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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Activity · #2322843
Diane and Hugh take their daily afterdinner walk. 300 words
Are You Sure?

Diane and Hugh were taking their usual after-dinner walk, something they did every night mostly at Diane’s insistence.

“It’s very good for your digestion, dear” she always told him by way of encouragement just as they left.

But to keep from getting bored, Hugh insisted that they change the route of their walk every evening.

“If you insist on dragging me on a walk when I’d rather be watching sports, I want to have some variety,” he insisted.

So, this time they decided to try a route they’d never taken before. In fact, neither one of them could remember ever seeing the street before!

“Ravenhill Crescent. This should be ever so exciting! It probably has neither raven nor hill!”

Diane stared at him. She certainly knew sarcasm when she heard it. She said nothing.

“There are some beautiful big homes here,” his wife said conversationally.

“More mortgage, more taxes, more cleaning,” her husband groused.

Diane continued to ignore him.

“Oh, look! A cul-de-sac!” Hugh said with the enthusiasm of boredom.

“Would you look at that antebellum house in the middle!”

“Nobody lives there,” her husband opined emphatically.

“How do you know?”

“No car, lawn’s unkempt, no trash bins outside, general air of vacancy...”

But there’s lights on upstairs,” Diane insisted.


“They’ve gone out now. There’s another! Now that one’s out too.”

“You’re imagining things! I better take you home. You’re probably over-tired!”

“Nonsense! I saw a shadow at that last window before the light went out!”

“Darling! There’s no light in the window and no shadow! Let’s go!”

“No shadow? Then what is that standing in the moonlight on the edge of the lawn?”

Her husband freaked out and took off for home in a panicked run, completely forgetting his wife. Until she never came back.
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