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Rated: E · Fiction · Cultural · #2321791
Gun Ghost Holds Annual Convention In Virginia Beach
Gun Ghost Holds Annual Convention In Virginia Beach

         Sam Jones, the president of the Gun Ghosts of America, gave the keynote address to the association at a week-long annual convention usually at a site associated with mass shootings. The 2024 convention was held at Virginia Beach, as that was where the President of the Association was killed in a mass shooting event. In his prior life, he was an attorney and in the ghost world, he worked hard to establish the Association of Gun Ghosts. This was his second term as President of the association.

         Thousands of gun ghosts gathered together at midnight for their annual convention, held in the summer at a site where there had been a mass casualty event. The gun ghosts gathered monthly to hold vigils, but unfortunately, no one heard them as they were gun ghosts, some people could sense their presence, and a few could communicate with the ghosts in seances.

         The convention decided to issue a manifest to the world. One of their members, a former tech genius, had figured out how to post the manifesto on the internet. There were ways to do that, although normally the ghosts could not interact with the world, only observe things there as they were in a separate parallel dimension.

         Their manifesto hit the internet and was posted on various platforms. It read as follows:

Manifesto of the Association of Gun Ghosts

         People of earth, greetings from the ghost dimension.

         We are the gun ghosts. and we hold an annual convention of gun ghosts. We exist in a parallel dimension. We can observe your world but normally cannot communicate or interact with your world. One of our members has figured out a way to communicate through the Internet and we will begin issuing statements weekly on events in the world. This is only the first manifesto to the world.

         People of earth, particularly Americans, please put away your guns, your weapons of war.

         Too many of us are being gunned down. Because there are so many guns everywhere and too many people are addicted to violence and believe that they have a right to use a gun to either commit crimes or because they are crazy and violent. We know because we are the gun ghosts shot dead by the gun people. In the U.S. there are more guns than people.

         People, You talk about freedom. What about the freedom to walk down the street, go to religious services, a nightclub, a market, a park, anywhere at all without the fear that a gunman, armed with military-style assault weapons can shoot you dead just because he or she was having a bad day. We do not believe that everyone has to go out into the world armed to the teeth. Believing that is a form of collective madness in our humble expert opinion.

         And politicians do nothing but offer useless prayers and say after each incident now is not the time to talk about gun violence. Or gun violence is the cost of your freedom, or gun control measures don’t work. .

         We don’t need to hear that. We don’t care about your prayers or thoughts. We remain dead and remain ghosts because someone shot us dead.

          We demand action We demand responsibility We demand you just quit. Killing people with your guns and stop lying. You all know that gun kills. That is what they are designed to do. And they do it so well

         We know.

         Every time there is a mass shooting, your NRA puts out messages filled with lies such as guns don’t kill people, and saying that the only solution is more guns for everyone. The only solution to a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun. We all know that is sheer madness. And that the NRA has blood on their hands. You know what to do, and how to do it. There are solutions and over the next year in our weekly internet postings, we will explore them. We also have set up an X account and a FB account and will be able to interact through these virtual media.

         We demand you just quit killing people with your guns. And stop lying, you all know.
that gun kills. That is what they are designed to do. And they do it so well. That is their Buddha nature.

         We know because we are the gun ghosts killed by your guns. But in the end, If you continue this way You too could join us and become gun ghosts.

         The choice is up to you. We do not want to see any new gun ghosts.

         We will continue to monitor you, issue monthly updates, and respond to measures on X and Facebook. Unfortunately, we can not talk about the afterlife with you as we have strict Nondisclosure agreements where we are. Nor can we respond to individual questions or comments. But we can say you don’t want to be here. Believe us being alive is so much better. That is all we are authorized to say.

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