Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/746017-Crack-Krakens-Code-Quotes
Rated: 13+ · Bulletin · Activity · #746017
Messages decoded, and gift points doled out, in previous rounds of the contest.
Round 1

Winner: laregna | 1,400

Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.

James Dean

Round 2

Winner: bokonon | 1,900

Too many times we stand aside
And let the waters slip away
‘Til what we put off ‘til tomorrow
Has now become today
So don’t you sit upon the shoreline
And say you’re satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance the tide

Garth Brooks, from “The River”

Round 3

Winner (Quote): laregna | 2,300
Winner (Character): sonic_fan1 | 4,400

I think that life is a lot like a story—there is more to it than just what your eyes can see. If you don’t look beyond the words on the page, then you will miss the true meaning. Believing is seeing.

Kelly Armstrong, from "Quorilax"   [13+] by Davy Kraken

Round 4

Winner: mysterymann | 1,900

Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.

Italian Proverb

Round 5

Winner: mysterymann | 2,000

Only two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.

Albert Einstein

Round 6

Winner: clift1983 | 1,500

Smooth seas never made a skillful mariner.

English Proverb

Round 7

Winner: blueeyedmuse | 1,900

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Round 8

Winner: mooneyma | 1,800

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

Mother Teresa

Round 9

Winner: mooneyma | 1,700

Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.

Lao Tzu, from Dao De Jing

Round 10

Winner: clift1983 | 2,000

With the joy of responsibility comes the burden of obligation.

Hank Hill, from King of the Hill

Round 11

Winner: mooneyma | 2,000

Nothing takes taste from peanut butter quite like unrequited love.

Charlie Brown

Round 12

Winner: larian | 1,400

Nuclear war would certainly set back cable.

Ted Turner

Round 13

Winner: larian | 3,000

Patriotism is often arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.

George Jean Nathan

Round 14

Winner: sunflash222 | 3,400

Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which we will not put.

Winston Churchill

Round 15

Winner: mood indigo | 2,800

The best way out is always through.

Robert Frost

Round 16

Winner: Robert Waltz | 3,800

Life becomes harder when we live for others, but also richer and happier.

Albert Schweitzer

Round 17

Winner: Robert Waltz | 3,200

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.

Henry David Thoreau

Round 18

Winner: Robert Waltz | 3,600

It was brillig and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Lewis Carroll, from “Jabberwocky”

Round 19

Winner: Robert Waltz | 5,100

One is always considered mad when one perfects something others cannot grasp.

Ed Wood

Round 20

Winner: Chook | 3,600

Going cold turkey is not as delicious as it sounds.

Homer Simpson, from The Simpsons

Round 21

Winner: Wenston | 4,500

What the caterpillar thinks is the end of the world, the butterfly thinks is the beginning.

Sarah Davis

Round 22

Winner: twyls | 3,900

What a terrible thing to have lost ones mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is.

Dan Quayle

Round 23

Winner: mood indigo | 5,200

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain—and most do.

Dale Carnegie

Round 24

Winner: mood indigo | 6,400

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.

Whitney Brown

Round 25

Winner: mudmanpat | 6,000

The expert at anything was once a beginner.


Round 26

Winner: Robert Waltz | 7,600

When a subject becomes totally obsolete, we make it a required course.

Peter Drucker

Round 27

Winner: Robert Waltz | 7,000

Our patience will achieve more than our force.

Edmund Burke

Round 28

First Place: Robert Waltz | 3,000
Second Place: Silver is 2 to the 5th Power | 2,250
Third Place: mood indigo | 1,500
Fourth Place: karabu | 750

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.


Round 29

First Place: Robert Waltz | 3,800
Second Place: mood indigo | 2,850
Third Place: Silver is 2 to the 5th Power | 1,900
Fourth Place: randf | 950

Never measure the height of a mountain until you reach the top. Then you will see how low it was.

Dag Hammarskjold

Round 30

First Place: Silver is 2 to the 5th Power | 3,800
Second Place: Robert Waltz | 2,850
Third Place: karabu | 1,900
Fourth Place: Midnight Dawn | 950

If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.

Carl Sagan

Round 31

First Place: mood indigo | 3,200
Second Place: karabu | 2,400
Third Place: Midnight Dawn | 1,600
Fourth Place: Tigger thinks of Prancer | 800

Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot; others transform a yellow spot into the sun.

Pablo Picasso

Round 32

First Place: karabu | 3,200
Second Place: Silver is 2 to the 5th Power | 2,400
Third Place: mood indigo | 1,600
Fourth Place: Midnight Dawn | 800

Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Round 33

First Place: Tigger thinks of Prancer | 3,400
Second Place: mood indigo | 2,550
Third Place: karabu | 1,700
Fourth Place: Valerie O | 850

We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.

Ben Sweetland

Round 34

First Place: Valerie O | 3,600
Second Place: karabu | 2,700
Third Place: Feywriter | 1,800
Fourth Place: frug | 900

Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

Robert Louis Stephenson

Round 35

First Place: Valerie O | 3,800
Second Place: Mantis | 2,850
Third Place: karabu | 1,900
Fourth Place: Chook | 950

The wonderful thing about a dull party is that you get home early.

Herbert V. Prochnow

Round 36

First Place: m-archibald | 4,400
Second Place: Robert Waltz | 3,300
Third Place: Feywriter | 2,200
Fourth Place: karabu | 1,100

I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong.

Leo Rosten

Round 37

First Place: Memorex | 3,375
Second Place: Wenston | 2,813
Third Place: Feywriter | 2,250
Fourth Place: karabu | 1,687
Fifth Place: mood indigo | 1,125

Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow.

Oscar Wilde

Round 38

First Place: Rhyssa | 4,725
Second Place: greenjellybean | 3,938
Third Place: karabu | 3,150
Fourth Place: Scottiegazelle | 2,362
Fifth Place: Kåre Enga in Montana | 1,575

Hurling my weapon at the face which brought such fear...
Even today I can still see it...in pieces of the shattered mirror.

From "Shattered"   [13+] by Cloudspun Thanks Lexi!

Round 39

First Place: dbp220 | 3,825
Second Place: Feywriter | 3,188
Third Place: Rhyssa | 2,550
Fourth Place: Kåre Enga in Montana | 1,912
Fifth Place: Scottiegazelle | 1,275

If you tell the truth, you do not have to remember anything.

Mark Twain

Round 40

First Place: Scottiegazelle | 4,950
Second Place: Rhyssa | 4,125
Third Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 3,300
Fourth Place: Silver is 2 to the 5th Power | 2,475
Fifth Place: Lynn McKenzie | 1,650

If life gives you lemons, and you get three in a row, do you get a jackpot?

From "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

Round 41

First Place: Scottiegazelle | 4,950
Second Place: Silver is 2 to the 5th Power | 4,125
Third Place: Rhyssa | 3,300
Fourth Place: ftrinta | 2,475
Fifth Place: Becky Z | 1,650

Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

African Proverb

Round 42

First Place: Scottiegazelle | 4,050
Second Place: thesonrises | 3,375
Third Place: Becky Z | 2,700
Fourth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 2,025
Fifth Place: revka | 1,350

You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.


Round 43

First Place: Tigger thinks of Prancer | 4,050
Second Place: thesonrises | 3,375
Third Place: mysterycat | 2,700
Fourth Place: dmack | 2,025
Fifth Place: Andrew | 1,350

Though precious youth is robbed by time,
The child inside remains behind.

From "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

Round 44

First Place: Fellow | 3,375
Second Place: dmack | 2,813
Third Place: thesonrises | 2,250
Fourth Place: janellecharon | 1,687
Fifth Place: revka | 1,125

It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.

Rene Descartes

Round 45

First Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 3,600
Second Place: Kåre Enga in Montana | 3,000
Third Place: dmack | 2,400
Fourth Place: Hufflepuffle | 1,800
Fifth Place: Valerie O | 1,200

A dreamer’s greatest joy is to see his dream grow bigger than his own imagination.

Benny Russell, AKA Ben Sisko, from "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

Round 46

First Place: Hufflepuffle | 5,100
Second Place: Valerie O | 4,250
Third Place: Zuly | 3,400
Fourth Place: smphillips | 2,550
Fifth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 1,700

Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Round 47

First Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 6,300
Second Place: Valerie O | 5,250
Third Place: Davina | 4,200
Fourth Place: mars | 3,150
Fifth Place: TEALA | 2,100

A straw hat topped her lemon blond hair, and her narrow body was wrapped in a rippling pollen-colored dress. … She was a walking shrine commemorating either the sun or the past year’s mustard harvest.

From "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

Round 48

First Place: Valerie O | 6,300
Second Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 5,250
Third Place: Silver is 2 to the 5th Power | 4,200
Fourth Place: revka | 3,150
Fifth Place: tra7of9 | 2,100

Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.

Pablo Casals

Round 49

First Place: jarich | 5,100
Second Place: dmack | 4,250
Third Place: mars | 3,400
Fourth Place: Kittycat, pics anyone? | 2,550
Fifth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 1,700

We spend so much time
Waiting for the dawn to come
We forget there’s a moon.

From "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

Round 50

First Place: Tigger thinks of Prancer | 5,400
Second Place: dmack | 4,500
Third Place: mars | 3,600
Fourth Place: C Moore | 2,700
Fifth Place: Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com | 1,800

The true test of character is not how much we know how to do but how we behave when we do not know what to do.

John Holt

Round 51

First Place: nomlet | 6,000
Second Place: Tigger thinks of Prancer | 5,000
Third Place: Brandiwyn🎶 | 4,000
Fourth Place: C Moore | 3,000
Fifth Place: dmack | 2,000

Small streams and rivers snaked across the naked countryside in interesting curves and swirls, a signature of nature itself.

From "I: Wraith"   [13+] by Zerek Doolander

Round 52

First Place: nomlet | 3,900
Second Place: Valerie O | 3,250
Third Place: dmack | 2,600
Fourth Place: Brandiwyn🎶 | 1,950
Fifth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 1,300

Confidence is the hinge on the door to success.

Mary O'Hare Dumas

Round 53

First Place: Anne Light | 6,000
Second Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 5,000
Third Place: Chook | 4,000
Fourth Place: ms_penguin | 3,000
Fifth Place: SaphireLee | 2,000

A mushroom climbs from manmade muck,
a rising beauty—cloud of death.
And in the path of hellfire force,
trees bend and rise as skeletons.

From "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

Round 54

First Place: nomlet | 5,700
Second Place: Anne Light | 4,750
Third Place: IsA: SEEKING UPGRADE - Please! | 3,800
Fourth Place: Chook | 2,850
Fifth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 1,900

I do not feel obligated to believe the same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect intended us to forego their use.

Galileo Galilei

Round 55

First Place: Anne Light | 6,600
Second Place: LoneLily*Still alive! | 5,500
Third Place: dmack | 4,400
Fourth Place: ragatode | 3,300
Fifth Place: Douglas returning | 2,200

They say love is sweeter
The second time around.
But that can’t be, you see.
Cause my ex-wife’s husband now knows why
He’s not a happier man than I.

From "Rumors Dispelled"   [18+] by rl

Round 56

First Place: nomlet | 6,000
Second Place: Douglas returning | 5,000
Third Place: ragatode | 4,000
Fourth Place: raino | 3,000
Fifth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 2,000

Nothing so clearly shows a great and noble soul as clemency and readiness to forgive.


Round 57

First Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 6,000
Second Place: karenh | 5,000
Third Place: Douglas returning | 4,000
Fourth Place: Davina | 3,000
Fifth Place: Jacaranda | 2,000

Strange, how easily words are formed in reckless youth, and how much more measured they become with age.

From "Attaining Absolution"   [13+] by Cherokeescribe

Round 58

First Place: nomlet | 3,600
Second Place: karenh | 3,000
Third Place: C Moore | 2,400
Fourth Place: karabu | 1,800
Fifth Place: Douglas returning | 1,200

The “C” students run the world

Harry Truman

Round 59

First Place: dmack | 4,800
Second Place: judykay | 4,000
Third Place: Douglas returning | 3,200
Fourth Place: Jacaranda | 2,400
Fifth Place: dmerrysilver | 1,600

It is better to look ahead and prepare than look back and regret.

Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Round 60

First Place: nomlet | 5,700
Second Place: judykay | 4,750
Third Place: dmerrysilver | 3,800
Fourth Place: Douglas returning | 2,850
Fifth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 1,900

In my retirement I go for a short swim at least once or twice a day. Either that or buy a new golf ball.

Gene Perret

Round 61

First Place: SolarFlare | 5,700
Second Place: Douglas returning | 4,750
Third Place: judykay | 3,800
Fourth Place: Anne Light | 2,850
Fifth Place: dmerrysilver | 1,900

By the time a man realizes maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he is wrong.

Charles Wadsworth

Round 62

First Place: SolarFlare | 5,700
Second Place: judykay | 4,750
Third Place: zee13 | 3,800
Fourth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 2,850
Fifth Place: Laidback Larry | 1,900

There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.

Mohandas Gandhi

Round 63

First Place: nomlet | 5,700
Second Place: SolarFlare | 4,750
Third Place: Sinclair | 3,800
Fourth Place: twyls | 2,850
Fifth Place: dmack | 1,900

A very thin line stands between the greatest of rights and the most horrible of atrocities

From "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

Round 64

First Place: judykay | 5,700
Second Place: Jacaranda | 4,750
Third Place: dmack | 3,800
Fourth Place: Anne Light | 2,850
Fifth Place: jimnabby | 1,900

We have too many high-sounding words and too few actions that correspond with them.

Abigail Adams

Round 65

First Place: jimnabby | 4,800
Second Place: judykay | 4,000
Third Place: Jacaranda | 3,200
Fourth Place: Anne Light | 2,400
Fifth Place: Andrew | 1,600

Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!


Round 66

First Place: jimnabby | 6,000
Second Place: Nezbit | 5,000
Third Place: judykay | 4,000
Fourth Place: dmack | 3,000
Fifth Place: Anadaya | 2,000

Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis.

From “Deep Thoughts,” by Jack Handey

Round 67

First Place: jimnabby | 4,500
Second Place: Nezbit | 3,750
Third Place: SolarFlare | 3,000
Fourth Place: dmack | 2,250
Fifth Place: Jacaranda | 1,500

What a person believes is not as important as how a person believes

Timothy Virkkala

Round 68

First Place: jimnabby | 4,500
Second Place: nomlet | 3,750
Third Place: Nezbit | 3,000
Fourth Place: jmthornton | 2,250
Fifth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 1,500

Teamwork is essential; it allows you to blame somebody else.


Round 69

First Place: jimnabby | 5,400
Second Place: nomlet | 4,500
Third Place: Nezbit | 3,600
Fourth Place: jmthornton | 2,700
Fifth Place: dmack | 1,800

A man who does not trust himself can never really trust anyone else.

Cardinal De Retz

Round 70

First Place: nomlet | 4,500
Second Place: jimnabby | 3,750
Third Place: Nezbit | 3,000
Fourth Place: dmack | 2,250
Fifth Place: kmurray | 1,500

Silence is more musical than any song.

Christina Rossetti

Round 71

First Place: jimnabby | 5,700
Second Place: | 4,750
Third Place: dmack | 3,800
Fourth Place: Dragon 8 | 2,850
Fifth Place: kmurray | 1,900

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.

Henny Youngman

Round 72

First Place: | 6,600
Second Place: jimnabby | 5,500
Third Place: dmack | 4,400
Fourth Place: r26a14 | 3,300
Fifth Place: Brandiwyn🎶 | 2,200

Anybody who believes the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach flunked geography.

Robert Byrne

Round 73

First Place: Brandiwyn🎶 | 5,400
Second Place: jimnabby | 4,500
Third Place: | 3,600
Fourth Place: rlthomas | 2,700
Fifth Place: revka | 1,800

The surest sign intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried contacting us.

From “Calvin and Hobbes,” by Bill Watterson

Round 74

First Place: jimnabby | 5,100
Second Place: Stallion | 4,250
Third Place: 3rd Daughter | 3,400
Fourth Place: Nezbit | 2,550
Fifth Place: A.W. Mosby | 1,700

A dog may be man’s best friend, but the horse wrote history.


Round 75

First Place: l.a.p | 4,250 + Detective Merit Badge
Second Place: Stallion | 12,750
Third Place: Dragon 8 | 11,250
Fourth Place: Krish D. | 9,750
Fifth Place: Brandiwyn🎶 | 8,250
Sixth Place: nomlet | 6,750
Seventh Place: mariahbforre | 5,250
Eighth Place: Outasync | 3,750
Ninth Place: Nezbit | 2,250
Tenth Place: dmack | 750

Weather forecast for tonight: dark.

George Carlin

Round 76

First Place: Nezbit | 5,400
Second Place: Brandiwyn🎶 | 4,500
Third Place: 3rd Daughter | 3,600
Fourth Place: l.a.p | 2,700
Fifth Place: Stallion | 1,800

A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has insufficient capital to form a corporation.

Howard Scott

Round 77

First Place: l.a.p | 4,200
Second Place: Stallion | 3,500
Third Place: Nezbit | 2,800
Fourth Place: jphager2 | 2,100
Fifth Place: dmack | 1,400

It is much easier to become a father than to be one.

Kent Nerburn

Round 78

First Place: l.a.p | 5,700
Second Place: Stallion | 4,750
Third Place: Outasync | 3,800
Fourth Place: MKEidson | 2,850
Fifth Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! |

You will always miss one hundred percent of the shots you do not take.

Wayne Gretzky

Round 79

First Place: Grin 'n Bear It! | 4,200
Second Place: Stallion | 3,500
Third Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 2,800
Fourth Place: Outasync | 2,100
Fifth Place: ZukoRocks30 | 1,400

There are no facts, only interpretations.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Round 80

First Place: l.a.p | 8,050 + Wisdom Merit Badge
Second Place: Grin 'n Bear It! | 6,150 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Third Place: A.T.B: It'sWhatWeDo | 4,250 + Wisdom Merit Badge
Fourth Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 2,350 + Attention to Detail Merit Badge
Fifth Place: melzgr8 | 450 + Wisdom Merit Badge
Sixth Place: lifunio | 8,550
Seventh Place: ZukoRocks30 | 6,650
Eighth Place: Christina~Thanks StoryMaster | 4,750
Ninth Place: Stallion | 2,850
Tenth Place: Missy ~ EnjoyingBeingAMommy | 950

The next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it.

Frank A. Clark

Round 81

First Place: Stallion | 6,000
Second Place: Grin 'n Bear It! | 5,000
Third Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,000
Fourth Place: d_fishy5925 | 3,000
Fifth Place: Kourosh | 2,000

Those who promise us paradise on Earth never produced anything but a hell.

Karl Popper

Round 82

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 3,900
Second Place: dmack | 3,250
Third Place: Grin 'n Bear It! | 2,600
Fourth Place: Stallion | 1,950
Fifth Place: Sirius | 1,300

Love is blind; hate is deaf.


Round 83

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 6,300
Second Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 5,250
Third Place: Lady_crow | 4,200
Fourth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 3,150
Fifth Place: Itchy Water~fictionandverse | 2,100

If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.

Betty Reese

Round 84

First Place: l.a.p | 5,400
Second Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,500
Third Place: Lady_crow | 3,600
Fourth Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 2,700
Fifth Place: Itchy Water~fictionandverse | 1,800

A man is getting old when he walks around a puddle instead of through it.

RC Ferguson

Round 85

First Place: l.a.p | 9,000 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Second Place: ZukoRocks30 | 7,000 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Third Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 5,000 + Detective Merit Badge
Fourth Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 3,000 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Fifth Place: Itchy Water~fictionandverse | 1,000 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Sixth Place: Outasync | 9,000
Seventh Place: Rebecca - expiring | 7,000
Eighth Place: melzgr8 | 5,000
Ninth Place: 3rd Daughter | 3,000
Tenth Place: Zachary Scott Hastings | 1,000

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Scott Adams

Round 86

First Place: l.a.p | 5,100
Second Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,250
Third Place: Outasync | 3,400
Fourth Place: Itchy Water~fictionandverse | 2,550
Fifth Place: Yera ~Twelve!~ | 1,700

Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar.

Bradley Millar

Round 87

First Place: l.a.p | 4,800
Second Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,000
Third Place: Outasync | 3,200
Fourth Place: Itchy Water~fictionandverse | 2,400
Fifth Place: Yera ~Twelve!~ | 1,600

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.

Andy Rooney

Round 88

First Place: jimnabby | 5,400
Second Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,500
Third Place: Valerie O | 3,600
Fourth Place: Yera ~Twelve!~ | 2,700
Fifth Place: nomlet | 1,800

Statistics are like bikinis: what they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.

Aaron Levenstein

Round 89

First Place: jimnabby | 5,100
Second Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,250
Third Place: l.a.p | 3,400
Fourth Place: Valerie O | 2,550
Fifth Place: Lady_crow | 1,700

If you kick a stone in anger, you will hurt your own foot.

Korean Proverb

Round 90

First Place: l.a.p | 8,050 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Second Place: jimnabby | 6,150 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Third Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,250 + Detective Merit Badge
Fourth Place: Valerie O | 12,350
Fifth Place: Yera ~Twelve!~ | 450 + Detective Merit Badge
Sixth Place: Bobby | 8,550
Seventh Place: Dream ~★~ Justly | 6,650
Eighth Place: 3rd Daughter | 4,750
Ninth Place: Dragon 8 | 2,850
Tenth Place: Zerek Doolander | 950

Ours is the age proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to.

Howard Mumford Jones

Round 91

First Place: l.a.p | 5,100
Second Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,250
Third Place: Bobby | 3,400
Fourth Place: Valerie O | 2,550
Fifth Place: nomlet | 1,700

Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans

Allen Saunders

Round 92

First Place: l.a.p | 5,700
Second Place: Valerie O | 4,750
Third Place: ZukoRocks30 | 3,800
Fourth Place: Bobby | 2,850
Fifth Place: nomlet |

My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people.

Orson Welles

Round 93

First Place: nomlet | 4,500
Second Place: l.a.p | 3,750
Third Place: ZukoRocks30 | 3,000
Fourth Place: Valerie O | 2,250
Fifth Place: Bobby | 1,500

Violence in the voice is often only the death rattle of reason in the throat.

John Frederick Boyes

Round 94

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,200
Second Place: Bobby | 3,500
Third Place: Dream ~★~ Justly | 2,800
Fourth Place: Valerie O | 2,100
Fifth Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 1,400

Worries go down better with soup.

Jewish Proverb

Round 95

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 6,150 + Attention to Detail Merit Badge
Second Place: l.a.p | 4,450 + Detective Merit Badge
Third Place: nomlet | 2,750 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Fourth Place: Brandiwyn🎶 | 1,050 + Detective Merit Badge
Fifth Place: Bobby | 9,350
Sixth Place: Valerie O | 7,650
Seventh Place: Outasync | 5,950
Eighth Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 4,250
Ninth Place: Robin | 2,550
Tenth Place: dmack | 850

O, Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?

Percy Bysshe Shelley, from Ode to the West Wind

Round 96

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 5,700
Second Place: l.a.p | 4,750
Third Place: Lady_crow | 3,800
Fourth Place: Brandiwyn🎶 | 2,850
Fifth Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! |

The problem with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.

Bertrand Russell

Round 97

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 5,400
Second Place: Lady_crow | 4,500
Third Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 3,600
Fourth Place: dmack | 2,700
Fifth Place: Valerie O | 1,800

There is nothing noble about being superior to some other person. True nobility is being superior to your previous self.

Hindustani proverb

Round 98

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 5,700
Second Place: nomlet | 4,750
Third Place: Valerie O | 3,800
Fourth Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 2,850
Fifth Place: dmack | 1,900

The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half.

Feodor Dostoevski

Round 99

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 5,400
Second Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 4,500
Third Place: Valerie O | 3,600
Fourth Place: Bobby | 2,700
Fifth Place: melzgr8 | 1,800

The most remarkable discovery made by scientists is science itself.

Gerard Piel

Round 100

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 60,000 + Wisdom Merit Badge
Second Place: 🪽intuey🕊️ | 57,500 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Third Place: Valerie O | 65,000
Fourth Place: Bobby | 62,500
Fifth Place: Jay's debut novel is out now! | 50,000 + Wisdom Merit Badge
Sixth Place: Outasync | 57,500
Seventh Place: Yemel | 55,000
Eighth Place: nomlet | 42,500 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Ninth Place: dmack | 50,000
Tenth Place: Robin | 37,500 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Eleventh Place: LostGhost: Seeking & Learning | 35,000 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Twelfth Place: ruwth | 42,500
Thirteenth Place: MysteriousWriter | 40,000
Fourteenth Place: MKEidson | 27,500 + Detective Merit Badge
Fifteenth Place: Shaye | 35,000
Sixteenth Place: taliah_l | 22,500 + Detective Merit Badge
Seventeenth Place: Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h | 20,000 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Eighteenth Place: Sarah Rae | 17,500 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Nineteenth Place: A*Monaing*Faith | 15,000 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Twentieth Place: Brandiwyn🎶 | 12,500 + Detective Merit Badge
Twenty-First Place: Inky | 20,000
Twenty-Second Place: OOT™ | 7,500 + Detective Merit Badge
Twenty-Third Place: Patrece ~ | 5,000 + Detective Merit Badge
Twenty-Fourth Place: Fi | 2,500 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Twenty-Fifth Place: Elle - on hiatus | Birthday Merit Badge

We are always the same age inside.

Gertrude Stein

Round 101

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 9,750
Second Place: Sarah Rae | 8,125
Third Place: LostGhost: Seeking & Learning | 6,500
Fourth Place: dmack | 4,875
Fifth Place: Bobby | 3,250

If you drink, do not drive. Do not even putt.

Dean Martin

Round 102

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 500 + Wisdom Merit Badge
Second Place: Sarah Rae | 8,750
Third Place: Valerie O | 7,000
Fourth Place: Bobby | 5,250
Fifth Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 3,500

Praises for our past triumphs are as feathers to a dead bird.

Paul Eldridge

Round 103

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 2,000 + Problem Solving Merit Badge
Second Place: Sarah Rae | Attention to Detail Merit Badge
Third Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 8,000
Fourth Place: mariko | 6,000
Fifth Place: Valerie O | 4,000

Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit.

Jeremy Taylor

Round 104

First Place: ZukoRocks30 | 4,250 + Detective Merit Badge
Second Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 1,875 + Wisdom Merit Badge
Third Place: duskiestar | 9,500
Fourth Place: Outasync | 7,125
Fifth Place: Sarah Rae | 4,750

We are all inclined to judge ourselves by our ideals; others, by their acts.

Harold Nicolson

Round 105

First Place: Phelina Hemtrop | 2,750 + Attention to Detail Merit Badge
Second Place: ZukoRocks30 | 625 + Wisdom Merit Badge
Third Place: Outasync | 8,500
Fourth Place: Lipless & Sarah Rae | 6,375 each
Fifth Place: Andy~hating university | 4,250

You do not get harmony when everybody sings the same note.

Doug Floyd

Round 106

First Place: Andy~hating university | 4,250 + Detective Merit Badge
Second Place: Hannah ♫♥♫ | 1,875 + Detective Merit Badge
Third Place: Dream ~★~ Justly | 9,500
Fourth Place: Sarah Rae | 7,125
Fifth Place: RainbowFish | 4,750

Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: You find the present tense and the past perfect.

Owens Lee Pomeroy

Round 107

First Place: Mastiff | 5,100
Second Place: Dragon is hiding | 4,250
Third Place: Grin 'n Bear It! | 3,400
Fourth Place: OOT™ | 2,550
Fifth Place: Hannah ♫♥♫ | 1,700

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.

Albert Einstein

Round 108

First Place: Hannah ♫♥♫ | 4,200
Second Place: Kåre Enga in Montana | 3,500
Third Place: the Wordy Jay | 2,800
Fourth Place: Mastiff | 2,100
Fifth Place: ruwth | 1,400

The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see.

GK Chesterton

Round 109

First Place: Mastiff | 6,000
Second Place: ruwth | 5,000
Third Place: Kåre Enga in Montana | 4,000
Fourth Place: Sarah Rae | 3,000
Fifth Place: Angelica- Black Beauty | 2,000

They say nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they would make up their minds.

Wilt Chamberlain

Round 110

First Place: Mastiff | 5,100
Second Place: Kåre Enga in Montana | 4,250
Third Place: Scottiegazelle | 3,400
Fourth Place: ruwth | 2,550
Fifth Place: C.E.Wilder | 1,700

The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.

David Russell

Round 111

First Place: Kåre Enga in Montana | 2,750 + Grandmaster Merit Badge
Second Place: Sarah Rae | 625 + Attention to Detail Merit Badge
Third Place: Robert Waltz | 8,500
Fourth Place: Dream ~★~ Justly | 6,375
Fifth Place: Miranda Foix | 4,250

A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman thinks of the next generation.

James Freeman Clarke

Round 112

First Place: Robert Waltz | 3,500 + Grandmaster Merit Badge
Second Place: Andy~hating university | 1,250 + Grandmaster Merit Badge
Third Place: Dream ~★~ Justly | 9,000
Fourth Place: Words Whirling 'Round | 6,750
Fifth Place: Writer_Mike | 4,500

If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.

Louis Brandeis

Round 113

First Place: Robert Waltz | 5,000 + Grandmaster Merit Badge
Second Place: Angelica- Black Beauty | 2,500 + Grandmaster Merit Badge
Third Place: Words Whirling 'Round | Attention to Detail Merit Badge
Fourth Place: Kåre Enga in Montana | 7,500
Fifth Place: Kit MacPherson | 5,000

It is the common wonder of all men, how among so many millions of faces, there should be none alike.

Thomas Browne
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