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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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May 4, 2009 at 5:48pm
May 4, 2009 at 5:48pm
May 04, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 59 (F) Moderate rainfall and fog
Events of Note: Staying in, keeping dry-my laundry room is flooding, again-ugh!.
In the Nudes: Pregnant British woman may face execution in Laos.

*Balloon1* Plagued (don't panic) by both headaches accompanied by unstable asthma symptoms, today. Some of my 'triggering' has a lot to do with a change in barometric pressure-usually whenever something is blowing in/up. I'm sitting here in a slight daze, waiting for medications to become effective, and then am seriously considering a nap-or, I would be, except that "Beanie" is here, and I get paranoid about tuning her out ... zzz. Ah, the blissful, but very annoying singing of "Strawberry Shortcake"-not quite as sickeningly sweet and iffy as Barbie, but running a close second. Very close.

*Balloon2* I've discovered that "Beanie" likes to raid my toilet bag on a daily basis for a secret swish of my deodorant/cologne spray. It's called Impulse-"Merely Musk". I've been using Impulse spray deodorant for the past 21 years. It's not available here, sadly. Back when I was in high school, I went to a single sex school with a campus of well over 1600 girls. What was the angst of that particular era-the absolute must-have, in order to fit in?. Not colored mascara, nor Blackberries/Ipods/mobile phones, nor lip-gloss-but Impulse!. My parents, who I was convinced were determined to be different, just to be difficult, did not allow me to wear deodorant-either at home, or at school. For my father, his Old Spice was reserved solely for births, deaths and marriages. I was (in my angst teenager mind) positively bereft and miserable without my own, personal spray can of "Impulse". In the gym locker rooms, you could inhale all eight different versions of the Impulse fragrance simultaneously. As my Dad put it, "You could stun an unsuspecting young goat with that pong!." Eventually, my mother allowed me to have my own roll-on deodorant, but that still wasn't the same as owning "Impulse". Once I left school, I could smell however I wanted and do whatever I pleased. Needless to say, once I left home at 17, I went out and purchased all twelve new varieties of Impulse, and dyed my hair neon pink to celebrate. My mother was suitably mortified, and it was probably just as well that I was living 150 miles away at that time. Several years later, I found myself living on the streets, but still always carried my Impulse with me everywhere. It was a surprising 'icebreaker' with other girls who lived on the streets. While the 'flavors' have changed throughout the years, "Merely Musk" remains a cult bestseller. I laugh now at the cheesy advertising banter surrounding Impulse, but nothing comes close to their scents - and they run at around $5 a can - a can lasts about two years.

I don't know what I'm going to do when my current can runs dry on me!. I've tried different deodorants and sprays here, but nothing holds a candle to my Impulse. Slightly surprising to me, since some Americans make such a huge deal out of doing everything better, bigger and brighter. Well, maybe not everything-and, maybe stunning goats isn't the right, redneck thing to do?. Ah, well....I guess eating and driving is likely more important than smelling good. All a matter of priorities, I suppose.

Hope you're having a great beginning to your week!.
April 26, 2009 at 2:56am
April 26, 2009 at 2:56am
April 25, 2009.

*Flower1* I'll get to individual comments, soon-as soon as I shake off my migraine*Flower3*

*Smile* I'd rather cry than smile, tonight-disgusting migraine. I'm laying the top/screen of my laptop almost flat on my computer desk, so that I'm not sickened by the brightness....ugh...

*Shock* So, tonight's entry is short and snippy-we're not flying to NE anymore-we're road-tripping. Long explanation-a part of which is that we are such compulsive creatures of habit and pack-rats, and are too poor, er, mean-spirited to pay extra $$$ for checked-in baggage and bottled water-not to mention, being subjected to experiencing turbulent-like torture on terms, timetables and conditions. Thank-goodness for Google Earth maps, online e-tailing and...debit cards!. OR, WY, UT, CO, NV, ND/SD, NE are all destinations-especially Yellowstone....

*Wink* I'm missing Beanie heaps. Four days and nights is my dizzy limit. Come home soon, sweet baby! (she's due back on Monday).

*Cool* What's with all of this "Twilight" and seafaring fashion trends at the moment-and the 80s collar?. PLAID shirts with puff sleeves?. Polo shirts with starched collars and VESTS?. What the hey?. What retailers call a sweater, here, bears no comparison with the homespun wool sweaters that I'm conditioned for. Takes all kinds, I guess.

It's midnight, and my darling husband is still at work.....
April 15, 2009 at 12:16am
April 15, 2009 at 12:16am
April 14, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 35 (F) Cold, very windy, with hail.
Events of Note: Feeling fragile
In the Nudes: Political and civil crises in Thailand and Fiji

*Balloon1* I'm still feeling fragile following yesterday's second blog entry, and the associated feelings of sadness. And, while I had six major reconstructive surgeries (with a further three revisions still pending), I did have an excellent orthopedic surgeon, who took extraordinary care of me for a whole 25+ years. Not many people can say that about their docs. In fact, I dedicated my MPH thesis research to him. It's likely because of surgeons like him, who have been willing to push boundaries and surgical techniques, that this new technological advance has happened.

*Balloon2* I've done exactly two lots of housework so far, today. Made beds and cleaned the tub. After I take a bath, I'll likely do the washing up. Exciting times in our household!. Mind you, my husband made a scrumptious fresh pasta dish, with a creamy cheese sauce.

[e:balloon3} Last night's episode of, "House, MD" dwelt on the inevitable, and sweetened the ending with love and laughter-perhaps thankfully. Despite Taub still being a 'Mini-Me" of House, which is a bit petty to see.

*Balloon3* If I read any more medical journal case notes, I'll be convinced that I have lymphoma, complicated by GERD and seasonal asthma. I haven't even dared to see any videos of case studies *Shock* Oh, and speaking of dull as dish-washing water, I have a whole new bunch of paperwork to do concerning Beanie's schooling.

Have a great evening!. I'm off to try and get some rest, and to shake my cough that re-activated itself, last night.

April 14, 2009 at 2:33am
April 14, 2009 at 2:33am
April 13, 2009.

*Flower2* Don't faint-a second entry for today!.*Down*

I was sitting at my computer desk tonight, tapping out today’s blog entry, with half an ear on the newscasts coming out of various networks – a mix of speculation on Somali pirates, and Spector’s guilty verdict. Ho-hum, I thought, more than somewhat cynically. “Beanie” was upstairs wrangling with an electronic game, and my husband was out at work. Then, a news item came on about a revolutionary surgical technique developed for children with certain characteristics of Cerebral Palsy. Characteristics that I’ve experienced my entire life, so, naturally, my interest was piqued more than slightly. The spinal surgery, in children before they begin to have significant bone growth, has had a remarkable (100%) success rate. Balance, mobility and gait is all significantly improved, with most children noticeably walking normally almost immediately. Still, before the sound-bite had concluded, I was sobbing my heart out.


Because I remembered all of my own reconstructive surgery and physical therapy, and the sheer frustration and hard work that I’ve been through throughout the years. Not just me, but my parents, siblings and extended family and friends, too. Life with Cerebral Palsy as an adult, can be no picnic. While it’s not progressive, the secondary characteristics come with their specific complications. Some of my major complications are because of post-surgical infections, scars and cumulative damage. Now that I’m no longer a child, there’s not a lot that can be done for me in a biomedical sense. Further, not to sound arrogant, but I’m my own best medical expert on the subject of my physical disability. I have to be, for my own commonsense, personal protection. My sense is, with the health profession, is that I have to watch the heck out!. In addition, there are few, tangible support services for adults who are living with the longer-term consequences of C.P. The treatment and research priorities are most definitely placed in pediatrics and I can understand it perfectly well. In that sense, I’m converted. I think that it’s fantastic that surgical techniques and research has advanced so impressively and categorically. Goodness knows, I’ve witnessed parents pursuing all sorts of weirdness in sometimes unproven and unfounded treatments for their children who have suffered neonatal brain injury, and resultant CP. So, anything that can offer more than a hope, a painful scalpel and a prayer is truly remarkable. I am not generally one to hoist a pink, pity party flag. My surgeries have definitely prolonged my mobility, and were, forgive the pun, cutting edge in of themselves. Twenty years ago, that is. The implications of this ‘cure’ are quite jolting to me, nonetheless.

I had myself a good cry, and later discussed it with my thoughtful husband, once he arrived home. He does not think of me as having a disability. He does not see me in *that* light. But, he’s supportive, understanding and offers honesty and clarity. We were wondering recently, how Beanie regards my physical difficulties. Because my disability has always been a part of her daily reality, I suspect that she’s aware- but not overwhelmingly so. She’s very protective of me, particularly when my husband isn’t around. She takes wonderful care of me, and is a sensitive and intuitive child.

When I think of it, my life has come full circle, and my child is now who matters most of all. Mobility or not. Not the childhood that I might have experienced, had my life been different…had I been offered that remarkable surgical procedure. In so far as I can sit with the sunshine on my face, with my daughter, my life, with all of its trials, triumphs and tribulations is .... just magical.

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March 30, 2009 at 6:01pm
March 30, 2009 at 6:01pm
March 30, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 40 (F) Sunny w/cold breeze-too cool to work outdoors.
Events of Note: Pondering and painting or painting and pondering.
In the Nudes: Stocks fall on the back of U.S. auto company woes and worries.

*Flower1* Well, I'm going to write today's entry later, when I have more oomph. More lumps= more news, but I'll get to that on my own time and terms. Besides, I have to go and check out Tor's blog to make sure that I'm up with the latest and greatest blog 'buzz'!. For now though, I need to go and entertain myself with more medical clinic telephone tag. Spent the morning patch painting and touching up the kitchen walls. Next project: new kitchen/pantry door. Found myself pondering while painting-everything that's deliberately kept out of the orbit of this blog, that is. I'm amazed that anything at all got painted, but it did. Including me. I'm "spackled" with saffron-shaded spatters!.

Ta-rah-more later!.
March 29, 2009 at 5:48pm
March 29, 2009 at 5:48pm
March 29, 2009.

Whether the Weather Be: 46 (F) Fair but very windy.
Events of Note: Busily being distracted.
In the Nudes: NC rest-home shooting.

*Balloon1* Sometimes, I c&p my entry from MSWord. Sometimes. More recently though, I've developed less and less of an enthusiasm for blogging and, consequently, less and less is up for discussion. Granted, a lot is distracting me at the moment, especially since we have medical appointments mounting up-tomorrow-the beginning of mine, Wednesday, Beanie, and hubby later next week. I've opted to stay in bed for the past two mornings in a row, but only because my hubby wasn't working yesterday. Yes, my lump is still in-situ. I also need to file some New Zealand paperwork today, scan it and email it off to meet a deadline tomorrow. Paperwork never seems to end, and I don't see myself liking it much better with the passage of time, either-despite the fact that I can take care of it perfectly well.

*Balloon2* Beanie's lip is healing just beautifully-she's still on a soft diet, with nothing too citric nor acidic. Yesterday's horrific swelling and drooling has all but completely disappeared. What a relief!.

*Balloon4* I'm gradually getting to everyone's blog. Is it me, or are folks blogging less?. Guess everyone is busy and out and about, now that Spring is on our horizon, at long last.

Have a sweet Sunday!.
March 27, 2009 at 4:31pm
March 27, 2009 at 4:31pm
March 27, 2009.

Whether the Weather Be: 50 (F) Sunny.
Events of Note: Sympathy for "Beanie".
In the Nudes: Former NZ PM lands top UN role.

*Balloon2* Last night/early this morning, we were all having a fantastic family time together, watching "The Simpsons" episodes on Hulu, washed down with highly decorated pizza, followed by frozen fudge bars-and forgetting our various combined and individual ailments and dilemmas. That was until Beanie slipped and fell between my office chair and a small coffee table, and put her bottom teeth through her chin. Poor lambkin. Kind of dampened everyone's jovial mood more than somewhat. Since she didn't need a stitch, and all of her teeth appeared to be in-line and intact-and it was after midnight on a Friday, we opted to have her home, comfortable, warm and surrounded by love, and an ice-pop. My MIL just stopped by briefly for an espresso and a sympathetic smoothie with "Beanie" and some grandmotherly rock-a-bye and hugs. Beanie's mouth is already healing, although it probably hurts like...well, a lat fip is inclined to do. Nothing citric on our menu, that's for sure-and you'd be surprised how much is spicy and stingy, too. So, that's our start to our weekend.
March 25, 2009 at 6:36pm
March 25, 2009 at 6:36pm
March 25, 2009.

Whether the Weather be:
Events of Note: Just maintaining through health issues.
In the Nudes: Obama's press conferences.

**My thanks to all who left supportive comments for me in response to my previous entry. I'm taking a while to get back to people, but I really do appreciate all of your words of support.

*Flower1* My sweet hubby is quite sick-not sure if it's a continuation of earlier issues, or not. Either way, he's in for more tests, if he can tolerate a PCP (Primary Care Provider) long enough to get a timely referral to someone who might be able to tell us something, or at least, venture a longer-term opinion than the emergency room physician.

*Flower3*--->Sensitive subject material: As for my lump, I have to wait a week (as I suspected) and then start a similar process of navigating myself through the system, so that everyone gets paid, and I get to find out what this lump is-and, perhaps more importantly, what to do about it. In the meantime, I'm keeping busy and not thinking about it too much. If they take more tissue, I'm going to have a very lopsided breast, but I'll cross that particular bridge if and when I get to it. Still, laying low has its upsides-I've been catching up on episodes of "House" by plugging my laptop computer into our new television. Today, "Beanie" is watching Charlie Brown on DVD *Smile* She just told me that I'm 'The Good-est Mom In The Whole World". Awww.
March 23, 2009 at 1:37am
March 23, 2009 at 1:37am
March 22, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 36 (F) Stormy
Events of Note: Confusion
In the Nudes: Plane crash in Butte, MO, Police officer shootings in Oakland, CA.

If you've followed my earlier blog, "Nostalgic Noodlings" here at WDC, you may remember that I had surgery for a breast tumor that was later found to be benign. Tonight, I discovered a 'new' lump, in the same breast. It's definitely not a lump associated with mobile scar tissue. Moreover, this is a mass that isn't moving. It could be hormonal, which is why I plan to give it a week, but I'll be calling my clinic tomorrow and scheduling an exam anyway. Always something!. 'Beanie" is home tomorrow, and we're so looking forward to her hug. I planted her a flower garden. I hope that she'll like it.
March 21, 2009 at 1:54pm
March 21, 2009 at 1:54pm
March 21, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 51 (F) Partly sunny, partly cloudy.
Events of Note: A weekend without "Beanie"
In the Nudes: Obama's Iran message.

*Balloon2* "Beanie" has been with my in-laws up at the mountain house since Thursday-due back on Monday. She Skype chats us every evening to make sure that we're looking after ourselves and behaving. So, we have this weekend 'free' and have been pondering how to best use that 'free' time. We miss our little girl like crazy, and if there wasn't a wild and snowy storm predicted to be eying California for this weekend, we'd be up at the mountain house, ourselves. Still, my husband has to work most of the weekend, beginning tonight.

*Balloon3* Meanwhile, I'm in the midst of preparing some flower beds in the front garden. Unlike years past, where I've opted for pots of Spring color and decoration on our front porch. This year will be slightly different.

*Balloon4* Still a lot of coughing and hacking happening in our household. Manuka honey from New Zealand has definitely helped with our skin rashes (steroid inhaler reaction), which is promising.

Happy Spring!. Goodness knows it has taken forever to be here, this year!.

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