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by Budroe
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1183984
My journey through (and beyond) the valley with Cancer as my companion.
Dear Friend:

This is not a Blog about writing! (I already have one of those.)

This is a blog about a journey I am taking with illness. I have recently been diagnosed with Cancer. My goal is honest therapy as I progress through, and beyond this new reality in my life. I hope that, somewhere along the way you will find some words that will help you too.

While this is, in fact, an interactive Blog, I hope that you will scroll slowly down this page. For you see, the front of this Blog IS my journey. The entries are conversations that are held along the journey.Yes, there is a lot on it--before actually getting to the Blog entries. But, I hope that by the objects and words which appear before the Blog itself, you might come to understand just a little bit about me, and my journey, and some truly amazing friends who have agreed to journey with me. I hope that you, too, will choose to accompany me on my walk--through the Valley.

I invite you to join me, and discover the wondrous truths, meet some truly amazing people, and share those "memorable" moments this journey will undoubtedly present. Come along, won't you?

In His Care,

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Would you like to help me help others? I found this amazing organization, and I am proud to be a sponsor. I hope you will check it out. It's called The Network For Good.  

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("Every thing is funny - Growth through humiliation - Wisdom through loss")


The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.
~Helen Keller~

"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people."
~Virginia Woolf~
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"There is strength in truth."
~The Barton Family Crest~

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“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

— Helen Keller, American social activist, public speaker and author (1880-1968)

I have moved the list of my thanks for those who have helped to make this little Blog so very special. I hope that you will take a moment to read the list, growing every day, and let these fellow travellers along this journey know that you appreciate the contributions they make to our walk together.

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"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:2-4

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If you are new to WDC, or to our Blogging community, I highly recommend the monthly edition of "The Blogville News". Feel free to click below, and let scarlett_o_h know that a Blogger sent ya!

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Budroe Ring Leader

I have three publications at the moment. Here is a link to purchase my latest one. Buy a great read, and help a fellow writer out, Okay? *Smile*

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January 10, 2013 at 8:09pm
January 10, 2013 at 8:09pm
As any good writer knows: "If it ain't writin', it's research!"

One of the greatest skills a writer can develop in the pursuit of our craft is the skill of observation. It begins with the observation of the physical: surroundings, movement, and people. Setting a scene accurately does involve, like it or don't, all of the five major physical senses. Sometimes, that can be easy, like observing the sky, the street, or the hamburger. Does a hamburger have an attitude? You bet it does! Can you observe that attitude? Does a building make a statement? To some, yes. Observing a static structure may, at first blush, could seem to be a bit of a stretch for the observer. Yet, with sufficient time and care, as well as a desire to extract through observation what that which is observed may offer can be enlightening.

Writing students are regularly sent on missions to observe their environment, or some environment into which their assignment places them. This is a very good thing, and I do highly recommend it to everyone. As writers, however, there is a further point to the exercise beyond honing the skills of observation. To the writer, the hamburger must be palpable to the reader. The writer can give it attributes not normally given to inanimate objects. But, with accurate observation, attitude can become apparent. The attitude may derive from the environment of the hamburger. Is it prepared by a "hash-slinger", or a true Chef? Is it presented in Styrofoam, or on bone china, with linen napkins and a water glass? Does expectation OF the hamburger become part of the observer's report?

I love watching (observing) people. All the powers of observation come into play. Basic skills however, when observing people, fail. The true observation of people requires advanced observational skills which must be highly developed, completely trusted, and absolute. This is where the "greater" lessons of observations are realized for the writer, who would then scribe, as accurately as possible, those things observed. This only becomes possible after many, many excursions to where people are. We may choose location based on need. How, for instance, does a beat cop walk, as opposed to a Detective with a hot lead? Did the lady look behind her as she left the office building? From the general, to the specific. From the specific to the sublime, the skills of observation, when neutrally applied can tell the story of a person--or at least a person's moment. Yes, vicarious living through others by the observation of them in their world, at some particular moment can teach us much.

I highly encourage you to spend some time in the next week with a note pad and pen, observing people. As purely nothing more than pedantic exercise, you will, I submit, be shocked. It's like Free Candy Day at Russell Stovers' Candies. People are doing things these days which merit observation. Close observation.
Someone is going to have to scribe the goings on around us in these days. It might as well be you. Or me. I am in an active observation mode at this time, in preparation for a new mystery novel. My expectations are, for lack of a better explanation, being torn asunder.

People (and I am sure the people close to you available for quiet observation) are doing some very, very strange things. It's like winning the Lottery for the writing observer, and even more so for the mystery novelist. You just have to be available, with all your senses primed. They will tell you stories you would dare not write if you would but just quietly observe them. You would, in a very short time, have much more than a complete character sketch. You might well come away from your observational experience with an entire cast of character. I did. *Bigsmile*

I hope you will take me up on this little writing challenge: Spend 30 minutes each session, for three days in a week, simply observing people. Write about your experience, and share it in a comment here via {b-item} link. I'll do a review of your work, from the perspective of a fellow writer, and a writing teacher. Beyond the dispassionate, neutral observing of my fellow creatures around my town, I have had reason to question (and, thereby reaffirm) my skills, my abilities, and my sanity. For me, the best news of all is that I do remain,

In His Care.

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January 9, 2013 at 10:59pm
January 9, 2013 at 10:59pm
many, many things.

I'm preparing an article for "The Nation". I'm preparing an article for "The Daily Kos". I'm preparing a presentation for "MoveToAmend.org". I'm preparing some pages for The Annual Lenten Adventure: 2013 Edition. I was going to prepare a blog entry here, but couldn't seem to find the time to do that, because of all the stuff today has required me to prepare.

I will add to this post after I've completed the preparations (and delivery, in one case) for three hours worth of radio tonight. I couldn't do it all if I was not,

In His Care.

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January 7, 2013 at 10:58pm
January 7, 2013 at 10:58pm
I got a lot of creating, and a lot o writing done yesterday. I'm not really absent new words. I just didn't get new words added here yesterday. That's a big deal to me, but it's also okay.

One of the things that we, as writers must somehow come to accept is that we cannot always be subservient to our muse. Mine is currently on testosterone, and I have about a million words fighting to get through my fingers. I had to take a sleep break, and the calendar here runs on WDC time. It flipped before my alarm clock did.

So, I return to the task at hand today. I will do more tomorrow. If I do not give myself permission to rest (which is often the case), there comes a point where I simply shut down. It's not good when your entire body shuts down. Believe me. I know. I did learn a couple of things today, however.

I learned that my "medically uncontrolled" Diabetes is still medically uncontrolled (numbers about the maximum acceptable level). Today I began "splitting" my daily dose from one really big amount into two really good-sized doses. That gives me a larger daily dose, and two new holes. I have to take my blood sugars four times each day now. Im not sure it's not one of my Docs' many subtle punishments, personally. I will also have to be back on a per-week lab regiment. More holes.

For now, I am willing to even be a human pin cushion, so long as I can still remain,

In His Care.

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January 5, 2013 at 8:28pm
January 5, 2013 at 8:28pm
to pare down the list. Given that any Adventure averages 22 unique items, I have been creating them--in placeholder form. Once the specifics have been set, those items will have to be edited/updated with current "stuff". I suppose I should at least get down somewhere what, for me, these Adventures are all about. So, why not here?

One of the things I wanted very badly when I served this community as the Administrator of The A-1 Writing Academy was a series of Bible Studies. The way the Academy was set up, and the diverse community served did not automatically lend itself to the immersive study of Scripture I desired. Having taught small group, large group, Church and Seminary courses, the unique nature of each style of learning pretty much kept those studies where they were. Altering them each into a single style was a larger challenge for me than I then had the time to deal with. So, the idea sat. But it kept calling to me. With the work done to create the first Annual Advent Adventure, however, the style of the study made itself come into existence. It has, for the greatest part, been followed throughout the series. The style created the skeleton, if you will, upon which each Adventure is framed. That most likely would never change. Yet, no two Adventures have been "fleshed out" the same way. This, the final Adventure of the original series, will be no different--at least in that regard.

But, for this particular adventure, elements will be introduced that have been in no previous adventure. Having said it, I will also admit that this will only be realized if there is a sufficient Adventure Team involved. While this adventure would fill out the type of activity I always envisioned for the series, there are so many elements to it that I will need a lot of help making them real. A new challenge? No, not at all. But with the basics in place, it is time to see if I can fully realize the magnitude of the adventure idea. Creative writing will, of course, be a core component, as will communication with and between the adventurers. This adventure will, however, encompass some components that I always wanted every adventure to have. Should it prove successful, I will spend some time trying to, retroactively, make them available to previously written adventures for future presentation. Make sense? Yeah, me neither. Therein, you see, lies the difficulty. I know exactly what I mean, but if I cannot get YOU to understand it, it won't make sense within the Adventures themselves.

The Adventure series was always designed and purposed to include the larger WDC community. This has, for one reason or another, never happened. I would claim that to be because I have never written this element into the Adventures. This time, I will. I know that this is a huge part of any successful adventure. Proof comes from the responses received via reviews by this community to the written work of the Adventurers during each Adventure.Additionally, the completed work of the Adventurers, when written and offered to the community for review have received outstanding reviews and comments from those who have never touched an Adventure. So far as that goes, it is well. But, to engage the community-at-large, outside the Adventure? Well, that is an equine of a different hue.

The further problem is that I can see, for the first time, the end result of this Adventure. The only thing standing in the way from this, the earliest beginning point and the concluding period is my ability to get the words written. If this Adventure proceeds according to the (current) plan, I will probably write close to one million words total. I'll admit it, that's a lot of words. That does not represent the total amount of words which will be written within the Adventure, just and only those I will write to complete the Adventure. They are all sitting here, just under the skin of my fingers. Right now, if I had the time and energy, I would write them all. But, part of the inclusion of the WDC community is patiently waiting upon the other community mmbers to climb aboard what will most certainly look like an impending train wreck. It isn't, it just clearly resembles a catastrophe at the moment.

There has not, no the whole, been a positive response by the WDC community to the adventures, generally. This serves as no statement or reflection upon any adventurer. I am talking about what I have envisioned to be a much larger community response. In that way, I suspect this truth to be no different than the excited Raffle, or Contest creator. This is an activity, within WDC that is designed to be available to the entire community. Yet, the community-at-large has mostly discounted the adventures as something the members choose not to participate in. Some of the reasons for this I clearly know. The current Adventure, or instance, will require forty (40) days of direct activity, and a total of forty-five (45) days total to complete. That is, as is current favored in political circles, "a heavy lift". I know this. I appreciate, and accept this. From the middle of February through the last day of March? Seriously? Every day? Yep. Why?

Interesting question, with I think an interesting answer. It has to do with the forty days of Lent, actually. In the Christian faith beliefs, there is usually a significant Lenten emphasis of one form or another. Some celebrate only certain few days, while others celebrate every single day, in one way or another. For me, every day of the Lenten experience is significant. I want to share that. I generally do not hold feet to fire, but only those who truly participate daily, and complete the commitment receive an Award from the Adventures saying so. That's only fair. I could make it less, and perhaps get a bit more involvement. For me, personally, however, that doesn't fit. Of course, one of the things that I would love for the Adventures to realize is other such activities by other members, and especially veteran Adventurers to this series. They can design Adventures which speak more particularly to their faith groups if they wish.

Mine is not denominationally oriented, it is simply Christian, as in "Christ Follower" (CF)

Another important reason that I believe these activities have not garnered the support of the larger WDC community has been the subject matter itself. While that saddens me greatly, I do accept that there are many who do not have the impetus or desire to investigate things of faith--or of mine. My teaching comes from my experience and understanding of faith as I have lived it. Those experiences, both in my laughter and in my tears, find their own way into, and out of one Adventure or another. That is what I now. I do not know all there is to know about all Theology, Dogma or even Faith. I can speak to most of it, but the only thing I am truly expert in is my faith. That is what I share. I share it through the Adventures. As I have tested, tugged, and pulled at my own faith over the years, so does that happen again, all over again, with each Adventure I write. I make no apologies for this, and hope that those Adventurers who join me with each part of the series will understand and accept that my faith is what is reflected in my writing. That's why writing is such an intrinsic part of the Adventure process. One of the major goals of any Adventure is to provide, for every participant, a journey through THEIR faith system. The Adventures are designed to have all participants arrive at the same faith point by a given time. Every path, every journey, and every outcome is different because it is uniquely written by each individual as the Adventure progresses from the first "Zero" day to the final, concluding day.

Finally, each day provides a "touch point" along the journey for every participant, from the Adventure Team to the participants, to the cast of characters which make up a really significant support group. The idea that a belly button kid would traverse a day in this world without touching their faith saddens me greatly. It's my prejudice, if I have one. The only true explanation I could give anyone for that began over 450 entries ago. Yes, it is absolutely true. I went 138 consecutive days without creating an entry in this Blog, to recount for this journey. However, there has been no day on this journey, since October 28th, 2006 which had no touch from me on my faith. I'd like to retroactively transcribe the notes every day saw me making, but that won't happen. In the first place, it would most likely put this Blog over it's limit, size-wise. Secondly, following the lead, example and admonition of other blog writers on WDC whom I both admire and respect, 500 is a nice, round number for a volume. Nobody ever said there could not be a second volume, after all. Besides, so long as I breathe air, there will (I pray) be something to note within the living of 24 hours. I want the Adventurers to get into several positive (I think) habits. I want them to write every day. I want them to touch their faith every day. I want the touch they make to make a difference in their every day. The adventures provide a handly artifice to create and maintain those, and other habits I think. Which, if there is one, the larger of the points.

Experience, and journal your faith...every day. It doesn't have to be eternal to be immortal. But it can be an accurate reflection of how your faith intersects your day .

Having said that, I must now depend upon the entire WDC community to help pull off this particular Adventure, one of the largest "heists" the world has ever seen!

(That's a hint, not anything else, y'all!*Smile* Keep it friendly. I will....)

Having never contemplated one, much less pulled one off before, I wonder what a great heist needs, or requires in order to be successful. Is there a "Plan B"? What's the exit strategy to a great heist? What do you do if/when you are caught, or found out? I mean, really! These are just a few of the considerations this Adventure will require for success. Any suggestions? Ideas? Call it "research". I am. Even as I do, and always remain,
In His Care.

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January 4, 2013 at 10:49pm
January 4, 2013 at 10:49pm
I don't.

I will, but right now, I just don't. The list of "Important Items" is growing, without the sanity of decisions made. Sometimes, this writing stuff just gets hard, ya know? I'll be working to make some decisions this weekend. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Next week, the medical drama begins Act # (Next In Order) as I peruse the MD possibilities, the heathcare and health insurance options, and get my next, latest round of labs. That alone just makes me weary. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. But, even if I am, not much, and not really. But, it does become wearysome. The combination of medical needs, surgical priorities and daily living are quite the dance. The only thing I can do is what I can, as I can, one item at a time. It's not so much any one thing. It all just tends to be confounding sometimes.

I'll let you know how it turns out. But, let me never forget, that this life, and each step in it, comes only from my desire to be,

In His Care.

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January 3, 2013 at 9:16pm
January 3, 2013 at 9:16pm
But I do believe I am beginning to home in on it. The question concerns the "theme" of the 2013 Annual Lenten Adventure. There are several ways to go with it, which is a very good thing for the writer. Given that this project will likely consume a significant part of the next three months of the life I have been given (assuming a lot here, but "Hey! Looking Forward!", the earlier I can set the wheels in motion, the sooner I can get about it. Right?

I always do a lot of wrestling over these projects. Starting or completing a novel? No problem. Writing a Poli Sci textbook? No problem, other than time. But, putting together the pieces of what will eventually become an Annual Adventure? Trepidation. Checking, and re-checking. Constant prayer. Confirmation-seeking becomes my best, and most-employed skill.Exciting? You bet. The possibilities loom large for any such project. I'm sure it's that way with contests, raffles, and the other myriad of projects our fine writers undertake, as well. These creations are as personal to those creative writers as the Adventures are to me. My Adventures, however, are not truly mine; I am but a typist and Guide to the Adventurers. The work I must do pales in comparison to the seriously heavy work they must do. One happy Adventurer describes her combined Adventure experiences as, for her, a kind of "Spiritual Olympics".

I've quoted this Adventurer's words since I first read them. While I can fully understand and appreciate them as they are meant to be received, they do cause me to look carefully at this Adventure. Forty days of daily participation in anything at WDC is asking more than most members would dare commit to, much less complete successfully. The daily work can take anywhere from moments to hours, and that's not including the response time, the sharing and encouragement time, the research and creative writing time. For those who have never experienced (or endured, as the case may be!) an Adventure, this all may seem intimidating, or stupid, or just a waste of your time. But, ask any Adventurer how they feel about their experience, and see what they would tell you. From the Adventure Team, to those supporting the Adventures, to the Adventurers themselves, the Annual Adventure Series is what some lesser-inclined members might well refer to as a "mind-numbing experience". I must also tell you that these particular participants do/did not make it to a successful completion of an Adventure. I, myself, have failed to complete Adventures before, but only because of illness. In that particular Adventure, there was only one Adventure that I consider a successful "Graduate", who even outshone me! (I do love it when that happens!) You should send a congratulatory note to just4him, and tell her I sent you. Of course, this year's Adventure is still on-going (a new twist). Many signed up, a lot of members showed up, but very few are still on the journey.

What some would call the "completion" rate I refer to as the "survival" rate. As an experiment, it is the counsel of those who have sussessfully completed an Adventure that I seek, along with the counsel of those who have participated in, yet not successfully completed an Adventure. There is inevitably a stark difference between the general nature of the two camps. I, and the Adventure Team, need them both in order to evaluate and adjust the next Adventure.

That's why I am sending my idea for this year's Annual Lenten Adventure to the members of the Adventure Hall of Heroes (What? You didn't know that? Psshaw!) for their input. Among the various and sundry variations of each Adventure, this one could be the very first one largely (or even completely) designed by veteran Adventurers. Once the input is received, the work, as it progresses, can be followerd and interacted with, via subscription, {xlink:}here. When the Team has given their input, I will make the decisions necessary to bring the Adventure to life.

Ya see? The problem is, there is not just one possible answer to the question, even in my own mind: there are two. *sigh* And so it goes, as I do remain,.

In His Care,

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January 2, 2013 at 5:45pm
January 2, 2013 at 5:45pm
It's your friend.

Traditionally (well, at least historically), the time after the Christmas Holidays begin to wind down has been one of two major "down times" in my life each year. I do not mean down in the dumps. I mean not so busy. Folks of my trade generally are done with the Holiday obligations for a while, and things kind of settle into what I have always called the "Winter Ease". Strangely, I have always looked forward to this time, and especially after my birth day celebrations are ended (currently the Gayla Festivities are on Day 3!!).

Yesterday and today are my 2013 "Organization Days" here at Chateau de Budroe. All the 2012 action files, receipts, etc. (personal and business) are collected, organized, placed into the appropriate Banker's Boxes, and placed into storage. My Study sighs relief from the burden of now unnecessary paper! I DO remember when the computer was alleged to be the savior of trees. Umm, well....

Like a bath with a Brillo Pad, these days are cleansing in my world. New files are now set up, and ready to receive all the important things they will hold, potentially forever. A new Journal adorns my desk, as does a new Bible. A new blank Music Book (an elegant Christmas gift) is also present, for those notations as well. I am at that moment where, all the players assembled, I now raise the baton on a new performance "of a lifetime". Sitting ramrod straight at my desk, my hands curled into fists atop my desk pad, I am signalling "Bring it on!" (Yes, really. Yes, there is more to that statement, but I'm a good boy!) *Smile*

And, about ten minutes ago, my entire world stopped, cold in it's barely newborn tracks.

I realized that it has been nearly two decades since I last felt this. (Eighteen years, to be precise.) Experiencing the loss of two families, two careers, and (if you have been reading along here) a sometimes too-difficult journey since October 28th, 2006 have all come and gone, along with all the steps and journeys in between. Am I deluding myself? Or, am I truly ready to take on all comers this year? Panic and uncertainty rushed into my mind--momentarily. But then I realized: this is who I am. This is who I was created to be. I will be that, and see how it goes. As I would rather be hated for what I am than loved for what I am not, so would I rather live these days on my terms rather than exist on someone else's terms.

And, if for no more than just today, I must tell you quite honestly. That feels just freakin' AWESOME! Whether a fresh visitation from an old, fermented friendship, or a new reality I can somehow admit and accept, I am ready (at least organizationally) for 2013. Of course, given my list of yesterday, organization is much more than just my friend. Organization is my working companion, my secret weapon against the "Tyranny of the Urgent!", and the first contact with my activities in life. It has taken many years of trial and error to develop a system which coincides with my thinking and organizational skills. I used to be pretty good at it.

It's been a long time, and I'm not quite secure enough with the rust around what was. The training wheels are still on this one, but I'll take it for a spin and see what develops. I do know that one thing I've learned on this journey is that everything, no matter what it may be, is new. But, every thing is also survivable, so long as I remain,

In His Care.

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January 1, 2013 at 5:52pm
January 1, 2013 at 5:52pm
Yes, it really is worth two exclamation points. This day represents so much, to so many.

To me, it represents success, and opportunity. The success is that I made it to this day. That's my success, not "theirs"(Sounds of boos, hisses and fies emanate from just beneath the page'). They are still scratching their heads, trying with an ever-increasing mystery, yet determination. While they said this day would never come with me celebrating it, still here, I am. I do not arrive at this day alone, nor without some truly heroic help. I must, however, stand here on this day, my feet squarely planted on the fertile and untested soil of 2013. Therein lies the opportunity.

What shall I plant here, in this virgin, fertile soil? We will not know that until another 365 days have passed. Yet, the list of opportunity begins. For instance:

1. This is the first of 365 potential concurrent blog entries which, if done well, will result in a "complete" year of blogging my journey. I know that, every day I am given, there is the opportunity to contribute something positive, something significant, something so worthy as to be diaried. If it is worthy of noticing, it is life-changing. These are the things this journey is about. They should be given space here. Both nouns and verbs qualify. I want to have something to put in this diary each and every day, and I want to do that. This journey, together with you, has been and remained highly therapeutic for me and, I might say with humility, many others who find themselves called along with me on this journey through, and beyond the valley. While the words I type here are largely personal, I also hope they will be found as helpful to others. That is, in the end, the fuller purpose of this writing. I want to do that.

2. I want to spend my time this year making the 10 hours of every week when I present live radio better, more significant, and more useful. As is writing my words a gift given to my stewardship, so are the words I speak, or read. Thousands of listeners are informed each week because of the words they hear me speak. Because I control those words, I must submit them, and the team which helps me prepare them, to honesty. Opinion must be retained within large, boldly outline boxes identified as such, whether by my own hand, or the interaction on our live air with our guests and callers. I want to implement an "8 week" production schedule for the shows to highlight the professionalism the show has drawn to it, and to reduce the amount of error or inaccuracy which could be couched in opinion, ideology, or hubris.

3. I want to "finish the work" of the Annual Adventures with the presentation of the Annual Lenten Adventure: 2013 Edition. This would provide a complete set of Adventure dioramas which could be presented a minimum of 18 variations for future presentations to this community. Easter, 2013 arrives on March 31st, 2013. A forty-day Adventure would require a total of forty-five (45) days' activities, beginning on February 15th, 2013. There is, as yet, no theme for this Adventure. The Annual Advent Adventure: 2013 Edition "What Gift Do YOU Bring?" is currently under way, and will be until January 13th, 2013. That is, in combination, a very large commitment on my part, and on the part of what must become a much larger Adventure Team if this project's first portion is to be effectively and honorably completed according to the Dad who brought this project to me, and those bold and daring Adventurers who have, and are, making the Adventures the life-changing realities they have become. The always-planned second phase is the writing, editing, and publication of the materials for each Adventure. The third phase is the replication ability of any Adventure within any group, anywhere as a combination of both "small group" and "large group" components. Final phase? That is left entirely to Dad, but I see it with my own eyes as being marketing, sales, and presentation possibilities. But, not if I do not complete the small part I have been given. I want to do that in 2013.

4. I am committed to some non-radio political activity in 2013. That may, but most likely will not include standing (myself) for public office. There are three additional considerations now in play:

A. The "99 County" Strategy, which must be written and completed; the training of it to 292,000 new voices, and the nation-wide implementation of the strategy as organized citizens of a nation who has desperate need for voices of reason in the democratic process.

B. Teaching at the Kennedy Center for Political Science at Harvard University Online for the coming year. There has been so much accomplished within the Online nature of the EdX project, as well as the work of the New Organizing University that this work qualifies for continuation in my view. Whether teaching established content, or creating and teaching new content, I feel that this is a natural fit for me.

C. Teaching candidates how to run honest, honorable and successful campaigns, and seeing them through. And, of course, writing about them. Creating a positive and safe media space where campaigns can exist, and document their work and success is, to me, a very reasonable goal.

5. Medically, this day represents a sad new reality for me. My insurance is, as of today, no longer accepted by either my first direct access point to healthcare, nor to the Regional Medical Center (Hospital) which has overshadowed my existence for these past several years. So, without the ability to offer me a direct transfer to another physician recommended by my physician, who has lost his contract and his practice--not to mention his privileges to the point that he has chosen to remove himself from the area, and the nation to return to his native Canada, I do feel bare, vulnerable, and not just a little bit overwhelmed at the notion of, for no reason of my making, yet once again required to start all over again--again! Somehow, I must find it within myself to care enough to do this.

I can tell you, dear reader, this is perhaps the most difficult of those tasks I list on this day. If you understand, I need not explain. If you cannot understand, no amount of explanation would be sufficient. Why do so many hate us so? Why must it always be we, the ill and infirm who must fight, claw and scrape for nothing more than the God-granted right to exist? It does become very tiring. I don't have much strength as it is. I want to jealously guard the energy I must expend on this artificially manufactured, and completely unnecessary burden for each day of 2013, in the belief that what I do, the energy I expend with be productive, selfless, and reflecting of my Dad. I just don't know if that will happen. I know if cannot, will not happen if left only to me. I'm just really mad about this new first reality in 2013.

6. I want to honor, each day in 2013, those who have honored me in 2012. That is to say I want to do a whole bunch of giving back this new year of 2013. I hope that I can speak positive words each day in this diary of doing precisely that. I hope that my every word, thought, and deed will represent something of the greatest value, purpose, and nature. This is one of those expectations which I have had the experience and understanding to govern judiciously. It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be good enough.

A great deal of the obligation on my part is getting out of the way, and letting my Dad show up, and show off. I have a tremendous access point to fulfill this expectation in The God's Way Group   on WDC. This amazing group, begun by my friend and fellow Adventurer vivacious , the group who has sponsored, encouraged, supported, and participated in each and every Annual Adventure or other study course I have chosen to create at WDC, the group who has, along with Open Door To Grace group on WDC, begun by my friend, confidante, and fellow Christ follower SHERRI GIBSON and were among the very first co-sponsors, encouragers and supporters of the Adventures (and whose members have shared those of GWG with the powerful presentation of those things of Dad to our entire community in the beginning)--deserves high energy, high impact leadership which it does not today have available to it. GWG has developed many site-wide activities, from our Reviewing Team, Ministry Teams, Prayer Teams, Contests and Activities Teams (including the Adventures), a Christian Blog Ring...and several other activities. Those activities need, in 2013, to be revitalized, re-committed, and re-introduced to the WDC community. I cannot do all these things myself, and I most assuredly cannot do them alone. I want to honor this group, and make certain all these things happen by the group, for the group in 2013.

7. I want to know what to write, in 2013. From political retirement, I have been drug kicking and screaming back into the arena. Now that I am in it, I want to be able to contribute positively where I can. So many issues and concerns come into my heart with such sadness and anger today. I left them to the care and problem-solving of others, having done more than anyone thought to be my part. Evidently Dad sees it otherwise. But I cannot address them all, and I cannot document them all. These, along with growing an online learning system, continuing my own daily walk and work, sometimes finding myself incapable of anything but being a patient are the concerns within my for my living in 2013. But, more than anything, for each and every day of 2013, I want to remain,

In His Care.

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December 30, 2012 at 1:24am
December 30, 2012 at 1:24am
The Annual Advent Adventure  , 2012 Edition: "What Gift Do YOU Bring?" is, at day eleven, nearly complete.

The Adventurers are journeying to Bethlehem, and beyond into the unknown of 2013 as the bold and daring Adventurers they have become. It has been, and continues to be an amazing and GRAND Adventure. My gratitude knows no bounds, and it is purely because of the learning, growing and sharing which I am privileged to experience with this dedicated group. I know they will have a lifelong memory of this Adventure that will carry them far beyond where we are today. For that, I am so very glad.

But, as every writer well knows, coming to the completion of a project--especially one of such magnitude, brings with it a bit of sadness for the finishing. That will last for a time, especially for me. If, however, history is any indication, there lies ahead even more adventuring. And that, IS the incredible reality of today for me.

Today, I opened the Blog for what I have designed to be the very last installment of the original Adventure series. Either one of three realities will obtain in the future:

1. The Adventures will become a rotational compilation, intended to be led by veteran Adventurers, bringing new Adventurers into the Adventure family, or
2. I will, after some time of rest and re-creation, choose to add to the library of the Adventure series, or
3. The Adventures will retire as well-done, and life-changing experiences for the Adventurers, and the Adventure team.

Yet, today begins the work of The Annual Lenten Adventure, 2013 Edition  . As with every Adventure, I begin with a "clean screen" with the full and certain knowledge that, by the time it begins, this last original Adventure will become filled with the words, deeds, thoughts and actions dictated by my Dad, who calls all Adventurers--even Adventure Leaders.

Life is a funny, fragile thing. While not a single one of us knows the number of days allotted to us, we must be prepared to be Adventurers, bold and daring, each and every day we are given. I believe that looking forward, long a very difficult task for me personally, is a true mark of those who remain, daily,

In His Care.

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December 29, 2012 at 6:50pm
December 29, 2012 at 6:50pm
For 138 long days, I have been incapable of writing in this, the continuing journey. The reasons are purely financial. But for the kindness of The Open Door To Grace" group on WDC, I would have had no account at all. To them, please accept my deepest appreciation and gratitude for the Upgraded Account you bequeathed to me as my Premium Account faced expiration. Because of your gift, I was able to continue my participation in this community that has come to me so very much to me.

It has been a year of challenge in many ways. To finally have the ability to return my membership to its previous level is a gift to myself, but it is also a gift for myself. The challenges of "trimming" my account now over, I can presume the full measure of my membership. That is a very heavy burden lifted, and gives me new motivation and impetus to continue the journey. And so I will.

To those of you who have followed, and journeyed with me through, and beyond the valley, thank you. Let's agree that 2013 will mark the return to the journey together. There is much to do, much to say, and much to experience. It would be my greatest joy if we might do that together. I do, and still remain,

In His Care.

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