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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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January 31, 2015 at 8:23pm
January 31, 2015 at 8:23pm
This is God’s dream, that we, who made an agreement with Him before we came into this world as mere babies would remember our promise at the appropriate time and fulfill that promise. We are being reminded at this time by every means He has in His power that now is the time to remember our promise and to work towards the promised end.

All light workers and men and women of good will are now called forth to expedite and expand the evolutionary process by bringing love and light to our fellow human beings. God’s dream is coming to fulfillment. With our help, the conclusion to the dream can have the happy and glorious ending that was promised. That promise was Heaven on earth.

The call is now going out to all workers of the light to come forth and work diligently, every moment of every day to bring peace to our fellow man. It was our promise, and we cannot fail. The consequence would be too great. Let us keep evolution on an ever-forward journey and complete God’s dream. The benefits are real and the glory is great. It is up to us.

January 24, 2015 at 4:16pm
January 24, 2015 at 4:16pm
At this particular time in our evolution, at the beginning of the century there is an increased necessity to be doing our work. Many changes are forthcoming, changes that many have predicted and changes that will be a complete surprise to many. We all have the wisdom within us. It is very important that we remember our agreement now with God. It is important that we keep our promise to bring God’s love to our fellow human beings in ways that only we can.

This was our promise. This was our agreement. Now is the time for our work to begin and to continue until we are called home to our reward. Our reward will be great this is His promise.

It is time for us to forgo the glamour of the commercial world and see them for what they are worth. They are worth nothing in the long term. Of course, we need food, shelter, and the necessities of life but the hoarding of wealth, power and self-glory are what is keeping us from doing the work necessary to bring peace and love to the world.

January 17, 2015 at 6:34pm
January 17, 2015 at 6:34pm
The way to bring peace and harmony to the world can only start with you. How you demonstrate universal love, universal compassion and universal truth can only bring this love to the rest of the world. Rest assured that others are working towards the same end and with all God’s love and light workers, working separately and together the only outcome can be the heaven on earth that was promised to us in our religious writings.

When we use universal love as a basis for our every day living, we will find that our relationships will go in directions that we hardly expected. Communication will go smoothly and there will be help in any emergency. When people are treated with respect and dignity, they will respond in times of trial. Race, color or religion is not a barrier when universal love is the bond that grows between individuals.

Heaven cannot be handed to us on a silver platter without any effort on our part. Heaven on earth can only be achieved with our own effort and with our own work every minute of every day. God will never judge us if we do not live up to these high expectations. He, His angels and spiritual hierarchy know that we cannot be vigilant every minute of every day but He does expect us to do His work faithfully. If there is a momentary failure on our part, He expects us to correct this lapse and return to His work without delay. The work will not be done if we are not willing to do it. None can do the work but us. There is no one else. We came to an agreement before we were born, while we were still in spirit and we are now reminded of that agreement.

January 16, 2015 at 11:56pm
January 16, 2015 at 11:56pm
I wasn’t going to publish anything personal on this blog, just the manuscript, but this is simply just weird. Got to share it.

I have lived in this house for more than 25 years. There is no brick inside except for the fireplace in the living room on the main floor.

About three weeks ago I went down to the basement to do a washing, and I stepped on something like a rock. I looked down and there was a red stone about an inch long, half an inch wide, half an inch thick. There seemed to be something carved on one side. It was smooth all around, and really looked like a worn down piece of brick. It looked ancient.

I held it in my hand for a time, thinking whatever could it be? I have never seen anything like it before. I rubbed it with my thumb, just because it had a smooth, pleasant texture.

I looked up in the rafters but there was nothing there except dust. No brick or similar stone. I knew there wouldn’t be. I laid it on the edge of the washer, not wanting to toss it in the garbage without knowing what it was. I would wait for my daughter to come for a visit, and then I would ask her.

So it lay on the edge of the washer for these last few weeks – until today. I went down to the washing area and the stone was gone. Not on the floor, not in the washer, not under the washer. Simply gone.

I wish I would have brought it upstairs and kept it safe. My little visitor.

January 10, 2015 at 6:54pm
January 10, 2015 at 6:54pm
This addiction to power and false glory is the reason we bring illness on ourselves. True love of one another, true compassion and true honesty is the only way to bring God’s glory, love and compassion to our self and to our fellow man. That is the reason we are here. That is our mission. We all too often hear the question, ‘why are we here?’ This is the reason, to return to spirit and to return to God in the heaven created for us. There can be no greater challenge; there can be no greater glory. We were created for this cause, to manifest spirit in the human form and to return to spirit to continue His work without the structure of the human body restricting us.

The lessons we learn along the way only empower us to teach God’s love and to pass on this teaching to future generations. There is no greater privilege than to teach God’s love to our fellow human beings. We must be willing to live every day with love of our fellow man and to demonstrate that love daily by the hour, minute and second. In all circumstances, we are to show God’s love by being a living example of love. This demonstration of love can only spread to our fellow man and in turn spread throughout your community and so on to your town, to your country and beyond.

January 3, 2015 at 8:07pm
January 3, 2015 at 8:07pm
Our mission was to take care of the earth, to have dominion over it and in all haste, return to heaven and to God’s love. Our eyes saw the glamour and the glory in greed and power and we lost sight of the true glory and reward of heaven. We have an illogical desire for material things and have, in our ignorance, given our true power over to glamour that brings us no joy or happiness. We have given away our birthright and have sought only the false power in material things that bring only more greed and more disharmonies to us and to the smooth functioning of our gloriously created bodies.

Man was created in God’s image so that God could understand the basic essence of man. Because of the complex workings of the human body, we were given very simple instructions as to its upkeep. Simple foods, regular movement and clean water are the basic necessities to keep proper functioning of this very complex organism. Our manufactured food of today tends to clog up the systems and thus we have dysfunction and disease.

Dysfunction and disease is a way that our body lets us know that we have gone astray in looking after ourselves. The pain associated with illness is there to reinforce our error and to make the memory last. If we had no pain, the lesson would soon be forgotten. The memory of the pain can linger on for a lifetime reminding us to take better care of our bodies.

So how do we assist the body in the healing process? Right thinking, right eating and right movement or exercise is the basic and most important foundation to self-healing.

An active mind with positive thoughts based in love goes a long way in healing the body. Negative thoughts not coming from feelings of love start the process of illness. Wrong eating and lack of movement then exacerbate the process. Over a period of time illness takes a foothold and builds up to what we experience as sickness. Medicine then comes to the rescue with its chemical developments that are needed in crisis situations. The best way to avoid medical and chemical intervention is to prevent the onset of the condition. It usually takes years for a condition to reach crisis status. Prevention as an ongoing, full time way of life and is worthwhile in the end.

December 27, 2014 at 9:09pm
December 27, 2014 at 9:09pm
The body is such a complex organ itself that science has barely scratched the surface of how the body works. How the cell fluids and salts feed the trillions of cells and keep them from dying before their work is done is hardly understood by the knowledge of today.

Why the cells perish in the first place, is still not understood by the average scientist of medicine today. It is, of course, necessary for cells to multiply in the growth of a child. Why the cells do not continue to live when the person is fully-grown is still under research. Indeed, the life span of the cell is not understood at the present time.

God, in His wisdom charted the course of the human body at the time of creation. He knew just how we would mistreat His creation because of our ignorance. Therefore, he made the body as foolproof as possible and able to function with the very least effort on our part. He did not anticipate that we would resist His offer for us to return to Him in the least amount of time and effort. We however, got lost, and lost sight of the rewards He was offering. In our effort to gain money and power, we have lost sight of the true meaning of life here on earth.

December 20, 2014 at 6:54pm
December 20, 2014 at 6:54pm
The construction of the human body is extremely complex. Furthermore, our medical scientists have not begun to understand the complexities and the simplicity that combine to keep the body functioning and humming along from day to day, from year to year with very little effort on our part and seemingly little outside help.

There seems to be a very little knowledge today as to how the cells communicate with each other in their ongoing effort to keep the organs, cells and particles working in such smooth harmony. Without this communication our bodies would soon begin to dysfunction, in fact no organ could operate without the knowledge that all other organs and systems in the human body are operating in their own way at their own pace to keep harmony and service going. If one or more organs are not operating at their full capacity, other systems and organs, take a greater load on them to help each other out and keep the body going, as best they can under the circumstances.{/b}

December 13, 2014 at 8:01pm
December 13, 2014 at 8:01pm
In the beginning, God had a dream that would turn energy into mass and then mass back to energy through the process of evolution. Creation as we know it began with the photon and the atom combining in large numbers they began to form molecules and the molecules began forming cells. The cells came together in the forming of organs and the proper organs came in unison to form the human body.

This, of course is a simplification of the process, which in fact took thousands of centuries, as we understand time in our earthly dimension. Time and space are unknown in the dimension of creation. Thus began the process of evolution. Once the process began there was no stopping it. Once evolution was on the way there was nowhere for the process to go but forward. And so it did, over eons of time, energy became matter in the forms we know now. Physical matter evolved in the form of animals, birds, minerals, trees and the cycles of nature and in the form of the human body.

December 6, 2014 at 4:59pm
December 6, 2014 at 4:59pm

We have used simple language with simple sentence structure and much of the information contained in this book has been written many times, in many ways over the last two thousand years. But the message is far from simple. The message is the everlasting truth that many messengers have brought forth in stories, verse and writings since the great leaders and teachers of Light lived and taught on earth while they were in human form.

Many will be touched by the simplicity of the message and many will understand the message on a different level of understanding but the basic message is always the same, love one another.

The evolution of the soul is ceaseless, it will continue in a forward motion with or without our conscious awareness. How much better it is that we are consciously aware of the evolution of the soul. Then we can positively assist in the evolution of humanity.

The Ascended Masters

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