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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Biographical · #2325959
This is the list of characters from the interactive story, NanoCorps.
(Just in case you get tired of scrolling up to view the characters' bios when adding a chapter.)

The Drangua Leader
Name: Quentin Andross

Age: 18

Height: 5'10"

Gender: Male

Appearance: Despite initially appearing scrawny, Quentin possesses a surprisingly well-built physique with a scar on his left eye. As a Drangua, a blend of human and dragon with the latter's strength, resilience, and fiery spirit, he has several distinctive features including his sharp teeth, fair-colored skin that is as hard as dragon scales, and dragon wings that he can magically summon and disappear from his back. His eyes are adorned with striking dragon irises. These attributes make him highly attractive to most women, including some female guild members. Quentin's attire includes a crafted red and black exo-vest from the creation of the genius AI Beta, worn over a black shirt. He pairs this with black pants and sturdy boots, all accentuated by a vibrant red scarf wrapped around his neck.

Personality: Quentin is one of the friendliest members of the guild, known for his laid-back and easy-going nature. He exhibits bravery and determination, remaining calm and cool-headed in battle. Despite never getting angry, Quentin does get annoyed when some members, particularly the Three Marine Stooges, waste time. His composure and friendly demeanor make him a valuable and approachable leader within the guild.

Powers: Being a Drangua, Quentin has superhuman abilities, immune to fire and magma elements, and can harden his skin like the dragon's scales. He can produce magma from his scaled arms, magically sprouts dragon wings from his back, breathes fire or spits magma, and has very keen eyesight and sense. He can summon his family weapons known as Salamander, a large claymore and short sword chained together by the hilts.

The Wise Marksman
Name: Zeke

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Height: 9"

Appearance: Zeke's imposing stature is obvious despite being mostly concealed by his ragged old poncho and a large bandana that covers his face except for his eyes. He is very tall and powerfully built, with large mechanical arms that initially give the impression he is a robot like Beta. Complementing his rugged appearance, he wears an old hat, tattered baggy pants, and metal boots. His hi-tech goggles, equipped with red lenses, add a touch of modernity to his otherwise weathered ensemble.

Personality: Zeke, the composed and reticent bounty hunter, chooses his words judiciously, speaking only when necessary. He possesses a tendency to refer to almost everyone, whether within NanoCorps or not, as 'kid,' fostering the belief that he may be the oldest among the group.

Powers: In addition to his incredibly tough metallic-like body and immense super strength, Zeke wields two primary weapons with exceptional skill. First, his versatile "Jack of All Trade Hands" is equipped with an array of tactical and lethal devices, allowing him to adapt to any situation with precision and efficiency. These hands are not just for combat; they serve multiple functions, from intricate technical tasks to powerful offensive maneuvers. Second, Zeke is a master marksman with his high-tech sniper rifle, aptly named "Bullet." This advanced weapon combines unparalleled accuracy with cutting-edge technology, making it a formidable tool in his arsenal.

The Sliver Brute
Name: Atomic Vile

Age: 1

Gender: Male

Height: 30'11"

Appearance: Atomic is a towering, muscular bio-weapon with gleaming silver skin, adorned with short, spiky hair protruding directly from his body. His menacing appearance is heightened by his perpetually bared sharp teeth, which are visible whether he is smiling or not. His eyes, devoid of pupils and irises, add to his intimidating presence.

Personality: Despite his intimidating appearance, Atomic is a laid-back and friendly brute. He is approachable and enjoys the camaraderie of his companions. However, he becomes comedically upset when people judge him by his looks, calling him a freak or monster before running away and saying "I resent that remark!".

Powers: Created from a dark underground lab and classified as a ‘Comisc-level’, Atomic is the strongest and most dangerous member no one dares to challenge him. His monstrous strength alone can get the job done easily. His body is quite indestructible and even if he's injured, the nanobots inside him regenerate his wounds. He can makeshift into any weapons he forms from his hands and sprouts tentacles from his body to attack or retrieve something.

The Mecha Arm Warrior
Name: Viz Archer

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5’11”

Appearance: Viz is a tall, lean-built man with a muscular physique and a distinctive X-shaped scar across his face. He has messy black hair and piercing yellow eyes that give him an intense and formidable appearance. In his youth, Viz suffered a devastating attack that resulted in the loss of both his arms. However, thanks to Beta's technological prowess, he now possesses a pair of highly advanced cybernetic arms. Viz's attire consists of a sleek red and black exo-vest, complementing his black baggy pants and sturdy boots. His overall look exudes a blend of rugged resilience and cutting-edge technology, reflecting his strength and determination.

Personality: Viz's demeanor is marked by sternness, seriousness, and unwavering determination when it comes to accomplishing missions. Nevertheless, his loyalty to his fellow members remains unwavering, with an underlying camaraderie, particularly in his friendly rivalry with Quentin and Cross. He has a crush on the demoness princess Rine.

Powers: Viz's newly implanted robotic arms augment his combat prowess significantly. These arms grant him superhuman strength, tactical cloaking abilities, transformation into various weapons like swords and miniguns, deployment of smoke screens, and concealed weaponry to surprise adversaries.

The AI Brain
Name: Beta

Age: Ageless

Gender: Genderless (has a male voice)

Height: 5’11”

Appearance: Beta, a sleek AI, boasts an average build and is crafted from XT Cargsten, a remarkable black material renowned for its extreme durability and futuristic properties. His striking appearance is defined by a vibrant red visor that serves as his eyes, providing a sharp contrast against his dark frame. Imposing shoulder pads add to his formidable presence, while two distinctively bent 'horns' atop his head give him a unique and intimidating silhouette. His design includes a waist guard armor, enhancing both protection and aesthetics. Red pulsers on the palms of his hands and a prominent circular pulser on his chest glow with intense crimson light, signifying his advanced power and capabilities.

Personality: Beta, being an artificial intelligence, operates without any emotions or feelings, carrying out commands from the leader while having the ability to make independent decisions and take actions.

Powers: Beta, an immensely strong AI, boasts a nearly indestructible body capable of dissolving into molecules at will. Equipped with powerful pulsers and advanced rocket boots, Beta can navigate any terrain with unmatched agility and precision. This formidable AI is designed to withstand the most extreme conditions, making it an invaluable asset in any mission.

The Lightning Thief
Name: Jackal Waltz

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5’7”

Appearance: Jackal is an average-sized young man with a slightly muscular build and spiky white hair with a streak of yellow that shapes into a lightning bolt. Jackal wears a black and yellow exo-vest with a black undershirt, gloves with metal pads on the finger and palm sections, a black cap, black pants with a lightning bolt print, and black boots with metal pads on the bottom.

Personality: Jackal is quiet, brash when needed, and a bit anti-social, but he is still a good person at heart and quite heroic when saving several people from threats during his travels and thievery. He has a moral code of not injuring/killing innocent people while robbing during his thieving days, even toward the Toweral Guardians as they were trying to catch him. He has a crush on Garnet.

Powers: Born with the Sage ability of lightning, Jackal creates, shapes, flies/levitates, and manipulates electricity. Jackal can utilize electricity manipulation with physical combat, granting him impressive offensive capabilities and creating makeshift weapons made of electricity like a sword. Jackal can physically morph into electricity, become effectively intangible, and harmlessly let most attacks phase through him.

The Flame Swordsman
Name: Ryx

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4”

Appearance: Ryx is a tall blind muscular man carrying a sword with him which is located on the hip. He has numerous scars on his chest and three scars on his face. Has stubby hair on his chin. He wears a black samurai gi with an intricate design, gray pants with the same design, and boots. He has bandages around his eyes and wearing a straw hat.

Personality: Ryx is a formidable warrior, exuding an aura of quiet strength and discipline reminiscent of the traditional samurai. His graceful demeanor and subtle mannerisms reflect his unwavering commitment to upholding the code of the warrior. He is the epitome of the strong, silent type, choosing to speak only when he deems it essential.

Powers: Ryx is the strongest swordsman of the group, who cuts just about anything with fantastic speed, strength, and precision. His sword, the Enkou, is a long sword that releases intense heat and powerful fire projectiles, even sharpening its blade to gain more strength. Due to being blind, his senses have increased to a point where he can hear oncoming objects within miles and develop aura detection, able to locate a person behind walls.

The Blood Drangua
Name: Cross

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5’10”

Appearance: Cross’s appearance almost resembles Quentin, which earns the 'Anti-Quentin' alias. He is of average height, slim and muscular, with sharp teeth, white hair, and blood-colored dragon wings that can magically be put away. The most distinctive of his appearance is his eyes as the sclerae are colored red and his iris is white. Cross wears an all-black exo-vest with a red shirt underneath, black pants, and red and white boots.

Personality: Despite being a member of the notoriously aggressive Blood Drangua clan, known for their disturbing use of blood in combat, Cross stands out with his quiet, calm, and emotionless demeanor. Soft-spoken and level-headed, he exhibits a surprising non-aggressiveness outside of battle. However, once engaged in combat, Cross transforms into a ruthless and cold adversary, showcasing his clan's feared cruelty. Years of isolation have left him socially awkward, often struggling to grasp common phrases and figures of speech, adding a layer of endearing density to his otherwise stoic personality.

Powers: Cross, while sharing similarities with the Drangua’s abilities, possesses a unique and formidable power that sets him apart. He can absorb the blood of his enemies to enhance his own strength, a process that temporarily paralyzes his victims until he either releases them or ends their lives. This blood absorption not only augments his physical capabilities but also fuels his ability to conjure weapons formed from blood. His preferred weapon is a double-bladed sword, crafted from the very essence of his adversaries, making him a lethal and intimidating force on the battlefield.

The Three Marine Stooges
Name: Petire

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4"

Appearance: Petire is a tall, well-built bald man with fair skin color, a black thick curly mustache, and black eyes. He wears a white Maries coat with a dark green exo-vest and shirt underneath it, black pants, and boots.
Personality: Petire stands out as the strictest of the three marines, often engaging in playful arguments with Ralph and Sharper. Despite his strict demeanor, he also finds enjoyment in wasting time, just like his counterparts.

Powers: Petire is equipped with an exo-vest for protection and has consumed a mysterious Devil Fruit known as the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Ankylosaurus. As a result, he possesses superhuman powers but is unable to swim. This fruit enables him to transform into both a hybrid and full version of an ankylosaurus at will. In addition, Petire harnesses the power of Haki, specifically Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku, making him the most resilient and formidable individual among the group of three.

Name: Ralph

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Appearance: Ralph is a tall and quite skinny man with pale skin color, silver hair, blue eyes, and a scar on his left cheek. He wears a black exo-vest with a white shirt underneath it, a white Marines’ coat, gray pants, and boots.

Personality: Ralph is characterized as the most laid-back among the three, often expressing himself through sarcasm. Despite his easygoing nature, he is capable of completing tasks when required. He tends to goof off with Sharper when Petire isn't watching.

Powers: Ralph, similar to Petire, consumed the mysterious Devil Fruit known as the Misuto Misuto no Mi, which bestowed upon him superhuman abilities while also robbing him of the capability to swim. Ralph's newfound powers allow him to generate, manipulate, and even transform into mist. He utilizes this ability to craft compelling illusions, effortlessly glide and float upon water, as well as shroud vast areas in a mystifying mist. When combined with his mastery of Haki, encompassing both Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku, Ralph stands as the second most formidable member among the three stooges when he truly exerts his full strength.

Name: Sharper

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9"

Appearance: Sharper is quite short among the three with a slim body, fair skin color, orange eyes, and short spiky red hair, He wears a red exo-vest with a black shirt underneath it, a white Marines’ coat, black pants, and boots.

Personality: Sharper is quite a food lover, often showing more interest in eating than in completing missions. Despite his love for food, he is a reliable team member who excels at his job. Although he can be easily scared and timid, he is quick to leap to the defense of his friends, demonstrating unwavering loyalty. Similar to Ralph, he tends to be lazy, often resulting in reprimands from Petire.

Powers: Like the other two members of his group, Sharper consumed the enigmatic Devil Fruit known as the Mure-Mure no Mi. This fruit bestowed upon him extraordinary superhuman abilities, but it also robbed him of the capability to swim. With the powers granted by the Devil Fruit, Sharper can manipulate and control a multitude of insects, either unleashing them as a swarm or transforming into the insects himself. Through the adept use of Haki, specifically his Busoshoku Haki, and by commanding his legion of insects, Sharper has proven himself to be a formidable combatant. However, despite his impressive abilities, he is still considered the third strongest among the trio known as the Marine Stooges.

The Chaotic Hedgehog
Name: Scar

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Height: 3’3”

Appearance: Scar is an anthropomorphic hedgehog with red fur that covers most of his body except for his peach-colored torso and arms and three black marks on his sides. He has six quails sticking up from the back of his head, a scar on his right eye, two dark red colored crystals sprouting on his shoulders, a short tail, and a red glowing X-shaped scar on his stomach area. He wears a dark red exo-vest, a long black tattered scarf wrapped around his neck, black gloves with two small dark red crystals at the end, and black and red shoes.

Personality: Scar is characterized by his stubborn and anti-social disposition. He resists forming bonds with others but cooperates effectively with his teammates. Scar's loyalty to the group, coupled with his innate determination, drives his actions.

Powers: Earning the title the 'Fastest Member', Scar can move at speeds that not even the most attuned of beings can grasp and outrun or avoid anything an opponent can use against him. Another powerful ability is to harness the Dark Chaos Energy, an unstable, yet compelling and sinister energy that Scar uses as his main power. He can manipulate space and time to slow down time and warp across places, heals himself using the Chaos energy, and controls the enemies' minds.

The Ghastly Knight
Name: Revenant

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Height: 16'11"

Appearance: Revenant is an imposing figure, towering over others with his massive, possibly undead frame that exudes an aura of dread. His presence alone is enough to intimidate even the bravest of souls. Revenant's eyes glow an eerie blue through the slits of his horned helmet, and from his mouth, he breathes out a menacing black mist that adds to his terrifying visage. Clad in heavy black armor adorned with skull-faced pauldrons and menacing spikes, he embodies the essence of a fearsome knight. A tattered cape billows behind him, hinting at countless battles fought. Strapped to his back is Grimblade, a colossal black greatsword that further cements his reputation as a formidable and relentless warrior.

Personality: Although he appears menacing and terrifying in the eyes of others, Revenant has a gentle nature. He is very calm and level-headed with a sense of honor that the members view him as a 'gentle giant'. He retains his calm personality in a fight and even warns his opponent to stand down before they get hurt. However, he'll get serious and show no mercy if they don't back down.

Powers: Revenant is a formidable swordsman who effortlessly wields a colossal greatsword. Master of the dark arts, he commands the power of shadows, enabling him to transform into an intangible dark mist and encase himself in impenetrable armor. With a mere thought, he can summon his loyal Knights of the Abyss—a silent and formidable battalion comprising six male knights, three female archers, three female mages, a male high court knight, and a female high court mage. These spectral warriors, bound to his will, execute his commands with unwavering precision and lethality, making Revenant a true harbinger of darkness on the battlefield.

The Wrathful Silver Fighter
Name: Topaz Simmer

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9"

Appearance: Topaz is a lean, muscular young man with a scar under his left golden yellow eye, short silver hair with some bangs and a single golden yellow highlight. Topaz wears a dark yellow and black vest with black steel gauntlets and boots, and a black hooded cape. His sword is equipped on the waist area.

Personality: Topaz is a determined member known for his directness and unwavering attitude. He enjoys engaging in battles with formidable opponents and never hesitates to jump into the fray, resulting in his sister Garnet scolding him. After integrating with 𝛀 DNA, he becomes even more aggressive in combat but learns to retreat if faced with an overpowering adversary. He cares deeply for his sister and will protect her from any danger thrown at them. He and Jackal are rivals and often fight with him if the lightning thief hangs out with his sister.

Powers: Topaz is a formidable and agile swordsman renowned for his powerful slashes and exceptional agility. In a life-saving infusion with 𝛀 DNA, Topaz undergoes a dramatic transformation, gaining immense strength and the resilience of tough, silver armor-like skin. This transformation mirrors a miniature version of the silver brute Atomic. Along with his newfound strength, Topaz also acquires rapid regeneration abilities and the unique power to create makeshift weapons, enhancing his combat prowess to remarkable levels.

The Shadow Sniper
Name: Aimée Thérèse

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Height: 6’

Appearance: Aimée stands tall and imposing, her curvaceous and athletic figure with medium-length dark blue hair accentuated by a sleek, black, hooded exo-suit that clings to her form. A distinct scar mars her left cheek, hinting at battles fought, while an intricate tattoo adorns her back, depicting large black wings emerging from a black skull with piercing red eyes. The suit is complemented by a high-tech scouter affixed to her left ear, providing her with crucial data in the heat of combat. Clawed gauntlets cover her hands, offering both protection and a deadly edge in close quarters. Her right shoulder is shielded by an armor pad, and a tattered black cloth wrap secured with a tinsel belt adds a rugged elegance to her ensemble. Her look is completed with armored, heeled boots that provide both stability and a touch of fierce style. Slung across her back, she carries a high-power automatic cyber rifle, ready for action at a moment's notice.

Personality: Aimée presents herself as a ruthlessly efficient assassin, displaying neither emotion nor remorse in her deadly work. However, beneath this formidable exterior lies a warm-hearted and gentle soul, particularly around children. Zeke, with his characteristic wit, often remarks that Aimée is a "Motherly Woman with Deadly Skills." He frequently jokes that while she may be kind and nurturing, it's best not to provoke her, as her deadly precision remains ever-present.

Powers: Born with the extraordinary Sage ability of shadow manipulation, Aimée can create, shape, and control darkness and shadows, including those of others. Her powers allow her to solidify shadows, granting them physical properties that range from the consistency of loose jello to the hardness of metal or even beyond. This versatility makes her a formidable opponent, as she can use shadows to form weapons, barriers, or other constructs to suit her needs. Additionally, Aimée is renowned as one of the best markswomen in Toweral, her precision and skill with ranged weapons are almost match with the renowned marksman Zeke.

The Ditzy Majin
Name: Amber

Age: Ageless

Gender: Female

Height: 8'11

Appearance: Amber is an exceptionally tall and voluptuous humanoid Majin, whose appearance closely resembles Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed). Her smooth, pink skin is adorned with three distinctive steam holes on each arm, giving her an imposing yet alluring presence. Her skin naturally extends to form long, flowing hair that cascades down her back, with a section at the front shaped into bangs framing her face. A prominent, long head tentacle, nearly touching the ground, adds to her striking look and can even split into two when needed. Amber's attire reflects her Majin heritage: she sports a sleek black tube top with yellow accents, paired with a matching black vest and arm guards. Her look is completed by white baggy pants, cinched with a black belt featuring the iconic Majin symbol. She wears black ballet flats with yellow trim, perfectly blending elegance with her fierce, otherworldly style.

Personality: Amber is a warm-hearted, inquisitive, and easygoing Majin who joins the group primarily for the sheer thrill of adventure and the fun it brings. Her carefree nature makes her a delightful and approachable companion, although she often comes across as a bit ditzy. Despite her lighthearted demeanor, Amber has a strong sense of loyalty and becomes fiercely protective when her friends are in danger. Her normally cheerful attitude quickly shifts to a more intense side if she witnesses harm coming to her companions or if anyone dares to disrupt her cherished mealtime. In those moments, Amber reveals her Majin lineage's notorious power by threatening to transform her adversaries into candy

Powers: As a Majin, Amber is a potent member with many skills she uses in a fight. She can use her absorption ability to absorb projectiles (in Amber’s case) to boost her abilities and have full control over every aspect of her physical makeup. She's able to stretch, shape-shift, liquefy, and otherwise manipulate her malleable body, and high-speed regeneration that almost matches Atomic’s regeneration.

The Demon Sorceress
Name: Xaria

Age: Ageless

Gender: Female

Height: 5’11”

Appearance: Xaria is an alluring and curvaceous demoness with striking dark skin. Her captivating red eyes are partially hidden by her long, flowing white hair that elegantly drapes over her right eye. Prominent, curved horns protrude from her head, adding to her otherworldly allure. Her attire is both regal and provocative: a revealing black robe adorned with intricate golden accessories, a feathered collar that frames her neckline, and a delicate gold tiara that crowns her head. She also wears ornate arm brackets and high heels, completing her commanding and enchanting appearance. Her overall presence exudes a blend of power and seductive grace.

Personality: Centuries ago, Xaria was once a fearsome tyrannical mage who was hellbent on conquering Planet Tami until she was defeated and sealed inside an ancient tomb. Today, Xaria is a kind, wise, loyal, and mothery mage who is trying to atone for her actions in the past. She loves to tease the men in the group, especially Sharper.

Powers: Xaria, known as the "Universal Mage," is recognized as the most powerful magic user in the group and across the entire world. Her mastery over magic is unparalleled, ranging from effortlessly casting simple spells like fireballs to conjuring devastating meteor showers that can alter the course of a battle. She has mastered every known spell on the planet and has even innovated countless spells of her own, further solidifying her reputation as a legendary sorceress. Among her vast repertoire of magic, there exists a singular spell of unmatched potential, capable of turning the tide in the most desperate situations and providing extraordinary aid when all hope seems lost.

The Spoiled Seasnaga
Name: Cordelia

Age: 800+

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10"

Physical Description: Cordelia is a beautiful Seasnaga, a human and fish hybrid, with fair skin. She possesses a slender yet curvaceous figure, accentuated by her delicate features. Her long, flowing light blue hair cascades gracefully down her back, complementing her slit light blue eyes that shimmer with an aquatic allure. She has long, elegant fish fin-like ears, sharp teeth and nails, and a set of gills on her sides. Her long, fish fin-like tail adds to her graceful appearance and adorns herself in a regal silver dress with intricate water designs, decorated with delicate fish fins. She also wears silver arm guards, a headdress tiara, and silver-strapped sandals, completing her royal and enchanting look.

Personality: Cordelia's demeanor exudes a spoiled and self-assured arrogance, often manifesting in a condescending attitude towards those she considers weak or impoverished. Despite her haughty exterior, she possesses a surprising willingness to assist those in genuine need. Beneath her veneer of superiority, she finds Quentin's company particularly enjoyable, frequently engaging in playful flirtation with him whenever Vixen is not present.

Powers: The Seasnaga is the second strongest mage among the NanoCorps, wielding formidable power to control various weather conditions that can greatly benefit her team. As a master of water magic, she can summon and manipulate water with precision and force. Her primary weapon, a magical trident, enhances her abilities both in close combat and for casting powerful long-range spells. This trident not only serves as a devastating melee weapon but also channels her magic, allowing her to create torrential downpours, summon tsunamis, and manipulate the battlefield to her advantage. Her mastery over weather and water makes her an invaluable asset to the NanoCorps, capable of turning the tide in any confrontation.

The Nanomachine Gynoid
Name: Delta

Age: Ageless

Gender: Genderless (has a female voice)

Height: 5'6"

Physical Description: Delta is an advanced AI with a crafted hourglass figure, formed entirely from nanomachines that give her a sleek, metallic silver appearance. Her design is accentuated by a series of glowing light blue lines that trace intricate patterns across her elegant, futuristic armor. She possesses a narrow waist that adds to her graceful silhouette, complemented by her silver, heeled boots with matching blue accents. Delta's eyes glow a mesmerizing light blue, and her long, flowing silver 'hair' is styled into a high ponytail, radiating a subtle luminescence. Her shoulder armor pads are seamlessly integrated into her form, providing both protection and aesthetic appeal. From her back, mechanical wings can unfurl or fold away, granting her the ability to fly with agility and precision. A long, slender tail adorned with a series of glowing blue lights extends from her lower back, further emphasizing her otherworldly elegance. Her slender hands are capable of precise movements, while a flowing waist cape completes her refined look.

Personality: Like her "father" Beta, Delta lacks human emotions and dutifully follows the leader's commands. However, similar to her father, she also possesses the autonomy to make her own decisions. Delta displays various feminine traits and even walks with a graceful, feminine pace. As an artificial intelligence, Delta demonstrates remarkable intelligence and cognitive abilities.

Powers: Delta, a formidable Gynoid, possesses a body composed of advanced, nearly indescribable nanomachines. These nanomachines endow her with unparalleled offensive and defensive capabilities, allowing her to adapt and create makeshift weapons and tools as needed. Her incredible versatility and power make Delta an invaluable asset to the team, ensuring they have a formidable ally in any situation.

The Crimson Demon
Name: Prosperine 'Rine' Vaulder

Age: Ageless (appears to be in her 20s)

Gender: Female

Height: 8'2"

Physical Description: Rine is a beautiful, very tall, fair-skinned woman with a slender and curvy body and very long and flowing red hair that frames her face and bangs between her eyes. As a part demon, she has large curved black horns, red glowing eyes with silted pupils, pointy ears, fangs, sharp nails, and a long red scaled tail. She wears a traditional royal black and red dress that shows her ample bosom, black detached sleeves with red gems, a red ribbon on her left horn that was given by her late mother, a silver necklace with a red jewel that was given by Viz, a demon tiara, and black high heeled closed toe slip on sandals with red gems on the straps.

Personality: Once a feared and bloodthirsty demoness bent on destroying humanity, Rine joins the guild to atone for her sins, and her personality changes back to the one she once was. She is friendly, fearless, and a bit of a tomboy as she usually hangs out with the male members most of the time and develops a love interest on Viz, but she still doesn't trust humans yet except her teammates.

Powers: Empowered by the highest demon clan, Rine ranks as one of the group's most potent attackers. She commands a vast array of demonic magic, ranging from conventional spells to cataclysmic forces. When going up close, Rine summons an array of demonic weapons but her favorite one is her large chainsword.

The Marital Artist Shura
Name: Vixen Vex

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10"

Physical Description: Vixen is a tall, fair-skinned, buxom, and curvaceous Shura(human/fox species), who is often called beautiful by most people, with long brown hair that reaches down her thighs that sometimes tied up into a long ponytail with bangs between her green eyes. As a part fox, Vixen has brown colored furred fox ears, and a long bushy tail with black at the tip, silt pupils, canine teeth, and sharp nails. Vixen wears an orange battle dress that becomes black at the end with a brown waist belt and reveals her ample bosom, a pair of black short shorts, gold arm brackets, a tiara that belonged to her late mother, and brown high-heeled sandals.

Personality: Vixen, the proud and laid-back princess of Darkdale, embodies a fearless spirit and a touch of playful charm, especially when it comes to her beloved Quentin. Deeply devoted, she cherishes Quentin with all her heart and stands unwaveringly by his side, ready to risk her life to protect him from any harm. Her playful nature adds a delightful dynamic to their relationship, showcasing her ability to balance strength and affection seamlessly.

Powers: Vixen, having undergone rigorous training from a young age under the tutelage of the five masters of the Shura Arts, stands as a formidable and highly skilled fighter. Her mastery over mental, physical, and spiritual balance has enabled her to harness the power of Shura Chi, a mystical energy that enhances her abilities. With skin nearly as dense as that of a Drangua and nails sharp enough to slice through steel, Vixen is an invaluable asset to the NanoCorps, combining extraordinary resilience with lethal precision. Her disciplined training and natural talent make her a powerful force on the battlefield, capable of facing even the most daunting challenges with grace and strength.

The Sils Princess
Name: Reia Honja

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10"

Physical Description: Reia is a beautiful young Silverities (or Sils) with a curvy body, large breasts, pointy ears, long flowing silver hair that reaches her thighs with bangs that frame her face, glowing yellow eyes, and pale skin. Her eyes look cold and stern and due to her race’s diet of ores, stones, and, on rare occasions, steel, she has powerful sharp teeth that can break even steel armor. She wears a royal and elegant black dress that reveals her cleavage and vertical opening around her legs, encrusted with silver stones around her sleeves, collar, and waist area, silver-colored feathers around the back of the collar, black pantyhose, and silver high heels with few stones on them. Reia carries a silver staff.

Personality: Reia, the aloof and regal princess, maintains a cold and distant demeanor, often viewing those weaker than her as mere insects. Her speech is imbued with royal elegance, yet she harbors a secret fondness for cute creatures and children, revealing a softer side resulting in calling her a 'Royal Tsundere', a nickname earned from her cold tone towards certain members despite her undeniable reliability and willingness to assist the NanoCorps when needed. Though she has a deep, unspoken crush on Cross, she stubbornly refuses to acknowledge it, frequently dismissing him with the derisive term 'bug.' due to his blood absorption ability.

Powers: Reia possesses the extraordinary ability to summon a unique, silver-colored molten substance known as Revlis (Silver spelled backward) from her hands. This versatile material can even be generated from thin air and manipulated with ease. Revlis can shift between a soft, gooey state and a hardness comparable to steel, allowing Reia to adapt it to various situations. She can create formidable barriers to block incoming attacks, enhance her staff by merging it with Revlis for powerful melee combat, and form large, razor-sharp claws by integrating the substance with her hands. This remarkable versatility makes Reia a formidable and adaptable fighter.

The Toon Jester
Name: Adelee Witt

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5"

Appearance: Adelee is a slender yet curvy teenager with long dark blue hair that curls at the ends, accented with vibrant pink tips. Her hair is adorned with delicate light pink ribbons, complementing her striking pink eyes and the sprinkling of freckles across her face. She wears a whimsical jester-inspired outfit, featuring a dark blue and purple harlequin-patterned, pink frilly dress with fluffy black cuffs at the ends of her sleeves. The dress has a sweetheart neckline that tastefully reveals a hint of cleavage. Atop her head sits a dark purple, three-pointed jester hat with pink stars dangling from each tip. Her ensemble is completed with black gloves, a wide pink belt cinching her waist, and a mix of dark blue and purple tights, accentuated by fluffy black leg warmers. She finishes her look with black high heels, each with a slightly curled point and secured by ankle straps.

Personality: True to her alias, Adelee is a vibrant and lively young teen, always brimming with cheer and a playful spirit. Her love for teasing and messing around with others brings a constant sense of fun to her interactions. Adelee particularly enjoys hanging out with Ralph and Sharper, where she effortlessly slips into her role as the group's comedian, always ready with a joke or a witty remark. However, her demeanor shifts dramatically when the situation demands it. During missions or in moments of crisis, Adelee's playful facade gives way to a serious and focused side, demonstrating her dedication and willingness to assist anyone in need. Despite her lighthearted nature, she harbors a small, yet undeniable crush on Jackal.

Powers: Adelee was born with a unique and formidable Sage ability known as Toon Force, allowing her to bring cartoon physics into reality. This whimsical yet powerful ability lets her store or conjure objects from thin air, traverse vast distances instantly by drawing doors with a pencil, and manipulate her body in ways that defy conventional logic. Adelee can become a whirlwind of chaos and creativity, making her a formidable opponent. Among her various weapons, she favors her versatile twin blades, which can merge to form an enormous pair of scissors, combining both style and efficiency in combat. With Toon Force, Adelee transforms the battlefield into a playground where her imagination is the only limit.

The Chilled Lava Phoenix
Name: Keahi Dziewanna

Age: 39

Gender: Female

Height: 6’4”

Appearance: Keahi is a remarkable, statuesque woman with a radiant, fair complexion, long wild red hair that reaches her upper thighs with glowing orange high lights (due to her Sage ability) and bangs, a curvaceous figure with large breasts, a distinctive beauty mark beneath her right eye, and when she harnesses her Sage ability, she sprouts fiery wings and tail of the mythical phoenix. She wears an open short black denim jacket adorned with a striking print of fiery bird wings on the back, and flowing lava patterns along the sleeves. Underneath, she flaunts a black bikini top with red strings that peek out from the jacket. Her look is completed with black gloves, sunglasses with red lenses resting on her forehead, and distinctive volcano-shaped earrings. She pairs this with black low-rider pants that hug her curves and black high-heeled slingbacks.

Personality: Keahi is a relaxed, chill, and mature woman who enjoys unwinding with a drink or two during her downtime. Her laid-back nature makes her one of the friendly members of the group, even the Three Marines Stooges rather have her as their Fleet Admiral instead of a certain hot-headed one.

Powers: Despite her chilled demeanor, Keahi possesses one of the rarest and most powerful Sage abilities known as the Lava Phoenix. This special Sage ability allows her to create, mold, and manipulate molten rock, including both lava and magma. When transformed into lava or fire, she becomes invulnerable to physical and fire-based assaults. Additionally, Keahi inherits the legendary traits of the phoenix, granting her regeneration, the ability to fly, enhanced physical condition, fire manipulation, and the healing properties of her touch and feathers.

The Graceful Silver Maiden
Name: Garnet Simmer

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7"

Appearance: Garnet is a beautiful young woman with long silver flowing hair with bangs covering her left ruby eye and a single ruby-colored highlight, and a well-fit and mature physique. Her noticeable physical traits are her voluptuous figure and her large breasts which she sometimes gets teased by her brother Topaz for having her ‘mother’s blessings’. Garnet wears a black sleeveless cheongsam with dark red linings and a cleavage window, dark red fingerless gloves, dark red lotus hairpin on the left side of her hair, black thigh-high stockings with dark red lining at the end, and dark red oriental ballet slippers.

Personality: Garnet possesses a calm and level-headed demeanor. She is caring and prudent, unlike her brother who is more aggressive than her. After infusing with the 𝛀 DNA, she becomes a bit more aggressive but still maintains her level-headedness during battles. Like her brother, she deeply cares for him and is willing to protect him at any cost. Garnet has feelings towards Jackal who saves her life and often hangs out with him,

Powers: Garnet is a highly skilled and graceful martial artist known for her precise strikes and nimble movements. Her martial prowess allows her to execute attacks with exceptional accuracy and fluidity. However, when her life is in peril, Garnet undergoes a transformation through the infusion of 𝛀 DNA, which drastically enhances her abilities. In this state, she evolves into a miniature version of the formidable silver brute, Atomic. This transformation grants her immense strength, nearly impenetrable silver armor-like skin, rapid regeneration, and the ability to create makeshift weapons.

The Glorious Spear
Name: Veil

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 8'

Appearance: Veil is a stunning and tall female Arch, possessing a slender yet curvaceous figure, long flowing pink hair, and radiant pink eyes that complement her fair skin. Her ethereal presence is accentuated by four glowing, jagged wings that hover behind her and a halo crafted from Virt-Obsidal, one of the three toughest materials from her homeworld. Veil's attire exudes regality; she wears a white floral dress adorned with pink linings and golden accessories, a gold laurel crown resting gracefully on her head. Her look is completed with elegant white sandals featuring pink accents.

Personality: As a princess of the esteemed Holy Kingdom, one of the three Arch Kingdoms on the Planet Aegyptus, Veil carries herself with an unmistakable air of snobbery and self-assuredness. Born into the highest tier of the Archs, she firmly believes in her inherent superiority over all beings she encounters. Having spent most of her life confined within the castle walls, Veil's sheltered upbringing has left her somewhat naive, lacking the wisdom and sound judgment that come from real-world experience. Despite her haughty demeanor, she gets along well with her fellow guildmates and respects her superiors. However, her relationship with Rine is notably strained, leading to frequent arguments that require intervention from others. Nevertheless, when the situation demands it, Veil and Rine manage to put aside their differences and work together, albeit grudgingly.

Powers: Veil, with the elegant grace of her wings, has become a true master of potent light magic and powerful healing spells. Her prowess shines brightest when she wields her formidable spear, a weapon capable of piercing the toughest armor.

The Lady Viper
Name: Emerald

Age: 60 (appears to be in her 20s)

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9"

Appearance: Emerald is a beautiful Human/Elf hybrid woman with pale skin, long limbs, Very long emerald color hair, pinned into a high ponytail with bangs, and a curvy body. Due to her being a half-elf, she has pointy elven ears and a longer life span than most humans. As born with the Sage ability of the snake, her appearance resembles one. Her yellow eyes are seductive and the pupils are slitted, some black snake scales are shown on her arms, neck, and legs, long forked tongue and fangs, and black snake tail. Emerald wears a dark green and black modified exo-qipao, created by Delta, with gold linings and a snake design. Her dress has side slits and a cleavage window. She completes her outfit with long black gloves with golden details and dark green palms, and black heels with dark green trim.

Personality: Emerald is a serious, confident, cold, and fearless woman who likes challenging missions and dislikes anyone who interferes with her work unless it’s her superiors. Despite this, she is nice and very loyal to her teammates. She has a habit of hissing when talking, especially with words that have the letter 's' in them. She sometimes seduces her targets with her honey words and alluring body.

Powers: Emerald is a master assassin and martial artist, with an exceptional range of skills honed to perfection. She has also inherited the Sage ability of a snake, granting her a formidable array of powers. Her snake-like abilities include the capacity to inject potent venom through her bite, significantly enhanced physical strength and heightened senses, and exceptional agility for climbing and swimming. Her body possesses remarkable flexibility, allowing her to contort and maneuver with snake-like grace.
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