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Welcome to my blog: I intend to share heartfelt writing about anything that comes to mind. |
Wow! I was really exhausted yesterday. I couldn't even finish writing in my blog. It's been a busy week. Can life slow down for a little while just long enough for me to catch my breath?
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
** Image ID #2249882 Unavailable ** Take UP Your Cross Blog Prompt: Consider a time when you struggled to understand a Bible passage. How did you seek clarity, and what did you learn? Being a preacher's kid, I was always taught that you go to a pastor or another spiritual leader in the church if you want someone else's opinion. You can cross reference it with other verses in the Bible and you can use a concordance and dictionary for more clarity and to do a comparative word study. Of course, now days, you can just do an internet search and get all sorts of information on just about any verse or topic. Prayer prompt: Pray for long term solutions to environmental problems and pollution globally. God, I do hope that we will have good long-term solutions to environmental problems and for pollution around the world. Let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Forgive us for the sins that we havecommitted against you and the earth. In Jesus' name, Amen ** Image ID #2224458 Unavailable **
While busying myself to get the mountain of reports checked out for the captain, I visited the star Detective and found this item that I could definitely relate to.
Read, review, and write about completing errands today. We all have errands to do. It is easy to relate to this poem. Sometimes, I wish I had more energy to complete errands with. ** Image ID #2227425 Unavailable **
Begin your entry with this quote: “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” ― Charles Dickens. And then write a story tying the temperature differences. “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” ― Charles Dickens. This quote came to my mind as I stood in my front yard today. I was watching the birds fly high up in the sky and the squirrels scampering, chasing each other through the grass from tree to tree. I watched the leaves as they rustled in the wind and felt the light breeze brush across my face. The warmth of the sun sent its energy down my arms. I heard the cars on the highway nearby, the birds chirping, the leaves making their familiar sound in the wind, and the sound of children playing at a distance. Then the moment I stepped into the shade, an unexpected chill went through my body as I felt the cool wind pass by me. Where was the warmth from the sun I had felt only seconds ago? Let this thought inspire your entry today, "March may start off slow, but once it gets going every flower will bloom and every bird will sing" . Do you feel renewed energy in March like the plants and the birds? I wish I felt the energy, but right now I feel completely drained. My energy done marched away from me. ![]() ![]() |
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
** Image ID #2249882 Unavailable ** Take UP Your Cross Blog Prompt: Do you believe Christ will come for his second time before, after, or in the middle of the tribulation? Why? I have heard arguments for all three. For a while, I leaned toward the middle belief. My parents believed the rapture would happen before the tribulation. Now days, I am leaning more towards it happening after the tribulation. The Bible verses can be kind of confusing regarding this. Rapture is not a term from the Bible either. I don't think the Bible tells us about these things for us to be afraid even though the tribulation will be a very scary time to live. I think it tells us so that we will be aware of it and prepare spiritually for it and so it won't take us off guard. Prayer prompt: Ask God to call thousands into full time ministry from every tongue, tribe, and nation. Dear God, You said in your word to pray for laborers. I pray now that you will raise many up in your name and call thousands into full time ministry from every tribe, tongue, and nation. I pray that your gospel will reach the rest of the world. I pray that these people will head your calling and that the people you send them to will receive the gospel fully and readily. In Christ's name, Amen ** Image ID #2224458 Unavailable ** I got a message about a false news report on planet, Soldier_Mike, and got Chewbacca to go with me to check it out. We need another opinion. Let us know if you think this report is true.
Read, Review and write about this in your blog. This is a fun to read fake news article. If you want to learn what assisted technicide is, this is a must read. ** Image ID #2227425 Unavailable **
Use these words in your entry today: shamrocks, clovers, leprechauns, fairies, legends, myths, blarney and Writing. com. Have fun, maybe there will be a place you can enter you story with a bit of Irish magic. Those words pack a lot of meaning. I honestly love to write poetry. Although, I enjoy stories. Poetry just comes so naturally to me. Then again, it kind of depends what mood I'm in too that determines what I will write and if it comes easily to me or not. Did you know shamrocks or 3-leaf clovers have a Christian meaning? https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/the-meaning-behind-the-shamrock/ Leprechauns are single fairies that came from the myths of Irish folklore. Maybe, when the writing mood isn't there, I need to go kiss the Blarney Stone which is said to give the gift of gab. ![]() ![]() ![]() What are your feelings on daylight savings? Do you think it still has a purpose or is it time to end it? I honestly don't think it really matters one way or another. It was originally made to help farmers as I understand it. I don't really know if modern farmers still need it or not. ![]() ![]() |
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
** Image ID #2249882 Unavailable ** Take UP Your Cross Blog Prompt: Write about a time you felt overwhelmed by God's love. How did this impact your relationship with Him? One day, I was just worshiping, praising God and singing some hymns. I experienced the glory and presence of God. Sometimes, the spirit really does sound like a wind. I heard it. A white cloud came in from the ceiling and filled the room. I felt like God had wrapped me up like a blanket and gave me a big old bear hug. It was an overwhelming feeling of love and peace. This experience made me feel closer to him and made me know he truly loved me. Prayer prompt: Pray for unity and peace within the worldwide Christian church. Dear God, I ask for there to be unity within your entire church body. I ask that we all come together in your love and share that same love with the people in the world around us. In Christ's name, Amen While sailing on the Galactic ship, I ran into Port Lazy Writer est 4/24/2008 and found this item.
Read, review, and write about this item. Can you hear God calling? I can hear God calling. I enjoyed reading this poem. I love the message of the poem which reflects that what we do to others, we are also doing to God. ** Image ID #2224458 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #2227425 Unavailable **
March is upon us with daylight savings renewed debates. March brings warmer weather in the Northern hemisphere and cooler weather in the Southern hemisphere. Do you have any plans for the month ahead, like planting a garden, spring or fall cleaning or lawn sales? My plans are just to work on cleaning this old house up and getting it organized. Prompt: "If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose it's loveliness." Mother Teresa Write about this in your Blog entry today. I love roses so I don't think it would lose its loveliness. However, it would lose its diversity maybe. ![]() ![]() |
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
** Image ID #2249882 Unavailable ** Take UP Your Cross Blog Prompt: Reflect on a Bible story that reminds you of a personal experience. How does this connection strengthen your faith? If I try hard enough, I can relate to many Bible stories and characters. I think the one I can relate to most though is where David and Jonothan loved each other as their own soul. I think that is how me and my best friend are. It is nice to have a close relationship with someone like this. Prayer prompt: Ask God to send Christ-entered friends into your life who will encourage you and keep you accountable. Dear Heavenly Father, Send good, Christ-centered friends into my life who will encourage me in your ways and keep me accountable. I could use some more close Godly friends. In Christ's name, Amen ** Image ID #2224458 Unavailable ** I met up with Twiggy, who I hadn't seen in years, to go in search of our next item to review. We stopped on planet Mary Ann MCPhedran and spotted this.
Read, review, and write about this item. What does it mean to chase rainbows in your humble opinion? I think this is a cute little poem. It was fun to read. I've always heard the phrase used to describes chasing seemingly unachievable dreams. ** Image ID #2227425 Unavailable **
Write about an adult coloring book. Sometimes, it just depends on my mood if I want to color in a children's or an adult's coloring book. The adult pictures can be more complicated than I want to deal with at the moment. However, I tend to prefer inspirational coloring books or animal pictures. Cartoon characters can be fun to color too. I color to relax with my best friend sometimes. ![]() ![]() |
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
** Image ID #2249882 Unavailable ** Take UP Your Cross Blog Prompt: Describe a moment when you experienced God's grace. How did it change your perspective on forgiveness and mercy? Every time I experience and realize the gravity of my sin, I experience God's grace. It is easier to forgive others when I realize how much I, myself, have been forgiven of. When I realize how my sin affects other people, it is easier to give others mercy. Prayer prompt: Pray for God's people and for Israel. Dear God, Be with your people. Be with Israel during this turbulent time. Protect them. Bring them your peace. Help them to put their faith in you and seek repentance so that you will heal their land. In Jesus' name, Amen ** Image ID #2224458 Unavailable ** I was working on a special project on planet (huser:beulin}, when I ran into this item.
Read, review, and write about this in your blog. I was disappointed to learn the little sapling was dead. I hope there was a good lesson learned from the mistakes that were made. ** Image ID #2227425 Unavailable ** Prompt: Truth and Lies "Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies." Ralph Waldo Emerson Did you ever believe in a lie? Then, aren't some lies so good that we end up believing them? We all believe a lie every now and then rather intentionally or not. That's why we have to be careful to not be deceived. It's too easy to be deceived. A lie is meant to appear better than the truth or at least as good so it can be believable. ![]() ![]() |
What day is this again? Oh yeah! It's Monday. I feel kind of like I missed a day somewhere. I'm still kind of brain foggy. I honestly think it's because the weather keeps drastically changing so quickly. We had below 0 wind chill last week and low 80"s today. It plays havoc on the autoimmune disease. I am feeling drained today too.
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
** Image ID #2249882 Unavailable ** Take UP Your Cross Blog Prompt: Think about a difficult decision you had to make. How did your faith influence your choice and the path you took? I have faced many difficult decisions in my life. My faith always seems to play a big role too. I've written about my most recent one not very long ago. I have many more to choose from though. It's hard to choose one in particular. One decision I had to make was if I should continue to work a part time job through the pandemic because I was a care giver to others. It was more than just about me. I have my own health issues but the people I was caring for was also high risk. I chose to not work. I haven't worked much since at a regular place of employment. This is partly how I got into network marketing. I don't want to try to follow through on a big decision without God being a part of it. I desire to live according to his will. Prayer prompt: Pray for the hostages of Hamas and their families. ** Image ID #2224458 Unavailable ** I ran across this item in my wonderings around the galaxy.
Read, review, and write about this in your blog today. Do you know any silly city names? I've always wanted to visit the town of Nowhere. That's here in Oklahoma. ** Image ID #2227425 Unavailable **
Use these words in your entry: play, madness, time, mind, pray, slice, dice, and March. I feel a poem coming on. As the March madness continues to bring A little season we know as Spring, The squirrels come out to scamper and play. I look out my window and begin to pray. These are crazy times we live in today It's a time of the rolling dice, We all want an economic slice of pie, And wondering how many are soon to die. Nations are rising against each other. People are quick to fight one another. It's hard for the mind to take it all in. Is it time for the end of the world to begin? Prompt: “Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” Germany Kent Do you really want your life to change direction at the moment, and/or which values would you like to prioritize right now in your life whether you want such a change or not? I am in a strange period of life. That's a good question. I don't necessarily like where I am right now. However, I am trusting in God's sovereignty. He has good and perfect plans for my life and is working everything out for the greater good in my life and those around me. ![]() ![]() |
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
Use these words in your entry today: sunshine, bananas, coconuts, monkey, tropical, treasure chests, and time travel. What do you think is the impact of nano-plastics on the human brain? Should we be concerned or not? ![]() ![]() |
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
** Image ID #2249882 Unavailable ** Take UP Your Cross Blog Prompt: Write about a time you felt God calling you to step out of your comfort zone. What was the outcome? Prayer prompt: Pray for intentional relationships with those in your life, especially with Jesus. Ask that God would help you to pursue and develop a personal relationship with himself. ** Image ID #2224458 Unavailable ** I received a message from Spock. He told me that I needed to check on planet Just a Penguin because there was a report of a fire, and I should make sure there were no injuries.
Read, review, and write about this item in your blog today. Have you had a similar experience? ** Image ID #2227425 Unavailable **
Use this opening line in your entry today: I changed out of sweatpants for this. Have fun. Here's the question many of us are thinking, who ordered the polar vortex? Well, this is your moment to point fingers, cast blame or simply create the best story ever. Have fun. ![]() ![]() |
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
** Image ID #2249882 Unavailable ** Take UP Your Cross Blog Prompt: Reflect on a prayer that was answered in an unexpected way. How did this deepen your trust in God? I am drawing a blank right now on any specific story. God always answers my prayers. He speaks in so many ways. One way is in our circumstances. I think for me; it is important to keep a prayer journal. It makes me so much more aware of how and when my prayers are answered. I have kind of slipped away from prayer journalling the way I need to over the last few months and need to get back into it. Life just happened is all. Prayer prompt: Ask God to heal relationships that have been broken. Dear God, Please heal any broken relationships that need healing in my life. You know who they are. In Christ's name, Amen ** Image ID #2224458 Unavailable ** I had heard some good reports about the port of Beholden on his planet. I went to check it out for myself and came across this item.
Read, review and write about this in your blog today. Is there peace anywhere? I can sympathize with the main character. Even Jesus tried to find solitude from the crowds from time to time, and people still sought him out. He had compassion on them though. We all need a little solitude from time to time. ** Image ID #2227425 Unavailable **
February 20th is National Muffin day, National Comfy Day, National Cherry Day and National Love Your Pet Day. What's your favorite muffin? What do you do to be comfy? What's your favorite cherry dessert? And finally share a favorite pet story if you have one. I will have to say chocolate is my favorite brand of muffin. I like to stretch out and put my feet up to be comfy. Cherry cobbler with vanilla ice cream or cherry pie has to be my favorite cherry desserts. I have a ton of pet stories. It's hard to choose just one. I have taught my dogs to shake their heads yes and no, and they will answer you. Sometimes it can be quite funny. It is also interesting if you have ever had a dog learn some words. I also taught a dog in the past to sing for her dinner which was quite entertaining. LOL Dogs will speak to you in their own way, you just have to know how to listen. Their faces are expressive, they have wagging tails, they bark, they cry, they will let you know when they want or need something, and they can be quite affectionate. Prompt: The only journey is the journey within. Write about this quote in your Blog entry today. I guess in a sense every journey, even physical ones are connected to the one within. I wouldn't call it my only journey though, maybe a journey of journeys. There can be many smaller journeys within one large journey. I guess it's all in how you look at it. ![]() ![]() |
These blog prompts today are making me feel like a chatter box. LOL I guess that means they are good prompts. I am trying to catch up my blog. I got behind and am having a hard time catching up. The last few days I've had some brain fog as well and that doesn't exactly help. I've had some things going on in my own life too. I felt a bit at unrest spiritually. It is like I could feel the Devil attacking me. It's hard to put this into words. I prayed about it. God didn't answer me immediately. Let's just say he let me sweat it out a bit. He did eventually answer me though. In a way, he was speaking to me through my circumstances. I feel led to write about it in my blog today too. I wrote this poem based on Haggai 11, "Consider Your Ways" ![]() One decision in particular was one of the hardest decisions to make. I was taking care of my elderly neighbor because no one else would do it, not even her own family. I admit she was quite stubborn and independent (or tried to be). She had broken a hip and slowly declined to being completely bedridden. I was exhausted running back and forth from my apartment to hers to care for her and my roommate and our dogs. I knew she was getting close to death. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to care for her like she needed as her time got closer. I had to take drastic measures to get her placed into a nursing facility. It broke my heart to have to do it. I had to give her a 2 week notice that I had to stop being her caregiver. Then I had to only give minimal help which some frowned that I did anything at all, but I couldn't make her lie in her own excrements or let her starve or go without anything to drink. I basically quit doing anything else and only visited twice a day. It took hospice and Adult protective services about another 2 or 3 weeks to get her placed. This was a very difficult time for me. She died about another 3 or 4 weeks after they had her placed. It was a very sad circumstance. It's still hard to not cry as I type this. I loved her and only wanted the best for her, but again, I am only human and have my limits. It seemed like life went downhill for me after this. I re-examined myself and the decisions I had made. I had to deal with those feelings of guilt for not taking care of her until she died. I have come to the conclusion though that I did the right thing. That was what was best for her. It was the only way that I could get her to get the proper care she needed in the end. I considered other life choices that I had made. I repented of some. I have made many mistakes and some intentional poor choices before. I even went as far as questioning my own Salvation. God revealed to me that sometimes, it isn't because of the bad decisions I make. Sometimes, he calls us to share in the suffering of other people to be there for them and a light in their darkness in their time of need. That's why I am where I am right now. That's why I am struggling. I am here to help bring some order to the chaos. I believe this is also why he led me to this Joseph Bible study. Joseph didn't suffer because he was bad necessarily, but God had a bigger plan to work things out for good for not only Joseph and his family, but also for the entire land of Egypt at that time. Jay O'Toole, this is some of what we were discussing this last Saturday. Maybe you will find a blessing in this too.
Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
** Image ID #2249882 Unavailable ** Take UP Your Cross Blog Prompt: Consider a biblical character who inspires you. What qualities do they possess that you admire, and how can you emulate them? My favorite Bible character has been David from my childhood. I loved the story of David and Goliath. My dad always told the story of how I would play and act out the part of David when I was around 3 years old. He always laughed because when he asked me what the giant said, I would tell him, "Fe Fi Fo Fum". Needless to say, I got my stories confused. LOL As I got older, I learned there was more to the story. I still loved it. I learned he had become king of Israel and about his children, his sins, his struggles, his triumphs, and his music. He seems to be a very dramatic character. What resonates with me today is that God considered him a man after God's own heart. Oh, that I can stay close to God's heart! In Deuteronomy 32:10, It tells of God's people being the apple of his eye. I love the thought of that. Prayer prompt: Pray for Elon Musk. (I just feel led to pray for him today.) Dear God, I pray for Elon Musk right now. I lift him up to you. I have noticed he is in the news a lot lately. I know that your spirit is moving and working through him rather he is saved or not. That is not for me to determine. However, I know that he has his hands in the advancement of technology and a lot of things. He has a lot on his plate. He is helping President trump work to improve America's finances. I know this has caused many people to fear. I can't say I haven't worried some myself about his hand in government affairs or where all of this may be leading. You are God. You know what is going on. Your hand is in it, good or evil. I trust in you and your sovereignty. I give you praise. Even if this causes the Antichrist to be revealed, I know that your return is near. I know that all things happen for a reason and not one sparrow loses even a feather without you knowing it and even my hairs are numbered. Thank you for loving us and caring about even the minor details. Please be with Elon. Give him the strength to accomplish all you have called him to do. Keep him in good health. Protect him from evil attacks. In Jesus' name, Amen ** Image ID #2224458 Unavailable ** I went on a search with my friend for a short story on a far out planet. We happened upon this item on planet, Mumsy.
Read, review, and write about this today. This short story is a pleasant one. It is full of new beginnings and possibilities. ** Image ID #2227425 Unavailable **
Write about a puppet show. This is a great topic for me. I used to write puppet shows for my church. I enjoyed it. My mother had collected a lot of puppets, especially animal puppets. Someone made a puppet show prop out of plywood and painted a scene of nature on it. The youth group would use my scripts and put on a puppet show for the entire church. We did it once a month. Needless to say, it was quite entertaining. Prompt: Describe what home looks like for your Blog entry today. Ideally or in reality? Yikes! Just saying. I am currently living in a 4-bedroom house with no central heat and air. It is an older house, definitely in need of repairs, especially the plumbing. I am struggling to get it clean and keep it that way. There are 3 humans, 5 dogs, and 2 cats living here at the present. I am basically the only one that is cleaning and doing housework. My roommate is truly disabled. Her brother has a form of disability but is more disabled in his own mind than he is physically. He is lazy, and not the most likable person. However, Jesus thought he was to die for. I put up with it to keep peace and for his daughter so she can have a life of her own. He would trap her into being his care giver. In fact, he already tried to do so. He tried to make her live with him until he died. There is always more to a story than meets the eye, such is the case here and I won't go into all the details. She is young with 2 babies of her own to care for. She is still trying to figure out life and has a right to do so. This is why I don't like to talk a lot about my present situation. Frankly, it's embarrassing and humiliating. I don't have a lot of good to say about it. So, I try not to say more than necessary about it all. God knows all the underlying and dirty details. I am trusting in him and his purpose. However, the subject keeps coming up, so I figured I would give basic and minor details here. ![]() ![]() |