.

The last time I saw her I told her the story of the healing in Vermont. Before we left, she blessed me with her energy. The power of her touch was so great I could hardly keep from fainting.

Four or five weeks later, I was awakened from my sleep and I heard Eleanor say, “Tell me the story”. I knew exactly what she was talking about so in my mind, I repeated the story of the Montpelier healing. No sooner had I finished, she said again, “Tell me the story”. I was awake all night repeating the story and if I tried to shorten the story, she would interrupt, saying, “No, no, no, tell me the story”.

Finally, I realized that she had passed over and was communicating to me from the other side. I asked her what it was like over there. She replied that she could not possibly tell me in our limited language but she said the best part was that she could travel all over with just her thoughts to direct her. She said she was visiting all her former students. It had been a standing joke that before she started travelling to other countries, her husband had told her she could never do it. So, here she was, just thinking about going to Germany, for instance and there she was. She was happy and excited beyond words.

Some of us would probably take years or centuries in our time to be able to communicate with humans the way she was doing in only a few weeks. She must have been an extraordinary person to have adjusted so quickly. I feel so blessed to have known her, loved her and learned from her. I feel equally blessed that I am able to share her story.

She always wanted to write a book but never had the time. I have dedicated the manuscript “God’s Dream – The Evolution of the Soul” to Eleanor Moore.

December 6, 2010 at 12:07am
December 6, 2010 at 12:07am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Both the East Coast and the West Coast of North America are places of heightened spiritual energy. The effects felt in these areas are very different from each other but are equally important. In the East Coast, we find the population is creative in music, gifted in crafts and they generally follow a religious path. In the area of the West Coast we find more people who are advanced in the art of alternative healing and who are more accepting of alternative life styles and complementary medical therapies. All are important in the process of evolution.

Each individual will evolve according to his or her own specific pattern, laws and energy that they were created with. In the process of our own individual evolution, we cannot expect that our life pattern will follow the life pattern of any other individual. Each is a unique pattern and cannot be compared with the pattern of any other individual. Teachers of spirituality and evolution can set forth guidelines for advancement but they cannot expect their students to follow in the footsteps of the teacher. It is up to the student to find and follow his or her own individual path of evolution and enlightenment.

Today I will tell a story that does not make me look as naive (read – stupid) as the last one.

A little background will help you to understand what happened.

I met Terri at a Psychic Fair in 1990. She had a booth and was reading for clients. Terri did not use cards or any other paraphernalia in her readings; she just saw and channeled Alexander – her twin soul who is on the other side. As it turned out Terri, Alexander and I have shared a lifetime in Egypt when Terri was an unwed mother; Alexander was her handicapped son (due to a fire). He found me in the desert and the two of them saved my life. In this lifetime, the three of us were very close friends for about twelve years. Alexander is the spiritual entity that really started me off on this journey of spiritual evolution. Okay, on with the story.

I loved my parents-in-law and whenever I could, I went to see them. They lived on the east coast of Canada in the province of Nova Scotia. It was a two-day drive and I did not feel comfortable doing it alone. I usually invited another driver to go with me. In September 1990, I asked Terri to make the trip with me and it was indeed a trip to remember. The entire story is much too long for one entry here but this day I learned that I often heal others without any effort on my part – like someone is working through me.

Alexander asked us to spend the night on the way home at a Bed and Breakfast in Montpelier, Vermont. In the morning, he asked us to drive into town and wait there for three hours. It is a beautiful town but three hours is a long time when the entire town is only two streets. We sat at an outside coffee and doughnut shop and watched the clock on the building across the street creep painfully slowly.

On the dot of three hours, we were anxious to get going. He would not tell Terri why we were to wait. We still had about an eight hour drive home and it was now afternoon. We got up and started towards the car when a blind woman approached us on the sidewalk. She had a seeing-eye dog with her and just as she was next to me, she mistreated the dog because the dog had directed her to the wrong doorway. The dog looked unkempt and thin. Immediately my eyes filled with tears and I muttered, “I hate her.” I have no idea why I said that because obviously I did not hate her. Then I started crying with great heaving sobs and I couldn’t stop. Terri had walked ahead a few steps and was looking at a window display – kind of pretending she did not know this weeping, wailing person beside her.

Actually, Alexander had told her to do that so I would not be embarrassed. Strangely though, others on the sidewalk walked by without noticing anything was amiss. I believe we were in a different dimension at this time because no one seemed to see us.

When I regained control of my emotions a little, I asked Terri what had happened. She simply said, “You healed them.” “How did I heal them and who is ‘them’?” Apparently, I had healed the woman and the dog.

Then Alexander told us that the woman lived on a very small disability pension, she could not afford to feed herself and the dog. Now, due to the healing, she would be offered a small job that she could do to supplement her pension. She would meet a truck driver who would supply the dog with canned food that had been dented and could not be sold in retail stores. Alexander also told us that in another lifetime, this woman had helped me in some major way.

The moral of the story, I think is – I don’t know what the heck I am doing but I’m glad someone does and I’m not sure this story makes me look any better than the last one. *Bigsmile*

December 3, 2010 at 12:05am
December 3, 2010 at 12:05am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Those who hold council with many, those who have the ear of many have the perfect opportunity to teach love. Pure love, God’s love and they have an obligation to do so.

Let God’s love be taught throughout the nation, then you will be a leader indeed.

Jesus said, “I have many names.” This refers to His many lifetimes on earth. He also has many names in heaven. Not all call him Jesus. There must be tolerance for those who call him by another name.

God is known by many names also but all who call on Him call on Him in love. Love is the binding ingredient that brings us together. All else is intolerance. Do not teach intolerance and call yourself a believer in God. A believer in God knows only love.

I was corresponding with a friend on Facebook. She wanted to know what the difference was between a Spiritualist and a Christian. It is only my opinion that I express here but I do not believe in sin, hell, the devil, punishment, or retribution by God or his spiritual hierarchy. I believe in God’s love as in the previous entry and this one and I believe that all things are created by Him and since He is only love, all things are created from love.

The question then becomes, why is there evil in this world if all is created with love? The answer, of course is greed and intolerance. He will not stop us from being greedy but He will put an end to what greed creates.

Greed and evil have touched my life. I did not want to tell this story but someone more wise than I said I should not judge what would touch the hearts and minds of my readers. Maybe this story is just the seed planted that will help another on their evolutionary path.

I was first attracted to my husband-to-be because he always was very generous. We were both in the R.C.A.F., stationed in France. We received the same income and yet he seemed to be able to manage his finances better than the rest of our group. He always had lots of money. We married in a huge fancy wedding in a cathedral in Metz and bought a house on a private’s salary. We were married for twenty-five years and cancer took him when he was forty-eight years old. His last words were, “This is not going to get me.”

It did, of course but within a week, he was back in spirit form in my bedroom. He was not going to go easy and he has been earthbound since 1983.

Over that time, I have met people who knew him and I learned how he managed to remain prosperous throughout his life. He was connected to a well-known worldwide crime group. I also learned that he had a huge amount of money stashed away somewhere. I have never found it but when I tried, he would appear in my bedroom dressed in black, sometimes brandishing a sword – always threatening to kill me. I was never afraid of him when he appeared as I knew I was well protected and my friends in spirit were much stronger than he could ever be while he worked with evil, they worked with Light and Love.

He has been banished from my presence for the rest of my life but he still stalks the universe and is determined to keep his money and somehow take it with him to the other side.

An incredible story? Yes, indeed but a real story and an example how greed can destroy the soul and spirit. And still God loves him.

November 29, 2010 at 12:04am
November 29, 2010 at 12:04am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

We have talked about energy but we have not defined energy other than to say it was love; and so it is. Our very life force is love. Without love, we could not exist. Without love, the universe and everything in it could not exist. The stars could not shine, the sun could not rise, and the moon in all its glory could not cross our night sky. The smallest ant could not exist. The whales could not swim and the birds could not fly.

Everything that now exists would not be here. Every stone, every rock, every seed every mountain could not exist without God’s love. The reason is that God is love and only love. Therefore, He can create only with the material that allows Him to exist and that is LOVE.

I find this paragraph to be one of the most powerful in the book. Unbelievable that we will one day exhibit this power of love. But that is for another day and another time, still a long way to go for us.

I have mentioned that when my grandson Robert came to live with me he brought with him some very highly placed beings of Light. One of these was Archangel Michael. That was in 1996 and the movie Michael had just been released. If you will remember, the Michael in the movies was a bit of a flirt and womanizer. Robert and I sat and watched together but I was unaware there was a third party in the room with us. When the movie ended, I was a bit chagrined that an Archangel would be depicted the way he was. Robert said that is exactly the way Archangel Michael would act if he were in human form. I replied that I did not think so but Robert told me then that Archangel Michael was sitting between us and watched the whole movie with us. Michael told Robert that his personality, if he were human would be very similar to the Michael depicted in the movie.

Some of you have expressed concerns you were not ‘good enough’ to evolve. I wanted to share this story to show you that you are indeed good enough. We have a lot of leeway during our human life to express our unique personality and still be encompassed the incredible love of God our creator.

November 26, 2010 at 7:38am
November 26, 2010 at 7:38am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All actions contribute to the forward movement of our journey; or delay our journey. Evolution is a forward moving process; therefore, we never go backwards, only forwards or stay in place. When we experience a lifetime that seems to be a regressive step, it is only a new set of lessons presented to us that we must learn, not regression at all. As we evolve as individuals, we contribute to the evolution of humanity as a unit. As humanity evolves, we as individuals evolve ever more quickly. The energy created in our evolution creates the pathway for exponential growth and forward movement.

I have not been able to enter into a mellow space today. That space where information is accessible and flows freely. It feels like I have been left alone and I cannot reach within for information. This place is quite unfamiliar to me but didn’t I list such a situation a few blogs ago under changes?

**• Feeling cut off from God and your guides. The way in which you received divine guidance and inner knowing has shifted. Know you are in a readjustment period where your connection will become even stronger.**

My friends who know more than I, say they have watched me change over the last few months. There have been many different voices in the evenings, many shadows and many songs sung to me during the night that rouses me from my sleep. I feel anticipation but also fear. One voice is that of a very old man who sings songs from the First World War. I remember them vaguely. I don’t know the significance of any of this. I wish I did. I wish also that I could again enter into my comfort zone. Or be comfortable in this one.

November 22, 2010 at 12:00am
November 22, 2010 at 12:00am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The path of evolution and enlightenment began at the time of our creation and will continue for eternity. The personality that inhabits our physical body is the tool used by the soul to experience the cycles and lessons that need to be learned in order to advance the process of evolution. In each lifetime, the soul, along with the new personality’s guides and teachers, chooses the lessons that must be learned to achieve enlightenment. If the lessons are not learned, the opportunity of learning is presented repeatedly until we are successful. There are thousands and thousands of lessons to learn and thousands and thousands of lifetimes to learn them in. the process is indeed ceaseless.

I have learned the cycles of the universe where humanity is concerned lasts about 3,500 years. That is, we live in an age of darkness for thirty-five hundred years then we enter the age of enlightenment for the next thirty-five hundred. Everyone on earth now has chosen to be here for this wondrous time. At least, I hope when we look back from the other side, we will see it as wondrous. For many individuals it has been a ‘catching up’ time to get our souls ready for a long stay on the other side so we don’t have to come back.

The Mayan calendar was created at the beginning of the Dark Age and ends in December 2012. This calendar has proven to be very accurate because it uses the cycles of nature and the universe to measure time instead of our manufactured timepiece that sets out our time as we normally see it.

There must be a similar clock or calendar now that will continue for the age of enlightenment but I have not heard of it. Probably a digital masterpiece that we can hold in our hand. *Smile*

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