Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2326383-Mount-Fuji-in-Mid-August
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #2326383
Nine short poems in Japanese styles, each location found on a journey up Mount Fuji.
#1: Aokigahara Forest (Chōka)
In the Sea of Trees
The roots weave through ancient stone
Leaves murmur secrets
Spirits wander on soft moss
Life and death entwined,
Shadowed paths, lost in time’s grasp
Chill where summer’s heat can’t reach

#2: Narusawa Ice Cave (Haiku)
Sunlight fades to dark
Stepping into winter’s mouth
Ancient ice endures

Icicles hang still
Frozen time in summer’s grip
August warmth forgot

Narrow paths in night
Cradling sharp winter teeth
Summer holds no sway

#3: Fugaku Wind Cave (Sedōka)
Deep within the cave,
Ancient walls smooth and silent,
Stories of fire, now cool.

Winds of time stand still,
Secrets of seeds and cocoons,
Kept by nature’s cold embrace.

#4: Lake Saiko (Tanka)
Calm lake reflects sky
Mount Fuji’s peak touches cloud
Summer’s green embrace
Deep blue waters, still and cool
Echoing the quiet day

#5: Lake Kawaguchi (Renga)
Fuji’s peak reflects
In the lake’s still summer face
Stoic in the sun

Boats glide on warm waters
Children’s laughter fills the air

Cicadas’ chorus
Rises with the midday heat
Nature’s summer song

Resorts hum with joy and life
While Fuji watches over

Evening’s golden light
Casts long shadows on the shore
As the day unwinds

Fireworks bloom in the dark sky
Summer’s joy ripples through stars

Morning mist settles
A calm hush before the dawn
Lake breathes in silence

Timeless waters hold their peace
Reflecting the ancient peak

#6: Fujiyoshida Sengen Shrine (Bussokusekika)
Ancient cedars rise
Flanking the path to Fuji
Pilgrims’ quiet steps
Seeking blessings for the climb
Step in the hallowed silence
Where gods and mortals join

#7: Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station (Katauta)
Crisp air meets the skin
Far from the summer’s thick grip
Fuji breathes its ancient calm

A shrine in cool mist
Prayers rise to Fuji’s peak
Will the gods guide our ascent?

Buzz of eager feet
Gathering strength for the climb
Will you touch the sacred peak?

Sun dips, shadow stretch
Silence wraps the mountain’s edge
Does your heart seek dawn’s first light?

Green unfurls below
Earth’s curve visible afar
Does this marvel stir your heart?

#8: Kusushi Shrine (Senryu)
Steps on gravel path
Trees part to reveal the shrine
Selfies first, then prayers

Birdsong in the air
Moss on stones, a breath of peace
Hiker’s voice blares loud

Hands press in silence
Prayers whispered for good fortune -
ATM stops, hopefully

Forest in full bloom
Old wood blends with green whispers
Wi-Fi passwords sought?

Lanterns flicker soft
Ancestors remembered here
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#9: Kengamine Peak (Dodoitsu)
Rocks brush softly ’gainst the sky
Winds carve paths through ancient stone
Where no life blooms, peace holds sway
Fuji’s silent crown

Winds whip through the freezing air
Clouds roll in, mist cloaks the peak
Sunrise flickers, then fades fast
Fuji’s fickle breath

Dawn breaks, colours flood the sky
Hearts swell as prayers rise with light
Steps of struggle turn to peace
Fuji’s peak embraced.

Forests roll beneath the sky
Oceans stretch beyond the clouds
Earth’s curve seen from Fuji’s edge
Wonder fills the glance

At the world’s edge, all stand still
Hands clasped, hearts bow to the peak
Strangers now share Fuji’s gift
Bound by this ascent
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2326383-Mount-Fuji-in-Mid-August