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Rated: E · Poetry · Opinion · #850118
A different view on love and its side-effects
What is love, that feeling we feel?
All those secrets we never reveal,
Coz that person you did tell,
When you thought all was going well,
Turned out to have a bad side as well,
The one for which you fell…
Hold it right there,
Is this really fair?
For years and years this has been going on
Let’s find out what went wrong…

Turns out it’s all a tale
Of lies and betrayal
Which we’re all gonna go through sooner or later
Due to how much you like her and vice versa…
Logically you’ll feel fortunate at first
Although you don’t realize you’ve just been cursed
For you’ll think this is it, you’ve found your match
Unaware that there are still lots of planes to catch…
Before arriving to the final destination,
You’ll have to go through much anger and frustration.

Hang on…

It’s not my intention to convince you that love is bad,
It’s one of the best feelings I’ve ever had!
All I want to do is warn you
That not everything goes how it’s made out to…

There are endless amounts of songs about this,
But they only tell you how great and marvellous it is…
I feel I must bring in a bit of controversy
Coz here’s something that’s been worrying me…
All these songs are ok when you’re enjoying love,
But what if you’ve got the issues we all have?
They won’t do you any good, I can assure you,
This is something we’ll all go through,
And I wish they’d quit it for once
And give other themes a chance!

Movies are on a similar line,
Where everyone looks outstanding and divine
the make-up, the clothes they wear,
surgery as youth and wigs as hair…
All calculated to the smallest detail
on the border of looking surreal,
just to make you think and feel
that it’s the real deal.
99% of films tell a love story
where they’ll end up together, surely!
both of them so perfect for each other
that they end up happily ever after…
What happens when they reveal,
With no additives, the real deal?
I just don’t understand it…
…health doesn’t come into it?
Why fight against nature?
In my opinion that’s rather immature…

Songs and films are but the beginning
Of a chain that’s condemned us to consuming,
To get us to aim for that perfection
When we should be paying more attention
to the lives we’re living, we need protection!
The apocalypse of our society,
a world with no variety,
all playing the same game
you have to aim for fame
even if you can’t remain sane…

You’ve got your whole life ahead ,
Don’t think all has been done and said.
Bad times are part of our life like good ones are
A life of only positive aspects is quite far
This sort of problems happen all over the world,
letting them ruin your life is absurd!
A shame things won’t be any different,
Reading this has only taken a moment
But no-one will take any notice
Even if I keep giving advice…
Maybe things will change someday
and we’ll all live happily…

Sumacol – 2004

Edit:Spelling... I left some slang in so that the rap wouldn't lose it's rhythm.
© Copyright 2004 Sumacol (sumacol at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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