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Rated: E · Chapter · Dark · #2326474
Dark Society
Through the night, as dusky skies shadowed Saint Ann's, Anna passed through memorial gardens, heedful of nature's looming fury. At the outset, tremors surged, but as a seasoned day witch, she often regarded the prophecy. And despite countless pleas for amnesty, the psalms were coming to fruition. For this reason, she'd fortified the cathedral, expecting to protect its occupants.

Since the beginning, Anna endured alone, leaving little recourse for empathy. Then again, Katherine Morgan had changed her life, so she thought of her often, hoping she'd found contentment. In the same way, Anna considered Harold, and despite his inability to escape Saint Anthony's, remembered him fondly.

In due course, the skies darkened still, while the breeze intensified. In which case, the south gate became unhinged and began swinging in the wind. Just after, as the heavens were about to erupt, Anna stood shocked, staring into the distance.


Like a shot, Sam passed through, latched the gate, and escorted Anna inside. There, they shared an extended and welcomed embrace.

“Let me look at you,” Anna remarked, recoiling.

From childhood, Anna mentored Samantha and shielded her from negative energies. And though some similarities to that young girl remained, Saint Ann's most coveted learner now seemed different. Just the same, they'd soon sit together within the chapel, savoring a warm cup of tea.

“Anna, I need to know,” Sam demanded, sampling.

Time and again, Anna recalled the night Sam arrived, but nonetheless kept prudence, knowing the outcomes of revealing the truth. Instead, she'd gift Samantha a porcelain figurine.

“What's this?”

Slowly, Anna smiled.

“An effigy of Hecate, your goddess,”

“What am I supposed to do with it?”

Anna pitched forth.

“You'll know when the time is right,”

This whole time, Anna wanted to confess, but if the prophecy was accurate, Samantha had to stay sheltered. Not only that, she now exhibited a distinct aura of darkness, and soon, Saint Anthony's would beckon.

“I shouldn't have come, but I had to see you,”

Anna sulked, sheltering.

“I figured as much,”

Standing, Samantha scowled.

“I don't know what to do,” she proclaimed. “I'm burdened by thoughts and images absent of definition.”

Pawing a glass, Anna pondered.

“Then, you've felt the summons?”

“Yes, but you already knew that,” Sam retorted, agonizing. “Not the worse, the adversity is trivial, though the absence is detrimental.”

After saying that, Sam drew close.

“Who are they?” she insisted. “And where can I find them?”

Instantly, Anna cringed.

“First, you have to locate Jennifer,”

Gradually, Sam settled.

“I met with John and Cindy earlier,” she told. “She's gone to a place called Cottonwood Falls,”

“Oh no,”

Hearing this, Sam snapped to attention.

“What is it?”

Once more, Anna swayed forth.

“Nothing,” she maintained. “I presume she's seeking sanctuary,”

“From what?”

Anna stood, looking upon a distant portrait.

“Sam, everyone has a destiny,” she elaborated. “Now, it's time to fulfill yours,”

“I can't control the transition,” she clarified. “Physical, emotional, psychological, it never ends.”

Having noted that, Sam closed in.

“Anna, I have no past except for this mosque," she added. “Although, I know there's more,”

Then and there, Anna studied the portrait a second time. And despite temptation, she couldn't explain its significance.

Cautiously, Sam seized a hand.

“What aren't you telling me?”

Leisurely, Anna's eyes lifted.

“It's no longer safe here, so you must go,”

Expectedly, Sam recoiled, though recognized Anna hadn't dismissed her without reason. That's why, regardless of how hurtful the sentiment was, she'd heed the warning. Even more, Anna now realized what the declaration entailed, but could only hope for the best despite seeing the future.
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