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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1048239
Just a journal of life beyond Hope and past the Gates of Hell
I am writer first, a man of many experiences and father, Writing a blog is definitely a difficult task and hopefully something here will pluck a strand from your emotional heart and you will say, oh yeah, I get that! If not, then you are a better person than me. Thanks for reading and I am always open to your opinions and comments.

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March 25, 2014 at 8:49pm
March 25, 2014 at 8:49pm
So hey, I just want to weigh in on this Malaysian plane disappearance. It is my belief, they will never find a crash site. I'm thinking most of the media reports must be misleading us intentionally. Surely they must know the fate of this aircraft with all of the technology that exists today. I understand someone turned off all of the tracking equipment on board but we still have satellite tracking and radar.

It seems to me, in the beginning of this story, they mentioned two persons of interest who boarded the plane with false identities. They flew into Malaysia using their real names and ID but got on this flight with forged documents. Well, hello? Huge red flag and unlikely a coincidence. In my line of work, I have learned there are no coincidences. Everything has a place. But not to worry as these guys were not known terrorists but merely human traffickers. How many humans were on that flight?

I rest my case.
March 24, 2014 at 10:35pm
March 24, 2014 at 10:35pm
It has been a long time since my last entry. I have been to the other side of the planet and back. I spent a year in Kandahar Afghanistan, then some time in Dubai and now back to the great white north, Northern Alberta Canada. Needless to say, it's been cold but winter is almost over. People will tell you it's a dry cold, my response to this is, it is a bloody COLD cold!

As I mentioned in the outline, I am a writer. Currently, I am working on three books at once. Sounds a little crazy but it isn't as it seems. The first book, I shelved because, well that's what they say to do with your first one. Then I started a second, didn't like it much so stopped at chapter ten and then one day I started writing the third. Well the third is almost done and as I went over it for final drafting, I took some time to re-read the previous books and well, they are actually pretty good. They will need re-writes but overall, they might be better than the third.

Now that you can publish without an agent, there is some hope of actually publishing and selling. Launching three books consecutively might help build some credibility too.

I will try to outline the three in the coming entries to give you an idea of what they are about.

Reading back over some of my past entries was somewhat of a kick! I am no longer with my wife, sadly after twenty some years, we decided mutually to part ways. Funny how things work out. I stopped drinking red wine early in our relationship because she thought it was so disgusting. Within a month of my departure, she now loves red wine? She has been overweight and a poor skin condition for ten. She dropped the pounds and found some magical cream that dropped 15 years off her face? I still feel like I made the right decision as now I am back focusing on my life and most importantly, my writing. Don't get me wrong, I still love my wife and will always make sure she is happy. Men and women are just a little bit like oil and water and after twenty years, this oil is wet enough!

Thanks for reading, until next time...

May 3, 2006 at 1:05am
May 3, 2006 at 1:05am
T’was the very merry month of May…oh yeah, sorry. It’s just that it seems like heaven being here in the Okanogan, you know, that undisclosed place?

I hope you all enjoyed my story the other day. I hope that gives you a little indication as to my personality. I don’t look for trouble but it usually finds me. My wife calls me an ‘idiot magnet’ and I suppose she’s right to a degree. The problem as I see it, I’m an idealist who can’t help but get involved.

‘Conflict Resolution’ yep, that’s my specialty. Ha ha! Truthfully though, most conflicts are due to a lack of communication from the parties involved. Take my wife for instance, I love her more today then when we first met. Eleven years! When we were first married, we fought constantly. It took years for her to figure out that what men say is what they mean. If I say good morning, I mean ‘good morning’ not how come you slept so late? If I thought she slept too much, then I would say ‘I think you sleep too much’ not ‘good morning’. I should point out, that is merely an example as I sleep much more than my wife.

‘Being able to see the other persons’ point of view’ there’s a good one. We tend to be cynical in our deductions and I’ve even known people who spend hours deducing what someone has said. If you spend more than a few minutes thinking about someone’s point of view, chances are you’re wrong.

My parents, love them dearly, but they can have a five minute conversation, then spend hours analyzing what you said. By the time their done, you shot JFK.

They wonder why I never tell them anything?

Until next time,

May 1, 2006 at 1:20am
May 1, 2006 at 1:20am
So, I’m renovating this restaurant and the contractor asks me to go to the lumber store and pick up some moldings. After telling me he needs five fourteen foot pieces, I grab the company pick up and head down to the local building center.

Once inside, I find the moldings, load them onto the cart and head for the cashier. After banging my way through the narrow lanes, I am greeted by a smiling young lady who takes my money and out to the parking lot I go.

Now let’s think about this, Chevy pick up with a regular box of about eight feet, me with moldings of about fourteen feet. No problem! I’ll just stick them through that fancy ‘headache rack’ and let them hang over the windshield.

All’s well as I slip behind the wheel and begin to motor out of the lot. That’s when I noticed another contractor in a Dodge pick up, staring at my load and shaking his head. That was my first clue that all would not go well.

As I cruised down the street I saw that the moldings were getting caught up in the wind and were bending back towards the box. I knew there was no chance that I would get them back to the job site without breaking them since I still had to hit the highway.

With a certain air of confidence, I pulled down a side street to stop and secure my load. Now remember, this isn’t my regular pick up. It’s the one I provide for my staff, I rarely ever drive it.

Lifting the seat forward, I pulled free a tangled bundle of fiber rope. Pleased with the find, I went around to the passenger side and began wrapping the rope around the end of the moldings and the outside rearview mirror. Once they seemed secure enough, there was still about twenty feet of rope left.

Normally I would have some kind of knife kicking around but since it wasn’t my usual truck, I had to resort to burning the rope with a lighter. After a few burnt fingers, I was finally done. Satisfaction mirrored my face as I tossed the remaining rope back in behind the seat and climbed in while out of the corner of my eye, I could see a police car pass by. Thinking nothing of it, I motored away. Glancing back, I was surprised to see the police car turn around and pull me over.

Just as this was happening, smoke began to cloud inside the truck as I guess the rope wasn’t quite out when I put it away. Pulling the truck over, I leapt out flipping the seat forward and began to pull free the rope. The next thing I know, I’m laying on the ground with my lips and cheek pressed against drainage grate with a two hundred pound policeman on my back firmly holding my right arm with one hand and my hair with the other.

“Did you toss it behind the seat?” He asked.

Confused by his concern for my rope, I stumbled my words but managed to answer, “..yes, but I guess it wasn’t quite out.”

“Penticton…eleven alpha seven.” He called into his radio and once he received a reply he continued, “Can I have a supervisor and back up to four eighteen Ellis Street for one in custody.”

Now I’ll admit that my load wasn’t exactly perfect and surely there was no chance he could have seen my earlier illegal u-turn and even if he did, ‘one in custody?’ is this a police state? Surely there must be some misunderstanding.

A few minutes later, three other police cars arrived and they collectively handcuffed and threw me into the back of a patrol car. They made it quite clear that they weren’t ready to listen to me at this point.

I sat and watched as they pulled apart the contents of the pick up leaving them strewn about the street until they produced the still smoldering rope. The supervising officer held up the rope, snuffing out the ember with his gloved hand. Taking a whiff, he began to laugh as he passed it around to the other officers. After a lot more laughing and several jokes that I couldn’t hear, the supervisor, grinning from ear to ear, came over and let me out of the police car and removed the handcuffs.

“Sorry for the misunderstanding sir.” He managed between his uncontrolled laughter, “But you have to admit, it is pretty funny!”

Still completely in the dark about what was going on, I nodded and agreed with a half witted smile. The Supervisor patted me on the back as he walked away. A moment later and I was the only one left on the street.

Half an hour later I was back at the restaurant where Brian, the head contractor, was helping me unload. He began to untie the rope from the mirror as he began to notice an unusual smell. Grabbing the burnt end of the rope, he carefully inspected it. His face broke from concerned to amused, “Hemp rope!”

February 10, 2006 at 12:04am
February 10, 2006 at 12:04am
I suppose I left everyone hanging back in January. Well I'm back, for the moment at least.

There are plenty of things that have occured since my last entry so where should I begin?

How about the Shit Rats? The one that left has returned and now they have the full force of the Boothroyd Indian Band after them.

It turns out that one of the young ladies associated with the band, had her car broken into and her stereo taken. One of the band members aproached me shortly afterward asking me if I had any idea who might of taken the radio. Naturally, I pointed him in the right direction.

The following night, a team of Natives hit the Shit Rat apartment complex kicking in doors, ruffing up occupants and relieving them of their booty.

This occured several more times as the Rats continued to irritate the Natives. The Rats seemed to be slow learners but nonetheless are realizing that the Band is not a force worth pissing with. The Band is relentless and will never give up until a resolution is reached.

As for the new Police officer that came to town. He seems to be a very good, agressive yet very diplomatic policeman. Turns out he is the exception, not the rule.

We went to the boat show yesterday. Prices seem very good this year. We are negotiating to purchase a 29 foot Larsen.

Two more friends moved away this week. Decent folk, sorrowly missed. Lucky buggars!

As far as the 'Angry Mob' is concerned, the police finally extended their patrol hours and the mob has settled down.

Found out recently that there could be a International wanted criminal living here in our town. I can't tell you more about it until it is resolved. I'll keep you posted.

I could probably go on for pages and pages but I have work to do so I'll catch you on the flip.

See you soon,

January 16, 2006 at 1:47am
January 16, 2006 at 1:47am
Just a Quickie. I learned tonight that somehow, the cabin that the 'Shit Rats' were going to inhabit, suffered an isolated lightening strike.
One of the three 'Rats', has already left town. He decided that he didn't want any part of this. Life elsewhere, is less complicated. One down, two to go.
There were plenty of other interesting developements but we'll have to wait until tomorrow as I am pressed for time.

In other news, we had our annual Fireman's dinner and party last night. It was out of this world, definately the best one yet. We had it at a Guest ranch with full run of the guest quarters, restaurant and hot tub.
The ensueing party lasted until 4am and wound up like something out of 'Girls Gone Wild'. Well what would you expect from Firemen?
I was shocked that even the conservative women got into the game. Amazing what effect alcohol, firemen and hot tubs can have on even the most reserved women.

Sorry for being so short,

January 14, 2006 at 2:32am
January 14, 2006 at 2:32am
Wow, Friday the thirteenth!
That explains a lot, there were plenty of developments in the ‘Angry Mob’ case. Surprisingly enough, the RCMP actually moved in on the bad guys and some people even had some of their things returned.
Okay, there’s an up side and a down side to this story, of course you knew that full resolution wasn’t going to come that quickly.
The up side; Obviously the moving in of the RCMP and people getting some of their things returned. The other up side, the owner of the apartment complex felt obligated to evict them.
The down side; Nobody has been charged. Even though the stolen property was found in their premises, (a back room closet or storage of some kind), since there were three of them living there, the RCMP have decided that they can’t prove which one had possession of the items. Of course we all know it was all three.
Unfortunately, they have found a place to stay. It’s out in the wilderness at an old gold prospector’s cabin. There’s already been talk from town that some individuals are going to go up there ahead of them to make it uninhabitable.
Me myself, I figure they’ll strike again tonight, especially now that they have lost all their loot.

I’ll keep you posted,

January 13, 2006 at 2:58am
January 13, 2006 at 2:58am
So I’m guessing you’re all sitting on the edge of your seats waiting to hear more about the ‘Angry Mob’.
As I spelled out the other day, they have been on a blood hunt for some local Shit Rats. The plot has thickened.
Since Tuesday, the local high school was broken into. The Police were contacted by the alarm company but declined to attend forcing the school secretary to go down and check it out at 2am. She found that they had attempted entry through a rear window. When everything was said and done, nothing appeared to be missing. It is believed that the audible alarm scared them off.
On Wednesday, we were introduced to a new RCMP officer who had just been transferred to our community. His name is Paulo. Maybe we’ll have better luck with him but since his background is ‘School Liaison’, (That’s RCMP talk for ‘can’t make it in general duty’) we’re not overly optimistic but nonetheless hopeful that he is the exception, not the rule.
As it turns out, one of the local guys who walks on the edge of the law, had his house broken into but didn’t report since they stole his cache of firearms. Now I’m just guessing but I think maybe they were illegal weapons and that’s why he didn’t call the police.
That would mean the Shit Rats really do have guns to shoot us with. Here I thought they were just bluffing. Now you know why I don’t play poker.
I went to the school today to pick up my nine year old boy and in the process was stopped by several parents. They all had concerns about policing and the perceived safety of the community or lack thereof. After leaving there, I went to the local tire shop to inquire on some tires that I had ordered for my F-350 pick up. Once again I was accosted by several members of the community who wished to voice their concerns. Finally I brought my boys up to our store to get a candy treat and once again I was met by more members of the community complaining about the state of policing in the community.
I am guessing at this point you must be wondering why everyone is coming to me. That’s a bit of a long story, you see, several years ago we came across a similar problem. The end result was the creation of a ‘Star Chamber’ like vigilante squad of which I was the President and founding member. We called ourselves the ‘Regulators’.
We were very vocal and made no attempt to be clandestine. As a matter of fact, I made it very clear to the RCMP middle management that if they weren’t going to provide proper policing then we would take action to protect ourselves and our property.
Quote from the Staff Sergeant responsible for our area at that time, “Get used to the fact that there will be many times when there won’t be any available policing for your area.”
I thanked him, assuring him that all we needed was advance notice. We could deal with situations if we knew we wouldn’t get any police response. His statement in return was, and I quote; “Consider yourself notified.”
We had a council of six and a membership of nearly twenty. We were well equipped and responded on a two way radio system. It was very effective. To this day there are more than one youths who thank us for scaring them straight. Youths that I very much never expected to contribute to society yet today they have good jobs and young families.
Eventually our story made it all the way to Ottawa. One might think the shit might have come down but I’ll give the RCMP big marks for how they handled us.
They sent a very professional female Inspector accompanied by a Staff Sergeant to visit me. After a few pleasantries it was down to business. The conversation was very civil as I explained our point of view. I pointed out that our original intent was only to provide security and enforcement but it seemed that the courts were doing equally as poor a job as the RCMP. So we felt we needed to move into the execution of justice. I ended with, ‘Ideally, we would rather the RCMP did their job but if their not, we certainly will continue.”
By the end of the conversation we worked out an agreement that I knew would be amiable to the community, (Since they agreed to everyone of our demands).
The very next day we had full policing once again. We disbanded the Regulators and went about our lives.
Things had been good up until about three or four months ago, now the community is calling for the Regulators to ride again. Perhaps we will.

Until next time,

January 10, 2006 at 12:44am
January 10, 2006 at 12:44am
I know, I know, where the hell have you been?
Okay, so here’s the long; as you already know, I sold our business. So it has been a whirl wind ever since. You know, lawyers, inspectors, business reports, inventory and asset counts and so on, and so on.

We spent this past weekend in the City of Kamloops, looking at a couple of other business’ we might purchase. There are two that have peaked our interest. One is a very well established fine bakery, Deli, Convenience Store and Gelato bar. It seems to be well run and very successful financially and has acted responsibly in the community and with its employees.
The other is a five star restaurant. Food was absolutely incredible but financially, we would only be buying jobs. The return is rather poor.

I started writing this yesterday but was interrupted by a band of citizens who walked into my office at 11pm armed with baseball bats and what have you. (Angry Mob!)
No, they weren’t after me, as hard as that might be to believe. They actually wanted me to join their group.
While I was away, several of the local ‘SHIT RATS’ broke into one of the local truck repair shops and made off with several pieces of equipment. This is just another incident among many. It has gotten so bad around here that I have a night watchman on site at night.
There have been about twenty break-ins in the last two months and several cars stolen, (Including my night watchman’s pick up).
Everyone knows exactly who, their names are Denver and Shawn. Two young men whose parents are drug addicts, (Never had a chance), they live in an apartment complex that caters solely to the drug trade. Incidentally, that complex is three doors down from the Police Station (Pretty embarrassing hey?).
The RCMP’s position on these fellows is even more embarrassing. The ‘MOB’ leader was explained today by one of the RCMP officers, that Shawn had tried to run down a Police officer using a stolen vehicle and had almost killed the officer. In the next breath, the RCMP officer said “it is a free country, if those two want to live here, they have every right.”
Okay, so let’s look at the evidence, Shawn moves to town last year. There is a sudden rash of thefts. Shawn gets arrested and imprisoned until summer of 2005. There is another rash of burglaries in town around September and carries on to October until a RCMP officer gets him violated for parole (That was a very good Police officer but has transferred to another jurisdiction). Shawn comes back to town in late November, thefts start happening again and again and again.
In the last theft, one of the stolen items was a compressor on wheels. The owner of the compressor, followed the wheel marks left in the dirt as the thief dragged it home. The tracks led to the front door of Shawn’s apartment.
Now I’m no Sherlock Holmes but it does seem to me that it would be at least worth investigating. Maybe a knock on the door or a couple of questions? How about anything? No… just “It’s a free country.”
Now I realize that they are busy writing speeding tickets and visiting the cute girls at the ambulance station but surely one could free up thirty minutes to actually investigate a crime. Kind of reminds me of ‘Springfield’. Even if it never resulted in charges, perhaps some harsh words and letting them know that the Police are on to them would at least slow their progress. Instead, the ‘Shit Rats’ stood at the roadside and taunted the victims telling them how many other places they have broken into as well.
The latest statement by Shawn and Denver was, ‘If anyone tries anything to stop us, we’ll find them one by one and burn their houses down.’ Now, once again, my name’s not Sherlock but I think I would be interested in talking to those two over that.
The bottom line was, the angry mob had the apartment block surrounded for several hours and eventually when nobody came out, the group decided to call it a night vowing to return the next night. If the police won’t investigate, they will make sure they can’t go out and commit the crimes.
Once again the mob showed up at my office tonight, some how I’ve become one of the coordinators? Anyway, we came up with a game plan where only a few will watch while I sit at home with a 2 way radio and if anything happens, I have a list of phone numbers to call. One thing I do know, something will happen sooner or later, they are Crystal Meth addicts and they can only go so long before they will need money for more. When they do need the money, they will take whatever chances are necessary and with any luck, the MOB will be there waiting.

I’ll keep you posted.

December 29, 2005 at 2:15am
December 29, 2005 at 2:15am

Well it's pretty much official, we sold our business! Just under 1.2 mil. That means in another 45 days I will be a free agent.
I guess I'll be writing from somewhere very warm and I can taste those pretty umbrella drinks already!
So continuing on the holiday Blog, I decided on the next four books I'm going to write. One will be a sequal to the one I've just finished then the next will be a partnership with an author who has already been published twice. We made the deal over Christmas.
Finally and with great pleasure, I will write 'Salsa in your Step' a self help guide to spice up or improve your sexual life.
The incident at mom and dad's was about the content of that book.
There are things that need to be included, ie 'KINK' that I know little about. One of my sisters has been writing Kink for a number of years (of which she was unaware that I knew) But since I did, I asked her to provide some material.
Needless to say, she was shocked. Her first words were, 'how did you know?' "Dave" I said, Dave is a mutual friend who couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it.
Her second set of words were, 'you didn't tell mom and dad?' Now if you recall, we were sitting on the patio at the time. I said "What? You think I'm crazy? Of course not." That was when I heard my mothers voice over my shoulder, 'I can see you're all having a private conversation that you don't want me yo hear'
My sister left the patio door open!
Well the only way to get around this is, to create some elaborate lie that none of us can ever live up to or just never ever mention it again.
I'll admit, if I'm pressed, I'll lie.

Well I know this is a quicky, but I have to go,
Until tomorrow,



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