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by spook
Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1262689
Don't judge a book by its cover... This isn't about tube anemones.
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November 2, 2012 at 3:24am
November 2, 2012 at 3:24am
I thought this an important topic, though I missed Halloween by a day. I've been dealing with nightmares, both real and... well...in this world, and didn't get a chance to write yesterday. I don't want to get into the nightmares of this world right now, because I have yet to awaken. But let's talk about one I had last night.

It's not often that I don't have nightmares, and I embraced them all my life, even the ones, or maybe especially the ones, that woke me, screaming and crying and turning on all the lights. They make such good stories. Libs has always been envious of my night terrors. She wishes she could get free horror movies. Well now she's got some program or website or something where she can get any horror movie she likes, absolutely free. And I can't take the dreams anymore.

The problem became so bad in the last few years that I was only getting a few hours of sleep a night. A few months ago, they started becoming increasingly worse. They were different than usual, half blackness and half shaking. My doctor thinks I was having some kind of seizures, and he put me on valium. That coupled with the other meds finally allowed me to get a good, solid six hours of dreamless sleep a night. Thank God for pharmaceuticals. Some people don't believe in them, and they're welcome to their opinion, but give me pills! Yay!

Anyway, there was a situation where I wanted to sleep lightly, to make sure the guy next to me was still breathing, so I didn't take my valium. Rough night. When I did sleep, I of course had nightmares. I don't remember most of them right now, but the one I focused on was this:

I was in a house in the country. It was dilapidated, the paint peeling and gray as the sky. Very pre-technicolor Wizard of Oz. My love was there with me, and I was relieved beyond measure. We stood on the porch watching the endless gray sky, not speaking. Nothing new there. But I digress. Suddenly I realized that the power lines were whipping in wild circles, like a jumprope at full swing.

"What's that?" I asked him, pointing, feeling my heart begin to pound. He glanced at it and then looked back into the sky, but pulled me close, as if for comfort.

"It's nothing. It's normal."

But then as we stood there, there came an enormous THUD from somewhere beyond the horizon. My heart was really hammering now, and my mouth went completely dry. The ground suddenly swelled and rolled beneath us like an ocean wave, and we clutched each other as we rose and fell with it.

"Was that normal?" He shook his head but still seemed unperturbed. I looked at the car sitting in the gravel driveway.

"Can we please go somewhere else? I'm scared." He shrugged and handed me the keys. Just as we were about to get into the car, a gust of salt water tinged air hit us with gale force, and as he was on the other side, I couldn't reach him as I squinted against dirt and leaves that assailed us. Then just as quickly, it was gone, and so was he.

I looked around wildly, screaming his name, and then froze. On the horizon was a vast, neverending wall of water. I realized I could hear it, a sound like distant thunder. The ground began to tremble. As I always do, I knew this was THE END. (My dreams are almost always of THE END.) But I couldn't die without him in my arms, that's what he'd wanted for himself, after all, and I had to find him. The wall seemed no closer, but I knew that was only because it was still so far. There was still time.

Then I heard him calling me, from inside the house, and I rushed back, threw open the door, and there he was, sitting nonchalantly on the sofa.

"How did you get in here?" I shook my head, and that weird half blackness came don across my eyes. There was a baby crying somewhere. Somewhere close. "Nevermind. Just hold me. We're going to die!"

"Finally!" He sighed in relief and held out his arms. But something about the couch was terrifying, though I couldn't say what.

"No, come outside and watch with me." I returned the gesture, and he came to me. As we embraced, I realized the babies cries were coming from under the couch, and something under there was wiggling and flopping. I was frozen in horror, even as my death rushed toward me outside. My love took my hand as the thing began to claw out from its hiding place, and my love dragged me outside while my eyes bulged and my tongue felt swollen in my throat. (Note: sounds like a seizure to me. I wish I could properly describe the half blackness.) Then the trembling began.

We stood on the porch, watching as millions of birds tried to escape the wall, and animals ran furiously together, wolf beside deer, bear beside pig, mouse beside cat, only heeding that age old desire to survive. I knew it was a fruitless endeavor. The wall was a waterfall now, roaring it's way toward us, and though tears streamed down my face, I felt a sort of peace, because I knew it was finally going to be OVER, no more pain, or fear, or loss, or insanity. Done, as I'd wished for. But then I realized my love had somehow slipped away, and I was alone again. The water was so close now, towering to the sky, and I knew there was no more time. I rushed inside and beheld his body, splayed on his back, head under the couch. There was a soft ripping and slurping sound coming from under there. As I screamed and grabbed his boots to pull him away from that thing, the roof tore away and I saw the water, seconds before it would consume me. The survival instinct is strong, even in one so ready to die, and I took a deep, pointless breath. It hit, not like water, but a bomb, and my love ripped free from my hands. As the water carried us along, I saw his head was gone, and even though I hadn't been able to keep my hold, the horrible crying thing was latched onto his shoulders, something like a maggot with an ancient rotten apple baby face, and talons that curved from the underside of its bloated body. I screamed again, letting out that pointless air, and the thing began to turn its fathomless gaze onto me. Thankfully, before I could see its eyes, for I knew if I saw them it would capture my soul and take it to a place where the suffering would never end, I began to black all the way out. But I knew my love had seen its eyes, and our souls could never be reunited. Even in death I cried for the loss of him. I inhaled cold, cold water, feeling my pounding heart beat its last.

When I woke up, tears soaked the pillow and my eyes were swollen and sticky. I reached out for him, and he wasn't there. I felt such a great loss, I curled up in a ball and sobbed. Eventually I fell back asleep, had another nightmare, but I only remember lights from the sky that I thought were aliens but turned out to be government guys in helicopters, come to quarantine the town from a plague. I awoke from that one feeling like I'd been run over, buried, and reanimated. But his arms were around me and I clung to him, here, in life.

So the moral of the story is, I will NOT be going to bed without valium. Chew on that, Freud.
October 30, 2012 at 5:00am
October 30, 2012 at 5:00am
If you actually want to tip your delivery guy, don't give the money to your kids. They're either thieves or don't understand the concept of a couple of extra dollars. They may even think you're an idiot who can't count. I don't know, but it's terribly frustrating to watch them count it and then put that extra money in their pocket. You can't really say, 'Hey, I'm pretty sure that money is for me, not you.' Seems pretty rude.

Absolutely gorgeous Halloween full moon! I watched it, surrounded by wispy threads of cloud, and thanked God for allowing me to witness the beauty of His creations. A step in the right direction, I think. I smiled in pure joy as I basked in it's borrowed radiance. "As full and bright as I am, my light is not my own, a million light reflections pass over me". That's from a Tool song, fittingly called Reflection. If you're not familiar with Tool, you're
missing out.

I saw a bumper sticker today that said "VD is OK, WWW.OKVD.COM" Since when is vd ok?
October 29, 2012 at 3:31am
October 29, 2012 at 3:31am
When I was younger it pissed me off no end to be called 'young lady', like I was being scolded or something. Now that I'm an ancient 34 year old and my hair is almost completely silver (I dye it, of course), I find the moniker to be slightly endearing. Yes, if you want to win brownie points, go ahead and call me young lady. I don't mind anymore.
October 28, 2012 at 8:04pm
October 28, 2012 at 8:04pm
I've known them all, or very nearly,
And, writing, paid for sinning dearly.
There has been egotism, greed
Graspingly eager to succeed,
And anger when I cannot find
The words to say what's on my mind.
Most surely sloth's a common sin-
Delay, delay, when to begin?
Or envy of the rival who
Writes with more humor than I do.
But who among us has not ever,
When penning something almost clever
Felt virtuous, and deep inside,
A tiny, tiny bit of pride?

Thank you D.L. Winkler!
October 28, 2012 at 2:56pm
October 28, 2012 at 2:56pm
Ok, so looking back I realize that the only real spices in my soup, that you know of, are angst, fear, sadness, and perhaps a little evil glee. Except for the tiny frogs thing from yesterday. That was a sweet little morsel. And in serious consideration, this is the only place I feel safe enough to come out of my hole and be utterly honest, with you as well as myself.

My father was a long haul trucker who was killed when I was a baby, by an old couple who chose to ignore a yield sign. Or perhaps they didn't see it. They didn't even know they'd caused a huge and flaming fireball on their horizon until the Highway Patrol caught up with them miles later. I'm told they weren't even issued a ticket. Of course that was in 1979, and the world has moved on since then. I suppose this is where my issues with men comes from, for my mother never remarried, and I never had a positive male influence in my life.

In my neighborhood, there was an elderly man, known to the adults as Cowboy Bill, because you never saw him without his white cowboy hat. Like he was one of the good guys. The children of the neighborhood knew him only as Child Molester Bill, for what seems to me at least as obvious reasons. He would offer you candy in exchange for a kiss. Or a special hug. When we began to steer clear of him, he would tell our parents his heartbreaking story of how his grandchildren never visited, and how lonely he was, and our parents would make us visit him. As I've said, the world has moved on since then. One of the saddest moments of my life was when my mother, with tears streaming, said to me, "I always thought he was just a sweet, lonely old man."
One of the proudest moments was when my then 13 year old best friend punched that old man in his face when she saw him hanging on to a terrified little boys sleeve, and saying, "You still owe me a kiss!" My inner demon crowed with delight as his dentures popped out and flew across the sidewalk. We had no trouble with him after that.

Thus my terrifying, incapacitating fear of the elderly. Also, I'm pretty sure that when they're in large groups, they can suck the youth out of a person. I chose my current location of work specifically because there are no nursing homes in the area.

Zoinks Scoob, this soup is proving to be pretty salty and bitter.

I was a weird child, friendless until I was 12 and met Libs (she who punched Bill), who is still my best friend. I've had a lot of aquaintances, and people who I THOUGHT were friends, but she has stuck through all this time. I love her as I've loved no one else.

My mother, with the lack of an income, had to
get several jobs to cover the bills. I blame her for nothing, I blame her for everything. My older brother ran wild, and after several short stints in jail he finally robbed a convenience store at gun point and went away for ten years. He was 17. So then it was just me.

I also ran wild, but Rarely ever got caught for anything. From the time I was 12 to 20, it's all drugs and drinking and robbery and near death experiences. I had lots of fun, but of course I regret it now. For many reasons.

I had 4 kids, and I don't know where they are now. One I gave up for adoption, the others are lost to me, but I suppose it's for the best. They are surrounded by loving family, people who can offer them the opportunity I cannot. It happened after my mom died. I had been taking care of her, as she was terminally ill, and the three kids, and that asshole who claimed he loved me. I was also working 2 full time jobs, and going to school 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. When she died in front of me, I finally snapped like a twig in a high wind. The asshole had left me and took my car, also. So I sent the kids to stay with their grandparents in a different state, because they weren't getting the care they needed from me.

Long story short, for I grow weary, so I do, I got arrested, fired from the job I'd had for 9 years, evicted, was homeless, tried to kill myself. I washed 20 ambien down with a bottle of rum, wrote some crazy suicide note that I have since burned, and went into what SURELY should have been my final slumber. Woke up 8 hours later. What am I here for? Yet to know. Endless suffering is my guess. Oh, lost my pharmacy license when I got arrested, so all THAT was for nothing. The kids grandparents moved and FORGOT to tell me where. I haven't seen them in 3 years or more.

Now I've been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndro.e, and some thing I can't remember that makes my hands randomly swell and split like overripe fruit.

You know what? This soup is gross. I'm throwing it out. I'll start with better ingredients.


For now I have to rest.
October 28, 2012 at 3:59am
October 28, 2012 at 3:59am

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So, a serious question... why do people always keep one dollar when paying for a pizza?
Seriously, ONE of you knows the answer to this mysterious question, so can you just let me in on the gag?
You say "That'll be $18.47 sir!" In your cheeriest 'I swear I don't want to eviscerate you' voice, this sweet, totally non-predatory smile on your face, and the sir in question hands you a 20. Now at this point all you can hope for your trouble is a measly $1.53, so your smile has become somewhat painful as you first hand him a dollar bill, then pull a handful of change out and start counting it, grinding your teeth quietly, and keeping your head tactfully lowered in concentration, in case that stretchy smile might be slipping toward the predatory one you so carefully keep in your pocket... so then you give him that change and in a falsely cheerful voice you say "There you go sir!", carefully adjusting your teeth before making eye contact, as you only do upon parting. I suppose the eye contact shakes this sheep from his reveries of chewing grass, because he blinks at you dumbly and then hands you back the change you wasted your time counting in the first place.
"Just keep that." He says. Your smile grows broader, and you fight to make it appear pleased that the great god has bestowed his blessing of fifty three cents on you.
"Oh, thank you! I appreciate it!" You say in surprise and astonishment, and you want to break into a great Shakespearean type monologue on the virtues of this wonderful, blessed godlike being.
He shuts the door, and you make sure you are fully turned and three steps toward your car before that ridiculous simpering smile drops from your face as if weighted with dark matter, turning it into a sneer and pulling your eyes with it.
Do they frame it, with a little caption underneath that reads "This one seriously pissed off the pizza guy", or "This dollar could have gone to the waitress but didn't", or do they put it in a drawer and when there's a neat little pile they roll around in it and laugh maniacally? Buy a boat? Or are they furtively planning for the next day, when they can buy a small cup of coffee? Coffee I can sympathize with.
Man, that was fun! I haven't had a good pizza rant in forever! I missed it so very much!

Here's some funny stuff. I've been diagnosed with several terrible, chronic illnesses that are slowly, and sometimes not so slowly, destroying my brain, and many other important body parts. No, that's not the funny part, though it certainly has its moments. But I've taken to carrying a small digital voice recorder with me everywhere I go, in case I have story ideas or a particularly good line occurs, because chances are I'll forget it within a minute or two. So I don't just sit there and listen to it all the time, (partly because I forget to) but when I do, I come across some really funny stuff. One of them was the dollar thing, tho I'll admit I used much more colorful language on the tape. Here are some of my favorites from the last few weeks, and I hope to delight myself with them sometime in the near future when I've completely forgotten I wrote this.
1. Yes on 344. I'm going with it has something to do with new york or fresh fruit. Or teachers.
2. I've discovered that I am indestructible to outside sources, And the thing that will ultimately do me in is my own stupid f****** body.
3. I scrambled the brains of a dead baboon and blew it out the open eyesocket.
4. With my mouth. (Said in a whisper that creeped even me out.)
5. Is today really a compound word? Because the British think it is.
6. Ibuprofen is more expensive than lortabs.
7. Where is she coming to rest? Like she was a leaf in the wind, or a ship on the sea.
8. They leave offerings of chocolate for the werewolves, on the other side of town.
9. I put my underwear on backwards today. How stupid I've gotten.
10. I am no dog, to be cozened by many. I am loyal to only one master.
11. My sense of adventure is a banana slug! (Said with delight.)
12. Butthole Surfers, weird revolution, shame of life.
13. Gloves, little broom, wiring, and wrench thing. (Did I ever get them? I have no idea.)
14. Neither the cool night air, nor the cheery false smile I forced across my lips and into my eyes, did anything for my migraine.
15. Although I did learn something... I'm on way too much goddamn medication to be charging up and down three flights of stairs.
16. Note to self: more retards out than usual tonight, and the moon is NOT full.
17. They say going downstairs is a lot more low impact because it offers less resistance, but I'll tell you what the resistance is: trying not to fall down the fucking stairs and break your neck because you feel like you're full of broken glass and your leg is trying to fall off. Resistance.
18. Oh my god, the stripper just said "Everybody's been giving me ones lately." To my credit I did not laugh wildly in her face, partly due to the fact that she has clothes on today. (The stripper is also apparently a nudist, and almost always answers her door naked. But she's also a good tipper.)
19. Wooing Morpheus. (No clue. I had a dog by that name once, but he's long in the grave. Good little guy.)
20. The salt you take is the salt you must pay for.
21. Tiny frogs make me happy!
22. A bonfire of dragons.
23. Alabaster.
24. My life is like that, a series of disjointed images, now here, now there, now gone.
25. One Spook can always find a way to get to another.
26. Seriously. The dollar. What's it for?

Whew, I rambled like crazy! Good. Purging. Gotta go now kids, the meds, they maka me sreepy. Plus it' 3 am. So if you braved through this nonsense, I think we should meet. Please feel free just to leave a note saying hi, or some of your own weird ramblings. I need new friends. Most of my old ones mysteriously disappeared...
And remember, as always, Flies and honey *Smile*
October 27, 2012 at 2:31am
October 27, 2012 at 2:31am
Been gone far too long, dealing with issues, I won't get into it right now but will visit later. I was reading my last blog entries, and had to laugh at what a young naive idiot I was. They are undoubtedly funny, but pathetic self indulgent drivel nonetheless. To put my faith in anyone other than myself is ridiculous, a pipe dream. Poor stupid child believed there was some kind of shining light at the end of the dark tunnel. Oops! More self indulgent drivel. Anyway, I'm experimenting with a speech typing device because I can't type anymore. So if something comes out really weird its not my fault its this thing I'm talking into. Technology huh? What in the f*** would they come up with next? So I'm happy to be back at writing.com, I missed it more than I can say. Not going in too deep today, just wanted to say hi. By the way I do still believe in flies and honey. And this thing is pretty cool, although I have to keep fixing some little things that it keeps messing up. But hey, no one's perfect right?
April 2, 2009 at 2:22am
April 2, 2009 at 2:22am
I think I might finally be healing from my divorce...Oh, you know, I'm just gonna come right out and say it, we were never married, we didn't even live together, so I guess technically it wasn't a divorce. I was thinking deep thoughts today and I started wondering why I was even with him in the first place. I loved him, no doubt there, but why? He was never affectionate, he never wanted to do anything for me or with me, he was a controlling freak who thought I was a part of some conspiracy to annoy the life out of him apparently. I realized that even though he was the great love of my life, there was no real reason for it. Sure, I loved his slate gray eyes, the dimples in his cheeks on the rare occasion that he smiled for me, and most of all his crazy, hearty laugh, and in fact I still do. But what really made me think was that this new guy I'm with, Mike, is willing to quit smoking for me. I smoked for 18 years, and I tried to quit so many times I couldn't tell you. It's like that thing they say about men thinking about sex every sixty seconds or something. I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I failed, but then one day I just...stopped. No, I'm going to give credit where it's due, after praying and praying and praying, God got tired of listening to me beg him for help so he made me stop. Just like that. (That's also kind of how I learned to ride a bike). Anyway, this guy, Mike, is going to try to quit for me, because I have asthma and also I don't want to start smoking again just because I love the smell of it on a leather coat in the cold of winter....mmmmmm....I'm going to miss that, for sure....and he seems to really like me a lot, so if he wants to stay with me he'll have to quit, and he knows it. So we shall see what we see, shall we? I like him. He treats me like I'm something instead of the nothing I feel.
I will tell you that there was a relationship in between there, I won't lie. This is the place where only honesty goes and honesty is everything. Anyway, there was this guy at work at Mazzios (OH hell, I didn't tell you about my psycho boss at Wet Pets! I'll have to remember to tell you later), and I liked him quite a bit, though now I realize that the only reason I liked him at all was because he reminded me of Charles. He has the same eyes and dimples, though his laugh is kind of loud and scary, sort of forced sounding, and perhaps that should have been my first clue. I spent a lot of time and energy getting to know him, and he seemed to like me well enough, but in the end he fucked me and then he fucked me. I don't know what happened, we were friends, then all of a sudden he won't acknowledge my existance, even though we work together. He was supposed to be my friend, and in a very vulnerable time in my life, he used me and took advantage of me. He took what ever little bit of self esteem I was beginning to scrape together, and he rolled it into a ball along with my friendship and my trust, and used it to wipe his hairy ass. I can feel that he thinks he's better than me. You know, I even told him a few months ago that if he didn't want to be with me, just say the word and I would leave him alone forever. "Oh no, " says he, "it's not that at all, I just don't have the time with school and work, I don't have time to do anything. I want to be with you." All I ever asked him for was his honesty. I didn't even want his precious time. I just wanted to know that he genuinely gave a shit about me. Apparently that was too much. I guess it was a game to him because he knew I wasn't going to be easy. How he could pretend to be my friend and then suddenly act like he doesn't know me is so hurtful, I almost just gave up on guys forever. Mike though, he's something else. He actually seems to like me for who I am already. Of course the other assface acted that way too. And Charles. For a few years anyway. And even though I hate Charles as much as ever I loved him, the thought of him not loving me is making me cry right now. I keep asking myself WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????? I miss him so very much sometimes, and sometimes I just want to peel the flesh from his bones. I hate him because I love him. Fuck, I don't want to cry right now...I think I've been doing a fairly good job of pretending like he never existed, and then something forces its way through a tiny crack in my dam. You know what happens then, right? Flood.
This was supposed to be about Mike and how I might have actually found someone who's not out to skullfuck me and piss on my tattered corpse. I haven't been sad in a few days, and I think I'm kind of digging this not depressed thing. What is it called? Oh yeah, Happy, or something like that. Sigh. I'm just so very alone, blackly alone, suicidally alone and I don't want to play this game anymore. No thanks, I'm out. I just want the pain to stop but even that, I know, is only a patch because the pain will return, that I am positive of. The pain never goes away, it just hides in the dark places until it's time to strike again. It will never completely go away. It's never going to stop.
Whoa, look at the time. I've got to try to sleep somehow, I have to get up at six thirty and take the four year old to school, then I'm supposed to go hang out with Mike for a few hours before work. Lots to do tomorrow. Oh, before I forget, i ordered that P90X thing, because I was debating, and then out of the blue my friend Kyle said that he got it and he loves it. So I will keep you informed on my progress (Lets hope that's what it becomes) and perhaps you can even help me because you'll look up at me with those big brown eyes and say "So how long did you work out today, sexy?" And I won't be able to look at you because this is the place where everything is sacred and there can be no lies, and you will be ashamed of me. That's the kind of logic that got me out of my first serious (abusive) relationship-- I told my sister I would never go back to him again, and even though he begged and pleaded and tried every trick in the book to get me back, the thought of the way my sister would look at me if I did go back was unbearable. I knew she would lose all respect for me, and she is and always will be my best friend. I couldn't live with that kind of reproach in her eyes. So anyway, that's how we're going to do this too, okay? Oh hell, okay, i have to go bed now, so soon my pretty, very soon, I will come back to you. Until then, Flies and Honey (although I'm kind of rethinking that. Not sure it's really working out for me anymore...).
March 28, 2009 at 2:59am
March 28, 2009 at 2:59am
I don't know why I like the movie reviews so much, something to make it all seem like it has order and meaning, I suppose. But I love them and I can do them again now that I am upgraded again. It's been so long...

Dark Knight*Star**Star**Star**Star* *Thumbsup*
Okay, yes, I was afraid I would fall in love with a dead man, I admit that, and in my defense, THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!!! This was a kick ass movie, I love The Joker anyway, and Heath Ledger brought a realness to him that was really scary for the first time. Most of the characters have taken an evolutionary approach, and they have become subtley...subtlety? Great now I'm lost. Anyway, PROGRESSIVELY more frightening, but this Joker really is the scariest he's ever been. He feels tangible, like I could be in a bank and turn around and he could be a real guy standing there next to me with a gaping scar face and dark haunted eyes. Shiver! And why am I so turned on by freaks and mutants? Darth Maul, Wolverine and now the Joker. But he's super hot. The Batman, on the other hand, was not. I kept being distracted by his fake, gravelly voice and the stupid ass things he was saying. He gets a thumbs down and a frowney face for bringing shame to the noble line of Batman.

Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull Bullshit *Thumbsdown**Frown**Thumbsdown*
WTF Indiana Jones?! How could you be a part of this? You could have had a legendary and distinguished career, but NO! A refrigerator? Are you fucking serious? I'm so disappointed, Indie. You make little Asian boy cry. Shame on you.

Babylon AD *Star**Star**Star**Star*
You know I love me some Vin Diesel... I really liked this story line, it was an apocalyptic sort of time, but not SO far into the future that everything was different, just some key points like the way they transport cars and people and how everyone has guns, cause we know THAT won't happen if... Oh never mind. I have watched it several times now, and I'm still wondering, what in the hell is going on? I understand the premise, that she was given a pill that made her pregnant, that the babies are the miracle, that she somehow has super powers, but what is really going on? What exactly was it that made the babies so special, and why did she have to die once she had given birth? If she had truly been designed to breed, would it not make more sense for her to stay alive so she can keep having little miracles? So in conclusion, I love Vin Diesel, and I loved this movie, but I'm still a little confused. Thank you.

The Professional *Thumbsup**Thumbsup**Star*
I know this is an older movie, I just love it so much. Such an odd yet simple little story, and a great performance by everyone...
What do you mean, everyone?
I Mean EVERYONE!!!!!!
Ha ha you'd get that if you had seen the movie.
The only thing I don't like is the thought, nay the very Knowledge, that the plant got planted, she named it Leon, she came out and watered it and talked to it everyday, and then one day she came out and it was either dead or crushed or gone, like maybe a cow ate it or something. I don't know, but the certainty that the plant died is very sad.

Phew! I haven't written this much in a while! Been busy picking up the pieces of my life and rebuilding the walls, so to speak, stronger and more beautiful than the last walls. The windows will be round. The sills will be on top. The flowers won't block the sun this time. Take that, flowers! Did I tell you my mother died? I don't think I did. Anyway, that's a story for another day. I will come back soon, now that I have my internet back I will be here all the time! Til then- Flies and Honey!

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March 28, 2009 at 2:33am
March 28, 2009 at 2:33am
Sweet Jesus it's good to be back!!!! It's been so long (sob!)

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