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Rated: 13+ · Book · Cultural · #1437803
I've maxed out. Closed this blog.
This is a way of making myself write something coherent and grammatically correct almost every day. I'm opinionated and need an outlet. I'm also prone to flights of fancy. Thanks for stopping by.
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August 4, 2012 at 3:53pm
August 4, 2012 at 3:53pm
I love gay people. I love Chick Fil'A. I don't ask all my friends to like each other or to agree. It keeps life interesting. I intend to keep on befriending both.
I think it would be great if a group of gay people took a Pro Chick Fil'A stand. Their platform would read something like, "We don't care what the CEO's personal feelings are. As long as he doesn't practice discrimination against customers, we'll buy his food when we feel like it. And we want his respect for our feelings. Neither party suppresses the other's opinions or values. Live and let live."
If we boycott all the business people that have ideas or prejudices we don't like, we'd have to boycott almost every business person in the country. No one is 100% for all the things that are important to us. If we just boycotted places that don't give good service, we'd stay away from half the places we patronize.
If women stayed away from business where the directors had chauvinistic ideas, the economy would suffer. If we knew all their political and religious views. we'd have to change the way we do business.
So let's stand up for freedom of speech, even with we disagree with their words.
July 15, 2012 at 6:53pm
July 15, 2012 at 6:53pm
I'm still addicted to The Young and The Restless. The quality of the writing went down after the originator Bell died, but by then I was hooked on the characters. I tell myself I watch it not because it's a good story, but because I like to fuss about it and list all the things that I would do differently if I were on staff. I've put up with new characters who have come and gone. I tolerate story lines I don't like, but I'm faithful to watch it as often as possible. Thank goodness for The Soap Opera Chanel which lets me watch late at night.

So which characters do I like? Jack Abbot, for one. He's done incredibly stupid things. He's been a fool over women. He's obsessed over ridiculous things. He's pushed the legal limits. But still I watch. A few years ago, he was in a parking garage collapse, and was trapped, maybe dying. I told myself that if they let him die, I would not watch any more. TA-DA! He was rescued. So I didn't have to swear off the show. Jack continues to go from borderline evil to wonderfully human and tender and noble. The actor Peter Bergman is showing his age, but thankfully isn't pairing off with women way too young for him, like his nemesis, Victor Newman.

Seeing Victor kissing Sharon is just gross. Any man that old, with all those wrinkles, and hair dye could only get a woman that young by having tons of money. Still it's disgusting. Yet Victory is one I love to watch, always hoping that his schemes will catch up with him. Too much money. He always gets off in this story. He does just enough good things to keep from being 100% evil. This character was not one of the original players. But he has been around a few decades. He started as an evil man married to his first wife Julia. Victor really needs to pay for some of his sins in this life! The viewing audience won't see his penance in the after-life. The acting is okay, but they just give him the same controlling, angry, superior-than-thou parts to play.

Catherine Chancellor is one of my favorites. She's an original. She didn't become actively involved in business until recent years, but of course, now she plays an expert. She hasn't done anything evil or deceitful in ages. I guess because of her age she hasn't even been in a cat fight. But her character is a nice stable fixture in the show. She's never hurt anyone more than herself. There have been some hard to swallow kidnappings and amnesia, but the stories were acceptable. These days she's very lovable.

Jill Abbot has also mellowed out and aged. Currently, she's off the scene. Her character was the one that originally hooked me, years after the show started. She's been played by several actresses, all doing a good job. Jill's been a pain at times, but never evil. She's had a very jagged love life.

Paul Williams, I believe, is an original, starting as a student. He's probably the only truly good character on the show. His trouble is circumstantial. He's frequently somebody else's victim. I don't want to see him punished, which may happen in the current story line, or suffering more than necessary (real life has suffering). At times, Paul's story lines can be a bit boring, because he's just so good. I couldn't watch it, if they wrote anything evil for him to do.

Nina has been there since early on, but takes extended breaks (years) from the show. I've known guys who like her best because she's like a real person, not phony. I can't say she's one of my favorites, although she's not a bad person. She just likes having her way.

Phyllis drives me crazy. I do not like her. She's been evil from the beginning, but they keep letting her get away with it. For example, there was the woman who died in the fire after she threatened to expose Phyllis falsifying DNA tests for little Daniel. She broke up Nick's marriage, and then hated and persecuted Nick's wife for over a decade, even after marrying Nick herself. And she sleeps around! Two men only hours apart! She dresses sleazy from time to time, but paints herself as the perfect mother. Her pushiness is enough to make you dislike her, even if she hadn't manipulated so many people, broken the law, or killed people. It will be good to see her go to prison. We need to see justice once in a while.

Nicky is a mixture. Some days, I love her, sometimes I could stand to see her go away forever. It depends on whether she's nagging and pushing, or being nice. She was a good mother; it wasn't just in her own opinion. But once in a while she gets so snobby! And what is she doing to Jack? Settling for a fairly decent man, since she can't have the evil Mr. Mustache? Get over Victor already. He's bad for you, Nicky.

I used to think Neil was a good guy, but I'm on the fence now. He's not capable of the evil that Victor, Phyllis, or even Jack can do, but he's so fallible. He's displayed some weakness.

I like Gloria, not her husband, not his other wife. I like Nick once in a while, Victoria most of the time, Tracy always. Ashley is up and down. They haven't give her much of a story lately, favoring the newer characters. I don't really care for Chloe, although once in a while she gets a good little part. I am a fan of Kevin's new leaf, and Adam's, too. When Adam first came to the story, he was so smug, I hated him. But they have allowed him to change, even though no one is accepting it the way they have Kevin's change.

Some things have been just too hard to accept, except by pretending as a viewer. Adam should be about 20 years younger than Nick, but he's only about 6 or 7 years younger, and they have both been married to the same woman, who is now living with their rather elderly father. Summer should be about 8, not 15. Noah and Eden gained about 5 or 6 years in one year. Ricky hadn't been born in 1994, a date that was given recently on the show, but he's a college graduate, working in his 20's. He just died. My math says he was about 17. Kyle went away to school as a 10 year old, and in less than a year, came back a high school grad, sleeping with Eden, who's about 20, at least. Next 2 year old Faith will be 12. By my calculations, Billy should be much younger than his wife Victoria.

So why do I watch it? Why do I plan my evening around this dribble. I admit it's badly written and unbelievable. If Paul, Jack, and Nicky left, would I stop watching? Maybe it's like smoking. I need an intervention.

June 23, 2012 at 2:00pm
June 23, 2012 at 2:00pm
Today I'm addressing a personal grievance. Parking lots give pedestrians the right of way. I'm not saying peds should be thoughtless or dare-devilish. They don't need to step out from the sidewalk, daring the motorist to hit them and slowly meander across the road. They still need to exercise caution and thoughtfulness.
Yet it amazes me how many drivers are so careless and thoughtless in parking lots. These lots may be public, but most are privately owned. The businesses, whether a medical center, strip mall, big insurance company, or government offices, are catering to the peds. They don't want these people run down or endangered.
On rainy days, motorists inside their dry cars should automatically yield to pedestrians as a matter of kindness. They should yield to people with small children as a matter of safety. They should yield to people with a lot of packages or one big package as a courtesy. They should yield to a light or crosswalk as a matter of law. As for the law, there is a speed limit in parking lots, which many people fail to follow.
Pedestrians, of course, have a duty to follow the law. They should try to stick to cross walks, not walk down the middle of lanes, be alert to traffic coming up behind them, and get to the side when they are aware of such traffic. They should also acknowledge when someone yields to them with a wave, a nod, or smile, and then move quickly, not taking all day.
Peds and motorists both need to exercise more courtesy, patience, and kindness with each other.
June 17, 2012 at 12:53pm
June 17, 2012 at 12:53pm
Some people have lousy fathers. Some fathers skip out. Some are selfish and self-centered. Or immature and absent even when present. Some are just plain mean or abusive. This day brings up all kinds of emotions, and not all of them good.

If you were blessed with a good father, be thankful. If he made you feel loved, or caused you to be a better person, consider yourself better off than many. No matter what his personality or flaws, if you find something positive to say about him, concentrate on that today and be thankful.

For some of us, it's a great day. We know toughness and tenderness, strength and soft-heartedness. We've had encouragement and a good example. We are truly blessed. If your father has passed away, remember the good memories and let the others go today. If your father is still here, give him a hug and say thanks. If you're holding a grudge for the past, do yourself some good and let it go. Today is what counts.

God bless fathers.
May 28, 2012 at 1:41pm
May 28, 2012 at 1:41pm
For all those who have lost their lives on behalf of our country, we remember you and thank you and your families for your sacrifice.
For all who have fought for our country and have been wounded and live with those disabilities, we thank you, and we remember you in our prayers. You continue to suffer, bearing the price of freedom on your bodies.
And to all those who have served in the defense of our country and its freedom, thank you. We are indebted to you. God bless you.
May 27, 2012 at 2:55pm
May 27, 2012 at 2:55pm
God Bless America
Written by: Irving Berlin

While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.

God Bless America.
Land that I love
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam

No matter what the image is, or what the critics say, this is still the greatest place in the world in which to live. May God always guide our nation's course in the greater scheme of history. May we learn from those who have fought on our country's behalf, and those who have lost their lives. We may not be called to risk life or limb on behalf of America, but we, too, must prove our love of country. Let us put aside our self-centered ways and find our own personal way to inconvenience ourselves on behalf of America.
May 26, 2012 at 4:09pm
May 26, 2012 at 4:09pm
This folk song is a great tribute to the vastness and geography of America. The verse about the relief office isn't heard that often, unless you listen to an authentic Guthrie version. Most people see it as a patriotic song, rather than a protest song. But why can't it be both?

This Land Is Your Land

Written by: Woody Guthrie

This land is your land,
This land is my land,
From California
To the New York island,
From the Redwood Forest,
To the Gulf stream waters,
This land was made for you and me.

As I was walking,
That ribbon of highway,
I saw above me
That endless skyway,
I saw below me
That golden valley.
This land was made for you and me.

I've roamed and rambled
And I've followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts
And all around me a voice was sounding
This land was made for you and me

The sun comes shining
As I was strolling
The wheat fields waving
And the dust clouds rolling
The fog was lifting a voice come chanting
This land was made for you and me

As I was walkin'
I saw a sign there
And that sign said no tress passin'
But on the other side
It didn't say nothin!
Now that side was made for you and me!

In the squares of the city
In the shadow of the steeple
Near the relief office
I see my people
And some are grumblin'
And some are wonderin'
If this land's still made for you and me.

Nobody living can ever stop me
As I go walking
That freedom highway
Nobody living can make me turn back
This land was made for you and me.

May 25, 2012 at 9:07am
May 25, 2012 at 9:07am
Today I'm offereing stanzas which we hardly ever hear from America the beautiful. The first stanza, of course, you memorized in grade school. These two are very fitting for Memorial Day.

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man's avail
Men lavished precious life!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!
May 23, 2012 at 11:23pm
May 23, 2012 at 11:23pm
America's Answer

R.W. Lillard
Rest ye in peace, ye Flanders dead
The fight that you so bravely led
We've taken up. And we will keep
True faith with you who lie asleep,
With each a cross to mark his bed,
And poppies blowing overhead,
When once his own life-blood ran red
So let your rest be sweet and deep
In Flanders Fields.
Fear not that ye have died for naught;
The torch ye threw to us we caught,
Ten million hands will hold it high,
And freedom's light shall never die!
We've learned the lesson that ye taught
In Flanders' fields.

So many were inspired by McCrae's poem that they wrote poems in response, like the one above and this darker one below. While they both exemplify patriotism and appreciation, they express very different reactions.

In Flanders Fields (An Answer)

C.B. Galbreath
In Flanders Field the cannon boom,
And fitful flashes light the gloom,
While up above; like eagles, fly
The fierce destroyers in the sky;
With stains, the earth wherein you lie,
Is redder than the poppy bloom,
In Flanders Field.
Sleep on, ye brave, the shrieking shell,
The quaking trench, the startled yell,
The fury of the battle hell,
Shall wake you not, for all is well.
Sleep peacefully, for all is well.
Your flaming torch aloft we bear,
With burning heart, an oath we swear
To keep the faith, to fight it through,
To crush the foe, or sleep with you,
In Flanders Field.
May 22, 2012 at 7:29pm
May 22, 2012 at 7:29pm
Memorial Day

Theodosia Pickering Garrison

A handful of old men walking down the village street
In worn, brushed uniforms, their gray heads high;
A faded flag above them, one drum to lift their feet-
Look again, O heart of mine, and see what passes by!

There's a vast crowd swaying, there's a wild band playing,
The streets are full of marching men, or tramping cavalry.
Alive and young and straight again, they ride to greet a mate again-
The gallant souls, the great souls that live eternally!

A handful of old men walking down the highways?
Nay, we look on heroes that march among their peers,
The great, glad Companions have swung from heaven's byways
And come to join their own again across the dusty years.

There are strong hands meeting, there are staunch hearts greeting-
A crying of remembered names, of deeds that shall not die.
A handful of old men?-Nay, my heart, look well again;
The spirit of America today is marching by!

Another patriotic poem helps us see more than what meets the eye.

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