Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/948277-The-Land-of-Dreams
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #948277
Arial's dreams where different,what happens as her life and dreams mix?CH 4 UP!!
Chapter one: Taking words to heart

“Arial, wake up! Your gonna be late for school!” the young girl’s mother calmly walked out of the room to finish fixing her teenager breakfast. Arial rolled over in her bed, “Why must she always take me away from my dreams?” Arial thought to herself. She lethargically pulled herself out of bed and got dressed. The girl put her usual all black ensemble on and looked in the mirror. “The creative Goth they say. They don’t know me at all; just because I wear all black and I have a better imagination when it comes to writing and drawing doesn’t mean they have to label me.” Arial quietly spoke as she turned away from the mirror and headed out the door. She ran down stairs grabbed her books, shoved her breakfast down her throat and took some lunch money off the table and got out the door just in time to catch the bus.

“Hey, did you just wake up?” Tash asked as Arial sat down in the seat beside her. “Yes, and yet again my mother ruined another fantasy I was in the middle off. Just like she always does” “You sound more snippy than usual; what was going on in dream theater? Any new people added? Old ones taken? New loves?” Tash leaned in closer to Arial in hope to hear something new that went on in Arial’s ‘dream life’. “Not really” Arial started, “just the usual. Oh, there is one thing; Sifer attacked the Galena Kingdom.” “WHAT!! That punk knight attacked your kingdom!!” to say that Tash was a little out raged would demeaned her statement. “TASH! Chill, he didn’t do any real damage, and he left… all is well. Besides it was just a dream, not like its real life; or for that matter even a T.V show.” “I know, but you have a gift. The gift of ‘story dreams’” Tash eagerly replied. “Story dreams? What are you talking about?” “That’s what I named your dreams. They play out like a story and when you wake up from one it never really ends does it? When you go to sleep at night they pick right back up where you left off, just like when you have to stop reading a book and do something else.” Tash effervescently explained. Arial just sat in the bus seat dumbfounded, “You have way to much free time my dear friend.” “No, I mean it, when you dream, its more then a dream; it’s almost as if you’re living another life through your dreams, it’s just a continuous plot line. Tell me something Arial, you have been having dreams about the same thing ever since you were like 3 right? And all the characters including your self have grown, changed, and have had a life. People have died, been born and moved away or in; battles have been fought, seasons have passed. Do you really think you have regular dreams?” Tash almost begged Arial to see this through her eyes but to Tash’s dismay she didn’t. “Tash, you read to deep in to things. I’m just really weird when it comes to dream is all, come on, we’re at school.” “Why don’t you ever for once try to have fun with your dreams, all you do is write out stories about what happens and draw the people you dream in action scenes or what have you to go with your stories.” Tash sulked. “See, you just said it; making the stories and pictures is fun for me.” Arial smiled. Tash sighed, “You just don’t get it Arial.” Tash walked off the bus, pass Arial and in to the school.
Arial thought, “Tash, I just don’t want to believe it, if I start to believe it my dreams might stop.”

In first period creative writing, Tash sat on the far side of the room away from Arial. “Tash, what’s wrong? You’ve been ignoring me and avoiding me ever since we got here this morning.” Tash looked up with tears in her eyes, “Arial, why don’t you just be happy and believe that your dreams are another life for you? You have a place to go and get away from here, from everything. When I dream I still have fears and nightmares; I’m stuck in this hell. Ever since my parents got divorced they use me to get back at each other, I have nothing to vent my anger and fears on, no where to go and get away from it all, not like you do. Just be happy and let me believe that you aren’t as bad off as me okay?” Arial hugged her now shaking friend. “I’m sorry Tash, okay, I believe now my dreams are my other life, my get out of jail free card so I can pass GO and collect $200.” This brought a smile to Tash’s face; Arial always knew what to say to help her over dramatic friend, even if she didn’t mean half of what she says half of the time. The day went on, everything was the norm, except that Arial thought that she kept seeing Sakura and Keota, which are her sister and brother in her dreams, hiding around corners of the school and spying on her. She just figured it was her imagination and shook the idea off. “Get a grip Arial, you’re seeing things. All you’re doing is letting what you said to Tash get to you.” She quietly said as she walked out to the bus.
When she arrived home she found a note on the kitchen table from her mom:
I’ve gone out with Anthony; I won’t be home until about midnight. I have my cell with me so you can reach me if needed.
Love mom+ Anthony”
“Great, another night alone while she is off with a fake ‘Prince Charming’! I hate it when she does this, I’ll call Tash later and see if she wants to come over and keep me company.” Arial sighed and took her school stuff up to her room. When she walked in she found a couple of fallen feathers around her room; she chuckled to her self when she saw them and thought, “Sakura and Keota must be shedding their winter wings, I should be going through that too soon.” She shot up from her book bag on the floor and stared, “That can’t be possible, they’re in my dreams, we have wings in my dreams not the real world,” she walked over to her bed to get a better look at the feathers in hopes that it wasn’t one of her sisters or brothers, “holy crap it is!!!” She dropped the feather back on to her bed; she heard something in the attic and decided to go have a look. “What is going on? I swear I saw those two today and now their feathers from their wings are in my room.” the frightened girl softly said going up to the attic. “Hello? Is anyone up here?” she waited for an answer or to hear the noises again. After a moment she turned around and laughed at herself for thinking it was anything other then the wind. As she turned around she got pulled up in to the attic and the door locked behind her. “How did that just happen?” she sat in the middle of the floor and looked around, until she heard a noise behind her; she scampered for a baseball bat she had up there from peewee softball. “Who are you and what do you want?” she held the bat up in front of her ready to swing.

“Come now, you wouldn’t hit your dear big brother would you? Not after little Sakura injured my arm in our last race through the tree tops of the forest.” A male voice said from the shadows. “Chi? Brother? What are you talking about I’m an only child, and how do you know about my little sister Sakura? She’s only from my dreams.” Arial questioned the shadows. “That’s because I am your brother, and Sakura is my little sister too Hun.” the voice said stepping out of the shadows, revealing a relatively handsome young man, with wings at a resting point behind him, he looked about 16. “Keota? Is it really you?” Arial walked up to the boy that looked like her brother and poked him. “Hey that tickles!” Keota replied. “AHHH! It is you!!” Arial dropped the bat and ran out of the attic, down stairs to the living room.
After a moment Keota met her down there, “What are you running from? Is that how you greet people here, rather unfriendly wouldn’t you say? You didn’t even give me a hug and I’m kin to you.” Keota joked as he looked behind the couch at Arial. “What are you doing here? You live in my dreams, with in that my mind, how did you get out and get in to the real world?” Arial looked up slowly into blue eyes that match her own. “Sister, I know you want to believe that this is all not real and your dreams are just dreams, but I’m not a figment of your imagination, I’m real, what you dream is real.” Keota sighed as he held out his hand to help pull her up out of her hiding place.
“So you’re real? All of Galena is real?” She took his hand and jumped over the couch to sit down.
“Yep, and so are the other kingdoms that surround us.” Keota nodded. Arial laid back on the couch. “This all seems to good to be true, and way to out there even for my imagination.”
“Arial, dear little sister, if I went real how would I know about all of this and could I do this?” Keota leaned in and gave his sister a hug. “I guess not, it’s just weird for this to happen.” Arial smiled. “WAIT, what’s with the little sister stuff? You’re my twin, we’re the same age!”
“Yes I do realize, however I was born earlier then you.”
“Only by three minutes!”
“That makes me three minutes older and you three minutes younger, so you are my little sister!!”
“WHY YOU!!!” Arial got up and started to chase Keota around the house thinking to herself, “What am I doing? He is from my dreams… am I hallucinating?” she eventually caught him. “You wouldn’t hit a man in a wheelchair would you?” Keota said in defense. “You aren’t in a wheelchair… yet.” Arial gave an evil smirk. “But I’m you’re brother! Dear sister, you wouldn’t really hurt me would you, at least not with an already injured arm.” Keota whined. Arial laughed and tackled him, “You really are Keota!! You’re just as much a big talker as ever!! You always say things that can get you in trouble but when you’re about to get hit you turn into a wussy kid.” “Not always.” Keota pouted,
After they had calmed down they sat at the kitchen table, “You never told me why me of all people gets to do this.” Arial noticed. “Well, no one really knows how it happens, someone just gets chosen as our princess. Your grandmother was the queen before our mother was, you probably got it from her.” Keota explained. “Oh, well I guess that kinda makes sense… not really, no, but I’ll just nod and act like I know what you mean.” Arial blissfully smiled and nodded.
“Okay,” Keota chuckled, “oh, by the way, you can still live your life here, just come visit us at night like what you’ve been doing, and you can spend the whole weekends with us.” “But what about my mom?” Arial asked. “She dealt with it from her mother, she knows what’s going on, and she’s known all along that this would happen, ever since you told her about your first dream. Besides, Sakura and me came by and told her today that you’re coming with me tonight.” Keota assured. “Oh, well its Friday, am I gonna stay all weekend?” Arial said shyly. “Of course, providing you want to. You can come when ever you want and stay as long as you want.” Keota said. “I can’t wait to get there and see everyone! I get to see mother and father, Sakura, Mickey…” “And Drake.” Keota cut Arial off. Arial blushed, “Oh, yes, Drake too.”
“Oh what’s the matter dear sister, you blush when your own boyfriend is talked about. Hey, it could be worse; at least he’s a preacher man.”
“Yea, a preacher man that carries a huge gun!” Arial yelled.
“Oh big deal! He has a gun and he’s a preacher!!” Keota waved it off like it was common, “But he is protective of you and he does love you … a lot might I add.” “Yea, I know he does.” Arial said softly with a gleam in her eye. “And by that look I say that you love him a lot too, despite the age bracket.” Keota smiled. “It isn’t my fault that our parents betrothed me to someone that’s 10 years older then me. At least we do love each other and care for one another,” Arial beamed.
“Hey let’s get going, you said yourself that you can wait to get there and I’m sure that everyone would want to see you. That and it’s close to five o’clock, we don’t want to be late for dinner or show up like we are now.” With that said Keota grabbed Arial’s hand and they flew off towards the kingdom of Galena high above the clouds.
“Wow, it’s so beautiful up here; I never realized that our Kingdom was so huge.” Arial gasped in amazement.
“Yep, and one day I’m gonna rule it, possible you too if anything should happen to me.” Keota said, “But don’t worry, you and Drake can stay at the castle forever.”
“Why would we do that?”
“Because, Drake is apart of our kingdom. The only reason you were betrothed to him instead of a knight or another prince is because his family and him have been very close with our family, that’s why they stay at the castle too, however he is still a noble.” Keota yet again had to explain things that Arial didn’t realized despite that fact that it’s her life.
Upon arriving at the castle gate, everyone ran out to see them. “I’m so glad you made it home sweetheart.” Her mother, the queen, said with a hug. “What took so long?” her father, the king, asked. “Well, at first she didn’t really believe me, and didn’t think this was real.” Keota said. “Tattle tail!” Arial said and stuck her tongue out. “Now Arial, a princess should be more lady like then that!” the queen scolded. “Yes, momma.” Arial blushed. “So do you believe this is all real now?” asked the king. “Yes I do poppa.” Arial smiled. “Well you should go get ready for the dinner; it’ll be in half an hour and everyone will be there including Drake. Mickey, go with her and help her get ready, please.” “Yes mum.” Mickey bowed and walked with Arial up to her room.
“What dress should I wear Mickey?” Arial said looking through her wardrobe.
“Arial, how should I know, I’m just one of your ladies in waiting.” Mickey laughed.
“Some help you are!” Arial joked. “Well with your deep red hair and light blue eyes, your green dress compliments you the most, however, Drake thinks you look the most ravishing and breathtaking in midnight blue.” Mickey said.
“Well if Drake likes me in midnight blue, then I’ll wear the blue dress he bought me this past winter.” Arial sang.
“If he bought it this past winter why are you wearing it now when it’s just turned spring?” Mickey questioned. “Because it’s a spring dress, it’s the only blue dress he could get from the tailor in town at the time so he just went and bought it. Besides, if it just turned spring then winter just left.” Arial giggled. “So you’re wearing the blue dress I take it?” “Yep” Arial nodded.

Chapter two: The dinner party

Everyone was gathered in the great dinning hall awaiting the arrival of Arial. The entire castle, the kingdoms nobles, and nobles from neighboring kingdoms were invited to the dinner party. Many didn’t want to come at first because they didn’t have faith that Keota could bring back their princess, but, when they received word that she had come back to the kingdom they all came in such a hurry that the servants could barely keep up with the introductions.

Arial along with Mickey started to head down the stairs that lead to the great dinning hall; they looked around to see how many familiar faces they could see. They spotted knights and a few princes along with family and friends that they haven’t seen in months or years, but they couldn’t spot Drake.
“Where is he Mickey” Arial sighed.
“He’ll be here, I’m sure of it. I highly doubt that you’re fiancé would be a no show for a dinner in your honor.” Mickey reassured.

Just then one of the servants spotted her and introduced her. Arial looked around the crowd in shock and embarrassment, she didn’t want all that attention called to her, Mickey took her hand and led her down the steps instead of leaving her standing there like a deer caught in head lights.
Many people came up to her and all began to speak, most of them she didn’t even know. In fact the only one that had the chance to get to her that she knew was an old childhood friend named Tie.

“TIE! I’m so glad to see you!” Arial beamed. The two of them conversed for a few moments. “Hey, I think I saw Drake outside by the church hall.” Tie said, finishing the conversation.

Arial ran outside to the church hall to find Drake, when she got out there she saw him sitting against the fountain smoking. “You know one day that’s gonna kill you?” Arial spoke softly as she snuck up on him. “And you know that you shouldn’t sneak up on people like that.” Drake grinned. “So why are you out here, why weren’t you in the dinning hall? Don’t you love me anymore? ” Arial joked as she sat on the fountain edge behind him, starting to feel a bit easier about everything.

“No, it’s not that I don’t love you anymore, it’s just that… this is the first time you’ve honestly been here while being conscious and I was scared that since now you are aware of certain things, that you wouldn’t love me anymore and so I thought that if I didn’t see you then you couldn’t say that you don’t love me. To top it off we’ve only been engaged for a little over three months and have known each other personally and not just from letters and paintings for three weeks and are still uneasy around each other.” Drake had yet to look at Arial.

“Drake, of course I still love you, nothing can change that. You are honestly the man of my dreams, I knew that from the moment we met and I wouldn’t give you up for anything. I know we are uneasy around each other still but it’s gonna be like that until we know each other, and avoiding me wont help. Come on, let’s go inside honey.” Arial said standing up. “Okay. Do you realize that this is the first time you and me have been alone around each other in the three weeks of knowing each other, and it didn’t go bad.” Drake stood and brushed his self off with a laugh, “Hey, you’re wearing the dress I bought you this winter. Wow, it looks even more beautiful on you then I could ever imagine, of course I can’t even begin to imagine beauty like yours.” Arial blushed at her compliment from Drake as he offered her his arm and walked to the great dinning hall.

“You know Drake, when you bought me this dress, you didn’t even know me yet.” Arial laughed. As they began to walk back to the great dinning hall the bell signaling that all members of the dinner should be in the hall rang. “Shit, we’re late!!!” Drake yelled as he started to run dragging Arial behind him.

When they arrived in the hall everyone was standing behind their designated chair waiting on Drake and Arial. Everyone turned to look at them as they ran into the door laughing and giggling, when Arial and Drake looked up she began to blush and Drake suddenly went serious. They tried to walk past the people and keep a straight face, when they arrived at their seats her father introduced the two lovers to the guest and gave both of them a very disappointed look. Over the course of dinner many stories were thrown around and people would try to regale others with stories that seemed the most outlandish.

King Phero, from Kellick, told of an adventure he had when he was much younger; he had gone one on one with seven thunder dragons, now dragons do exist but thunder dragons are said to be the strongest dragons ever, their about the size of two common dragons and not only can they fly and breath fire like other dragons but they use mighty rolls of thunder and lightning to destroy rocks and use them in battle. Also, thunder dragons are only found in children’s story’s, it’ll be hard enough finding one let alone seven in one life time, especially all at once by the same man. However King Phero refused to believe that he didn’t go up against them, he was set in the fact that they were thunder dragons.

“So, why were you two late? Get tied up playing ‘hide the cross’?” Mickey whispered to Arial. “Mind your tongue!” Arial snapped in a hushed tone, “You know as well as me that Drake and I have never done such a thing. We haven’t even kissed and he barely hugs me as it is.” “I know this but it’s still fun to tease you since you are coming of age, it won’t be to long before the two of you are married.” Mickey giggled. “I know that, but still don’t tease me about that because it’s never happened, and it won’t happen. Hell if I’m gonna go through all that pain of child birth.” Arial scoffed. “It has to happen sometime, its human nature, and further more young lady, you are a princess, an heir to the thrown, you will be forced to have a child weather you want to or not.” Mickey said in a loud tone. “Mickey! Will you kindly shut up! People will hear you and our conversation and now is not the time to be having one of this nature.” Arial hissed at the girl.

After dinner there was a dance, the guest moved to the ballroom to hold the dance. While the members were still waiting on the orchestra to set up Tie walked up and started to talk to Arial again. “Why do you look so sad princess?” Tie asked rather serious. “It’s just that Drake and me aren’t that close yet. I mean, we do talk to each other and flirt but he barely looks at me and we almost never hug or anything like that. Yet at the same time we say that we honestly love each other, I don’t think he does though” Arial sighed now in a rather melancholy mood. Tie’s eyes went soft and he had a light smile on his face.

“What?” Arial asked. “He is acting this way because he doesn’t want to lose you; you’re a princess, and a very touchy girl. He doesn’t want to do something wrong and make you hate him, he does love you but he is just being precautious.” Tie explained. “How do you know that?” Arial asked quite quizzically. “Arial, come on Hun, for one I’m a guy, two, you and me are as close as we can get with out being in a relationship and three, I talk to the guy, him and me are friends too you know.” Tie laughed. Arial just smiled and hugged him, “Thank you so much Tie, you know you’re like family to me.” “I know I am Hun; but don’t be shocked if you guys are still uneasy for a few more weeks though, okay.” Tie hugged the girl back. “I know, thanks again.” With that said Arial ran off to find Drake, only to find him gone and his sister around instead.

“Hello Madison, I haven’t seen you in several days, how have you been.” Arial smiled at the girl that would one day be her sister in law. “I’m fine, I had a slight cold but I’m over it now.” Madison smiled. “That’s good to hear, your mother and father are still well I hope.” Arial said. “Oh yes, they are doing great everyone is fine. It’s just weird getting over the fact that my 26 year old brother has a fiancé that is my age.” Madison laughed. “I know I can’t believe that both of our parents would agree to it, but I’m glad they did.” Arial said. “Me too, is it just me or at dinner did you two seem to be a little bit closer? He said that you two finally had a moment to your self’s with out having people around.” Madison commented.

“Yes, we did get to spend a few minutes alone out by the fountain. But we are still uneasy, you can tell by our actions and tone of voice. I’m trying to be calmer and flirtier around him though, in hopes that it might bring him out a little.” Arial replied. “I’ve noticed, but you can’t give up, it won’t always be this way you know.” Madison walked back over to her parents since the dance was just getting underway.

Arial was roaming around the great room in hopes to find someone that she knew and occasionally stopping to talk to the guest as they came up to her. After about 15 minutes she finally saw Mickey again, only she was dancing with Tie. When the two looked over at Arial they just started to laugh, “Great, I hope they aren’t laughing at me or talking about me.” Arial thought as she smiled at her two best friends. Just then Arial had a weight around her legs she looked down and saw two deep brown eyes beaming up at her. “Sakura, where did you come from?” Arial asked in surprise. “Sissy, come play with me!” her little sister said squeezing her legs tighter.

“Sakura, you do realize that the last time you played with anybody it was Keota and you injured his arm?” Arial asked trying not to laugh. “Pwetty pwease come and play with me big sister!” the little girl begged. “Oh alright, I don’t think they’ll miss me for too long.” Arial finally gave in unable to resist her little sister.

The two girls went outside to the court yard where they ran around and played tag and did a little bit of dancing. Soon however the bell on the church rang nine times. “Sakura, you know what that means, time to go to bed.” Arial said picking up her sister and walking back to the dance to join everyone else. “But sissy...” “No, I don’t want to hear it. You know momma and poppa want you in bed at nine.” Arial cut off her sister protest and sent her off to bed.

“And you keep saying that you wouldn’t be a good mom.” said a masculine voice from behind her. Arial turned around in surprise and saw Drake, “Oh, but its different when it’s your five year old sister. I think it would be harder with a child that’s your own.” Arial stammered out staring at her feet. Drake walked up to Arial and gentle took her hand and kissed it causing Arial to turn pink. “We only have an hour left of the dance, will you join me for it?” Drake asked. “Do you expect me not to?” Arial said as she followed Drake into the crowded room. As they danced together they easily became the center of the room, all attention was focused on them. Granted they didn’t enjoy all the attention, but they had fun none the less.

When the ball was over the King, Queen, Keota, and Arial said goodbye to everybody and saw them out. As Arial started to head to her room some one had snuck up behind her and placed their hand over her mouth. They pulled her back down the stairs and out into the court yard and then let her go. When she turned around she saw Drake standing before her. “What are you doing? You scared me half to death!” Arial shouted as she hit him in the arm.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, I just wanted us to spend more time together alone.” Drake laughed. “So you made me think I was being kidnapped?” Arial glared. Just then they heard a guard approaching to see what the noise was about, the two ran to the far end of the court yard where they can’t be seen. “I didn’t mean it, I just knew that if you knew it was mean and what I was up to then you’d start laughing and we’d be caught before we got out here.” Drake smiled at Arial. She in turn tried to glare at the man again but ended up braking into a smile.

The two lovers spent the night in the court yard dancing, laughing, and just plain talking to each other. Before they knew it the sun was starting to rise forcing the couple to part ways and return to their rooms. If they were to be caught out in the early hours of morning together the king and queen would be furious. “Arial!” Drake called back, “I love you.” “I love you too, see you at breakfast.” Arial smiled back.

Chapter three: Something’s wrong
The next day started as it usually did when Arial dreamed it; she woke up and got dressed, joined her family for breakfast and then went outside on the castle grounds to either practice flying or to watch her brother practice his fighting skills, however, today no one was to be found. She decided to search the castle to see if she could find anyone, to her luck she found everyone in her father’s social room sitting around a table looking very serious.

“Ano… h-hi everyone, is um, anything wrong?” Arial almost regretted asking.
Everyone looked up in shock to see her, and then her father spoke, breaking the eerie silence. “Arial, this is no place for you to be, now go find Mickey and… and, just don’t leave your room after you find her!!” her father said in a fluster. Arial had a look of confusion and surprise on her face, “But Daddy, I don’t under-“

“You don’t have to understand!!” the king snapped, “Look, I’ll send Drake to your room when this is done and we know for sure what’s going on.” Her father said pushing her out of the room. She looked back and saw Drake with a solemn look etched in his face, almost as if he had been ordered to be put to death. When the door closed behind her she paused for a moment then ran as fast as she could to look for Mickey. After Mickey was found, out in the court yard, Arial collapsed at her feet.

“EE, God Arial what’s wrong, are you okay?” Mickey asked falling beside her friend. Arial sat up and shoved her face in the skirt of Mickey’s dress and screamed. “O.O… Arial what’s wrong?! What happened? ...Did Drake do something? Please tell me.” Mickey said trying to pull Arial up with no success. “I don’t know what’s wrong!! All I know is that I think it has something to do with Drake… he looked like he was about to be killed when I saw him.” Arial said muffled through Mickey’s dress. “Everything will be fine, trust me.” said Mickey reassuringly. “But, what if we got caught last night? What if Daddy’s gonna punish Drake or break the betrothal?” cried Arial. “He won’t!! It won’t be anything like that!!! I promise you, everything will be fine.” Mickey said gently rubbing Arial’s head. Soon she fell asleep, however even her dreams didn’t bring her peace for she soon awoke with a scream.

“Now what’s wrong Princess?” Mickey said looking freighted since she herself had fallen asleep. “Oh, I’m sorry Mickey; I just had a bad dream. I dreamt that Daddy and Drake had to go off to battle with some distant kingdom called Blize or something like that.” “Well, it was only a dream, thank goodness for that.” said Mickey with a deep breath. Just then Drake appeared, “I’ve been looking for you, you weren’t in your room, but then I heard you scream and came this way. Are you okay?” “A… yes, I just had a dream that wasn’t all too happy, but I’m fine.” Arial blushed. Drake gave a half hearted smile; “Well in that case come with me, we have to talk.” he helped the princess up and began to lead her to the path in the woods. Neither of the two said a word until they were a few minutes into the woods, then Drake spoke, “Now, Arial I don’t want you to get mad or worried but your father, brother, and I must leave and-“ “What? Why do you have to leave me?” Arial interrupted.

“Because dear, we have to go to war… with Blize.” Drake took a deep breath and sighed. “I mean it won’t be just us of course, our soldiers are come obviously.” Drake smiled in hoped to ease the mood, but with no avail. “But we have help too; the kingdom of Kellick is helping us in the war.” Arial froze, her dream, that nightmare of a vision was happening, the man she loved, along with her father and brother had to go fight against what seemed to be one the strongest kingdoms when it came to attacks.

“When do you leave?” Arial asked tears pouring down her face. “Tonight.”

Chapter four: The Painful Goodbye and the Return Home
Arial spent the rest of the day with Drake; much to their dismay the day passed by fast and soon it was night fall. Everyone was gathered outside the castle to say goodbye to the group, Arial’s mother was wishing her husband, son, Drake, and the knights’ good luck, while Arial could do nothing but cry. However she did her best to try and hide it, but to no avail, when it was her turn to say goodbye to everyone it took all her might to not collapse into Drakes arms. “Why? Why do you have to go!!! You’re not a fighter, you’re a priest!!” the girl cried.

“Arial, contain yourself! Trust me, everything will be fine. I’ll return home with your family and the knights safely.” Drake whispered into her ear. He wiped away her last tear and kissed her cheek, “Don’t cry anymore, have faith. I love you.” with that they rode off towards Blize.

The next day went by rather slow and dull with more then half the castle gone, all there was for her to do was wonder the halls and mope around looking depressed. The poor queen wasn’t taking her husband being of at battle too well either, behind closed doors you could hear her weep. Arial in turn spent most of the time with Sakura; she had hoped that it’ll give her poor mother a break not having to worry about her youngest child. When night fall came reality hit her, “Oh crap!! It’s Sunday! I have school tomorrow!” Arial shrieked. In a frantic state Arial told Mickey to watch Sakura and then ran to her mother and told her that she has to leave but would return the following night.

Exhausted, she began her flight home; she didn’t even know where she was going exactly, but nevertheless she flew home anyway. Without knowing it she fell asleep on her way home, when she awoke she looked around and noticed she was back in her room. “Oh good, you’re back. Well get a shower and get dressed, you have school.” Arial’s mom said as she walked by her daughter’s bedroom. “I’m home? But when did I… how did I?” Arial sat up in bed looked around as her mother walked by again, “Arial, get out of that bed before I drag you out!!” Arial did as her mother said and gathered her clothes for the day and headed towards the bathroom.

“Um, mom… what happened?” Arial asked in a quiet voice. Her mother stopped and looked at her, “Arial, please tell me you’re joking, right?” “Did I fall, or pass out or something?” Her mother just stood there and stared at her daughter, “Don’t play stupid, you and I both know where you have been, now get a shower.” With a blank stare Arial got a shower and got ready for school. She walked outside and waited for the bus, when it arrived she noticed that Tash wasn’t on. “Maybe she missed it or is sick.” She thought.

When she got to school she looked everywhere for Tash but didn’t find her until after fourth period on their third lunch shift. “Tash! Oh my God, where the hell have you been?” Arial ran up and grabbed her friend’s arms. “I had a doctor’s appointment. Why, what’s wrong?” Tash said rather confused. “I have so much to tell you about my dreams and my weekend and how they intertwine!!” Arial led Tash out of the lunch room over to a shaded tree in the court yard and proceeded to explain exactly what happened over the weekend. “Are you kidding me?! And your mom is acting coy about it? That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard!” Tash stood up and jumped in joy. “Will you sit down you look like a fool.” Arial laughed.

“So when are you going back?” Tash said eagerly. “Tonight, after I get home from school.” “You have to tell me what happens in first period tomorrow, Arial!” “Don’t worry Tash I will.” The lunch bell rang ending lunch and the start of sixth period. Arial finished out the day with her last and least two favorite classes, gym, and health. At her locker after school Tash met up with Arial and they decided that since it was a nice day that they would walk home. Tash lives two streets over from Arial, so after Tash reached her house Arial ran the rest of the way home so she could return to her kingdom.
The only problem was, telling her mom.
© Copyright 2005 happyNdreams (happyndreams at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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