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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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November 26, 2014 at 7:53pm
November 26, 2014 at 7:53pm

For the purpose of this book, I shall refer to our creator as God. I acknowledge that there are many names for the creative force and there are many descriptions. However, I see Him as an energy force and that energy is LOVE. This is not a religious book, nor is it a book about religion. It is a book about the evolution of humanity from spirit form to human form and back to spirit through the process of evolution.

The spirit and the soul are immortal, everlasting, without beginning and without end. God was there in the beginning and is eternal. God was there before atoms and molecules and God was there long before man invented religion. Humanity incorporated God into his religion. God did not make religion, but God gave humankind free will and so humanity was free to invent religion in whatever form he pleased.

When we ask why God allows bad things to happen, we must also think of the consequences of our free will being taken away. We cannot have it both ways. If we have free will then God cannot and does not interfere with our work. If we want God to repair our mistakes then we do not have free will. He has provided guidance for us but He will never tell us what to do and neither will our guides and angel helpers. If they did, they would break their contract with us and with God. Free will is a contract and this contract will never be broken.


November 4, 2014 at 11:18pm
November 4, 2014 at 11:18pm
I have written before about stocking up on survival foods for the days of darkness – although I think those days have been modified. Still, it’s good to be prepared in case of power failure during severe storms.

I was going through my carefully planned boxes and everything was past the best before date, except the pasta, rice, and wax candles, so I did some more research.

I had not thought about the ancient food, hardtack. So I searched. What did we do before Google?

Sure enough, there are many recipes for hardtack, the basic ones don’t sound very tasty. Honey, sugar and cinnamon never go rancid or rot, so I don’t see why one could not add some of those. In fact, some of the recipes call for these ingredients plus dried fruit.

The important thing is that hardtack be thoroughly baked until it is dried out, and then stored in air tight containers. I think glass canning jars with screw-on lids would be perfect. That way you could see if bugs start to crawl out. Heehee, just kidding. If baked and stored properly they should last for a hundred years. Ask Cleopatra, I think some were buried with her, along with honey. I hope her teeth were good, or she had some coffee to soak the biscuit in.

One recipe suggests the hardtack be baked for the second time the next day. Guess that would ensure they are completely dried out and hard as a brick. The way they should be.

I think I will make some and give them out for Christmas – yeah, I’m kidding again. I don’t have a rolling pin, but how much can a cheap one cost?

Anyway, here is the basic recipe.


October 5, 2014 at 9:11pm
October 5, 2014 at 9:11pm
I believe nothing ever goes badly, we simply do not understand the spiritual message at the time.

This story began many years ago, in 1991 to be precise. My friend Terri and I went on a holiday to the east coast of Canada, to visit friends in the province of Nova Scotia.

Terri, you may remember from reading my blog, channels her spirit guide Alexander. On the last evening of our trip, just before crossing the border from United States to Canada, Alexander asked us to stop for a coffee. He wanted to tell me something. He told me of a future event that involved my son-in-law V. Alexander told me that during V’s 48 year he would be involved in a major motor vehicle accident that would leave him in a wheel chair, after many months in hospital. His life along with my daughter and their children would be changed forever. The accident would not be V’s fault, and they would sue heavily. Neither V nor my daughter would ever be able to hold a job again. Daughter because she would be fully occupied looking after her husband. The insurance money would be their only income.

Terri was astounded. Not because of the story, but because Alexander had never, in her thirty years of channeling him, told anyone of their future.

In 1999 a son was born to my daughter and V. they were both nearing their 40th birthday at the time. When my grandson was two years old I was at a party at their home. V said some things, and did some things that I thought were abusive to their young son. I called him on it. Yes, me and my big mouth got myself into trouble. Not just a little trouble, but big time trouble. The outcome of this event was that V demanded that I never set foot in their home again. That was 14 years ago.

His forty eighth and forty ninth birthday came and went, and there was no vehicle accident. He will be 52 next month and to this day he is healthy and well. I have often thought this strange, that Alexander took that special time to tell me something would happen and it didn’t. I did not understand.

Until today. September 5, 2014.

My bathroom buddy told me the story of what happened during that time when I was in serious trouble with my son-in-law. Apparently he had an enlightening moment. Maybe it was a soul deep moment that he realized that he may indeed be abusive, and changed his thoughts and actions toward his young son and wife. It was that change of thought and actions that prevented his vehicle collision and his life time being wheelchair bound.

My daughter, myself and her children resumed our relationship after a few troubling months, and have been soul mates ever since. How much better our little family would be if V could join with us. Perhaps someday, perhaps not.

When things go ‘wrong’ remember they may very well be going 'right'. We simply do not understand the spiritual reality.

September 26, 2014 at 6:04pm
September 26, 2014 at 6:04pm
I used to pass along dates for world meditation. For some reason, I do not receive those emails any more. The following is an email I received from Christ's Letters Group. This too is world-wide meditation.

I hope you like the music. If course I cannot hear it, more's the pitty.

They say gather in groups of 10 or more, but we know that raising our hearts in meditation along with the world, is just as effictive.


To all meditators of the world

We need your help!



Why are we telling you this?

It has been demonstrated that from the moment a certain number of people, doing the same thing, , at the same time, having the same intention a powerful message is clearly sent out through the Universe. This is called the “exponential effect”

We have meditated many days, asking what we could do to help improve life on earth. And, this is the plan we were given:

«We should gather 100 people for meditation and invite worldwide meditators to join us in person (or in mind and heart) in a very powerful meditation to insure that this historic message to the Universe goes out at the same time».

In order to contribute to create an era of Unconditional Love, Peace and Harmony and to the awakening to Christ Consciousness, YOU are invited to an historic worldwide event.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


At 12h10 (Montreal time zone)

At Éden sur terre


Meet us in person,

being one of the 100

or in spirit

If you can

create a group of 10 people

to meditate together

Ten groups create another 100

(let us know)

The Meditation to use to make monumental changes in the Consciousness and behaviour patterns of people on the planet worldwide by using the “exponential effect” can be found at:


We are proud to announce that Alain Lemay from Quantic Music, who create beautiful music inspired by the Christ’s Letters will be playing his crystal bowls music as an introduction to the meditation. You may listen to his recordings here

Help spread the word,

send this email to all you know,

post it on Facebook,

write to a meditation website you know,

send out a tweet,

or simply shout it off the roof!

Practical information:


October 12, 2014 at 12:10 (Eastern Standard time)

For the time in your location, please follow this link

(be sure to check, as daylight saving time may or may not have ended already in your location)


Christ’s Way Center

5095, rang des soixante,


Québec, Canada J0L 2B0

email: Michel et Andrée

telephone: 450-708-3729


Anyone who wants to contribute to the manifestation of the Era of Unconditional Love,

Peace and Harmony in Christ Consciousness

for more information, check:



Feel free to forward this message to a friend

Become a Member of the 20.10.2007 message, which you can find: here

Find others to connect with through the map: here

This email is sent from: crstmail.org, berkendreef 20, 6871 LC Renkum, Holland,

All complaints about our emails, can be send to our administration

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August 26, 2014 at 5:08pm
August 26, 2014 at 5:08pm
Part of my horoscope for this week says,

“Monday to Wednesday the Sun’s ingress into Virgo accompanied by his consort the New Moon in Virgo promise good outcomes from publishing and all things foreign. There is a rebirth in your interest in higher learning, or upgrading your already strong resume. “

As some of you know, I have been contacting publishers and agents for the past little while without success. Most don’t even answer, but that is to be expected. Their desks must be piled high with manuscripts. Never give up hope, and keep reminding yourself that your work is as good as, or even better than some things that have been published.

So, when I read a horoscope like the one above, my hope is renewed. There are many publishers in Canada, but mostly publishing is done in the United States. Therefore, the reference to foreign and publishing in the same week is quite exciting. Goodness knows, I have a lot to learn if the manuscript is accepted by an agent.

Wish me luck. I have always known that God’s Dream would be published when the time is right in our process of soul evolution. Maybe now is the right time.

I'll give credit for the horoscope to Tim Stevens at


He's good, if you are interested in reading weekly horoscope blog.

August 16, 2014 at 8:40pm
August 16, 2014 at 8:40pm
I’ve been doing a lot of house cleaning lately. Not so much cleaning as cleaning out. I have lived in my home for more than twenty-five years, and some of the stuff I am carting off to a second hand store has not been used in all that time. At my age, one never knows when the call will come and so, I am thinking I will get rid of this stuff and save a lot of work for my daughters.

It’s mindless work, and so my mind has been wandering as I toss. One of the memories that came to me today was a spiritual healing I did many years ago. My friend Terry asked me to see a woman friend of hers who was having crying spells, and also having a lot of trouble with her sons. I agreed to meet them at a coffee shop that evening.

I knew instantly that there were some trapped emotions from her childhood. Now, this is something I do automatically – that is, spirit does it through me, I have no control of what spirit does with my mind and body. I am here to serve.

I had a vision of the woman as a child, standing in a crib, crying. Her diaper was dirty and hanging with the weight of wet and dirt, the room was dark. No one came. She cried until she was exhausted, then lay down in the dirty crib and slept. There was no blanket.

Since we were in a restaurant, I could not easily lay my hands on her, so I asked her to put her right hand on her throat. I asked her to position her hand exactly as I would have done, had she been on my healing table. As she held her hand in place, we talked normally and drank our coffee. We had a pleasant evening at first.

I knew when the healing was done, and asked her to remove her hand from her throat. Suddenly she started to cry. She said she had never before cried in her adult life. I knew the reason. She had learned early in life that crying did not bring help.

She suddenly got up from her chair and ran outside leaving her coffee, tears streamed down her face. I felt sorry for her. I knew the emotions of her childhood abuse had left her. I knew she would be better able to deal with her sons. I also knew that she would have to finally deal with all those pent-up emotions she had been stuffing back. But she would be seeing them from a third person point of view.

Like cleaning house –same emotions.

August 3, 2014 at 11:27pm
August 3, 2014 at 11:27pm
It’s a long weekend with not much to do so I thought I would blog a little. Also, take a break from preparing my poetry and short stories to present to a publisher. Sometimes it is just nice to share.

I find it amazing how accurate the little surveys on Facebook can hit the mark with only a few questions. I took one called, ‘How old a soul are you?’ I’ve always known I am an old soul from the seventh dimension, but this survey says I am an Ancient Soul.

Here is what it said:

“You have an ancient soul!

You are wise beyond your years, you know exactly how to handle life and you make sure to never get caught unprepared. Your soul has been with us not for decades, but for centuries, dating back to Victorian times or even the middle ages. Ancient souls are here to teach others their spiritual understandings and lessons that they learned in all their years on this earth. They seek truth wherever they go and whenever they can, and have a finer sense of knowing what is true, more than any other soul level.”

I also have a strong sense of being complete. Many people do not feel complete without a partner, but being half of something is not my idea of happiness. This surprises a lot of people, and I wish I had known this in my early twenties, when I was greatly influenced by others. Not so much anymore.

I think my mother was the same way. She never seemed lonely either. She was happy to see her children come for a visit, but just as happy to see them go. We were never ones to go to neighbours for coffee and chit chat. Completeness came naturally to both of us.

I once ‘saw’ a past life with my mother in ancient Egypt. We were hauling the boulders to build the pyramids. My mother and I were both female, and she died when one of the boulders slipped and crushed her. Many of us died in the same way.

So here’s to ancient souls, old souls, and recent souls. We all have our own path of evolution. We just have to remember, we are always at the right place, right on time.

June 21, 2014 at 5:08pm
June 21, 2014 at 5:08pm
My grandson is in the midst of writing grade 9 exams. He needed a shot of confidence. He cannot study for his English exam next Tuesday because the exam is on a story given to them in the test. English is his most difficult subject.

I thought if he was confident about himself, he would be more confident about his chances. He’s an honour roll student, with an average above 85%, but still nervous.

I gave him a bit of grandmotherly advice. He should pick out his favourite clothes this weekend – not his best clothes, but his favourite ones -- have a shower Tuesday morning, brush his hair (he’s a teenager, ya know). Then, if he is clean and comfortable, he will feel confident and good about himself. Having that sense of pride and confidence will roll over into his scholastic confidence.

He was excited about my advice, and said he would try it.

I have always used this method in my own life, but never ever thought about it. So now let’s see how he does on his exam.

June 14, 2014 at 4:40pm
June 14, 2014 at 4:40pm
World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, June 18, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - July 16 and Aug 20 at 7:30pm
May 24, 2014 at 2:05pm
May 24, 2014 at 2:05pm
Tim Stephens, Canadian astrologer (linked and copied below) has given us an insight as to how religion will end. There will be no need for religion, because everyone will know the truth in his/her heart. Interesting insight. I have always known that religion will end, but had no idea how that would happen.

I see that my manuscript (God’s Dream, The Evolution of the Soul) fits right into this concept. I have yet to find a suitable publisher. I am thinking of Hay House, but most of their authors are well known lecturers with many letters after their name. None says, Housewife, blogger. Or HB *Smile*


“(All quotes below are from the New International Version of the Bible.)

God hinted (Jeremiah 31:31-37 and 33:19-22) that mankind would no longer pray to God or formally recognize Him after he achieved jet travel and space flight. (“So that day and night no longer come at their appointed time” [Jer. 33:20].) When that happens, He said, there will be no more teachers of religion or of God – nor any need for them – because “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts…no longer will a man teach his neighbour…saying ‘Know the Lord’” because “they all will know Me, from the least of them to the greatest” (Jeremiah 31:33/34). “I will remember their sins no more.” In fact, every human will be a priest (Jer.33:22). At this point, presumably because his work of absolution is accomplished, Christ (David’s descendant) will no longer reign. (Jer. 33:21).

The accent here is not on betrayal or misbehaviour; rather, God is saying that man will have come far enough under His tutelage, and it will be time to set him free. Free from observance and prayer, from formal reverence (“the arc of the covenant of the Lord … will never enter their minds or be remembered…it will not be missed”) (Jer. 3:16) because God will be indelibly in our hearts and minds, every moment. He is gracious, even magnanimous, at this change in our relationship: “I will ….remember their sins no more” (Jer. 31:34).

Let’s speculate. Before we do, we have to recognize that even the best predictions fail in amount, intensity, and interpretation, and are often more symbolic than accurate in detail. (* See note at end.) So when Revelation states that one-third of humanity will be wiped out in the final battle, Armageddon, we can allow for error. Seen with this tolerance, the Armageddon predicted in Revelation might have recently occurred: World Wars I and II, and the Spanish flu. Hitler the Beast marked people’s foreheads, and put the Jewish star on their clothes. Human flesh burned everywhere. But Christ’s forces defeated the Hitler/Beast/Satan.

Armageddon is Christ’s last and ultimate battle. After this, anyone left goes to heaven, or at least visits/sees it. If Phase One is the Old Testament, and Christianity the second Phase, then here, in Armageddon, Christianity — and Phase Two — end. As the new, third Phase shows in the pale before dawn, space exploration (and modern jet travel) break the cycle of day and night, God’s “condition” for being freed from His literal tutelage. The space age segued into the fall of the Catholic church, the revelation of pedophilia, the blatant crimes of the Popes and Bishops, etc. So, thus, the people no longer need teaching; this frees them from the Church’s false teaching: “Prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit.” (Jer. 6:13) Instead, God says, (Jer. 3:15) “I will give you new shepherds, who will lead you with knowledge” (scientists, therapists, etc. – note how knowledge is no longer a sin, as it was in Adam and Eve’s time – the nature of sin changes over time.)

What, then, is the third Phase? Well, first, it is already dawning. The New Age movement’s basic assertion/assumption (and the prophet Nietzsche’s) that man is “god material” contains clues. Being self-conscious, scientific, ambitious, inventive, and possessing many mansions of history, many treasure troves of deep thinkers and other guides in politics and morality, man already can almost envision the god-head, and in his optimistic, loving and curious heart he knows that heaven is his destiny or guaranteed goal (for one can always fail; can spin out of the boundaries on a journey of selfishness).

I sense no hostility in God’s prediction that mankind would be set free of His literal or overwhelming management; rather, He almost seems to sigh with sly wit, as a father does when he leaves his son to his training. (Forgive me if I’m anthropomorphizing God.)

But I do not think humanity is abandoning God. We are abandoning the document, the Bible, and its concept of God. The Bible was written by men – inspired by God – but men. Men who had to write for others to read, so were further tempted to poetry. But poetry carries the scent of its times.

So what will come after Christ fades from the picture? What will the new world/religion/spirit look like? Here’s one clue, that I’ll follow next week: “The Lord will create a new thing on earth – a woman will surround a man” (Jer. 31:22).”

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