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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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May 17, 2008 at 1:51pm
May 17, 2008 at 1:51pm
Hi, readers, I am nearing the end of the first half of this book. Chapters one through fifty, are cultural stories, and their blogs. The second half, chapters fifty, through, fifty-one is a collection of cultural poems, essays, poems and other writngs. i wanted to make this a diffrent collection, so I will include some of my drawings and watercolors. they will reflect the themes of the chapters.
Thanks, for reading-rixxie
May 11, 2008 at 2:56pm
May 11, 2008 at 2:56pm
Her Mothers' Birthday this year found, Demitra, prepared she sat at the, table wrapping the gifts, for one of the most special people on the planet. It wasn't just because she was her, mother, but she was; Mother Smith, mother to a whole community. Her Mom vexed, her sometimes, spending too much time on others. If it was anything she had learned from her mother, was that she loved uncondionally. She was trying, to show her Mother that same tolerance, but it was hard.
She felt this year, she was going to step out from her mothers' shadow. She felt like people hardly knew her. Her cousins, were more active in her mothers' community work, although she always gave her a ride. She'd take her to meet Clara-jean and Juanita, to pass out the food to the people she served. Her cousins told her to stop worrying about it. She worked in a nice office, she was a data entry clerk, for a large financial agency.
One of the gifts was from, her fourteen year old son, Demarin. She'd had him when she was eighteen. She was in such a mindless hot love affair, they both were young and sill. She thought the little run away marriage to reno, had been actually legal. Demarin, bought his grandma, houseslippers, pretty pink and fuzzy. He cut hair on the weekends, some of the older boys in the neighborhood, taught him. Demarin, was in the ROTC, and him and the fellows, had some pretty fancy moves.
He was a smart kid, even though his report card didn't show it. Her boyfriend, Jimmie really got along with her son. They liked to basketball, in the driveway, he even went to see some of Demarins' competition. She felt like they had a good relation ship even though, they never talked about getting married. She liked things the way they were, having her own place, coming and going as she pleased. She wasn't into the nightclub, scene much.
A rattling at the door, made Demitra get up. It was just the mailman shoving, a stack of mail through the slot in the door. The phone rang, she grabbed the mail and picked up the phone, it was her son. "What's wrong Damrin? Are you sick, baby?" "I fell down, Mama,in gym, making some hoops, my knee all messed up". "Uh-oh, I can come get you I took the day off." "Ramons' mother her, she said she had to take him to the dentist, she'll give me a ride". "That's fine,let me talk to the nurse" "Okay,Mama here she is." Demitra let the nurse know that it was okay, for Demarin to ride home with her friend Ms.Wilshires. It only took fifteen minutes for Demarin to come home,Hazel wishires, was looking good in a black pants suit, and short pumps. "Girl you've lost weight-you're looking good-where's Ramon?' "He's in the car girl, he's mad he's going to the dentist. I had to take him today, it's my only day off- I'm interviewing for job,two blocks from me". "Good thanks so much, for bringing Demarin home". "You alright, baby?" Demarin limps over to her, she pushes his pants leg up. A bloody bandage is, hanging slightly loose, on his knee, a little blood stained his jeans. "Oh-Lord, now how did you do that-boy? I'm gonna half to take you to the hospital". "We were just playing ball,Mama, I bumped into somebody and fell. It's cool-I don't want to go to the doctor-they'll give me a shot." "Good-you going and..." Demitra was interuppted by the jazzy tones, of Hazels' cell phone". "Hell-oo?--what you mean when I'm coming back to the car-you tired? Boy- don't make me hurt you in front of yo' friends house!" Demarin, was whooping and laughing at his friends antics. "Demitra, is it okay, if Demarin go sit in the car for a few minutes, and talk to Ramon?' "Sure, it will get him out my hair for a minute.." Helen cut her off, Demarin headed out to the car, to keep his friend company. "You still going to the ballroom competition, girl-I've got some knock out patterns for you". "I though about it, it's a dress competion too, who can design the best ballroom dress". "It will your moment to shine, you'll have something finally to put in your scrapbook"."Okay, let's see your patterns I have a couple,too.
Hazel fumbled for the pink sticky note, she pulled it out her pocket. "Here it is, this fancy, fancy, we can both make one in diffrent colors". "Demitra took the piece of paper and smiled."Butterick #5183, evening gown. I think I may have seen it.""Have you seen this pattern; Simplicity #3501-it's a short dress. I might make it in red satin, for the cha-cha-cha." "Oh-oh-look at this I had this in my bag, I just bought it"."Mcalls-short, dress pattern, write the number down. Mcalls #M5319, this is going to be my, Sal-sa dress-girl!"
Hazel becomes aware of the time picks up her things and moves toward the door."I got to go girl, I didn't realize how late it is, call you later,okay?" With that Hazel went out the door and hurried down the three steps, of Demitras duplex. The boys were laughing, and punching each other, hazel sent Demarin, back inside and drove off. Demitra was excited about the ballroom dancing, competition. She had to change her focus, to the drab flower
The phone rang, Demitra sprung up, she had almost forgotten, why she stayed home. "Hello-Oh-happy birthday mama You know we didn't forget. I took a vacation day just to take my mama to lunch on her birthday". 'Oh-Dimitra that's so, sweet, what time are you coming by?' "Slight, problem, mama, Demarin, got hurt at school and he's home, he fell and got a cut". "Oh-let me talk to my baby,put him on the phone". Demitra went to Demrins' room,he had shorts on. He was putting alcohol on the shallow nasty sore. "Let me see baby--it's not as bad as I thought- your granny wants to talk to you". Demitra passes the phone, to her son". " Hi Grandma-Happy Birthday, you gonna feed the people today?" Demitra picks up a few things around the livingroom, and decides to talk to her mother again."Okay, tell her bye, I want to tell her something". Demarin, told his goodbyes to his grandmother and slowly limped into his room. "Hi-again,mama I think it be better if, We come over there and. I can bring some dinner I already cooked and the cake. Demarin, is hurt, I don't want him on his leg too much. I'm going to take him to the Saturday drop in clinic, tomorrow, and call the nurse". "Okay baby, that's fine,how about y'all come by about three o'clock?" "Okay, I'll call you before we leave,okay,bye". The phone rings as soon as Demitra, puts it down."Oh- hi honey, I had been thinking about you jimmie." "Hey, baby, tell your mom I said happy birthday, I've got a card for her."Aww-how sweet is that? Demarin, fell down and got hurt at school today. I have to take him to the drop in clinic, tommorow,were going to mamas' house for dinner this afternoon". "I can ride with, you tomorrow keep you company at the clinic". "O-h would you? I'm a little frazzled, I'd love to talk to you" Demitra was searching aroun for a bill, while she talked. "Sure, call me tonight, and we can figure out the time-love you baby". "Love you too-I'm so glad you called. I gotta go, I have a lot to do, I'm making the best of this one day off".
Demitra, finally getting off the phone, sighed a little. She looked out the window, the clouds were burning off. People who were home in the day time, retirees, folks that were layed off, were starting to come out. The rose brushes looked so bright, and the maple tree leaves were turning interesting colors. Some were out gathering them up with rakes and bags. Some were picking them up by hand. Demarin, hollering"Mom!", brought her out, of the window and into the kitchen. "Did you wrap, my gift for Grandmother?" I sure did baby, she's gonna love those houseslippers!" "I sure hope so, I saved, I started to get her a sweater, but she has a lot of them". "You did good, honey, your present is right here, with mine. Were going leave about, 2:30, be ready okay, I'm gonna get my bath".
The party for her mother, was lovely. Mother Smith shared some the turkey and dressing with the folks she fed. She had a church friend take it over to them. She cut her feeding trips, down to twice a week. She had finally, bought some dresses for herself, out of the small stipend the church paid her. She took all the donated clothes the church gave for her clients, and passed them out. The ones that was left, she used for a yard sale, to make extra money on saturdays. Demitra felt her fussing, had finally gotten through.
Demitra, was real proud of the way her mother was, finally taking care of herself. Demitra was real proud of Demarin too, he had to have two stitches put in the wound, he didn't even cry. Jimmie, had patted him on the back, and gave him twenty dollars. He was really her rock, next to her mom and son. He worked real hard at his job, even talked about starting his own business, he still had time for her. This was not lost on Demitra, every chance she got she cooked him special dinners, and told him she cared so much for him. She loved it it sent flashes, through her when he whispered it back.
Here, over two weeks later her mind fell on the ballroom competition, she was going to make the long dress, for the waltz and the two short ones, for the salsa and cha-cha-cha. She picked some lovely, white brocade fabric for the waltz. And some red sequined, fancy cloth, for the cha-cha-cha, the salsa, fabric was hot pink, satin. Demarin, was back in school and his leg was healing nicely. This was nice sunny, saturday, maybe she'd do, something recreational. Someone knocks at the door, she looks out the window, it's her neighbor Charlie Sykes. He's such a nice guy, he had a arm full of garden vegies, nice.
"Well, hello,neighbor got something for you!" Charlie had spoke right up, and handed Demitra, the box" She would give him a serious run, for his attention, if she wasn't in a relationship. "Charlie, you're really, sweet! How come some nice lady ain't snatched you, up?" Charlie stood there, a brown skin heavy set, gentle guy, with corly hair under a baseball cap. He had on a blue checkered flannel shirt, he bagan to shuffle around, slightly embarassed. "The last ran away, and got a divorce, I was, too-much man for her!" They both laugh, and she playingly, slaps him on the shoulder. Something suddenly occurred to her.
"Charlie, how's your ballroom dancing? Have you ever met my friend, Hazel?" "Girl, I can't dance, maybe the cha-cha-cha--who's Hazel?" "She's my good friend, I wanted to introduce, you, two, she's nice". "Demitra, you ain't, trying to hook us up are you? The last woman, my sister brought over, here is not speaking to her, anymore!" They both laugh, pat each other on the arms. "you'll like Hazel, I haven't told her yet-but you could be her dance partner". "Oh-girl, I can't dance, but I'd love to escort her, we all could have fun". "Great-maybe you can do the cha-cha-cah, she can dance single for the others". "A-a-yeah, I can do a little cha-cha-cha, ya'll on your own on the rest!" "That's cool Charlie-o-oh, the time is getting away, I've got to wash". "Yeah I got to go,too". "I'll call you and tell you the time and everything,okay".
After Demitra closed the door she realized, the dance was in four days, and she had made only two of her dresses. She looked around, and began to gather, their laundry. It was then that it struck her, she had so much to do, she couldn't be fooling around with a dress. She made two-when did she become superwoman? Demitra went to her closet and pulled out several dresses, that she could wear for the cha-cha-cha. The little black and purple dress, was sexy she bought on sale for halloween. That's it, that will do, it's got ruffles on the bottom, laced in the back, sexy! She had the long white shiny, waltz dress, the pink salsa dress, and this one, perfect.
Demitra, suddenly realized she hadn't touched bases with, Jimmie ain about three weeks and the ball was tomorrow. She had to go to work today so, she called him right, before she left. "Hi - Honey-don't get mad, the ball is tomorrow and it's going to be at the Elk Lodge, downtown, I forgot." "You know it's a good thing i put everything in, my PDA, else i would be mad-girl, You're so unorganized-But I love You." "You don't have to wear a tux, Jimmie-thanks for understanding. I invited Charlie from accross the street and he's gonnsa be Hazels' date-okay?" "Anything else-you forgot to tell me?" "Love you-I'll talk to you before the dance and thank you,baby." "Alright-honey, talk to you later, it will all work out, bye,now."
She had told Hazel about Charlie, a couple of days before and she was alright with that, she just giggled, even though he couldn't dance. The day of the Ball Demitra was nervous, she took her dresses out again they were really pretty, she'd done a good job. Jimmie was going to pick her up at 5:30, it was the weekend, they wanted to beat the traffic. Demarin, came into her room with his camera. "You want to get some shots before you're ready?" "Just one, then wait until, Jimmie gets here will take some more." Demitras', hair was still in rollers she was going to stick a curly hair piece, at the top. She posed and laughed, Demarin went back in the living room, he would spend the night over his cousins' house..
She took her hair down and pinned the curly hairpiece to the top, of her upswept hair. She looked in the mirror she thought, she looked nice, she decided to wear the short pink dress. She had called charlie earlier and told him she would, let him know, when jimmie got there and just come on over. Hazel was driving, her own car that night, but who knows she may bring Charlie back, with her. She had paid Demarin, to wash her car and it was looking really good, they were ging in Jimmis', though. She was all nerves she hadn't even practiced, her moves at all, she had concentrated on the dresses.
The phone rang and it was Jimmie, he sounded as nervous as she was. "I'm on the freeway , baby be there in twenty minutes, okay, bye". She called Charlie and told him, to come over soon as he had his clothes on, Jimmie was on the way. It was only five or six minutes later that, Charlie came out the house in a very stylish navy-blue suit, carrying a mixed bouquet tied in a pink ribbon. A few neighbors hollered at him and stared, Demitra caught her breath, she had no idea he could look like that. She had mentioned to Jimmie she was wearing the pink dress, instead of the white one, maybe he'll have on something, pastel. The doorbell rang it was her cousin Juanita, to pick Demarin up, they said their, good-byes and good luck, and drove off. Jimmie drove up as they were leaving and honked his horn, and flashed a smile at Demarin.
He was really handsome, his tall carmel colored complexion showed off the black, suit and pink tie. She could not believe, how good he looked, they stood for awhile checking each other out. She looked at his highly polished black leather shoes, to the pink hankie. He look at her hair in an upsweep, to the pink bows on her shoes, Charlie looked at both of them and smiled. "We all, looking real nice, ya'll, ready to go?" "Hey, Charlie, you sho' clean up nice when you aint being "Mr. Green Jean", yeah, let's get this party on the road." They all had big grins, they walked out the door, and waited for Demitra to lock the door. The freeway traffic, had been light and the Elks Hall, was only a few blocks from the freeway exit. Parking spots, had been included, with the price of the tickets. There were special marked off spaces for contestants, the others parked in the regular lot a block away. It looked like an evening, at the opera, or Hollywood night, the people were decked out in tails and beautiful gowns. Some of the gowns sparkled, some were barely there, some were long, and elegant.
The reality, of the whole event finally hit Demitra, she wished she had practiced, she was so nervous. The hall was decorated, with colored lights and had beautiful hardwood, highly polished floors, that reflected the elegant lighting. Their party, gave the doorman their tickets,she had gotten an extra for Charlie. They checked in at the registration table, they were numbers : 30,31,32. They went to the side and had a seat, the competition was about to start, their dance, according to the program would be toward the middle of the event. The announcer, through the loud speaker announced, there would be four practice rounds, for various dances. They were all excited and giggling back and forth, that they need the practice, Jimmie and Demitra got up. Someone in the crowd had grabbed her arm, and said, "Hey girl". She looked around to see, Hazel in a beautiful, red dress with ruffles, salsa, no doubt. It was the same pattern she had on, but Hazel had jazzed it up.
"Well-look at you, "Miss Thang", I was hoping you'd get here, I want you to meet your partner Charlie." They turned around and went over to Charlie who was still sitting, and did the introductions. He had a half-smile, tryiing to be cool, you could tell she was pleasantly surprized. "HI, how you doing, you want to practice, I havent' danced in a long time. I can only really, tackle the , Cha-Cha-Cha." and he laughed, these are for you. He handed her the small bouquet of mixed flowers and she smiled, sweetly. "A-a-h-that is so sweet, what a gentleman, I think we better, get out there and practice, I'm two left shoes". They went out on the floor a few couples from Demitra and Jimmie. Demitra, whispered to Jimmie, to copy the moves of three couples, and mix it in with their moves.
The couples they saw that had real slick moves, on salsa were ; #9,#12,#26. If Demitra and Jimmie were slick ; they could repeat them with the basic steps. They tried it out a couple of times : They did a basic salsa step, and then added some steps from all three couples. Charlie and Hazel, were a little akward, they started watching other couples and got the basic step down. A lady in pink, one of the judges, walked up to the mic, and said for everyone to have a seat. "The first dance will be the cha-cha-cha, when, your numbers are called, come up on the dance floor and take your spot." Demitra, was nervous, Jimmie, patted her on the arm, and told her they would be okay. They got in the middle of the couples, and just blended in. The music began it was a, upbeat version, kind of jazzy. Jimmie, whispered in her ear," when I pinch your arm, do the backward step. And when pat you on the back, do the "around-the-clock", will just do that." They were real slick, they stood out even though some of the dancers, had to be professional dancers.
Charlie, and Hazel just tried to keep up doing the basic step, and turn arounds sometimes. The longest two minutes of their lives. The music stopped. They were asked to go back to their seat, the next dance was the two-step. They did not sign up for that it would be five more dances before the waltz, and seven before the cha-cha-cha. That was their final dance, they just hoped they'd do good on one dance, at least. Demitra wanted to go change, into her waltz gown, but Jimmie thought they should wait, and eat. They found Charlie and Hazel and they were all smiles. "Hey, how did ya'll do?" Jimmie was the first to speak, he looked at Charlie sitting next to sexy, sweet Hazel, and he could not stop grinning. "Hazel, I didn't step on too, many of your toes did I?" They all chuckled, and jimmie slapped Charlie on the back. "We're going upstairs to the buffet, why don't ya'll, come eat with us, we'll get hungry waiting for all the dances to be over." demitra, was tugging on Jimmies arm gently when she said that, they all headed for the buffet. The buffet, was better, than they had imagined. It was alot of fried and baked chicken, carbs all over the place spaghetti, mashed potatoes, they all had their fill leaving room, for cake and pie. When they went, back to the dance floor, their dance was going to start in two dances, Demitra decided not to change dresses, the next contest they were judging the ladies who had made their dresse. Hazel, jumped up and decided to change she had, brought a cute little ruffle dress for the salsa.
Charlie and Jimmie were chuckling, and talking about some of the dancers, the big lady with the tiny man, and everybody. Demitra, fumbled around her purse for a mint, or gum, the onions were burning her mouth. "Jimmie, you got some gum or a mint?" Charlie started fumbling around, handed Jimmie something. "I didn't have nothing baby, Charlie got this gum." "That's, cool those onions got me , wolfing"."I know what you mean give me, some." Jimmie and charlie both took a piece of gum and grinned. "We up next, could you go get hazel." "Okay, Charlie, I 'll be right back." Halfway down the hall she bumped into, Hazel who was almost running, in a sexy ruffled red dress. "Girl, I thought you were, going to miss it-ooh,that's cute, you made it?" "Yeah, it's the same pattern, you have on i just added ruffles, your's is cute too." When they got back, Jimmie was in the corner, checking his cell phone and, Charlie was looking for the ladies. "Oh-man, don't you look nice Hazel, you might get something for that dress." "If I can remember the salsa, I don't want to step on you. I should took the class, when Demitra took it, three months ago." Jimmie, comes back puts his arm around Demitra, kisses her on the cheek and asks her if she's was ready."Jimmie, I'm a little nervous, do you know the basic salsa step? Look, just go side to side like that, and I'll do it. And then just step backwards, and wiggle around, fake it. I'll do my steps I learned a few months ago, fancy things, you just shake in place and I'll come back to you. We do that three times the dance will be over." "Okay-you're smart baby, that just might work." Jimmimie was laughing and going over their, little "cheat moves". Charlie, and Hazel were trying more basic moves, and then she'd fall back on him, he was all grins, they were going to do that two times the last time he'd spin her. He was a little stiff at first, but you could tell he was trying, really hard. The announcer, asked all the couples as she called their numbers, to take their positions, on the floor. Demitra, felt nervous pangs in her stomach, Jimmie was little nervous. He was his always, cool contained self, trying to hide his anxiety. All the couples were so lovely, except for the middle-age, hag in the long ugly orange dress, Demitra, tried to ignore her. She had been rude, rolling her ugly eyes at her when she dance, and coming by them, and getting in the way. Jimmie had told her not to let, the scallywag, get to her, she was sexy, and she would get that, from bags like that.
It was so lovely with the vintage lighting, the hall looked as if it had the ballroom, renovated to look victorian. The music, was a hot Latin fusion number, that played sometimes on the radio. Demitra and Jimmie, pulled their plan off almost without flaws. Charlie and Hazel worked, to look rehearsed, and crisp. The dance was over, longest two minutes of their lives. What a rush, Demitra was thinking, they'll have to get out more often. They went to sat down, but she told Jimmie, she had to go freshen up and change for the waltz. She gave him a red swatch, of cloth to put in his lapel, instead of the pink one. It had matched the other dress, almost perfectly. Charlie, got up to when the ladies went to change, and said he need to throw some water on his face, before the next next.
They were back on the dance floor, almost as soon as they got back. They had practiced a basic step, none them new fancy moves. Thank, God, this was the last dance, Demitra was tired, she didn't want to let it show. They all kept, up with the music, and tried not to step on each other too much. It was over, really fast she wasn't into it like the salsa." We're going to take a ten minute break and annoucne, the winning dancers, and the winners to : "Make your own Ballgown", contest." The couples came back laughing, and holding hands. Jimmie found Demitra, she came back with some soda smiling. She really did look good, sometimes he forgot how charming, sexy and sweet she was. He pulled her next to him, and kissed her on the face again. " I had a lovely time, honey no matter how we did, he kissed her hand." She smiled, but she was puzzled, she never, saw him like this before. She hoped he hadn't got bad news, on the phone a little while ago. "Jimmie, what's with all the affection, you okay, baby?" He rubbed her face with one hand, and sqeezed her other hand, and talked into her hair." Things, could not be better baby, we'll talk about it when we get home." She looked into his eyes, put her head on his shoulder. "Okay, baby, alright." A few chairs down, Charlie was sipping soda, and trying to find words to say to Hazel. "I had a real good time, Hazel, you have been so sweet. I was a little nervous, I've met so many, ladies that were cute, but fussy, or uppity. You not niether one." She liked charlie, and now she saw a sincere side of him, that made her feel week at the knees. She was thinking in her mind, "Don't toy with with me baby, i'm real weak right now", she couldn't say it she just looked at him. I'm just a regular guy, I work for a furniture factory, I can make cute little jewelry boxes, I grow my own vegetables-sho-oot, I can keep you supplied. She smiled at him and kept listening, I'd like to see you again, and could you a real nice dinner, just me and you. " He looked at her and she put her hand on his, and whispered in his ear. "You had me at, grow your own vegatables, can I give you a ride hope tonight?" Charlie, put both his hands around Hazels small hands, and whispered, "Sure, I'd like that." Jimmie and Demitra, looked at them and smiled, but they had their own magic going on.
The woman had made her way back to the mic. "Could everyone please have a seat please, I am, about to announce the winners. I want to thank all of you fine dancers for participating, and being so nice. I must say, all of the gowns are quit lovely. There a five places for trophy winner. She held up a lovely gold colored cup, this is first place, and this 9aa tiny trophy), is #3-5. There are also five ribbon-medals for runner-ups, recognition prizes, so everyone has a chance. The same for the best ball gown." I'm about to announce, the winners. First place for, cha-cha-cha, goes to : Jennifer and Robert Agins. A lovely woman, with brown hair and fair skin, in a barely there red gown, and a handsome blond guy came up all grins. The second place goes to, Lisa Jones and Larry milgens, they came up a heavy set brunette woman and a thin tan man with black hair. Demitra and Jimmie kind of blocked out the announcements, they pretty much wrote it off. The fifth place goes to : Demitra Smith and Jimmie Anders. Charlie and Hazel whooped, Hazel went over and touched them. "Get up, ya'll won-ya'll won!" Jimmie and Demitra were all, bigged eyed and giggling like little kids at the tiny trophy. They all laughed and slapped each other. "Demitra, when the event is over, I told Charlie I'd give him a ride home okay?" Demitra, tried to hide a smile, could this night get any better? "Sure, okay. let's keep listening maybe ya'll will get one. Hazel, laughed and shook her head. They were down to the ribbons. They tried to listen, but they were so excited. "The eight ribbon goes tho Hazel...." The four screamed so loud they blocked out most of their name Charlie was giggling so much when they handed them both a ribbon, he kissed Hazel on the cheek. He took her hand and went back to the seat. The annoucer, listed a few more, dances, they didn't enter. Charlie and Jimmie begin to laugh until, they almost cried. The big woman in the tacky, green dress, that had been giving, Demitra, dirty looks all night won a strange prize. She got tenth place, in a obscure, side-step dance where there were only about ten couples. She had been so, arrogant before, now she tried to slip by Demitra, with her head down with her, tiny husband, in his too-short jacket. When she walked passed, Hazel hollered out. "Oooh, hoo-ha-ha-a-oooooh-hooooo-ha-ha-ha!" The men were, practically on the floor. "Demitra had tears, of laughter, down her cheeks. "Oh-God! Stop-Ya'll the Devil! I'm trying to get my self together, so I can hear who won." "And second place for the waltz, goes to : Shelis and Ron Peters, and third place goes to : Demitra Smith and Jimmie....." "A-A-a-a-ah-oh my God -we won!" "Oh-wow, get on up their girl, I'm so happy!" Jimmie and Demitra had their arms around each other as they picked up the big trophy. The lady shook their hand and they went, to their seats. Demitra, was barely listening when the were annoucing the make your dress contest. Hazel, was all ears, and still barely heard that she won second place for the cha-cha-cha, dress, she started screaming. Charlie took her by the hand, and kissed her cheek it was a large trophy too. The two couples were so excited, they missed, their names. A woman, behind her said: "I think, they called your name, are you Demitra?" "YEs-s-s!, thank you, she ran all the way up Jimmie grinning holding her hand. When she found out she got first prize, for the white waltz, dress, she almost fainted. She was so excited they were almost, ready to leave when a love
ly lady in a light blue gown came up and introduced herself. " Hi, I'm Karen williams, I love your dress. My daughter is getting married, i would Like to talk to you, about making her one like yours, with maybe some lace. I'd pay you what you ask for." "Oh, my God, that is so nice, I'd love to. Is this your work number, and your cell phone-okay,great, I'll give you a Call." She looked at Jimmie and he hugged her real tight and grinned.
Hazel got up dazed, no one had been paying attention she had won, second prize for her hot red salsa dress. "Go-girl, go get your prize, I'm so happy! Charlie, stayed behind and watched her other prizes. She had a large one just like, Demitras'. She came back in shock, and told them she was ready to go. That was it for them, all their contest. A drove, of other couples were leaving, it was almost over.She hugged Demitra, told her she would call her later, her and Charlie walked out smiling hand in hand. Demitra and Jimmie left, right after them, all hugged up. The ride home was nice, they talked about how much fun they had, and the prizes. Jimmie, seemed so happy, yet somehow preoccupied. "I'm kind of hungry baby, you want to stop, off and get something?" Demitra, was tired and wanted to go straight home. "Jimmie, I'll fix some letovers, I've got fried chicken, potatoe salad and catfish." "That's cool, when did you cook like that girl?' He grabbed her hand and kissed it, he was so affectionate tonight she almost couldn't, stand it. "Oh- it was from two diffrent days, Demarin, can put away some grub." They both laughed, he looked serious again.
When they pulled up to the house, Demitra got out first and went up the few stairs, and opened the door, he followed behind her. She went in closed the door, and and sat door and shook off her shoes. She went to the restroom washed her hands and face, and put some leftovers, in the microwave. Jimmie went to the restroom, and Demitra called her cousin. "Girl, I'm back thanks for letting my boy stay over-what's he doing-I should have know video games. Yeah girl-we won! I'm not lying I got one big trophy for the waltz dress, and some more for our dancing.I'm gonna go-bring him home in about an hour okay? Bye-ye!" She fixed the plates, and Jimmie sat down when she handed, him a plate, he sat it on the table He pulled her into his lap, and started kissing her on the neck. "Marry me-okay-okay-marry-me-baby-I just got that promotion, you gonna do it-huh-huh?" He was tickling her, and she giggled a answer. "Yes-es, yes-stop Jimmie Demarin will be home in a hour, what will I tell him?" "Tell, him to say, "Hi", to daddy.' Could life get any better, this was Demitra's time.

May 10, 2008 at 2:57pm
May 10, 2008 at 2:57pm
In honor of Mothers' days 2008, I've decided to start the story no mothers' day. I may surprise you with a character, from the previous series, On A Mission, there were a few that only had one or two scenes, I'd like to develop them. I look forward, to presenting the story, Emerge to you.
May 9, 2008 at 12:40pm
May 9, 2008 at 12:40pm
I may surprise you with a funny story in the next collection. I must say someone told me they thought little Willie Bo, was pitiful comic! He was a mess, a little drunken wise man. I was thinking more in the lines, of deliberate comedy. There are only two stories left in this collection; Emerging, and Picking up the Pieces. I will start the story, Emerging in two days.
I've trully enjoyed writing this book, and keeping a blog on it, I had to learn computers, and overcome the fear some middle-age ladies, have. I'm glad you've taken the time to read this and my other writings.

Take Care, "rixxie", Quyn Marie Patton
May 09,2008
May 8, 2008 at 11:32am
May 8, 2008 at 11:32am
I had mentioned in earlier blogs,on working on making scenes vibrant. In the other, five story collection; On A Mission, I worked on describing, outdoors and in. I liked some of the scenary, I created in, The Mighty Zay-eus, and Faith, and a couple others. I wanted to work more on, the scenes in, Moving On. The living took place mostly in the house and in his thoughts. Nathan was clearly the center, of that story, I'd like to bring him back. I could see him turning up in one of the new stories, I want to develop the scenes around him more.
I've been toying with the idea, mingling a couple of the stories together, again. I want it to be a surprise, when a character is sipping, some apple wine, and Nathan, walks out. Take Care--rixxie-4/08/08
May 7, 2008 at 11:15am
May 7, 2008 at 11:15am
I did enjoy writing Moving Forward, and connecting it to another story. I thought it would be fun to introduce, Nathan to linda, she was charismatic, and a progressive young lady. I might have people looking for them, sorry they only exist on paper folks. Sometimes you make these people so, appealing you want to find folks like that. They will exist as soon, as they are created.
I will start the next story in a couple of days, I'm going to tie it to a previous story, either Faith or one in the other series. Thanks for reading-rixxie
May 6, 2008 at 12:17pm
May 6, 2008 at 12:17pm
I really enjoyed writing Moving Forward, it ended yesterday, not with a bang but a promise. I love capturing ordinary characters, moving their life forward, sometimes no murder or mayhem, just living. Changes, has evolved in a diffrent way, than what I had planned for the, five-story collection. I hope you saw a little hope in the stories, sometimes you just have to live past hard times. It's easier said than done, so I didn't want it, too sweet. And who knows Nathan and linda, may show up in one of my new stories. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day.
Take Care-rixxie, 4/06/08
April 14, 2008 at 1:29pm
April 14, 2008 at 1:29pm
I've completed "Faith", under terrible circumstances. The next entry won't take so long, between a stolen modem, and a computer bug.
March 17, 2008 at 7:22pm
March 17, 2008 at 7:22pm
I felt that "Faith", was getting depressing and that wasn't really my goal, so I brought a new person in. It's funny how adding a new character can add new life to, a story. I realize I can control the emotins by adding people and places. Faith will continue tomorrow, thanks for reading.
March 12, 2008 at 12:22pm
March 12, 2008 at 12:22pm
Thanks for reading and enjoying, "On A Mission", it ended a few weeks ago. The story "Changes", is now being written. It is five cultural stories also, I recently adde more to the second story in the series called, "Faith".

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