Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322281-Embracing-the-Snowfall
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #2322281
A poem about my love for the snow.
In quiet whispers, snowflakes fall,
A silent dance, a gentle call,
While others scorn the winter’s pall,
I find delight in nature’s thrall.

Each flake unique, a work of art,
A fleeting moment, a tender part,
Of winter's tale, it warms my heart,
As coldness wraps the world in art.

While others curse the icy chill,
I watch the world grow soft and still,
In snow's embrace, a magic thrill,
A hush that makes my spirit fill.

The world transformed in silent white,
A canvas pure, a wondrous sight,
In every flake, a trace of light,
That brings my soul profound delight.

Though some may grumble, turn away,
I cherish each snow-kissed display,
In winter's touch, I find my way,
And let my heart with snowfall play.

For in the snow, a peace I find,
A quiet grace, a gentle mind,
While others fret, I’m intertwined,
With nature’s gift, our fates aligned.

Embracing snow, despite the cold,
I see the beauty life can hold,
In every flake, a story told,
A winter’s love, serene and bold.
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