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by Augus
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #2312645
Emily finds herself turned fun sized when her past catches up with her.
Hi I’m Emily and the worst experience of my life all started last night when I went over to to my former friend Elizabeth’s house. I just got off work at the donut shop and was bringing munchkins over. The first thing you should know about me at the time I was 22, 5ft 6in, and a little over 260lbs. I was on my way to “babysit” Elizabeth, she was 18 but has dwarfism and her parents are super overprotective of her. I started babysitting her when she was 8 and at first she really seemed to enjoy it, but as we got older she started to hate that her parents still treated her like a toddler. When I arrived at her house her parents gave me the usual run down on money for pizza and emergency numbers, then they told me that Elizabeth was excited for tonight which I thought was weird since normally she complained about needing me there. Just as her parents picked up her younger brother Derek and walked out the front door I felt a head on my stomach and arms around me, it was Elizabeth. “Omg, Emily how have you been?” Elizabeth asked with excitement. Shocked by how eager she was for the night I said, “a little tired from work but other than that, I’m good”. So we started to talk for a bit and the subject of school came around. “You still taking those college science courses?” I asked intrigued to hear what she might be working on. She looked down for a second then replied, “Yeah and they’re actually challenging me, I mean it’s still easy for me but these professors are really making me think”. Science was always her best class in school, she used to joke about if she could find a way to make herself appear the same height as other people her age then her parents could treat her normally. We would laugh but sometimes she seemed serious about it. Going back to the night we ordered a pizza and then Elizabeth put on this old black and white movie she wanted to watch. Around half way through I started to doze off, but when I awoke I was laying on some kind of fluffy platform that was impossible to stand up on and for some reason I was having trouble rolling on my stomach. But when I finally did start rolling I didn’t stop until I fell off the cloud like surface and landed on something more stable. While trying to get up I noticed that I was becoming more winded than usual. It was only when I got to my knees I saw that I was wearing some kind of fat suit, without my glasses everything looked fuzzy I couldn’t even see wear the sleeve to the suit ended and my hand started. As I got to my feet I grew even more tired, but I found that the ground below me felt like leather on my bare feet. As I took a moment to look at how it stretched out for miles I saw a wall that looked of the same material. It stretch up like a skyscraper, and the sky looking man made. When I regained my focus I tried to unzip the suit from behind me only to find out that I was poking my back. As I turned around I was surprised to see a giant screen out over the horizon with a picture of what looked like the menu screen of the movie Elizabeth and I were watching. Suddenly the ground started to shake as I spotted a giant walk toward my direction. I started to run by my body was reacting slower than usual, I blamed the fat suit, while scream for Elizabeth to hide. Just after I finished my last word a hand slammed down a couple yards ahead of me. A second hand then fell behind me in a fist. It loosened up and drop clothes out of it, then the hand moved out and grabbed a white circular platform with a small object on it. The object was my glasses and when I put them on I was in total shock as I found the giant was actually Elizabeth. “Put those on” her voice boomed as she looked at the clothes she dropped to me. I looked up at her and asked, “what happened, why is everything so big?”. She just kept looking at me then said angrier, “Put your clothes on, NOW.”. It was after that I was falling over myself to get to my clothes and put them on. When I got them on she said, “looks like the alterations I made fit well enough” she looked quite proud of herself as she then continued almost laughing, “god if you were normal sized you’d probably be close to staring on My 600lbs Life”. It was only then it started to sink in that the “fat suit” was my actual body. No that can’t be right, I wanted answers so a yelled, “What did you do to me!?”. Elizabeth only laughed as she then said, “your voice is way to high pitched to hear you all the way down there, let me give you a lift.”. And with that Elizabeth grabs the back of my pants and proceeds to give me the worst wedgy of my life, and as she pulls me closer to her ear she says, “ok what did you say?”. While still in pain and my thoughts going everywhere I just start blurting out questions, “What did you do to me? Why did you do this? Can this be undone? If so now would be best.” Elizabeth then moved me away from her ear so I could see her face as her grin faded into a face of apathy. “Well first I shrunk you. Second you would make fun of me and my height to your friends then come here and take my parents money and act like everything is fine. Third NO it can’t. Did that cover everything?” . As she finished her question she let a smile run over her face. Then dragging me over to her ear as I then pleaded with her, “I’m sorry for that, I just wanted to be in the „group„ since I’ve always been plus size. When they talked about you they wouldn’t focus on me. I’m truly sorry about that but that’s no reason to do this. How did you even pull this off?”Elizabeth smirked, “Well in one of my courses we were talking about molecule compression and it gave me and idea. At first I was going to try and move the molecules out but in every equation the object would become to brittle to hold itself up without breaking, so then I decided if I could come up with the reverse I might be able to get over that problem and so here we are.”. I responded calmly now, “So your working on a way to undo this?”. She dropped me back onto the pillow making it hard for me to move again and said, “No or else I’d have to grow my pet back too.” She must have saw me stop struggling to get off the pillow as she continued, “Oh are you intrigued? Well after about 2 weeks of developing the prototype a guy tried to break in. I let him but when he got inside I made him 3 inches tall that’s when I noticed he went form being a slim man to fat just by shrinking. At the time I didn’t have any living test subject just inanimate objects so I had to do some research so I shrunk his clothes but they didn’t fit so he had to wait for me to make some changes” she let out a sigh then continued, “ as for his gun I don’t know where it is only that I made it microscopic so no one could track him here”. When I heard that I summoned some hope, her parents saw me they saw my car in the drive way so they are going to have questions about what happened to me. But almost like she was reading my mind she says, “Granted your going to be a little hard to explain, although my story should work” she looked down at me and said in a sad voice, “only a couple minutes after you guys left Emily said she didn’t need this and told me not to tell you guys she was leaving.”. She started to laugh, “ And while my brothers hot wheels collection gets a real working shrunken car the neighbors cat will be getting a two inch tall meal”. This had to be some sick joke, I mean I wasn’t the nicest person while I was in school but to feed me to some cat? How did she even know what I said about her? And with my head spinning from all the questions I didn’t even respond when her hand reached out to me.When she grabbed me she said, “Now this next part is gonna be wild,” she opened her back door and as I felt the cold night air she continued, “since your body has condensed you’ll find that some parts of you are more sturdy than you remember. Your bones to be more accurate, granted if a person were to step on you they may still break but you can survive this.”. Then when the final words left her lips I felt her hand move faster than any roller coaster I had ever been on and then throw me over the fence. My world was spinning as I was hurled through the air and it only stopped when I landed hard on the ground, the forced of which knocked me out. When I awoke I saw it was still night, since I was still outside I was safe in assuming the cat didn’t eat me. As I struggled to get to my feet as I was still trying to deal with my body's new shape, but I finally managed and thought about my next course of action. I needed to find a place to rest, I couldn’t go to the house in front of me as a cat might be excited to make me its meal. My next idea was maybe a neighboring house, but trying to find a way in might get me into trouble or worse. Well first things first I knew I had to get out of this backyard. It was a couple hours into my trek through the chest high grass that I heard the screech of brakes and knew Elizabeth’s plan was going to start. Thanks to the long plastic fence Elizabeth had no idea I was still alive. As I was getting closer to the fence’s gate I grew more worried about when I might have to deal with a giant cat, but my thoughts were drowned out when I heard Elizabeth’s parents talking outside about me. They were discussing how I was a monster to leave Elizabeth alone to fend for herself, but they were shocked how well she did. I was stunned her plan was working? And all it took was her shrinking me? I had no time to think about that, I was still in hostile territory. With more time passing after that I reached the gate when the sun was starting to rise. As I crawled under the gate my thoughts ran wild again, when I was normal sized to get to the gate would have only taken a few minute and now it took hours. The realization of my home being weeks maybe even months away was starting to terrify me. I pressed forward agreeing that my house was the safest place to go. My roommates should be able to help me with getting Elizabeth to undo this to me. I moved toward the sidewalk with my thought process being if someone saw me they could bring me to my house quicker than me walking. While on my way I stopped by a tree and sat down to rest for a bit, believe it or not walking for hours on end terrified of being eaten at any moment can really tire someone. While sitting I fell asleep for a few hours. I was only awoken when I heard a car pull up to Elizabeth’s neighbor’s house. The yellow Volkswagen Beetle looked as if it could me a mansion to people my size. When the slender woman came out she seemed a mix of exhausted and happy as she made her way to the passenger side door. As she walked I got up and started to scream, jump, and wave my arms to try and get her attention, but it was all for nothing as she just ignored me. Elizabeth words than rang in my head, “your voice is way to high pitched to hear you all the way down there…”. It wasn’t that she was ignoring me, she couldn’t even hear me from down here. The woman opened her car door and grabbed one of those animal carriers and then headed for her front door, as she walked by I felt the world shake as she took each colossal foot step. As she walked by she looked down at the carrier and said, “You were such a good kitty for the vet, let’s get you a treat then go to bed” and then they disappeared into the house.”. Well that explains why I never ran into the cat all night. And so the sidewalk idea grew in danger but was the only one I could think of. It didn’t help that I would need to cross Elizabeth’s driveway, so if she saw me I’d be done for. I pushed those thoughts down as I pressed forward. It was around noon when I got close to the sidewalk. I took a short rest but then I started to feel the ground shake, someone was coming.It only took seconds to spot the mountain of a person as they walked towards me. The person was as wide as they were tall from my perspective. When I finished climbing onto the sidewalk I noticed that they were staring down at me, granted if I saw a small person in a purple t-shirt and blue jeans appear off the grass I would be curious too. As she drew closer I noticed that the face looking at me seemed familiar but I couldn’t place where I knew it from. Right as she reached me she bent down to get a closer look and I was almost in tears, finally someone who can help me. She then reached her hand out and grabbed me. She looked puzzled then spoke not to me but about me, “What might you be my little friend?”. Just as she finished her sentence I finally remembered who this was, and why I should be anywhere but her hand. The giant before me was Sarah Reynolds, if Elizabeth was willing to shrink me and feed me to a cat for what I said about her Sarah was willing to keep as a pet and humiliate me in ways that would make me want to die. For clarification in senior year when she played the lead in the play the school wanted the senior and junior classes to watch it. So on the day we were supposed to my friends and I took her clothes and put this really strong glue in her costume’s pig snout. I have no idea how a teacher let her on stage, as that wasn’t part of the plan but she tripped over a cord and the towel she wrapped herself in fell. Someone recorded it and it made its way around the school. She had no way to prove I was involved but one day she confronted me about it. I played dumb to it all but she was clearly in agreement with herself that I did it and told me one day she’d get me back. I did other stuff to her throughout our time at school, but that was the worst of it. She looked confused then whispered, “you look like… no that can’t be. Just to be sure though.” then stuffed me into her tight pocket as she started to walk again. I felt her thigh jiggle with every step. The only thoughts going through my head was where was she taking me? Only a couple minutes passed when Sarah shoved her chubby fingers into her pocket to get me, we were in some room that looked to be filled with figurines and puzzles. She put me on a table, turned on the lights, and then grabbed a magnify glass. As she approached me I crawled back. “Holy shit, you are alive”, Sarah said as she grabbed me continuing, “don’t worry I won’t bite you”. As she examined me I thought she might not have remembered me, but then she paused as she examined my face. As Sarah kept the magnify glass pointed at my head she asked in what could have been a whisper for her, “Is your name Emily Jacob?”. I nodded which prompted her to ask, “Did you graduate from Lincoln high school 3 years ago?” Again I nodded. As she registered that a sinister smile washed over her face and she set the magnifying glass down, her eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and malice. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Emily Jacob. This is just too perfect," she said, her voice dripping with satisfaction.Panic surged through me. "Sarah, please, you have to help me! Elizabeth did this to me. You have to get me back to normal!"Sarah laughed, the sound booming and terrifying from my tiny perspective. "Help you? After everything you did to me? I don't think so." She leaned in closer, her breath hot and overwhelming. "You know, I always wanted a little pet. And look, here you are, delivered right to me.""Please, Sarah, I'm sorry for everything! I was a stupid kid. I know I messed up. But I don't deserve this!"She seemed to consider my words for a moment, then shrugged. "Maybe you don't. But you're here now, and I think I could have a lot of fun with this."Before I could protest further, she scooped me up and carried me over to a large glass terrarium. Inside, I could see various pieces of dollhouse furniture and tiny accessories. "Welcome to your new home," she said with a smirk, dropping me inside.I landed on a cushioned chair, the impact jarring but not painful. Looking up, I saw Sarah towering over the enclosure, her grin widening. "I'll make sure you're well taken care of, Emily. Don't worry about that."As she walked away, presumably to gather more supplies for her new "pet," I felt a wave of despair wash over me. Elizabeth had betrayed me, and now Sarah was going to make my life a living nightmare. I had to find a way out of this, a way to get back to my normal size and my normal life. But for now, I was trapped, a tiny prisoner in a giant's world. Sarah returned a short while later, a sewing kit and measuring tape in hand. "First things first, let's get you out of those clothes," she said with a smirk. "We need to see just how much Elizabeth's device changed you."I tried to resist as she reached in to undress me, but my efforts were futile against her enormous fingers. In moments, I was standing there in nothing but my undergarments, feeling exposed and humiliated.Sarah carefully used the measuring tape to take my measurements, her expression a mix of amusement and calculation. "Wow, Elizabeth really did a number on you," she said, jotting down notes. "You're quite the little chunk now, aren't you?"She spent the next hour or so meticulously crafting a tiny loincloth outfit. When she was done, she held it up with a satisfied smile. "There we go. This should do nicely."She handed me the outfit and watched with a critical eye as I put it on. The loincloth barely covered me, emphasizing every curve and roll. I felt even more self-conscious than before."Perfect," Sarah said, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Now everyone can see just how much weight you've put on."She placed me back into the terrarium, her grin wide. "Don't worry, Emily. I'm going to take such good care of you. We'll have so much fun together."As she walked away, I felt a mix of shame and anger. I was determined to find a way out of this, but for now, I was trapped, at the mercy of a giant with a grudge.
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