Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2326588-Ug-Journal
Rated: E · Fiction · Comedy · #2326588
Ug, the caveman, share life

Me Ug. Me hunt sun today. Sun very sneaky and fly across sky. Me run past Grock. Me laugh at he small fire. Me run past Fruk, who shout at Ug for pointy stick. No, Fruk. Me use pointy stick to hunt sun! Me run until me reach deep, wide hole in ground. Me no pass. Sun escape. Sad. Me run home to cave and She. Eat much mammoth. Sleep.

New day. Sun return! Me shake pointy stick at sun. She say, “Go. Bring water. Bring sticks for big fire.” Me no listen. Boys laugh if Ug do She work. Me run to water and swim. Hide where no hot sun find Ug. Boys splash. Catch fish for She. Me go home late but She no want to cook fish. She in bed with small Ug. She call him Brob. Brob cry. Ug no sleep.

Many suns pass. Brob sleep and eat and cry. Ug ears hurt. Grock laugh at Ug. Me laugh last when Grock She, Joll, bring small, ugly Grock to show Ug She. Grock say small Grock name Rut. Me go hunt with Grock while Shes whine with Brob and Rut in arms.

Brob cry bring hungry lion. Me chase lion away from cave. Hit with pointy stick. Lion scratch Ug. Ug kill lion. Much meat for She and Brob for many suns. She heal Ug arm with green plant.

She want big feast. Grock come with basket of shiny red ball from tree. Joll come with berries in basket. Taste sweet. Fruk bring egg from bird nest. Me cook much fish on fire. Eat much. Laugh. Good.

Ug and Fruk kill She-Wolf that hunt too close to cave. Find wolf cub. Fruk want to hit with stick but Me say no and bring Wolf cub to cave. She not happy. Brob laugh and grab cub hairy ear. Tell She Me teach wolf for Brob. Good for hunt. She huff and pout but Me win fight. Me see She pet wolf. She call cub Alyi. Me smile.

Cold come. She sew lion skin for Brob. She hold Brob. Me lead from cave to new cave. Walk plenty far. Alyi cub follow. Fast river now still and quiet and cold. Tree shake leaves. Birds gone. She breathe smoke. She face icy from cold. Brob warm in lion skin. Alyi hunt last squirrel for She. Me know She think cub good now.

Follow sun to warm place. See Grock and Joll. Brob and Rut roll in green grass with wolf cub. Fruk find us and catch much rabbit. Shes cook for all.

Many suns pass. Brob grow and run and say first words. Then Brob get much sick. She cry and cry. Me find all green plants but She say no, not work. Joll come and tell Ug, "Go see Grock." Me leave much angry. Pound ground with stick. Hear voice from sky. Not Grock. Not Fruk. Me think sun speak. Me hide face. Voice say Brob be well if Ug burn big meat. Yes, sun. Ug obey. Voice get mad. Not sun. God. Word is strange but Me listen. Me hunt beast and burn for God. Me run home to cave. Brob happy. Brob no sick. God send many color lights on Brob face from sky. Me tell She about God. She happy.

Sun hide. Much wet from angry sky. She fight fire to keep cave warm. Brob watch Ug make stick sharp. Brob walk and grab stick. Brob be big every day of sun. Me think Brob someday help hunt sun and burn big meat for God. She smile at Ug and say, "Go. Take Brob. Bring water. Bring sticks for big fire." Me look at Brob. Me look at She. Me listen. Boys no laugh at Ug this time.

Ug Life

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