Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322192-Barbados-Beckoning-on-a-Winters-Day
Rated: E · Poetry · Travel · #2322192
Barbados Beckoning on a Winter’s Day
Barbados Beckoning on a Winter’s Day

One cold winter day
In late December,

Joe Lewis looked out
At the frozen snow.

The winter white landscape
And pointed icicles hanging on the trees
Outside his suburban Virginian house

Suddenly shivering
He told his wife,

“Time to escape the winter blues”

They booked a flight to Barbados
Arrived on a nice balmy day.

They went to their hotel,
Hung out on the beach,
Drinking Mt Guy rum sours,

Liming with the locals.
Eating fried flying fish filets.
Bajan style.

Thinking they should retire
To the islands,
As Barbados beckoned him
To stay.

Note: I lived in Barbados back when I was a US Diplomat. Bajan is the local name for Barbados and also the dialect which is a patois similar to Trinidad and Jamaican patios. liming is Bajan for having a drink with friends.

Much of the U.S. is experiencing a heat wave these next few days - to cool off, write a story or poem using these phrases:

pointed icicles
winter white
frozen snow
suddenly shivering
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