Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/815157-Message-From-My-Sweetheart
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Contest · #815157
Written for In His Arms Creative Poetry Contest

Message From My Sweetheart

It was Valentine's Day two years ago,
That I read the message, he had to go;
A fire was blazing somewhere in town,
He was going to try to help put it down.

"Honey" he wrote, "I'll be home soon,
Until then sleep well-" and he whistled a tune
As he walked out the door and into the night;
A fireman bathed in the moon's eerie light.

A Valentine card beside the note
"To My Sweetheart", inside he wrote
"Always and forever, my love will never die"
I think of it now, with a tear in my eye.

Later that day came a knock on the door,
I knew without asking what they were here for;
A firemen was lost in an effort to save
A child trapped inside that terrible blaze.

I know that God's watching over us all,
He gives us strength when we stumble and fall;
When the worst happens, and we feel despair,
He comes to assure us He always is there.

"Always and forever, my love will never die"
The message from my sweetheart, saying goodbye;
Could the words he wrote be penned by the hand
Of God who was trying to help me understand?

Love is eternal; He'll see me though the pain
And someday I'll be with my loved one again.
Until then I'll cherish the memories I hold,
A valentine message worth more than gold.


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