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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2324492
In which we find out the second part of Chalam's plan
Ten Years Ago…
There’s cacophony outside Chalam’s office, shouts and the sounds of scuffling. Chalam turns from his window as the door bursts open, admitting an unwanted visitor. Jet Saetangmasawat is a tower of fury, body taut, eyes blazing fire. He’s regarding Chalam like the lowest form of human excrement. Two security guards cling to his elbows, barely holding him back.
“You bastard.” Jet’s voice is a low growl.
Chalam turns from the window, his face smooth, impassive. “Do you have an appointment?”
Jet’s hands clench at his sides. “I know what you did.”
Chalam waves his hand, and the security guards let go of Jet’s elbows. He takes several slow steps forward, holding Jet’s gaze. The boy doesn’t flinch.
“What is it--exactly--that you are accusing me of?” Chalam’s dead eyes bore into Jet’s, daring him to vocalize his accusations.
The boy takes the bait. "My parents! You killed them!"
"Is that what you believe?" Chalam's smile is malicious. "Where's your evidence?"
“I know it was you.” There’s a note of desperation in Jet’s voice now. “And I’ll make sure everyone finds out.”
“You poor naive child.” Chalam’s voice is still smooth, still calm, but his eyes glitter with menace. “The deaths of your parents were inevitable. Driving with a blood alcohol level that high has consequences.”
“You’re lying!” Jet’s face goes white. “You’re a liar!”
“And even if they weren’t driving under the influence,” Chalam continues, voice dripping with contempt. “Anada and Kanok Saetangmasawat were minor inconveniences. ”
Jet lunges forward, fists swinging wildly. Chalam remains calm, his movements precise and controlled. As Jet's punch hurtles toward him, Chalam catches it effortlessly. He delivers a sharp elbow to Jet’s ribs, then side steps, kneeing Jet's midsection. Jet staggers back. Before he can fully regain his balance, Chalam grabs Jet’s wrist. He sweeps his leg under, sending the boy crashing to the ground.
Jet scrambles to his feet, desperation in his eyes, but Chalam counters his flurry of punches with effortless blocks, trapping the boy’s arm behind his back, applying just enough pressure to force him onto his knees. Jet cries out as Chalam immobilizes him.
He hovers over Jet, his voice like a death knell. “Your parents were easily disposed of, just like you.”
Chalam releases his grip, allowing the boy to slump to the floor. The security guards pull Jet to his feet, yanking him back toward the door. Jet’s breath comes in ragged gasps as he struggles.
“You bastard!” Jet screams as he is dragged out of the office and down the hall. “I’ll kill you! Do you hear me?”
Chalam’s suit remains pristine, his expression unruffled. He remains where he is as Jet’s shouts fade, before turning to the couple on the other side of the room. He hasn’t bothered to learn their names, only the size of their income--people in need of money are willing to do whatever is asked of them.
Both the man and the woman are nondescript, dressed in clothes that, if not high brand names, were at least respectable. Their demeanor is incurious and distinctly middle-class, which suits Chalam’s purposes beautifully. The middle class is unremarkable, not people who stand out in a crowd or would cause awkward questions to be asked. Neither of them reacted to the sudden disruption of their meeting--they had stayed where they were, seated out of sight of anyone who did not take a good look around the room.
Chalam’s smile turns predatory as he closes the door. “Do you see now what it is we have to deal with?”
The man nods. “I can see why you would view him as a liability.”
“Not just a liability.” Chalam corrects him. “That boy is a dangerous inferno that could raze this company to the ground with a single word.”
“I see.” The woman exchanges glances with her husband. “Then what is it you propose we do with him?”
“Adopt him,” Chalam leans forward, his expression icy, calculating. “On paper only. You will pose as his parents and integrate him into your lives--such as they are. My name will be the one on the paperwork as his legal father. He will be my son, but live under your roof.”
There is a hint of skepticism in the man’s eyes. He frowns. “And if he asks too many questions?”
Chalam’s eyes narrow. “Jet Saetangmasawat must believe that you are his family. If he becomes too resistant, I will handle it discretely.”
He crosses to his desk, removing an envelope from the top drawer. The couple follow him. Chalam holds the envelope out to them, and the woman takes it. Her eyes widen when she sees the pile of baht it contains.
“Jet must never know of my involvement.” Chalam reiterates. “Ensure that his transition is seamless. His presence must be controlled. We can’t afford any mistakes.”
The man nods, his expression eager. “We’ll ensure everything is handled properly.
“See that you do.” Chalam watches as the couple leave his office, the woman clutching the envelope tightly to her chest. His smile grows colder. “One more obstacle removed.”

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