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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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November 27, 2010 at 8:32pm
November 27, 2010 at 8:32pm
A friend of ours borrowed our fold-up card table and chairs for Thanksgiving. He brought it back about an hour ago. He came in the house and sat down in my recliner. He helped himself to my husband's computer and got on YouTube. He has watched and re-watched some performance from American Idol. We had planned on watching The Wizard of Oz since it happened to come on tonight: he has the volume of the computer so loud that the TV can't be heard. I had to vamoose to the dining room. My husband just vamoosed also and informed me that he is back there singing with the You Tube video - loudly, not to mention badly. He had no worries about saying that his wife and kids were putting up Christmas decorations and he told them he was leaving out of having no desire to have to help them.

I wouldn't have believed it if I wouldn't have seen it with my own eyes.

November 26, 2010 at 9:23am
November 26, 2010 at 9:23am
My mother is taking all three of my kids shopping for some boots. Hooray! That frees me up to get something done - our last day of Thanksgiving Break (or actually Fall Break, since to say the word Thanksgiving is Politically Incorrect) is Sunday. I have a whole bunch of money to spend on the library at school, and I was determined to make out my order this week. Have I done it? No, not yet - I've been helping my mother cook. I'm determined to have it made out to turn in Monday. Part of this is that our Office Manager, who is the order-er for our school, always tends to take a few weeks off after Christmas. I never have been able to figure this out - how can you automatically get sick every year at the same time? However, now that we have a new principal, she may or may not do it. I'm having my order ready in case she IS gone after Christmas. I want my goodies!

However, you have to conspire with the principal to get this heifer to do anything. She will tell you any lie to get out of doing any work - she has already told me several "stories" to get out of doing something for me. However, if I "just happen" to go in there while the principal is standing there, I am more likely to get results. It stinks to have to do it this way, but it is what it is.

So, what I have decided is this: I am taking the kids to my mom's for their shopping trip, and taking myself to a coffee shop to to work on what I need to work on. I'm taking all my catalogs and my laptop to get on the Internet - most of the coffee shops have Wifi now. I love spending other people's money, especially on books. Hooray for me! Thank you Mom.
November 22, 2010 at 9:36pm
November 22, 2010 at 9:36pm

*Note* Many thanks to wccronin for gifting me an upgraded membership.

*Note* Today is the first day of Thanksgiving break. I have cleaned my house all day. Having a cleaned-up house gives me the big head with myself.

*Note* My daughter spent all day with my mother shopping. My daughter started the day with four jackets: two she inherited from the other daughter, one she had last year that still fits, and one that a friend gave her. My mother, in her infinite wisdom, bought her another jacket. My daughter needs socks and blue jeans. Did they get socks and blue jeans? That would have been too much like right.

*Note* We took the dogs to the PetSmart groomers. They wanted $11.00 to clip Wimzy's nails, which was worth it, considering the fight she put up. They wanted $50.00 to bathe and groom tiny little Bitsy. We told them they could jump in the lake (not really, but we felt like it) and brought our ungroomed dog right back home. So there!

*Note* My husband is going out-of-town for the day tomorrow. Hooray! An enjoyable time will be had by all.
October 11, 2010 at 8:24pm
October 11, 2010 at 8:24pm
I would like to honor the memory of Mr. Eugene Simms in my blog today. A Godly man with a loving heart (a rare combination, in my experience), Mr. Eugene had been in poor health for several years due to a horrendous car wreck several years ago. He was a diabetic: a blister on his foot caused an infection in his bloodstream. I just found out that this caused his death.

Rest in peace, Mr. Eugene. I wish I could have had the opportunity to know you better. Even so, knowing that your gentle spirit has left the earth creates a hole where there was none.
October 1, 2010 at 11:16pm
October 1, 2010 at 11:16pm
1. I'm tired. I have too much to do between work, running kids around, my laundry, and other etceteras that drive me berserk.

2. I got called upon at the last minute today to help chaperone a field trip of the fourth and fifth grades to see a play at a local university. I have no idea why they invited elementary students: it was totally inappropriate for them, having sexual and racial issues that was for way older people.

3. I met one of the local lawyers a couple of weeks ago - one that everybody in town knows since he has all these dumb commercials on TV all the time. He came to speak at my school. He's just as ugly in person as he is on TV. My husband,s response to this was "Well, so-and-so says he does a lot of good in the community." Which is true - he does. I don't care - he's still ugly and his commercials are still dumb.

4. We are doing something in the morning that we haven't done in I-don't-know-when: going out to eat breakfast.

5. My dogs, Wimzy and Bitsy (alias Plump and Fluff) are in the kitchen growling at a spot on the floor. They can be some little weirdos sometimes.
September 25, 2010 at 8:27pm
September 25, 2010 at 8:27pm
We had Richland Day today. This is our little town's annual festival. There are booths selling things, performances, and at the end, lawnmower races that all the aldermen and prominent people of the town take part in. One thing they did wrong: moved it from October to September. It's still too hot in September to do anything outside in Mississippi. I almost burned up in the thirty minutes I spent there.

My husband has a little group at the Upper Elementary that he teaches violin lessons to, which my three children are a part of, and they performed. They did exceedingly well. I got a chair and put it under a tree. There was a good little breeze, and that was nice. When I went to walk around the booths I almost croaked from heat exhaustion.

They are having fireworks in a minute which we are going to. I love fireworks.

At the beginning of the hurricane season - June 1 - they showed the list of hurricane names, as they always do. My name, Lisa, was on there, as was my son's, Matthew. Lisa came and went - it just fizzled out. I think Matthew is supposed to throw us a little bad weather tonight, though! *Laugh* Also, it is supposed to be cooler next week. That is to say that the high will be in the high eighties instead of the high nineties. One of my goals in life is to one day live where the weather is 78 degrees all year long.
September 24, 2010 at 7:51pm
September 24, 2010 at 7:51pm
I may have officially pissed my mother off. Hurrah! It's horrible to have to say that, and I hate being this way. However, she acts in such a way that I have to love her from a distance sometimes.

1. She treats my grandmother horribly.

2. Once she heard that my brakes need a little maintenance - it's only the back brakes, nothing too terrible that can't wait until payday - she can't shut up about it. She has bitched and nagged at me about my brakes until the word brakes makes me sick.

3. She comes in my house when I am not here, moves stuff around to the point that we don't know where anything is, then wants us to brag on her and give her a bunch of credit for "cleaning up her house." We had to put a note on my little boy's teddy bear asking her not to move him. For some weird reason, she puts all the trash cans in the kitchen.

4. Every time we mention that one of our kids is doing one of their activities after school, like playing a soccer game or cheering, she moans and groans about that and says they don't get enough rest. Every now and then, like last night, we get home at 10:00, but most of the time the kids are in bed by 8:30 or 9:00. I finally told her the other day that what my kids are doing is better than what I used to do, which was sit at home ALL the time. It shut her up on that subject.

5. She wants us to spend every minute of every weekend over at her house and refuses to understand that I need personal time on Saturday sometimes. She gets her feelings hurt and tries to pile on the guilt if I don't want to spend every minute on the earth with her. Then when I AM over there, she is usually moaning and bitching about whatever we have done that doesn't suit her. I started refusing to feel guilt over ANYTHING a few years ago as a result of her trying to put a bunch of guilt on me about everything for so many years.

I am painting her to be a dreadful person. She is capable of being delightful . . . when she wants to.

Anyway, we have done several things lately that didn't suit her idea of the way it ought to be. I didn't call up they guy she wants me to get to fix my brakes and then drive her car to work. She had a key to our front door, but we changed the lock and neglected to give her a new key. We made sure that the side door that she had been getting in and out of was locked instead of left open (we live in a relatively low-crime area and don't have anything anybody would want anyway). These things seem small, but not giving my mother her way even on small stuff is a dreadful affront in her mind. This is fine with me, since it gives me a break from her nagging me about everything that I don't do to suit her.

No doubt everybody who has a good relationship with their mom will think I am crazy. So be it.
September 8, 2010 at 9:32pm
September 8, 2010 at 9:32pm
I don't know why, but everything my kids say today grates on my nerves. I have a decent relationship with my kids, normally I am highly interested in what they have to say, but tonight I just wanted to be left alone.

Today at work, I was having a conversation with the office manager. The office manager and the literacy coach are angry with each other about something, I don't know what. I knew they were having problems with each other - the literacy coach had told me last week that they were. The literacy coach asked me why I was talking with the office manager and told me I was "fraternizing with the enemy." I'm sorry, literacy coach, but I am not studying who you are mad at. I'm trying to get along and have a decent school year. I haven't always been best buddies with this office manager myself, but at least we are both trying.

A few minutes ago I was trying desperately to delete an extra period from the end of a sentence. It turned out to be a speck on my screen.

On the bright side:

Last night, I woke up in the night to go to the bathroom, and Bitsy, my skittish little dog we have adopted, was actually snuggling with me on her own incentive. This is a big step for her. When I raised my head and looked at her, I promise you she smiled at me.

I've figured out how to go on iTunes and download TV shows and movies onto my computer. Since Boston Legal went off in 2008, I haven't found anything else I like to watch. I now have two episodes at my disposal! I also have Mary Poppins. Gone with the Wind is on there, but I haven't gotten it yet. This is "big doings" to little me. Remember when you just had to watch what was on right then and that was it?

I cooked my own favorite supper - something I do when things aren't going well. Chicken and rice mixed together with cream of chicken soup, and green beans. Hurrah! Sometimes it pays to be the cook. {evil smirk}

September 6, 2010 at 8:57pm
September 6, 2010 at 8:57pm
What I did today:

*Note* Procrastinated on housework.

*Note* Avoided going to the grocery store.

*Note* Cooked absolutely nothing.

*Note* Didn't walk my dogs (of course, I never do, they have a doggie door and a huge yard, just saying).

*Note* Failed to even make my bed, which normally I would do if a hurricane were coming down the block.

Well Whatsit, you might reasonably say, what in tarnation DID you do?

Do you REALLY want to know?

Oh, sure, you do or you wouldn't have asked.

*Note* Snuggled with my doggies.

*Note* Went to eat with my mom, grandmother, and oldest daughter. The rest of my family were at a birthday party. There were four generations at the table.

*Note* Enjoyed watching Matt's football practice. We are beginning to have decent weather in the evenings, which is to say not sizzling hot.

*Note* Took a little ride in the car this afternoon, which we rarely do, due to busy-ness and the price of gas.

*Note* Took a nap.

Back to work tomorrow! But, I can honestly say I enjoyed my Labor Day Holiday with all my might.

P. S. As if Emily knew what my blog was about, she came in just as I was finishing and said "Guess what! I can say my alphabet backwards!" She even has a little tune that she made up. This she did instead of her history homework. Can I say a word to her about it? Nope.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?
September 6, 2010 at 2:54am
September 6, 2010 at 2:54am
I must go to bed. I MUST go to bed. Somebody make me go to bed!

Nighty night.

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