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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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April 8, 2011 at 12:01am
April 8, 2011 at 12:01am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

With each successive generation, our children are being born with more and richer awareness of spirituality. This is the result of our own progress in knowledge of our spirit self. When one physical lifespan is complete, we move on to a higher level of knowledge so that our next physical life is started at our new level of knowledge or higher.

Children retain their knowledge of spiritual truth up to an age of approximately seven. When we listen to the stories children tell us we should be aware that they indeed have knowledge in the ways of spirit and we should be aware that they are our teachers. The mind of a child seems to be full of fantasy and make-believe. If we listen closely to their stories, we will find that they often relate to past lives that are remembered and future experiences that they will encounter in their own present physical experience. Unfortunately, adults all too often do not take serious note of the conversations of the young.

I’d like you to check out the website of a fellow Light worker, Kerry Palframan She offers a list of incredible services. I highly recommend her readings and workshops.


Kerry gave me permission to copy a piece she wrote on Past Lives. I hope you find it as informative as I did.

“Kerry is offering a unique workshop on Past Lives and Reincarnation on Wednesday April 20, (2011) 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at her home in Westboro. (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

This class is designed to help you understand the Cosmic Wheel of Life and what karma really means. Learn how your past lives may be influencing you today and understand how reincarnation plays a part in your spiritual journey.

To understand past lives, it is important to understand that your body is made up of molecules in motion. These molecules hold memories, data and all the information about you and your soul’s journey.

When you die, your soul rises. But anything that is not healed in the time of your passing stays heavy on the earth plane like little metal filings. These are the molecules and atoms of your body, which quite literally stay on the earth plane, while the spirit leaves the physical realm and goes to the soul world.

Eventually these unhealed aspects of self call forth the soul and asked for help and want to be healed. Your soul, in its benevolence and wisdom in the spirit world, chooses to come back to the earth plane in another physical body. Upon reincarnation, it literally picks up (attracts) those left behind molecules of its soul and puts them back into the energy field of your new body.

These vibrating molecules then attract similar events and issues to surface in your life in order to give you the opportunity to heal these previously unhealed parts of self in a new way.

So past lives are not actually happening in the past, they are happening in the present and being held in the very energy of your auric field. These energies of the past lives can cause much congestion and disruption in your current life. Most people are not aware of the underlying root cause of the issues being brought to the surface for healing. And they do not realize that these are opportunities for healing – often in the guise of fear, phobias, illnesses, relationship problems, disturbing issues and emotional turmoil. But it is important to know that gifts, talents and beautiful aspects of yourself are also brought to the surface from past lives to assist you on your current journey.

Most people are surprised to learn that 100% of their soul’s energy is not in their current body or conscious awareness. In fact, it is more like only 1 or 2% of your soul consciousness is present. But that small percentage is on a mission to help the greater over soul of Who You Are. Knowing what patterns you are bringing from life time to life time can help you immensely in your current life experience and help you out of ruts and places where you feel stuck or trapped.

In fact, learning about your past life patterns is what all soul’s desire, for every soul has its own purpose and mission and your current consciousness and awareness of past lives is a pivotal factor in your overall soul’s journey.

In this class Kerry will explain how past lives and reincarnation works and how uncovering different lives can, not only expand your awareness 10-fold, but assist in your healing and soul’s journey immeasurably.

There will be much in class discussion on the “past, present, future” paradigm that our reality currently supports and how to begin to shift your understanding into a more circular paradigm that “all is happening in the present” in layers upon layers of levels of reality.

You will be led on a guided mediation journey to take you into a past life and Kerry will help every participant understand the relevance of the information revealed and how it connects and impacts your current life.”

Take note that Kerry offers readings by phone and email. You can contact her through her website since most readers here are not Canadian.

I think we should encourage her to join Writing.com so we could enjoy more of her writing. I would gladly plug her portfolio.

April 4, 2011 at 12:11am
April 4, 2011 at 12:11am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Toxic shame can be the beginning of long-term illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis or other medical conditions. An individual who feels inadequate for most of their lifetime usually carry toxic shame in the form of anger or hate. Eventually the organs and tissues in the body are affected and over a long period of time, illness and even death of the body could result.

Feelings of guilt and shame are the beginnings of physical death. When these destructive feelings can be neutralized by spiritual healing the result will be joy and peace and the slow progress that leads to physical death will be delayed.

Spiritual healing can come in many forms but positive results are compounded by mediation. When the mind is in an altered state of consciousness during meditation, the spiritual beings that hover about the human form in the delivery of assistance can then accomplish their duties much easier than when the human body and mind are active.

If you have meditated in the past and find that you can no longer do so, don’t worry. As the soul evolves, the mind no longer needs regular periods of quiet time. You have achieved your purpose. Your angels, guides and helpers are now free to communicate with you in real time or in your dreams.

I grew up with a friend who was the third child in the family. He was the pride and joy of his parents and was, as we understand it – spoiled rotten. He could do no wrong in the eyes of his parents and siblings. But his own mind told him that he did not belong on the pedestal his family placed him on. He knew he could never live up to their perfect expectations.

In his mid teens, he turned to alcohol and by late teens, he was addicted. He died at the age of 48 of cancer of the stomach and esophagus. Every person is unique: every person is different. This one person was close to me and fits with what the Ascended Masters have described here.

April 1, 2011 at 12:01am
April 1, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we compare our self to others, we are sometimes disappointed in ourselves. This comparison serves no useful purpose in soul development and indeed, leaves scars on the emotion of the soul. These scars must be healed in order to develop and evolve to our fullest extent possible. This is an example of soul healing. Once this soul healing is accomplished, future lifetimes will not be harmed by self-comparison. Comparisons can then be beneficial in that it can be used to promote advancement in personal growth.

The result of comparison to others may lead to toxic shame that remains in the body and can be seen by the psychic healer usually as black material. Some see it in the form of black balls of various sizes. Toxic shame gathers in the body when an individual has thoughts that are harmful to the well being of that individual. An example, feelings of diminished self-worth may lead to toxic shame. In the life of a young person, there are often feelings of being inadequate or of being not good enough or even thoughts of not wanting to live. Thoughts of suicide or of taking the life of a tormentor create toxic thoughts. Toxic thoughts create toxic shame, which are stored in the body and can be harmful if not removed by soul healing.

When my grandson was at the age of four or five, I loved to take him on excursions. Often we went to family restaurants for us to get a fix of ice cream or fries. (Yeah, bad grandma). We would talk of things he ‘saw’. At that age, children are innocent and truthful. On one occasion, he told the server she had black dots all over her back. I explained to her what he was talking about. She said she had just broken up with her boyfriend and was feeling very vulnerable. She was probably comparing herself to others at that time. Questions like why was I not good enough and feeling inferior with many doubts of her choice of friendships.

In such situations, we need to remember we are prefect all the time. Our choices are given to us to help us grow and learn. We are never wrong and are at the right place at the right time every minute of our human life. Difficult as it may seem at the time, knowing this is the truth, even after the fact, will help us reduce toxic shame.

March 28, 2011 at 5:42pm
March 28, 2011 at 5:42pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We can gradually change the chemistry of the population by the healing we do, one individual at a time. Even in mass gatherings if one or two receive a significant healing that will benefit them for a lifetime, the gathering would be considered a success. The gathering itself will leave a lasting memory but not necessarily a lasting healing. A temporary healing however is also a very significant event. Healing of the soul brings long lasting results, not only in this lifetime, but also into future lifetimes. Soul healing brings enlightenment and expansion and therefore eternal benefits and creates significant forward motion in the evolution of the soul.

A dear friend came to me in the last stages of lung cancer. I felt helpless and hopeless. I am not a physical healer; although sometimes spiritual healing does, result in physical healing it is not usually the case. Spiritual healing expands the consciousness. I knew I could prepare her to entry into the Light but I also knew I could not heal her physical condition of lung cancer. I didn’t try to explain it because she was hoping for her physical life to continue. I thought it was better for me to let her live with that hope.

We had lunch together that day knowing it would be the last time we saw each other. She asked me not to visit her at the hospital. I agreed. I asked her to visit me in spirit when she was on the other side. She didn’t understand.

About three months later, she did appear to me in spirit. We had a brief mental conversation and I knew she understood what had happened on that sad day on my healing table. She thanked me and she was gone.

March 25, 2011 at 9:31am
March 25, 2011 at 9:31am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The gentler a parent is the wiser the child; the gentler a world power is the more respect it garners from weaker nations. Only bullies use their bluster and bullishness to announce their power and might and in the end, there is no respect and no ally for the bully. The meek shall inherit the earth as it is written because the meek hold the strength and the wisdom that attracts friends and allies. Who would follow the bully to their death when there is a choice to follow wisdom?

Surprisingly, many do. The temporary glory of war – if one is disposed to call it that – can blind the eyes of the bullies to the long-term goal of peace.

We say again – war can never lead to peace only to domination. There must be a pre-existing plan for equality with consideration given to culture and religious beliefs before there is enduring peace.

We are all one – all are connected to each other and to God, it is our responsibility to remember that world peace begins at home.

Two small personal stories today.

My singer/speaker is still with me and often sounds like a radio announcer. Early this morning I was in that half-awake state when I can understand what he says. He was announcing the funeral of Elizabeth Taylor when suddenly he said, ‘Oh, Oh, There’s Spiro Agnew.’ Then either he stopped talking or I fell asleep again but that was all I heard. So there you have an announcement from the spiritual side.

The other story is a bit funny – one of those very quick sightings difficult to describe. I walked into my dark bedroom a few days ago and threw on the light switch. This activates a pole lamp on the other side of the room. The bulb in that light is one of those spiral ones that take a few seconds to come on. I was a few steps into the room when the light blinked on and I saw a mass on my bed. As spiritual beings go, this was a large lump and didn’t look like a person or people. The light frightened them and three bunnies jumped – separating the mass. One stayed on the bed and went right through or into the bed. Two jumped off the bed. One of the two disappeared through the outside wall, the other one seemed a bit more confused and jumped towards my feet landing within inches of my toes then disappeared into the floor. I guess they didn’t know I couldn’t hurt them. *Smile*

March 21, 2011 at 3:34pm
March 21, 2011 at 3:34pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We must caution the people on earth now to resist the aggressive nation’s call to war. War is the result of greed and we ask you to carefully seek other options. When a leader of a country is elected, it is not the will of the people to be lead by a bully. Power, greed and fear create the values of the elected leader after the election. The campaign promises are hardly recognizable after power, greed and fear take over.

It is then up to the people to resist following a leader who has demonstrated aggressiveness and a willingness to sacrifice his people to satisfy his own greed. This is not an easy task. Indeed, it is very difficult to resist a tyrant and a bully, but it must be done in order to achieve the peace that we desire.

The stronger a nation becomes the gentler it must be. The nation who holds the power needs more than ever to cherish those who witnessed the rise to power.

These words are very appropriate at this time. The countries we expected to negotiate peace are taking up arms instead.

Personal note. My vision is blurred after having cataract surgery a week ago. This will continue for a while. Still have the other eye to get corrected. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to enter the world of non spectacle wearers after more than fifty years of grabbing my glasses first thing in the morning and shedding them last thing at night. I now have a fear of going out, driving my car and meeting people. Very strange.

March 18, 2011 at 10:24am
March 18, 2011 at 10:24am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Leaders of the future who grow up in harmonious families will bring harmony to the country and therefore the world.

Our lives are a very complicated dance between spirit and physical reality, between teachings of love or follow the bully who leads by aggression.

It is important that we resist following the bully. There is always a price to pay when we play on the bully’s side. In schoolyard games, the bully is never the one who takes the punches. The bully is the one who orders others to take the fall for him/her.

So it is with countries, the mighty are difficult be befriend. As the schoolyard bully, the price is often much too high. You can only be a friend to a bully or an aggressive country if you are willing to be the one who bears the defeat. The aggressive leader is not willing to be your friend unless you are willing to obey his or her every command and then when the fight is over, there will only be glory for the bully. The friendship ends when victory is achieved.

Perhaps some readers question the words and language used by the Ascended Masters. I would like to inter another passage from the Introduction of the manuscript.

We have used simple language with simple sentence structure and much of the information contained in this book has been written many times, in many ways over the last two thousand years. But the message is far from simple. The message is the everlasting truth that many messengers have brought forth in stories, verse and writings since the great leaders and teachers of Light lived and taught on earth while they were in human form.

Everyone understands ‘bully’, everyone understands ‘aggression’ but not everyone has achieved love of one another therefore the language appeals to all levels of understanding.

March 11, 2011 at 12:02am
March 11, 2011 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

So it is with nations. As one nation matures and develops a unique personality, it is in the best interests of the world as a whole to provide guidance where it is needed and to allow progress to be individualized in the best interests of the developing nation and therefore the world.

The ‘terrible two’s can be avoided for the most part by wise guidance and understanding and allowing the new personality to develop freely.

If we can teach our young to respect the personality of the individual, this lesson will be of great importance in the evolution of generations to come. Harmony begins in the family. We cannot emphasize this enough; it is of the greatest importance.


I want to leave you with this link. DHN is the Distant Healing Network. There are hundreds of healers around the world ready and willing to send spiritual healing or prayers at your request. The choice is yours. You can request prayers only or other modalities of healing. The best part is it works. I have been aware of this site for many years and have used it often for myself and for others. The second best part is that it is absolutely free.

In particular a couple I know who have recently had marital problems are now talking out their grieves with each other. Something I had not expected before they sent a request to the healing network.

Remember spiritual healing allows the physical body to heal. Expanding awareness is of utmost importance in the healing of the mind, body and soul.

On a personal note, I may not post next Monday as I usually do. I am going in for minor surgery and I don’t know how I will be feeling. Might just want to rest for a few days.

March 7, 2011 at 12:01am
March 7, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Now we see that people and nations are somewhat the same in their patterns of growth. We sometimes hear of a child who has reached the age of two and is just beginning to learn that they have choices but are not yet able to verbalize those choices. This is what we sometimes call the terrible two’s.

In fact it could be looked at as the wonderful two’s. We can see with wonderment the awesome progress a child has achieved in such a very short period of time. Now is the time when the individual personality if formed. If a parent is wise, the new personality will be honored. If a parent is not so wise, they will continue to dominate the young one and cause much grief for both the child and the parent, and indeed for the whole family.

It is to be remembered that this child has come to fulfill its own individual life path of evolution. At this time it is wise for a parent to provide needed guidance and protection but not impose their own personality. This will surely lead to rebellion and aggression.

I like Tim Stephens’ horoscope and analysis of events.

I agree with what he says about the future events. I have not heard before his version of the second coming but it sounds plausible to me. When our eyes have been opened and our visions evolved, we may very well see the angel on the horizon.

I have seen a cloud of pure gold that stayed with me for several miles while I was travelling. This was not the reflection of the sun because there was no sun on the clouds. Simply a golden cloud in front of me even as I turned corners on my journey. So why not an angel?

I hope you also enjoy Tim’s article.


March 4, 2011 at 12:01am
March 4, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We, as a world must come to the understanding that we do have a choice, we have the choice to elect governments that know the true value of love and cooperation. Borders are our way of keeping our possessions from our neighbors. Eventually in a time that is appropriate, our world leaders will come to understand that greed is what is driving our governments and that greed will destroy our beautiful planet.

We hope and pray that the time will soon come that the people of earth will learn the lesson of love and make better choices. We need to learn that our gift of free choice enables us to choose unconditional love and unconditional cooperation and to create a better world. Everyone would agree that there is a better way. We only have to choose not to follow the bully. It takes courage but the realization that the bully is acting from a base of fear can be the source of the courage we need.

It’s nice to witness the lengthening of daylight hours here in the southern part of Ontario reminding us of renewal and regeneration.

So it is with countries. We read daily in the national and international news the protests and uprising of the oppressed all around our beautiful planet. In my own province, the government has opened the way for electric automobiles by installing ‘filling’ stations. It is a beginning.

When Henry Ford introduced the automobile, it was a beginning too. Perhaps this new beginning is starting slowly just as the Ford. We must be patient. It takes extreme courage to stand up against the bully corporations who resist change to their mega monopolies. Their actions are based in fear; fear of change and fear of losing position.

World leaders whose positions are threatened are also acting in fear of losing their position, their wealth and power. Greed got them there and greed will be their downfall. Evolution always moves forward or stands still, it never moves backward. We too must be patient.

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