Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322516-The-Old-Depot-Meeting
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Transportation · #2322516
The last train to the depot. 300 words
The Old Depot Meeting

“All railway staff, come into my office,” Catherine the station master, announced on the loudspeaker.

Pearce the engineer, turned to look at Ben, the conductor.

“What do you suppose that’s about?”

“Only one way to find out,” Ben said as he headed for the office. With a huge sigh, Pearce followed him.

“Everybody, find a seat!” Catherine told them. Each staffer studied her as they passed her, trying to figure out what was going on.

When they’d found someplace to sit and quieted down, the stationmaster/ticket agent cleared her throat.

“I’m sure you’ve heard the rumor by now. The story is true. The next train to arrive will be the last.”

Gasps and protests filled the room. Catherine held up both hands.

“The powers that be, have decided our depot is redundant. They will be tearing it down. From now on, trains will go straight through to the next station.”

“But what do we do when they close us down?” Pearce wondered.

“Guess we move on,” Ben said morosely.

“But where?”

Ben shrugged.

A group of passengers pushed open the office door and crowded into the room.

“What’s going on?” one asked.

“Yeah, we need service! I want a ticket!”

“Take it easy folks,” Catherine soothed as she herded them out. The staff went to work. In minutes, the final train arrived in a cloud of steam. The conductor boarded with the last passenger and signaled the engineer to leave.

Catherine watched them go. A horrendous crash echoed back to the depot. Catherine rushed to the scene. There were no survivors, passengers or crew.

In the end the Old Depot was simply abandoned. But it’s said the last train still stops at the depot and a ghostly station master is there to greet it every time.
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