Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/974346-spring-for-the-birds
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #974346
a poem about birds in the springtime
spring for the birds

i’ve been awakened the last several
mornings to a
cacaphonous convention of
birds outside my bedroom
i’ve recognized sparrows, jays, and
caught up in a very
serious discussion of something

perhaps the fate of their distant
middle east relatives in this time
of world upheaval
or maybe it’s something as
mundane as today’s split of the
local worm spoils

in the distance a
neighborhood dog
barks incessant commentary or maybe
tries to join the
conversation but doesn’t understand
the futility of inter-species

then, every
now and then,
a lone owl, as if trying to recognize
the dog,
asks the burning question
who-who-who whoooo?
for owls in their infinite
never ask why
© Copyright 2005 j. edward goodwin (roygbiv2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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