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by A.I.
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2322008
A start of a new life in another world!
Chapter 1: The Unexpected Beginning

I stumbled through the dense woods, still trying to make sense of the bomb going off in my classroom back on Earth. It was like a nightmare that turned into a twisted reality. My heart raced as I tried to come to terms with my new surroundings. A status box materialized in front of me, displaying my basic stats and the meager wealth I had. Five large coppers wouldn't get me far in this mysterious world.

I read the prompt in the status box, urging me to choose a starting mastery. A sword was a common choice, so I selected it without much thought. The mastery level skyrocketed to 10, and a surge of power coursed through me as a new skill, "wind slash," appeared. An iron sword materialized in my hands, solid and heavy.

"Whoa," I muttered under my breath, feeling the weight of the weapon in my grasp. Testing out the wind slash skill, I swung the sword in a wide arc, sending a gust of cutting wind through the tree branches. The sounds of splitting wood echoed through the forest, a strange mix of satisfaction and disbelief filling me.

As I continued to walk, the steady hum of the woods enveloped me. Birds chirped in the distance, and the leaves rustled with the breeze. I paused to collect materials, my skills enhancing with each new find. Crafting extra clothing and camp gear became second nature, a routine that kept me anchored in this unfamiliar world.

Night fell, and I decided to set up camp. The flickering flames of the fire casting dancing shadows around me. Sitting on a log, I peered into the crackling flames, thoughts swirling in my mind. My stats had climbed to astonishing heights, my sword mastery now at level 15. Was this world a game? Or something far more complex?

The crackling fire lulled me into a peaceful state, and I yawned, stretching my arms above my head. Tiredness crept over me, a heavy blanket settling on my shoulders. I crawled into my sleeping bag, the fabric cocooning me in warmth. The night sounds of the woods surrounded me, a distant howl breaking the silence. I closed my eyes, the events of the day finally catching up as sleep claimed me.

A sudden sound pierced the night, a high-pitched scream that tore through the peaceful atmosphere. My eyes snapped open, heart pounding in my chest. Adrenaline surged through me as I scrambled out of the sleeping bag, grabbing the hilt of my sword. The scream echoed again, closer this time, filled with fear and desperation.

I dashed through the woods, following the trail of the chilling cries. Branches whipped past me, the ground crunching under my feet. Another scream, this time a low moan of pain, spurred me forward. Bursting into a clearing, I saw a figure hunched over, clutching their leg in agony.

"Help me!" the figure cried, their voice trembling with pain.

Without hesitation, I rushed to their side, dropping to my knees beside them. "What happened? Are you hurt?" I asked, urgency coloring my tone.

"II twisted my ankle running from a pack of wild creatures," the person gasped, sweat beading their forehead. The moonlight bathed them in a pale glow, revealing a young woman with fear-stricken eyes.

"We need to get you out of here," I said, assessing the situation. The creatures could still be lurking nearby, drawn to the scent of blood and fear.

Together, we limped toward safety, the woman leaning on me for support. The journey was treacherous, each step a battle against pain and exhaustion. But we pressed on, the woods around us alive with hidden dangers.

As we finally reached a safe spot, the woman sank to the ground, tears streaking her dirt-streaked face. "Thank you," she whispered, gratitude shining in her eyes.

I sat beside her, the adrenaline ebbing away, leaving me with a sense of fulfillment. "No problem. We adventurers need to stick together," I said, a small smile tugging at my lips.

She chuckled softly, the sound like a melody in the night. "Adventurers, huh? Maybe I should consider joining your ranks."

Laughter bubbled up between us, a shared moment of relief and camaraderie. The night stretched on, the moon casting its gentle light over our impromptu campsite. And as we huddled close to the crackling fire, a new bond formed—a friendship forged in the heart of the wilderness.
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