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Rated: E · Chapter · Dark · #2325573
Dark Society
Like Sabrina, her mother was an enthusiast of nature and its concessions. Except, there was something special about this season, and with Sabrina's ascension, Julia had grown eager. Furthermore, it's a moment their daughter had anticipated since adolescence, so Julia felt it necessary to document everything. (A compulsion everyone accepted despite the irritation).

"I need pictures," she uttered, scuffling with the camera.

Straightaway, Sabrina snickered.

"Do you need help with that?"

Glancing with a quizzical sneer, Julia simpered.

"Nobody likes a smart mouth, young lady,"

On average, Cottonwoof Falls never topped eighty degrees. Which is why Tim aimed to enjoy the balmy evening with his family, despite recalling that tomorrow, Sabrina wouldn't be there.

"Relax; I'll make you proud--I promise,"

Without haste, Tim again hugged Sabrina as Julia twinkled.

"You already have,"

"So," Julia announced, sitting on the swing. "How do we spend this beautiful evening?"

Again, Sabrina glowed and looked to her mother.

"Can I?"

Grinning, Julia agreed, and Sabrina leaped from the porch.

"She'll never change," Tim remarked, standing. "I guess I better find that shovel."

Everything considered, Sabrina didn't want to leave, but a college education would benefit the family. More importantly, time was short, and Tim and Julia didn't want to waste a moment.

"Where do you want this?" he shouted, exiting the shed with a large silver canister.

"Right here!" Sabrina exclaimed, pointing to the foot of a large oak tree.

"Looks like you have your work cut out," Julia announced, returning inside.

It's no secret, Julia wasn't genteel when something troubled her, but Tim figured the time for her to mourn had come. Meanwhile, he carted over the heavy receptacle, but where Sabrina found it or meant to use it, remained a mystery.

"I want Mom here," she affirmed as Tim set the container against the tree and glanced at the house.

"Don't worry; she'll be right along,"

At this time, Sabrina clutched the shovel and began poking at the earth. It was solid due to the recent dry weather, and though such conditions weren't suitable for farming, crops thrived. And even so, the tumultuous weather wasn't the only concern. For Sabrina had contributed to the family's ranching venture, but now that she was leaving, harvesting would become more difficult.


"Yeah, what is it?"

Initially, Sabrina believed she'd made the right decision, though the stress leaving had caused everyone stood troubling.

"What if I took a year off?" she illustrated. "At least until after the summer harvest."

Instantly, Tim shrugged and leaned against the tree. It was the exact scheme she'd sketched a thousand times, and like her mother, he didn't want her to leave. Regardless of whether, he couldn't be selfish and make a personal choice.

"I thought you'd made up your mind?"

Since the start, Sabrina often spoke candidly, hoping her father would understand. Although, she'd soon realize that she'd also need to speak from the heart.

"I don't want to leave,"

That said, Tim grieved and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"We don't want you to either," he admitted. "Yet, you've made commitments and need to honor them."

Gradually, Sabrina pouted.

"I guess you're right,"

"Like always,"
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