Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322412-Time-Is-Money
by HDC
Rated: E · Poetry · Nonsense · #2322412
Just a thought
Time is Money, at least that's what they say.
If you want to make money, start early today.

You only have 24 hours to trade
Start early, work late. That's how you get paid.

The young spend their time advancing their wealth.
The old spend their wealth improving their health.
Trading Time for Money then Money for Time.
There seems to be no real reason or rhyme.

The whole concept to me seems a bit funny.
Let's think for a minute. What exactly is Money?
Money is how we measure the value of things.
From Time spent working to a plate of hot wings.
So a unit of measurement is what we get paid.
What we get in return for the Time that we trade.

Now we all know what Time is without thinking too much.
A unit of measurement we can't see and can't touch.

So the saying is true and I feel like a fool.
Time is Money and they are both just a tool.

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