Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322558-50-Years-of-Love-Stories
Rated: E · Poetry · Biographical · #2322558
50 Years of Love Stories

50 Years of Love Stories

When I was a young lad
In Berkeley, California
I had a dream
That changed my life.

I fell asleep
In a boring class,

And saw standing next to me
The most beautiful woman
In the world.

She looked at me
With love blazing
From her dark brown eyes.

I was mesmerized
Sparks flew
From heart-to-heart.

Her love mojo
Working overtime
She put a spell on me.

I knew then
That it was fate.
And someday

I would meet
And marry
The lady of my dreams.

For eight years,
I had this recurring dream
I realized she was in Korea.

So I joined the Peace Corps
To find her.

I finished the Peace Corps
Taught ESL for a year
Still looking for her.

Then one day
I had to decide
To leave to return
To go to graduate school.

That morning
Ii had the last dream.

She said,

“Don’t worry
We will meet soon.”

That night,
She walked off a bus
Into my life,

Becoming my wife
Two months later.

We have been
Together ever since
Almost 42 years now.

I have had
These love stories
In my head

50 years
Since we first met
In my dreams.

Note: based on my true love story.

You must follow the prompt.
Your writing must be about love ~ matters of the heart ~ show emotion unless the prompt dictates something specific.
Edit as you need to. I want your best effort. But NO editing between the deadline and the announcement of winners.
You must include your line and word count at the bottom/top of your story.
You must post your entry in b-item format or entry format.
Use the round you are entering as your post title in the forum. Example: Entry round 1
One entry per round, per person

Are you a romantic?
Do you crave all things warm and fuzzy?
Can you create poetry that speaks from the heart?
If the answer is yes, then you've come to the right place!

Your job is to write poetry that tugs at the heartstrings, evokes an emotional response, has me wanting more, and above all else, speaks to the heart./center}

They might have aged 50 years, but when they held yours, those hands felt exactly like they did the first time.
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Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322558-50-Years-of-Love-Stories