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Rated: E · Chapter · Adult · #2326493
Dark Society
For a time, Sabrina silently observed as sporadic snow fell. Christmas was in a week, and with Jennifer's departure, the holiday would consist of only family. On a different note, it was a typical Saturday morning, and though she'd slept in, Sabrina had awakened in time to savor breakfast.

Predictably, the morning felt frigid, so after eating, Sabrina dressed for the inclement weather. Generally speaking, she'd grown up, but her passion for agriculture and hard work remained strong.

“I'm sure your father would appreciate your help,” Julia implored, tossing a pair of work gloves.

“He always does,”

With each step, the crisp snow crunched, while familiar aromas excited the senses. Mindful of this, Sabrina accosted her father as he tended to the stables. Initially, she was intent on surprising him, but as usual, efforts proved futile.

“About time you helped,” Tim announced, peering over his shoulder.

Upon which Sabrina froze, surprised Tim had again discerned the most indiscreet of noises.

“Are you going to stand there or tend to those horses?”

“Yes, sir,” she answered with an embrace.

“What's that for?”

Sabrina grinned and prepared feed.

“Do I need a reason?”

Naturally, Tim chuckled, because having Sabrina home again, doing what she loves, was more than he could've expected. And yet, she seemed preoccupied, so Tim committed to making his daughter feel relaxed.

“Of course not,” he insisted. “But, when you're ready to talk, your mother and I will listen,”

“Am I that obvious?”

From there, they entered the barn, where father and daughter occupied the morning tending to the chores. Then, with the livestock pastured and the planting completed, the time to talk came. For the same reason, as Tim and Sabrina hiked through the snow, Julia stood on the porch, staring.

“Time to get inside,” she implored.

In nothing flat, Tim joined his wife as Sabrina peeked toward the skies. By chance, any misgivings about leaving London stood forgotten, since keeping the family intact was more important. Later that evening, Julia watched as Sabrina readied a mug of hot cocoa. And despite looking jubilant, she remained secretive, and seemingly troubled. That being so, Julia nestled beside Tim, as Sabrina settled into the near recliner.

Throughout, her parents intended to make many inquiries, though as Sabrina sipped on cocoa and watched the evening news, they sat waiting. Unsurprisingly, it was getting late, and the weather was deteriorating. So in the interest of time, Tim and Julia incessantly stared, wanting explanations.

“What?” Sabrina snapped, shifting.

“Are you going to talk or ignore us?” Tim inquired, glaring.

Gradually, Sabrina recoiled, but Tim and Julia remained assertive. Ultimately, they didn't want to sound pushy, but Sabrina seemed evasive while working fingers through her hair.

“Is it that bad?” her father questioned, pitching forth.

Slowly, Sabrina reared and observed, understanding that her parent's appraisal meant everything. In this regard, Sabrina again felt uneasy, because with many misleading aspects, she needed their vitality and wisdom.

“I need you to hear me out.” Sabrina declared, gaping.

From the start, Julia appeared eager, as though she knew something no one else did. Bearing in mind Sabrina's resolutions were final, though her parents would certainly disagree.

“Don't worry,” Julia assured. “Now, what's on your mind?”

Instantly, Tim lifted a brow.

“Are you pregnant?”

Immediately, Sabrina scowled as her mother turned.

“Timothy Allen Kole,”

“What?” he insisted, “It's how the parents always find out, so I wanted a head start.”

The whole time, Sabrina remained focused despite Tim's comedic antics.

“No, I'm not,” she stressed. “But, I'm not going back to Imperial either,”

Disoriented, Tim squinted.

“What about school?”

Not surprisingly, she didn't aspire to enunciate like a failure, so Sabrina chose each mention carefully.

“I'm not quitting,”

“What are you going to do?” Julia urged.

“I've transferred to Kansas University,”

“What about your scholarship and student expenses?” Julia asked.

For some time, Sabrina struggled to embellish, but Tim was an intricate man to read and often veiled his emotions. More than that, Sabrina didn't know at any given time what he was imagining. Not forgetting that, she continued to explain.

“They'll honor my scholarship with equal privilege,”

So far, her parents had held solicitous, but hushed. In like manner, Sabrina's hands trembled, though she'd managed to stay confident.

“You've decided to change schools and live at home?” he questioned. “Anything else?”

After a while, the discussion became arduous, but none the less, open communication made exchanges easier.

“There's a young man,”

Startled, Tim shook his head.

“I knew it; you are pregnant,”

Straight away, Julia glared.


Sharply, Tim shrugged.

“What?” he retorted. “First, changing schools, now this; what's next?”

Then and there, Sabrina perched up.

“It's not like that," she bellowed. "Besides, we only met recently.”

Settling, Tim adjusted.

“He's an environmentalist and law major,”

Candidly, Julia sloped forward.

“I see the gleam in your eyes; you like him,”

Easing, Sabrina reddened.

“It's complicated,”

Banally, Julia agonized, and clutched Tim's hand.

“Then, I reckon coming home was the best choice,”

Therefrom, Sabrina arose and embraced her mother.

“Thanks, mom; I knew you'd understand,”

As this takes place, Sabrina grew neurotic due to the wavering stares from her father. With regret, there'd always been a noticeable contrast in the relationship, so Tim often felt pained when his daughter better related to her mother. In which case, he trudged upstairs, and as the bedroom door shut, an awkward silence prevailed.

“He's angry with me,”

Julia shook her head.

“No, not at you, at himself,”

One after another, Sabrina traced her steps as Julia ascended the staircase. Though, barring how distraught her father felt, she felt proud to have spoken her mind.
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