Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2326167-Part-1-of-Abducted-and-diapered
by lili
Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #2326167
Chapter One

The school day is almost over. Just 5 more minutes until you can go home and enjoy the weekend. You spend the remainder of your science class chatting with your friend Nathan. The teacher has learned better than to try and keep you two quiet. It's more trouble than it's worth. With two minutes of class remaining, the teacher announces that she'll be handing back the tests for earlier in the week. You and your friend cease talking at the same time. Both of you know that you did really bad on the tests. But the difference is that a bad grade by Nathans standards is a C-, while a bad grade by your standards is an F. Your paper gets handed back to you and of course, it has "See me after class" written on it. This is probably because on the questions you didn't know, you drew offensive pictures as answers. The bell rings and everyone except you leaves.

After a long speech, the teacher finally lets you off the hook.

"What time is it?" You ask yourself. You take out your cell phone but the power is out, so you just look at one of the many clocks inside of the school. It's too late, your bus has already left by now. Unfortunately, this means that you will have to walk three miles to get home. Disgruntled, you leave the school and begin to make your way back home. About a third of the way through your walk, the hairs on your neck begin to stand. Something is setting off your woman's intuition. Before you can check to see what it is, a sack is tossed over your head. You let out a scream as you are dragged into what you can only guess is some sort of vehicle.

"Help, help!!!" you plea as a door is shut behind you. You're strapped into some kind of odd seat. It almost feels like a toddler's car seat. You are driven for what feels like forever. You try to struggle but it has no effect, so you just silently sob. After a while, Some one takes you out of the vehicle and places you into something else. It sound's like some sort of helicopter. After a long time, you are taken out of the second vehicle and placed into some kind of room.

Finally being alone, you are able to take off the sack. You find yourself in an all white room with no visible doors.

"Where am I". you shout at the room.

After what seems like 10 hours, you begin to become hungry and have to go pee really badly. You cross your legs in an attempt to keep from pissing yourself. About another hour later you are almost beyond the breaking point.

"Why did this have too happen to me?" You whine. "I don't want to be here. I don't want to stay in this room. And I definitely don't want to have an accident.".

15 more minutes pass until you finally lose control of your bladder. The pee starts to dribble but quickly begins to gush out. The pee soaks your panties and it quickly overflows and gets your skirt wet.

You start bawling again. Being trapped here is one thing, but wetting yourself is far worse. You do nothing to try and stop the wetting. Soon you are sitting inside of a pool of piss. You cry for a little bit longer and eventually lie down. You're too sad to stay awake any longer. You doze off while still wearing your soaked garments.

Chapter Two

You wake up in some dark room. There are machines all over. You have no idea where you are, or why you are here, but you want to leave. A man walks into the room. He is tall, and you figure he is about 6'3. He is in his late 30's. He has dark brown hair, and tan skin. He is wearing a flannel shirt, jeans, and black shoes.

"Well, good morning." he says. He sounds happy, like he is going to accomplish something big.

"Who are you? Where am I?" you ask, scared.

The man chuckles.

"You are in my laboratory. I have a very important experiment, and I thought you would be the perfect test subject." he says. You give him a once over.

"What kind of experiment?" you ask.

"You shall find out." he replies, smiling. This sends chills down your spine.

The man takes you to one of the machines, and straps you down.

"Now, this may pinch a bit." he says, as a light comes out from the end of the ray. He laughs, as you scream. You black out.

Chapter Three

When you come to, you feel smaller. You try to scream, but no words come out. You are terrified to find out what happened to you! You wish your teacher hadn't talked to you after class. If you had only had phone battery, you could have called your mom for a ride! None of this would have happened in the first place! You discover that you can't sit up. That's so weird. You see the man enter the room you're in.

"Hello, Trace. I guess you've found out what that machine does, right?" he asks. You look at him, confused.

"Oh, you haven't? That's okay. I'll tell you." he replies. He takes in a breath, and resumes talking. "You are now a baby. You have retained your teenage knowledge, but will slowly lose it over the course of the next few months. Soon, you'll be a mindless, happy baby. And there's nothing you can do about it." he explains, smirking.

Chapter Four

You are carried into the kitchen, and the man walks over to the fridge. He pulls out a remade baby bottle, and heats it up. You try to think of a way out of your predicament. You decided that you will escape when these guys least expect it. The man walks into the living room, where he sits in a armchair. A few of his buddies are sitting on the couch, watching football. They are all wearing jerseys, and eye black.

"Open up." instructs your captor.

You refuse. You don't want to humiliate yourself in front of these men. The man holding you pinches your nose. You try holding your breath for as long as you can, but you can't hold it for over a couple seconds. You open your mouth to breathe, and your captor takes the chance to put the bottle into your mouth. Realizing you have no choice, you begin to drink, crying. You wanted to go home. You didn't want to be a baby, in the hands of these men!

After a while, you miserably finish the bottle. The man burps you, and walks upstairs, carrying you. He walks into the room you woke up in.

"Baby needs to go down for a nap." he says, as he took you to a changing table. Much to your embarrassment, he changes your diaper you'd been wearing. It was wet! You didn't even know you'd wet it. You began to cry again. You hated this more than anything you've hated in your entire life.

"Shh, calm down. it's ok, Trace." he says, putting a pacifier into your mouth. You suck on it. What else can you do? You were picked up by him once again, and carried over to the crib, which you guessed was your crib. You were laid down, and covered with a baby blanket.

"Daddy will put on some music so baby can go night-night." he said, turning on some lullabies. It sent shivers up your spine, hearing him say daddy. This man was not your father, and you sure as heck weren't glad he wasn't! You saw him flick off the light, and shut the door. Now would be the perfect time to escape! But sleep is overcoming your tiny baby's body. You can't fight any longer, and you drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Chapter Five

You wake up after a while. You look around your nursery. Nobody in sight. This is your chance! After all, there really is no time like the present. So, you use the bars of the crib to pull yourself up, so you are standing. You look around, and see the door is closed. You begin to scale the bars, but see the doorknob turn. You quickly drop onto the crib's mattress, and lay back down. One of the man's friends walks in. He sees you.

"The little baby needs to go back to sleep." he says. You scowl at him. "Oh, is someone pouty?" he asks, walking over to your crib, looking down at you.

He shoves the pacifier back in your mouth, which had fallen out during your nap. You begin to kick, mad. He takes this as you being fussy, and determines that you need to be changed.

He picks you up, and carries you to the changing table and lays you down. He checks your diaper, which is clean. He snaps your onesie closed, and puts you back in your crib. He turns on a mobile, and baby monitor. He shuts off the light and closes the door, leaving the room. You have a fit in your crib, giving into exhaustion after a while.

Chapter Six

You wake up from a long nap, and find the four men standing next to your crib, talking to each other. You figure they don't see you, and close your eyes. You think that they think you are still asleep. One of them picks you up.

"Oh, is the little baby awake?" he asks. You begin to cry. You hate it here! You were sobbing.

The man holding you takes you over to the changing table, and changes you. You'd wet yourself again! Your sobs continue, but are soon stopped by a bottle being put in your mouth. You begin drinking the formula. You are taken downstairs, and held in the man's lap, as he continues feeding you the bottle. He wipes a few of your tears away. He begins to talk to you.

"You know, even for a little baby, you cry a lot." he says. His friends chuckle. You finish the bottle, and are burped. The men spend the next few hours talking, watching football. You are placed in a playpen, a few baby toys in their with you. You look at the men. Do they seriously expect you to play with these?

You begin to throw a fit, crying. A pacifier is placed in your mouth. You look at your captors with hatred. They all begin to talk to you condescendingly.

Chapter Seven

You are changed, and put into footies by one of your captors. He puts a pacifier in your mouth, and carries you over to your crib. He lays you down, and covers you with a baby blanket. He looks down at you.

"Somebody has to go to sleep now. You'd better behave." he says.

He turns on the baby monitor and mobile, turns off the light, and leaves, shutting the door behind him. You begin to cry. The pacifier falls from your mouth, and you cry at the top of your lungs.

A few minutes later, your first captor walks in, bottle in hand. He picks you up, and takes you to the rocking chair. All you do is sob. You see out the window that the sun has not set yet. You are fed, and burped. The man rocks back and forth, and puts your pacifier back in your mouth. You look out the window, hopelessly thinking that you will never escape from this, that you will live here the rest of your life. As the man notices you calming down, he continues rocking.

He walks over to put you back in your crib, your head on his shoulder. You face the window, wishing you could go home where you belonged. Your diaper is checked one final time. It is clean. You reach your arms out towards the window, whimpering. You want to go home. Your captor notices how upset you are, and begins to rub your back. You notice his expression has softened. A few tears roll down your cheeks.

Finally, you are practically asleep. You are tucked into your crib. You feel relaxed, and drift off into sleep.

You are changed, and put into footies by one of your captors. He puts a pacifier in your mouth, and carries you over to your crib. He lays you down, and covers you with a baby blanket. He looks down at you.

Chapter Seven

You wake up the next morning. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining. You try and reach up your arms to stretch, as you usually did before you'd been kidnapped, but your coordination was off. Oh no! You were starting to have all the bodily function of a baby! You begin to cry.

Your 'dad' walks into your nursery, and picks you up. You are carried to the changing table. You are changed, and carried downstairs, where you are fed a bottle. You are much less terrified and upset with these men. You know you are too young to take care of yourself. You haven't even thought of escape since three days ago. You are put in a playpen, and slowly begin playing with the toys.

Chapter Eight

A little teddy bear catches your eye. You clumsily crawl over, and pick it up. You begin playing with it's ears. Then, you start to suck on it's right ear. Your captors chuckle. You 'daddy' walks over to your playpen.

"Here, sweet-pea. This is meant for that." he says. He puts a pacifier in your mouth. You suck on it. You are laid on your back, and you put your arm tightly around your bear. You start to fall asleep. You are suddenly picked up, and put in your 'daddy's' lap. You start waking up again.

"Ssshh, ssshh, baby, it's ok. You can go to sleep." he says softly. He begins humming, and rocking you. Your eyes start drooping, and you soon fall asleep. You're held in his lap. A few hours later, you wake up, hungry. As you are about to cry, you realize you still have your pacifier in your mouth. You are still being held.

"Hello, sweet girl. Do you want a bottle?" your daddy asks. He carries you into the kitchen. He feeds you a bottle, then burps you. A couple hours later, you are put in your crib for the night. As you are starting to fall asleep, you hear rain. You soon hear thunder and you begin to sob. Your daddy walks into the room. He picks you up.

"Ssshh, ssh, it's ok, sweetie. It's only thunder." he coos. You clutch onto his shirt, and continue crying. He walks around with you, and puts your pacifier in your mouth. He rocks you, and you fall into a peaceful, worry-free slumber. You are put in your crib.

Chapter Nine

The next afternoon, which was a Friday, you are sitting happily in your playpen. You are sucking on your pacifier, playing with your teddy bear. You are suddenly picked up by your 'daddy'. He carries you into your nursery, and changes you. He puts you back in your onesie. Then, he carries you back downstairs. He starts to talk to you quietly.

"Daddy's going out on a guy's night with his friends, so you're gonna have a babysitter tonight, sweet-pea." he says. You continue sucking on your pacifier. After few minutes, the doorbell rings. He goes to answer it. He opens the door, and you are immediately filled with terror. You freeze, and stop sucking on your pacifier. It falls from your mouth. You begin sobbing as tears flow down your cheeks. It was your worst enemy from school! He bullied you relentlessly ever since you began freshman year.

"What's wrong, sweet girl?" your 'daddy' asks. You cling to him, terrified.

"I'm sorry, she's usually not like this, Mason." he says.

"That's fine, uncle Jared." replies Mason. Nephew? Did this mean you'd be seeing more of Mason? The thought terrified you. You are handed to Mason. You continue to sob. Your pacifier is put in your mouth, and suck on it. Your 'daddy' kisses you on the forehead, and leaves. You were now alone with Mason! you began to kick. Mason carried you into the living room, and put you in your playpen. You are relieved he put you down. He notices that you have calmed down, and disappears into the kitchen. He comes back a few minutes later, carrying a baby bottle. He walks over to you and picks you up. You struggle as he carries you to the couch. He is way to strong. He puts you in his lap, and begins feed you. You only drink a quarter of the bottle. He burps you. You burp loudly. You also spit up all over his back. He quickly places you in your playpen, and leaves. You hear water running, and can tell he must be showering. You giggle, knowing you had puked on him. It may be suckish, being babysat by someone you hated, but at least he didn't know it was you. He walked back into the living room, wearing his jeans and a hoodie. You guessed he wasn't wearing his shirt anymore, as it had spit up all over it. He sits on the couch, and just watches tv. At 8:10, he carries you up to your nursery. He carries you to the changing table. No way was he going to change you. You begin screaming your head off. He simply puts your pacifier in your mouth. He changes you, much to your attempts to top him. He puts you in a pair of footies, and wraps you in your blankie. He puts you in your crib, and leaves.

Chapter Ten

The next morning, you wake up crying. Your 'daddy' walks into your nursery, and picks you up. He carries you to your changing table, and changes you. He carries you downstairs, and puts a pacifier in your mouth, putting you in your playpen. You see Mason sitting on the couch, watching tv. You begin squirming, whimpering. Your 'daddy' notices your distress. He carries you over to the couch, and sits down next to his nephew. "What's wrong, baby?" he asks softly. You clumsily point to Mason. You suck on your pacifier as 'daddy' looks over. "Mason's not bothering you." he says quietly. You suck on your pacifier. "Oh, are you just hungry? Do you want a bottle?" he says. You realize no matter what you do, you will not be understood. You just close your eyes, hoping that you won't be seeing your tormentor much longer. You are put in your playpen. Your 'daddy' walks into the kitchen. He starts making you a bottle. Mason looks into your eyes. This sets you on edge. You'd always had pretty distinguishing eyes. You were scared Mason would recognize you! You are on the verge of crying, but you are picked up by 'daddy'. He takes your pacifier out, and replaces it with your bottle. You drink it, gazing into Mason's eyes. A few hours later, 'daddy' goes out for a few hours. You are left in the care of Mason again. You are scared again. You have the feeling that Mason will recognize you. You try to cry as little as possible, because you don't want to be picked up by Mason. He changes you, and puts you in your crib. You were relieved that you were alone. You just laid in your crib, sucking on your pacifier. You soon fall asleep.

Chapter Eleven

You open your eyes to see an office with papers on the wall and a large old school computer. You try to sit up but you feel too weak. You yawn and feel the pacifier in your mouth.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?” Says a woman as she walks in. She is wearing a button up shirt and a black skirt with nice flats, and her hair is tied back. She approaches you and picks you up. You look down and see the small fordable crib that you had been in. “Oh my, I think someone needs her diaper changed.” The woman coos. She carries you over to a different room and lays you on a changing mat. Looking around, this is probably a temporary nursery for babies getting adopted.
“No, please, let me go.” You protest from behind the pacifier. The woman smiles down at you.
“We can’t let you leave until your new mommy or daddy comes to adopt you. For now, you’re going to stay here. Now let’s get you out of this yucky thing.” She says. She removes the old diaper and wipes you clean with a baby wipe before putting some rash cream on you and sprinkling baby powder on you. She then puts a new diaper on you and pulls the front up, taping it down.
While you don’t appreciate being in a diaper, it does feel better to be in a clean one than a dirty one. The woman picks you up and carries you back into the office. She plops you back down in the fordable crib and hands you a rattle.
“Play with that while I make your lunch, little one.” She says, walking out of the office. You shake the plastic toy once before abandoning it, standing in the crib, pulling yourself up with the bars. You lift one leg up and pull yourself over the bars, then swing your other leg over, dropping softly to the floor. The scratchy carpet tickles your feet as you walk, slowly but surely. It feels weird to walk around in only a diaper and a baby tee, but you need to get out of here.
You get to the doorway and peek into the hall. It’s empty and the building is quiet. You sneak out into the hall and shiver at the cold tile under your feet. As you walk down the hall, you pass other offices and small nursery’s with other caretakers and young adults.

You can see that there is a boy around your age in one nursery. He is laying on his back on a play-mat, batting at the toys above him. You see him roll his eyes up and he sees you. He babbles and you panic, thinking you’ll get caught. You don’t know if theses a caregiver in there, but you don’t want to find out. You run down the hall, struggling to find the office you were in. Feeling your heartbeat quicken, you turn circles for a second, before falling onto your bottom, crying.
“There you are, Trace. I’ve been looking for you.” Says the voice of your caregiver. She has a bottle in her hand and she picks you up, carrying you to the office. You stop crying as you realize how close you were to it. You scold yourself mentally for having such an overreaction.

Your caregiver sits you down in the fordable crib and puts the bottle on her desk. “It’s okay sweetie, you’re back where you belong. You were so upset that you couldn’t find this room, weren’t you?” She asks. You nod. Wait, was this some sort of trap?
“Well, I think somebody needs a punishment for being naughty. What does baby think?” She asks. You start crying. She smiles sympathetically. “I know, it’s no fun to be in trouble, but you need to learn to behave.” Your caregiver coos as she picks you up and sets you over her knee. You start squirming as she undoes your onesie and takes off your diaper. She smacks your behind causing you to whimper, sob and squirm even more. She puts your diaper and onesie back on and carries you into a small white room with a white carpet. The only thing in the room is a light, but no light switch. She sets you on the floor and you look up at her.

“You’re in time out for 10 minutes. I’ll come get you when your punishment is over.” She says. She walks out of the room and closes the door. You just sit there, crying softly, your behind stinging.

Ten minutes later, the door opens and your caregiver walks back in. She picks you up and wipes your tears away.
“There there Lli, it’s okay. Let’s go get you fed.” She says, carrying you out of the small room, back to her office. She sits down in the desk chair and rests you in her lap. She picks up the bottle and holds it for you. You drink, not wanting more trouble.
A knock on the door draws your attention, and you stop drinking the bottle. Another caregiver walks in and your caregiver greats him.
“Come on sweetie, drink up.” She tells you. She looks back at the other caregiver. “What’s up, Ron?” She asks.
“I have the sleep suit that you asked for for her.” Ron says. He hands your caregiver what looks like a wearable sleeping bag.
“Thank you.” She says.
“You’re welcome, Carla.” Ron says. He walks out of the room and Carla looks down at you.
“Drink your bottle, Trace. After you’re done, you’re going to get to meet some of the other babies.” Carla tells you. You reach out to grab the bottle. “If I let you hold your bottle, will you drink it?” She asks. You nod. Carla hands you the bottle and you drink the milk.
When the bottle is empty, Carla burps you and carries you into a playroom. There are five other teenagers in there, all dressed as babies. Carla sits you down in a baby bouncer next to them and then leaves. You look around and see Ron sitting at a table in the corner, watching over you all.
You decide to talk to one of the other kids.

Chapter Twelve

You look at the blonde girl next to you. She is wearing corduroy overalls and a pink shirt.
“Hi.” You say quietly, hoping she’ll turn to you. She does.
“Hi. Are you new?” She asks. You nod. She scoots closer to you. “Well, I’ll give you a little rundown. Carla brought you in here, right? She’s your primary caregiver?” The girl says.
“Yeah, I guess.” You shrug. The girl nods.
“Okay. So, Carla usually takes care of the younger babies. You’ll definitely get bottle fed most of the time, and probably won’t be allowed to sit up much. If that’s the case, don’t fight her on anything. I know it’s hard, but fighting usually gets you muscle relaxers, and then you’re stuck.” She says. You frown. This is a lot to take in. “What’s your name?” She asks, noticing the scared look on your face.”
“Tracey.” You mumble. She smiles.
“I’m Tina.” She says. She looks back at Ron, who is looking up from his paperwork. Tina must’ve been too loud.
“You’re awfully chatty today, Tina. Don’t overwhelm e new baby, okay?” He says, looking down at Tina. She nods. “Good girl.” He says. He looks at you and smiles. “You’re being good right now, Trace. I know you don’t want to be a troublemaker, right?” He coos. You shake your head. He smiles and goes back to his paperwork.
“Oops. At least he wasn’t mad.” Tina giggles. You laugh a little.
You’re having an okay time hanging out with Tina until your stomach starts to hurt, leaving you in pain.
“What’s wrong?” Tina asks you.
“It’s my stomach. I need to go to the bathroom.” You say quietly. She looks at you with sympathy.
“You’re not gonna find one here. The staff ones are always locked, and they have a strict policy on diapers for all the babies here.” Tina says. No way.
“Uh, I can’t go in a diaper, not again. It would be too embarrassing.” You whisper.
“There’s nothing you can do to stop it. They’ll make you use the diaper, even though you don’t want to.” Tina says.
You try to hold back your tears, but a small cry escapes your lips. Ron looks up and walks over to the rug where you are on.
“Hey kiddo, what’s the matter?” He asks. You whimper.
“Nothing.” You say, hoping he’ll leave you alone. Ron frowns.
“I think your tummy hurts. Do you have to go potty?” He asks. You quickly shake your head. He unbuckled you from you seat and picks you up, laying you on the rug. He places his hands on your tummy and presses down gently. You wince. He rubs your tummy while pressing down, and you start wriggling. You can’t go to the bathroom with everyone looking at you.
When you can no longer hold it, your bladder releases and you feel pee run into your diaper. It feels uncomfortable. As if it’s a warm up though, you finally void your bowels, filling the back of your diaper with waste. You cry out, humiliated.
Ron coos at you and smoothed your hair back. “Good job, Trace. I know that was difficult, but you did exactly what you were supposed to. Soon enough, you won’t even need anyone’s help to go potty, and you’ll be able to fill your diaper all on your own.” Ron says in a happy voice. He pats your tummy and you cry into your pacifier. This is awful!
“Alright sweetie, let’s get you all cleaned up.” Ron says.
“No!” You cry, horrified. Ron looks down at you.
“Yes, little one. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, the babies have all had their diapers changed in front of each other. They don’t care, they’re babies. They won’t care if your diaper is changed in here.” Ron says. They won’t care, but you will. You close your eyes. You’re gonna pretend this is all a bad dream.
“Trace, be a good girl.” Ron coos. You huff and open your eyes. You look up at Ron who smiles. You can see that he moved you to another corner of the room, away from everyone’s view. You are a bit more relieved, until you remember you’ve wet and messed your diaper. You whimper, aware of your situation. Ron untapped your diaper and grabbed a baby wipe. He wipes your front and lifts your legs to start cleaning your bottom. It’s cold in the room and makes you uncomfy. Ron coos at you, and you feel like an actual baby. It’s awful.
You feel a cold lotion applied to your bottom and whimper. This is humiliating!
Ron powders your front and lowers your legs, and your bottom lands on a clean diaper. Ron pulls up the front of the diaper and taped it closed, placing a dark green onesie on you. He picks you up and pats your bottom. You catch a glance of your messy diaper and are horrified that you did such a thing. Ron holds you against his shoulder and rubs your back.
The door opens and Carla walks in. You hear he walk up to Ron.
“How’s y7 doing?” She asks him.
“She’s doing good. She just got her diaper changed, so she should be okay for another couple hours. She was actually pretty calm while I changed her.” Ron reports.
“Good job, baby girl.” Carla coos. You feel her take you from Ron’s arms and cradle you to her chest. “Alright Lili, let’s get you down for a nice nap, and you can see your little friends later.” Carla says. She carries you out of the playroom and back to her office, where she lays you in the foldable crib. She places a baby monitor near the crib and shuts off the lights, sitting in her desk chair. A xd of lullabies starts playing, and you begin to fall asleep.

Chapter Thirteen

Your eyes snap open and you sit up, kicking the blanket off of you.
“No, I don’t wanna nap!” You tell Carla, looking at her grumpily.
She looks down at you and smiles sympathetically.
“That’s not up to you, little one. You’re a baby and you need your sleep.” Carla says.
“No im not! Let me go, please!” You cry, kicking your legs and pounding your fists on the mattress. You hear Carla get up and walk over to the crib, and she grabs your chin in a firm hand. Startled slightly, you look up at her.
“I don’t have time to put up with your fussy attitude, Tracey Oakley. You will fall asleep and take your nap like a good girl, or I will have no choice but to spank you. Choose wisely, baby girl.” Carla says sternly.
No one has called you Tracey Oakley since you were little. Your mom calling you by your full name meant she was upset, and was usually followed with a punishment. You didn’t want to find out how stern Carla would be, so you shut your mouth, not without pouting, and close your eyes.
“Someone needs her paci before she goes night-night.” Carla coos, her voice soft once more. You feel her press the pacifier to your lips, and you open your mouth reluctantly. The rubber touches your tongue and triggers a reflex inside of you, telling you to suck on the soother. You hate to admit it, but it is calming.
“Sleep tight, little one.” She says, and you hear her leave the room, shutting and locking the door.

When you wake up, you are greeted with Carla smiling over you.
“I think someone’s feeling better after her nap.” She cooed, picking you up. You squirm, feeling that you have a wet diaper. Carla pats your bottom and lays you down on the changing mat.
“Let’s get Trace all cleaned up.” She says in a happy tone. She opens your onesie and rolls it up over your tummy, revealing the yellow stained diaper. You start whimpering, you almost forgot how embarrassing diaper changes were.
“Shh, it’s alright baby girl.” Carla cooed at you, hoping to comfort you. She opens your diaper and you draw up your legs, holding them to your chest. Carla uses this to her advantage and takes your ankles, lifting your legs in the air. You don’t like your bottom being exposed, and it’s not even dirty!
Carla pulls the used diaper out from under you and lays your legs down, your bottom hitting the plastic mat. Carla starts making lip trill sounds as she wipes you clean, removing every trace of pee. When you’re clean, she powders you generously and lifts your legs, placing a fresh diaper under you. She lays your legs back down and pulls up the front of the diaper between your legs, taping it shut.
“All set, baby girl.” Carla cheers, patting the front of your diaper. She stands up, leaving you on the floor. You are confused until she returns a few minutes later with a Big Bowknot Strapless Shoulder-less Black & Striped Crop Top, a black leather jacket, white ripped demi jeans, and some black buckle up fashion boots.

“Good news, Tracey! Your new mommy is coming to take you home today. She’s gotten all her babies from us, so you’ll have some new brothers and sisters to play with.” Carla says.
Your face goes white, and you feel a tiny bit of pee go into your diaper.
Carla kneels in front of you and puts the clothes on you, putting your feet in white socks and buckling them into the boots.
“Now since baby Tracey is going home today, she can go say bye bye to her little friends before she is picked up.” Carla coos. Without another word, she scoops you into her arms and carries you down the hall to the playroom. She walks in, and you see Tina from earlier.
“Hi Ron, I just brought kimmy in to say bye bye to Tina.” Carla said to her coworker.
“Aww, is someone getting adopted?” Ron coos to you. You hide your face in Carlas shoulders.
“Yes, Maxine saw her portfolio and decided she wanted to be her new mommy.” Carla answers. She bounces you, but you still hide your face.
Carla sits you down next to Tina, who is playing with a pony plushie. The girl looks at you and smiles.
“Carla, can you come here for a moment? We need to help with the newest arrival. He’s putting up a big fight.” Ron calls suddenly, leaving the room with Carla.
When the grown ups are gone, you look back at Tina, who is no longer smiling.
“What’s wrong?” You ask.
“Maxine is adopting you?” She asks.
“I guess so… I’m just gonna figure out a way to leave.” You tell her. Her expression doesn’t change as she shakes her head. “What?” You say.
“No one’s ever successfully escaped from Maxine. She has a bit of a reputation around here.” Tina fills you in. You raise your eyebrow. What is she talking about?
“What do you mean?”
“Basically, she’s very routine. She knows where her babies are at all times. She has a strict schedule and she never falters from it. As if that’s not enough, she has a nanny working for her that’s just as crazy as she is. She had eyes and ears all over the place, so you hardly get a chance to talk to each other. I heard that if one of her babies tried to leave or acts out in any way, they go to a daycare center. They’re never the same when they get back, and then they’re stuck as babies for good.” Tina says.
You turn white. That sounds awful!
“How do you know so much?” You whisper.
“I heard Ron talk about it a few times. If you’re chosen by Maxine, well, lest just say there’s no turning around.” Tina gulps.
The door creaks open suddenly and Ron and Carla return. They walk over to you and pick you up, carrying you out of the room.
“Alright, I’ve gotta get little Tina her in the bath. She’s going home to her daddy after dinner.” Ron says.
“Okay, see you later, Ron.” Carla says, and she and Ron go her separate ways.
You look at Tina desperately, but she just silently waved at you, pity in her eyes.
Carla carries you outside, and you start crying. You don’t want to go live at Maxine’s scary Mansion. You would rather stay here.
“Oh, I know it’s scary honey, but your new mommy will take such good care of you.” Carla gushes, giving you a light kiss on the top of your head.
You hear tires getting closer, and a car pulls up in front of you and Carla. It’s a small black sedan with a adult sized rear facing car seat in the back.
A man on sunglasses and all black gets out of the car and walks over to you and Carla.
“Bye bye, sweetie.” Carla says, sending you off with the scary man. He takes you from her arms and you watch her walk back into the adoption center. She’s much luckier than you are, you just know it
The man sits you in the car seat and straps you in, covering you with a blanket. You start getting sleepy, and as he drives off down the street, you can’t help but shut your eyes.

You hear soft singing and open your eyes, only to see a mobile of little white lambs spinning above you. You try sitting up but are too tired to move.
“Oh, did baby Tracey wake up from her nap?” Coos a soft voice. The voice is clearly a woman, and she sounds nice. You can hear her shuffle around the room for a minute before you finally see her.
She is tall and has dark brown hair with brown eyes and fair skin. She is probably 39, but she can’t be yet 40. She has no wrinkles by her eyes when she smiles, that gives you a good feeling.
“Come to mumma, my sweet baby.” She says.You don’t know how it took you to realize, but she is definitely British and maybe even a little French.
The woman picks you up and holds you close, humming softly again.
“I’m so glad you’re finally home.” She says, rubbing your back. You feel the tension leave your body. You could stay here forever, it was so nice.
Maybe Tina was wrong about her. She’d just heard stories after all, right? Maxine was a nice lady, and though it was weird that she was treating teenagers as infants, you could be comfortable here.
A knock on the door startled you slightly and you hear the door open.
“Ms Maxine, the other babies are awake. Shall I take care of them before I prepare supper?” Asks the woman, who you guess is the nanny.
“Thank you, Janice, that would be great.” Maxine says. Janice smiles and noticed you.
“Is this a new Addition to the family?” She smiles.
“Yes, this is Tracey. I’m going to have her spend this night in my room to help her adjust, and tomorrow, she’ll move into the nursery with her siblings.” Maxine tells her.
“Very well, madam.” Janice says. She leaves the room, and you are alone with Maxine again.
“You are going to be very loved here, Tracey. Mumma will never let you go, I promise.” She says quietly. You suppose it’s meant to be soothing, until you look at her face. There is a knowing, mischievous but loving glint in her eye. It is subtle, but you feel your heart skip a beat.

Chapter Fourteen

“Alright darling, let’s get you a bottle.” Maxine says. She sets you down in your crib and leaves the room.
You take this time to observe the details. It is clearly the master bedroom, and it has high ceilings. There is a black rocking chair, and attached to Maxine’s bed is some sort of cot. You don’t know why it would be so close, but you suspect it’s for one of her ‘babies’ to sleep closer to her.
A few minutes later, Maxine returns. She picks you up and carries you to the rocking chair. She sits and holds you in one arm, the bottle in her other hand.
You take a sip of the bottle and crinkle your nose. You don’t like it, there’s something not right.
“Come on baby girl, drink up.” Maxine coos. You shake your head. She laughs.
“You need to eat. Mumma knows what’s best for her little ones, so you want to do as you’re told.” She says. You decide to cooperate, it’s best to drink the nasty stuff quickly.
When the bottle is empty, Maxine holds you to her shoulder and pats your back until you burp.
“There, that’s my good girl.” She says. She holds you for a few more minutes before laying you in the crib. “That medicine that mumma gave you should be kicking in any minute.” She adds quietly.
You raise your eyebrows. What medicine? You weren’t sick.
“I’ll be back in a short while love.” She says, kissing your forehead. She leaves the room. Your stomach gurgles, and you feel chills down your spine. Oh no.
You feel your stomach flip and you soon mess your diaper. It’s just like at the adoption center, but there’s no way you would’ve been able to hold it. There’s not much, thank god, but it’s bad nonetheless. You start to cry, trying to stay as still as possible. The door opens and Maxine walks over to you, scooping you up.
“Is baby Tracey all done? That was quick.” She coos. Maxine carries you to the bathroom and pulls on a cord in the wall, revealing a changing table attached, just like the ones in women’s public bathrooms. She lays you down and changes you quickly. She knows what she’s doing, she must’ve done it a thousand times.
When your diaper is changed, she picks you up and kisses the top of your head.
“W-what did you do to me?” You ask after you find your words. You’re not happy with her.
“Watch your tone, little one. Mumma gave you a little medicine to help encourage your body to do what it needs to. The first change is always the hardest, so mumma likes to get it done the first night.” She said, giving your bottom a soft pat. You shudder, and she holds you close.
“Now that the worst part is over, you can let me take care of you. Your brothers and sisters all behave for mumma, and I hope you will too. I know what’s best for my babies, and I do everything out of love for you.” She tells you. “It’s early for bed yet, so I’ll go over the daily schedule with you.” Maxine says. She sets you in your crib, and you suddenly remember you’re only dressed in a diaper.
“May I please have some clothes?” You ask timidly. Maxine smiles.
“Thank you for using your manners. You may have your pyjamas after you learn the schedule and your rules.” She says. You nod and allow her to talk, hoping this will be over soon.
“The first thing in the morning is waking up, followed by a nappy change. After that is breakfast and morning bottle. Next is playtime and a morning nap. Lunch is next, and then a nappy check. More playtime, followed by quiet time. After that is supper, followed by baths and stories, and finally a nighttime bottle and bed. Do you understand, sweetie?” Maxine says. You nod. She smiles.
“Good. Now, your rules are very simple, so I expect you to follow them. Always listen to mumma and your nanny. You must use your nappy. Eat what you are given, or you will have a bottle instead. You cannot get up on your own, because you are to little. No big girl words, but simple words are allowed. Stay where you are put, whether that is you crib or the playmat. That’s all of them. You will follow the rules, or there will be consequences, and you don’t want to find out what they are.” Maxine says. You bite your lip nervously. She seems much stricter now, and you wouldn’t want to upset her.
“Don’t be worried, love. Mumma won’t have to punish you if you behave. Just follow your rules and everything will be fine. Now, let’s go get you into some comfy jammies.” She says, walking over to a small white dresser. She opens one of the drawers and pulls out a short sleeve lilac onesie and matching soft booties. She approached you and opens the snaps of the onesie, placing it on you head and rolling it down over your body. She gently lays you on your back and takes the ends of the fabric, bringing them over your diaper. She snaps the onesie shut and takes your feet one at a time, pulling the booties on them. She pulls a purple pacifier out of the pocked and places it in your mouth, smiling.
“There we are, sweetie.”she coos. She turns on the mobile, along with a baby monitor. “Mumma will be downstairs if you need anything. Sleep tight, baby.” She says, leaving the room and shutting off the light.
You look up at the mobile, sleepy. It’s been a long day, and you’re ready for bed. You shut your eyes and allow the lullaby playing over your head to put you to sleep. This was a strange place, and you needed your energy to escape.

Chapter Fifteenth

You wake up to the quiet sounds of birds chirping. When you open your eyes, you can see Maxine standing over you.
“Good morning Tracey. How was baby’s first night?” She coos, picking you up. She carries you to the bathroom and unfolds the changing table, laying you down on it. She undoes the snaps of your onesie and rolls it up over your tummy, pressing a hand on the front of your diaper.
“It’s dry, but let’s see if baby made a mess.” She cooed in a baby voice. You hated being talked down to like this.
Maxine sits you up and pulls open the back of your diaper slightly at the waistband before humming.
“My my, someone has a clean nappy. That won’t last for long, but I bet you’re ready to start the day.” She says. She picks you up and carries you to the main part of the room, sitting you in your crib. You see her walk over to the dresser and she rummages through a couple drawers before pulling out Big Bowknot Strapless Shoulder-less Black & Striped Crop Top, a black leather jacket, white ripped demi jeans, and some black buckle up fashion boots.
“Let’s get dressed, shall we sweet pea? Then mumma will get you a nice warm bottle.” Maxine said. She walks over to you and tugs the onesie onto your head, pulling it down to cover your torso. She lays you on your back and pulls the cloth over your diaper, snapping the button's on the jeans shut. She grabs your ankles gently and starts moving your legs in a bicycle motion while singing “wheels on the bus”.
You pout and whine, giving her a signal to stop. She does, but not without pointing out how fussy you are today.
“Alright little one, mumma will be back with your breakfast shortly.” She coos, leaving the room. You take this chance to breathe deeply, trying to keep yourself calm. You can put up with this, and when there’s no one watching, you’re running far, far away.
You hear screaming coming from down the hall, followed by a loud thump, and then crying. You furrow your eyebrows, trying to figure out what could have happened. It must be one of your ‘siblings’ putting up a fight.
Maxine returns 10 minutes later, carrying the promised bottle.
“Sorry I took so long, mumma had to help nanny with your sister. Now. let’s get you fed, sweetheart.” Maxine says. She picks you up and carries you to the rocking chair.
You are skeptical about the bottle, but Maxine assures you it’s just milk, no icky medicine.
You open your mouth and drink the milk. It’s chocolate flavored, and you are grateful.
When the bottle is empty, Maxine pats your back until you burp, and she smiles at you, kissing your forehead.
“There, that must feel better. Why don’t we go check out some of your fun new toys?” She says, walking over to the bed. She reached into the nightstand and you look into the drawer. It holds foam blocks, stacking rings, and some small stuffed animals. “What would you like to play with, Tracey?” Maxine coos, looking over at you. You shrug and look shyly down at your feet.
“Maybe someone’s not ready to play. Why don’t we get you settled in your crib and mumma will read you a story before nap time?” She says. She gives you no time to even think about it and lays you down in your crib, tucking you in with a baby blanket, putting your pacifier in your mouth.
You kick your feet, trying to get out from under the blankie.
“Now now Tracey, don’t fuss. It’s chilly in here right now, mumma wants you to be cozy for your nap.” She scolds lightly, rubbing your tummy. You whimper and shut your eyes.
“Alright, you can go night night now. Have a good nap.” Maxine says, shutting off the light and leaving the room.

An hour later, you hear the door open. You’re still sleepy, so you don’t bother opening your eyes. You feel a cool hand on your forehead, and another hand near your bottom.
“Stop it.” You mumble, wrinkling your nose up.
“We’ll good morning to you, Tracey.” Says a familiar voice. You open your eyes to see not Maxine, but Janice. “Nanny is here to take care of you. Mumma should be back before long.” She says. She picks you up and carries you downstairs to the kitchen, where you see five large colorful high chairs.
There is a pale girl with dark purple hair and a nose piercing in the pink high chair, a pale brunette girl in the orange high chair, a blond boy in the green high chair, and a red haired boy in the blue high chair.
You notice that the empty high chair is yellow, and it must be reserved for you.
Janice sits you down in the high chair, and you suddenly feel very aware of your surroundings.
“Alright Tracey, let’s get you fed, and then you can go play with the other babies.” She says, bringing a bowl of watery oatmeal over. You cringe. You don’t even like oatmeal on a good day, let alone watery goop.
You realize that the blond boy and brunette girl are feeding themselves, but the purple girl sits there with her arms crossed. Janice looks at her and sighs.
“Daisy, how many times does nanny have to tell you not to sulk? You can either eat your food like a good girl, or mumma will be hearing about this.” She says. Daisy scowls and turns her head away.
“Very well.” Janice says. She picks daisy up and carries her off. The brunette girl whimpers, and you can tell by her eyes that she knows something will happen to daisy.
“Hey, what’s your name?” You ask, trying to help the girl calm down.
“Erica.” She sniffles.
“What about them?” You ask, nodding to the boys. Erica points to the blonde.
“That’s Tyler.” She says. “And the redhead is Jaime.” She tells you.
Tyler waves shyly, his eyes sad. You’re pretty sure he’s got his head on straight like Erica and Daisy, but then you catch a glance at Jaime.
He’s different from the others, but you’re not sure what sets him apart.
Janice returns and smiles at the four of you.
“Okay little ones, let’s finish all your food, and then we can get back to playtime.” She cooes happily. She stands in front of Jaime and scoops up the last bite of oatmeal in his bowl.
“Here comes the airplane.” Janice says, bringing the spoon to the boys mouth. Jaime opens up and eats the spoonful, giggling happily. A small stream of drool comes down his chin, which only makes the food even less appealing.
“Alright Tracey, you’re next.” Janice says, standing in front of you. You look up at her with musty eyes. You don’t want to be next, you want to be free.
“No thank you.” You mumble. You can feel the crazy mess drip off this woman.
“That’s not an option, or did baby forget her rules so quickly?” Janice says.
“Daisy didn’t have to eat!” You blurt out, louder than necessary. Janice looks stern.
“Daisy was being naughty. She will get a punishment for her behavior. Now you can either eat, or you will join her, and whatever punishment she received will be the same for you.” Janice tells you. She is serious.
You open your mouth and allow Janice to feed you. She smiles and praises you as you eat. Could this day get any worse?
A couple minutes later, you finish the meal and are removed from your high chair. Janice places her hand on your bottom and presses down.
“You’re clean, Tracey. You may go play.” Janice says. She carries you into a large playroom and sits you on the floor.
In the next five minutes, Janice brings Jaime, Tyler and Erica in and sits them on the floor, except for Jaime, who is laid down on his back.
“Play nicely, babies. Nanny will be in if you need anything.” She says, shutting the door. You head it lick, and you freeze up. It would be harder to escape now.
You blink and turn to Erica, who is holding a small bunny plush.
“Um, I was wondering if you know what’s happening to Daisy?” You ask, unsure if she will cry again. She nods.
“Well, Daisy is very stubborn. She always fights the grown ups, so she’s in and out of time out. I heard Janice tell Maxine, and now I’m worried she’s close to going to daycare.” Erica says. You bite your lip. You’re worried for Daisy too.
“One more thing. Do you know if Jaime is… well, is he alright?” You ask, not trying to sound rude.
Eric’s sighs.
“Not anymore. He used to be just like Daisy, fighting and trying to escape. Maxine didn’t like that, so she sent him to daycare. It was scary not knowing if he was okay, but he’s back. Ever since he returned though, he’s been different.” Erica says.
You raise your eyebrow.
“How so?” You ask.
Just then, Jaime let’s put a loud sob, startling you.
The door is unlocked and Janice walks in, cooing softly.
“Oh, did a certain baby boy have an accident? Let’s get you all cleaned up.” She says, picking Jaime up. She leaves the room and you breathe deeply in order to regain composure.
“He’s long gone. He really is just a baby now.” Tyler says solemnly, a lip trembling. He turns his head to the floor and bites his fingernails, trying to calm his nerves.
“Tyler, stop biting your nails, or else you’re getting a paci again.” Erica warns him, almost whisper telling. Tyler’s eyes widen and he takes his hand away from his mouth.
“Thanks.” He says, and Erica nods.
Janice returns with a gurgling Jaime, who happily sucks on his pacifier. She lays him on his playmat and looks at the rest of you.
“Is little Tyler biting his fingernails again?” Janice asks in an accusing tone.
“No, nanny.” He says, looking down at his hands. Janice purses her lips and pulls a large pacifier out of her pocket. She crouches in front of Tyler and holds the pacifier to his lips. With a stern glare, Tyler opens his mouth, and Janice gets the object inside. You can hear him crying behind it, and his face is pink.
“Babies shouldn’t chew their fingers, they have icky germs on them. You gave paci's for a reason.” Janice says. She looks at you want steps closer. You hold your breath, scared of what she might do.
“Does Tracey need anything?” She asks. You shake your head, hoping she will leave. She does, and locks the door once more. You start crying softly, this place is insane.
“Don’t cry, Trace. Everything will be okay.” Erica says. You smile slightly. You believe her, and these simple words will help you get through this.

Chapter Sixteen

After 20 minutes of playtime, the door opens to reveal Maxine.
“Hi, my babies. How are you feeling?” She coos. Jaime squeals in excitement and reached his arms up, and Maxine scoops him up. She kisses him on the cheek and bounces him gently.
Tyler and Erica look up at her but don’t say anything. You keep quiet too, not wanting to say the wrong thing. Janice walks in and scoops you up, and follows Maxine to the top floor, walking down the hall to what must be the nursery. There are two brown cribs on the side across from the door, and three white cribs in the wall with the door.
You can see Daisy sitting in the left white crib, her face wet and her eyes puffy. She’s obviously been crying, and she looks tired.
Janice lays you down in the middle crib before she leaves the nursery to retrieve Erica.
Maxine lays Jaime down in the right brown crib and turns on a mobile. It spins gently and plays a soothing lullaby. You watch as Maxine leaves too.
“Daisy, are you okay?” You ask, looking at her. She wordlessly shakes her head, as if saying even one word will upset her all over again.
Janice and Maxine return in a few minutes and lay Tyler and Erica down in their respective cribs before Maxine approaches daisy.
“Come with mumma, Daisy. I think it’s time for your punishment.” She says. She reaches into the crib and picks Daisy up under the armpits, making the girl whimper.
“Mumma, don’t take sissy.” Erica pleads. Janice goes over to her crib and pops a pacifier in her mouth, promptly silencing her.
“Don’t worry baby, sissy will be back shortly. She just needs some help from mumma so that she can stop acting out.” Maxine coos. She leaves the nursery, a scared Daisy cradled in her arms.
Janice makes her way around the room and turns on the rest of the mobiles, along with a baby monitor.
“Sleep tight, little ones.” She says, turning off the light and leaving, closing the door.
You lay in silence, unable to sleep. Soft snores come from the other three, leaving you alone to your thoughts.
It feels like an eternity before the door opens again, and Maxine is back with Daisy.
“Night night, troublemaker.” She coos, laying Daisy in her crib. She peeks into your crib and tsks at you.
“Is baby Tracey not taking her nap?” She asks. You stay silent, unsure if she’s trying to bust you for something. Maxine reached into your crib and pressed a hand softly on your forehead. “Close your eyes, little one. You need your sleep.” She tells you. She slips a pacifier in your mouth and leaves the room.
You shut your eyes and try to sleep, but you can still hear Daisy’s soft crying. Her hard exterior is crumbling, and you fear she will end up like Jaime.
You finally fall into a deep sleep, though you are plagued with bad dreams, you can do nothing to stop them.

After nap time is over, Maxine and Janice walk into the nursery and turn on the light, alerting you and the others. Maxine picks you up and carries you to the changing table, laying you down. You don’t fight as she changes you, just wanting the task to be done.
Once you’re in a clean diaper, Maxine refastens your onesie and overalls, picking you up and sitting you on the floor. You wait patiently as the others are changed and sat with you.
“Alright babies, 20 more minutes of playtime, and then we’re going to have quiet time.” Maxine coos. She and Janice leave the room, and you hear the door lock.
You’re too busy to play, you need to get answers. You look at the other kids. Erica is playing with blocks, and you know Jaime won’t be much help. This leaves Tyler and Daisy.

Chapter Seventeen

You crawl over to Daisy and sit in front of her, looking into her eyes.
“Are you okay?” You ask. She laughs bitterly.
“I haven’t been okay since the day I got here. Sure, the other kids are nice, but I miss my freedom.” She says.
“Why did you end up here?” You ask, tilting your head.
“So called attitude problems. My parents told me we were going out for the night, and next thing I knew I was in a large car seat on my way to the adoption center. You?” Daisy says.
“I had bad grades, and one day while walking home from school , I ended up in a van.” You tell her. She nods solemnly.
“That’s too bad. I wish we could be met under different circumstances, but that was beyond our control. We’ll get away from this one day, but that won’t happen yet. The adults are too routine, they know what we’re doing at all times.” She said.
You sit in silence for a minute before she whimpers and rubs her stomach, crossing her legs tightly.
“Oh no…” she mutters, her eyes wide. Before you know it, she is crying loud, heartbreaking sobs, and something smells.
The door opens and Maxine walks in, scooping Daisy up.
“Did little Daisy make an uh oh in her nappy? Mumma knew that medicine would work well on your poor little tummy. Now, let’s get your bum cleaned up so you can play with your siblings.” Maxine coos, carrying daisy to the changing table.
You can hear the poor girl fuss, and Maxine babying her so much doesn’t help.
“Mumma’s little stinker, almost as much a messer as Jaime is.” She coos.
You dare risk a peek, but what you see is not pretty. Daisy’s face has gone red and Maxine holds daisy’s legs high in the air to wipe her bottom. You thank your lucky stars you can’t see the mess, but if that medicine is what you were given the other day, you know how she feels. You shudder, feeling queasy.
Daisy’s cries turn to whimpers and you assume that the worst is finally over. Daisy is sat down next to you a minute later, and Maxine kissed her crown.
“There we are, fussy girl. A fresh clean nappy.” Maxine says. She turns to you, and you frown. “Does baby Tracey Queen need her nappy changed too, hmm?” She hums.
You shake your head, you don’t remember using the babyish garment.
Maxine lays you on your back and presses the front of your diaper.
“It’s damp, but you can wait longer for a change.” She says. You sigh in relief, you’ve put off the humiliation of being diapered for at least a little bit.
Maxine checks on each of the kids in turn, having only Jaime left to change. She carries him to the changing table and gets to work, cooing at him.
Jaime coos softly in response, unfazed by this routine. Your heart breaks for him, and you vow to not end up like him.
“Mumma would like for all of you to follow in Jaime’s footsteps. He’s a well behaved baby, and I know you can all cooperate as well as he does.” Maxine says, returning a clean Jaime to his playmat.
Erica cringes and closes her eyes, and Tyler goes pale. Daisy nearly starts crying again, but she chocked back her tears.
Jaime babbles and returns to his hanging toys, batting at them with weak force.
“Maxine, where would you like the little ones for quiet time?” Janice asks from the doorway.
“The family room will suffice. I want Tracey to learn more about the downstairs floor.” Maxine says. She picks up Jaime and Janice picks up Erica, and they leave the room, coming back for Tyler and daisy. On the last trip, Maxine grabs you and carries you into a large but cozy sitting room, with a sectional, two arm chairs, and five soft grey blankets on the floor. You wonder why they’re not in fun colors as you would expect.
As if she can read you mind, Maxine explains.
“Mumma wants everything to be soothing for quiet time, so your blankies are a nice, calm neutral color.” She says. It makes sense, you’re not gonna lie, but you don’t like it.
“Can I please have a drink?” You ask, feeling thirsty. Maxine kneels next to you and places a pacifier into your mouth.
“Yes darling, but you need to be quiet now. Mumma will get you a baba.” Maxine says, going to the kitchen. She shuffled around for a few minutes before returning. She hands you a large bottle full of warm milk. You remove the pacifier and latch onto the bottle, taking a few sips. It is relaxing, but not something you want to get used to.
You can see Maxine sit down in the armchair next to Janice, and she smiles at you all before they have a quiet conversation.
You can only manage half of the bottle before you feel the milk sloshing around in your belly. You feel full, you need to digest this. You set the bottle down beside you and reach for your pacifier, popping it in your mouth. You wonder what the other four are doing and gently sit up, looking around. Daisy and Tyler are resting, eyes closed, Erica is doing some light stretching, and Jaime is scrunching his legs up to his chest.
Maxine basically appears in front of you and gently lays you back down, rubbing circles onto your tummy.
“Lay down, baby girl. Mumma needs to see that you’re calming down.” She coos quietly. You weren’t doing anything wrong, just sitting. Maxine gets up and goes back to her seat. You roll your eyes and stare at the ceiling, soon drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

“I think someone could use a change, yes she could.” You hear Janice coo. You stay asleep, though your heart skips a beat. There are three possible people that ‘she’ means in this case, and you doubt it’s you. Then you shift your hips slightly to crack your back and are met with a harsh truth.
Your diaper was wet.
You kick your legs, crying out. You want to get out of here, this place is a nightmare.
“Don’t worry Tracey, mumma will get you out of this wet thing.” Maxine coos. She kneels down in front of you, removing your clothing. You close your legs together tightly, hoping to prevent this humiliation, but Maxine pries your knees apart. She shifts her position to place your legs over her knees, allowing her to change you with minimal fight. It feels uncomfortable, having your knees over hers. You squirm.
Maxine undoes the tapes and allows your nappy to droop to the floor, sending chills along your diaper area.
You start whimpering, drawing your legs up to your chest. Maxine simply pulls them back to where they were, placing her hands on your tummy. She holds them there for a second and looks deeply into your eyes as if trying to hypnotize you
“Babies are supposed to have their nappies changed, it helps to teach them that they make uh ohs that they can’t control. Just be happy that you don’t have a messy bottom for me to wipe.” Maxine says.
She is getting cold, and this is ridiculous. You cry in frustration as Maxine wipes you clean, carefully removing all trace of pee.
What would take one or two minutes takes four, all thanks to Maxine rambling. She even rubbed rash cream onto your bottom, which was completely unnecessary.
When Maxine wraps the clean diaper around your waist, you are actually relieved. You can’t stand to be so vulnerable. Sure, just now was noting like what Daisy went through a while ago, but you’re still trying to recover from the embarrassment.
Maxine places you back in your outfit and picks you up.
“I think it’s almost time for dinner. Why don’t you come help mumma in the kitchen?” She says, hauling you off to the other room. She sits you in your high chair and you wiggle around, trying to get used to the new diaper. It’s thicker, but it’s still soft. Maxine smiles.
“Does baby Tracey like her nappy? Oh, I bet she does. She cooes, pulling a box out of the pantry. “Can you help me choose what’s for supper? What do you want to eat?” She asks. You looks at the cans the box holds. Various soups, and they all sound better than a bottle.

Chapter Eighteen
© Copyright 2024 lili (cago16671 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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