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Rated: GC · Book · Other · #1458310
The word "why" is a potty word.
Never ask why. You might get an answer that makes you wish you never asked.

I stare in awe as the birds fly by.
Secretly caged; yearning to be free.
Looking up towards the sky;
It’s where I want to be.
Flapping wings, destination unknown;
Can you not see-
This prison my soul has outgrown.
Open the door and release me;
Tomorrow may be my last breath.
No longer the room to grow,
The inevitable is death.


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November 27, 2008 at 8:58am
November 27, 2008 at 8:58am
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Thankful for everything right down to my socks except one of them has a hole.

November 26, 2008 at 12:27am
November 26, 2008 at 12:27am
I had an interesting day today.

I stopped off at Hobby Lobby to get a few things and while I was standing in line there was a woman in the checkout across from me. I glanced in her direction and saw her staring at me. This woman wasn’t just staring; she was glaring directly into my eyes. I didn’t know this woman but the way she was looking at me led me to believe she wanted to kill me or something. I have never seen such hate directed right at me that way.

I looked away and then back at her. Yep she was still glaring at me. It got me wondering if maybe I stole her boyfriend or something. I don’t have any extra boyfriends that I know of so what was it? Maybe I cut her off in the parking lot earlier.

Finally I lifted my hands and shrugged my shoulders hoping she would yell some obscenities at me or something. You know at least let me know why fire was spewing out of her eyeballs. I bet she thought I was someone else. She was able to stare at me and run her debit card through the machine all at the same time.

I checked out and took one last look at her. The woman as STILL glaring at me. I swear I have never met this woman before in my life.

Anyway I left and had a strange feeling about the whole thing.

My last stop on the way home was wal-mart. I was picking out some grapes and looked to my left. There is another woman staring at me. I got my grapes and walked away never looking back to see if she was still eyeballing me. LOL

Okay so I get to the check out and there is this man yelling real loud about pumpkins. For a second I considered running to my car, locking the doors, and getting home as fast as I could drive.

Is it a full moon?

Was it freaky Tuesday or something?

I’m still a little freaked about the woman earlier who literally looked at me like I had axed her family to death.

I swear I didn’t do any mind altering drugs today. Not that I can remember anyway.

No, I’m sure I didn’t.

November 24, 2008 at 3:27pm
November 24, 2008 at 3:27pm
I thought about blogging today but I changed my mind.


I changed my mind again.

That’s the story of my life these days; I have not a clue what I’ll want to do 5 seconds from now so if this entry ends abruptly…..

I love the moments when I know the things I know. Hell I love the moments when I don’t know a damn thing. Today I knew something but said I didn’t know just for the hell of it. You ever do that?

Z Hume is mad at someone who left their coal mine dude for a rich dude. I thought it was me but then after much thought I can’t say I have ever been with a coal dude. I probably would eventually leave him for being stinky all the time.

So be mad. I can take it. LOL

Anyway I changed my mind again; I don’t want to blog.


October 10, 2008 at 2:22pm
October 10, 2008 at 2:22pm

Monster in law will be here in a few hours......OMG. I am going back to work at 4 to do a color which should keep me out of here until about 7. lol

Tomorrow I booked myself up until 6 which is something I rarely do on a Saturday but hey I'll be gone from 8 in the morning until early evening. Yah.

My stomach has been in knots all day and I couldn't decide whether or not to refill my xanax. LOL I did and all is right in my world for the moment.:)

I love meds especially when a monster is coming to visit me.

I'll stop back by this weekend and let you know how it's going.

September 13, 2008 at 7:47pm
September 13, 2008 at 7:47pm
I don’t blog very often do I? And when I do I’m not sure what I’m saying really.

Yeah neither do we Deb

Ike was a bad boy and destroyed everything in it’s path. I watched in horror early this morning when it hit. I was up and thinking of all those people who stayed. Then I got mad because any person with kids that chose to stay should be prosecuted for stupidity. It’s okay to risk your own life but I don’t think it’s okay to risk your childrens. There were calls to 911 requesting help but it was too late. Emergency workers couldn’t get to them. I wonder what they will find when the water recedes.

The storms we were expecting turned right and I think we will miss most of it. It has been raining all day but that’s about it. I have talked to several people in Houston and they are all okay. I haven’t heard from Galli and remind me to kick his ass when I finally do.:)

I pray and pray some more for those down south.

Hugs to all that need one. I know I sure do.

Everyone have a great night! Dammit.

September 8, 2008 at 7:36pm
September 8, 2008 at 7:36pm
OMG I was going through some of my old writings and came across these lyrics I wrote. What was I thinking???? I don't write lyrics. too funny.

Anyway I got to thinking.

Hey come back here.

What if I sang this to someone....

With your arms around me for just one night
The world would disappear; souls collide.
Unlocking my heart; released desires
I should run but where do I hide?
Boy hold me tight; time to set my mind free.
We have tonight; I’m yours, so take me;
I won’t be afraid with your strong hands,
Our bodies going to undiscovered lands.

Hold me tonight; it’s just you and me.
It feels so right; it’s meant to be.

I surrender to all that I once feared;
The unknown; the lack of trust has disappeared.
Feeling love when I look in your eyes,
I know you will never tell me lies.
I’m here tonight; I won’t be lonely.
Take all of me now; I’m here for you only.

Hold me tonight; it’s just you and me.
It feels so right; it’s meant to be.

The morning will come; I’ll ask what have I done?
Was it worth the risk or should I have run?
Will you love me and ask that I stay;
Hold me in your arms forever this way?

1. Do you think they would like it?
2. Because I can't sing, should I sing naked to distract them and maybe they won't run out of the room screaming?

*blink blink*

September 7, 2008 at 9:45am
September 7, 2008 at 9:45am
Yep it's me.

I've been busy doing this and that. Having more time with that which keeps me from this.

Life right now is sucking because I am ready to move on and get the technicalities out of the way.:)

Agreements have been met. It's hard to believe at times that it is really over. I think what is over was something from a long time ago. I believe it would be normal to miss that part and forget about the hell we put each other through.

Dunno but I really hope it doesn't take too long to undo so many things. My thinking is so wrong right now towards the male species. lol

What wrong told me plays over and over in my head, "ALL men just want a piece of ass and will say anything to me to get it."

If that is true then I have to change my thinking to, "Well okay then, two can play that game."

Nah too much trouble. I will just live my life without it.:)

September 1, 2008 at 4:05pm
September 1, 2008 at 4:05pm

I am still around.kinda

I had something deep and meanigful to share with you but I'm not in the mood to write it out.

Happy Labor Day!

Please be careful today and be bad: legally of course. My bailing people out of jail days are over. lol

August 29, 2008 at 4:42pm
August 29, 2008 at 4:42pm
You know I thought when the day came it would just be terrible. Ending something really doesn't have to be a bad thing.

It's going to be alright you see.

Oh and you know what else I think. Some people should be banned from marrying. I have banned myself.:)


Yeah I hear ya...never say never.

Well this girl says what she means and unless someone drags me down the isle by my feet and with a gun to my head, it just won't happen. Ah hell even that won't work because I would grab the gun and shoot myself. Always have a plan B.

Yall have a nice day and remember...saying "I do" really means, "I do not have a brain because if I did I would not be standing here saying "I do" to a freaking ass idiot.

Okay then....I feel better.

August 27, 2008 at 5:08pm
August 27, 2008 at 5:08pm
I knew I was forgetting something.


Yeah who cares. lol

In a little while I will post a link that will hopefully work so you can see a picture video I made a while back and just added to it. It's dorky and I look horrible in my bathing suit. Ah who cares. lol

See ya in a little bit.

AND WHERE THE HELL DID BARB GO????????????????????????

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