Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2320189-Facing-the-Future
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2320189
100-words of Drabble Activity sci-fi for week 2
Sometime during the night he shifted. He'd gone to bed at the usual time, and got up once during the night. But when he awoke in the morning, he was somewhere else.

The familiar bedroom walls weren't there. Nor was the house that contained those walls.

Instead he found himself surrounded by metal. Smooth. Shiny. Featureless but for a small porthole, through which he could see nothing.

He crept to the porthole and squinted for a better view. To his shock, his own face stared back. His own face as it had appeared thirty years earlier. It began to laugh.

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