Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322648-Money
Rated: E · Lyrics · Emotional · #2322648
Why important money
Money, money, a game we play,
Chasing numbers, day by day,
A means to live, a means to survive,
But often, it's the source of our strife.

We work and toil, we save and spend,
Our lives consumed by the constant bend,
Of earning more, of keeping score,
But what is it that we're searching for?

The rich get richer, the poor get poor,
A vicious cycle, we're forever poor,
We chase the dream, we chase the dough,
But in the end, is it worth the toll?

The game we play, the numbers we chase,
A never-ending race, a constant race,
We're slaves to the system, we're slaves to the grind,
But what will it take to break the bind?

So let's take a step back, let's take a breath,
And ask ourselves, is this what we truly wish for?
Is the pursuit of wealth and riches the only path to happiness?
Or is there more to life, beyond the madness and the fray?

Let's not forget, in the end, it's not the money that makes us whole,
It's the love we share, the memories we hold,
The moments we cherish, the laughter we enjoy,
These are the things that bring us joy.

So let's play the game, but let's play it with heart,
Let's not lose sight of what truly matters from the start,
For in the end, it's not the money that we take with us,
It's the love and the memories that we leave behind, that truly matter.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322648-Money