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Rated: E · Chapter · Drama · #2320921
Sci-fi / Fantasy story
Lander is on the phone, commanding it to call Cooper Thomas, and he is preparing himself to sound as if he is troubled. Cooper Thomas

is his personal Federal Police Officer and must be contacted for pretty much anything that happens. The fact that Lander has killed Storm

where he stood is justification to contact Cooper. Lander wished that he shot Storm in the great outdoors so he could just leave the body and

claim that he had nothing to do with his death. But it did not happen that way. Cooper answers the mobile phone on the third ring. Cooper

sounds as if he has just been woken up out of a sound sleep and that could be possible for it is merely five o’clock in the morning.

Cooper demands, “What the hell is going on Lander? Why are you calling me so early?”

Lander’s voice cracks, “Storm is dead.”

Cooper asks, “What did you just say?”

Lander responds, “Storm was in my office due to the BioGenetics attack. I mentioned that it might be Hell’s Gate’s work and Storm went rigid and decided to charge me. I had no choice but to shoot him for I do not know what he was capable of at that moment.”

Cooper questions, “You’re joking?”

Lander replies, “No I am not kidding around. Storm was not in his right frame of mind I am certain of that but I had to do what I had to do because I have to protect myself.”

Cooper speaks firmly, “Do not touch the body or the scene. Actually wait for me to arrive in the hallway outside of your office. I don’t want anything disturbed and I know you cannot resist gawking or whatever it is you do.”

Lander wonders, “How long will it take for you to get here to the Presidential office?”

Cooper asks, “Why does that matter?”

Lander states, “Because I have a lot on my plate at the moment. I have to give a press release on the BioGenetics attack, deal with this
Storm thing, and have Alexis West collected to be brought to my office as soon as she comes in from her previous mission.”

Cooper says, “You don’t need a Time Jumper for the BioGenetics event Lander. You need the Federal Police which I am sure are already on the scene.”

Lander adds, “There was also a breach with the Time Portal.”

Cooper asks, “And what happened?”

Lander states, “There was an illegal jump made shortly after the BioGenetics attack and I believe that whoever is responsible for the attack is
the one who made the jump.”

Cooper questions, “What year did they escape to?”

Lander answers, “2050.”

Cooper is curious, “What is the significance of that year? Do we know why that year was accessed?”

Lander strongly states, “I have no clue why this year was chosen. All I know is I must have the best Time Jumper available and that would be
Alexis for she is the best. Plus there is nobody I trust more to accomplish this mission.”

Cooper comments, “What about the down time you promised her after this particular mission. You have sent Alexis on sixteen missions in eight years and you have declined her down time for eight years.”

Lander says, “I can’t control what is happening. The Federal Time Association will not lend me another Elite Time Jumper to send on this mission. Alexis is the only one that can do this and I have no choice but to send her.”

Cooper states, “Alexis is your sister and she is not going to be ecstatic about this situation.”

Lander says, “I don’t care whether Alexis is happy or not. This event has happened and it requires an Elite Time Jumper. Nikole at the Federal Time Association says that this is the last mission that Alexis can be assigned to before she receives her down time.”

Cooper replies, “You are a total bastard Lander. You are well aware that this can harm Alexis physically and mentally.”

Lander says, “Just get here and do your thing. Investigate the scene, record the scene, and then we will talk about things.”

Cooper arrives at the Presidential office and Lander is standing outside the office. Lander is leaning up against the light gray metallic

wall when Cooper gets off of the elevator. It is five thirty in the morning and Cooper has not yet had his coffee to be fully awake. The metal

door to the office is open and Cooper does not even say anything to Lander. Cooper just enters the room and the bloody mess does not

creep him out. The blood does not phase Cooper and he is video recording the scene. Cooper is taking mental notes as he goes over every

inch of the scene.

Cooper is now on the phone with the Federal Cleanup Crew. The Cleanup Crew should be here within thirty minutes to clean up the

office for Lander. Cooper states that Lander can enter the office to get work done. Cooper is going to wait for the crew to arrive than he is

going down to the station and write his report. Lander cautiously enters the blood stained office and stands behind his desk. Cooper knows

from Lander’s body language that Storm did not try to onslaught him. Storm is many things but he is not aggressive nor would he do

something so stupid. Storm is a damn coward so Cooper knows this was Lander’s plan all along. It is well known that Lander and Storm did

not get along like peas and carrots. The bond between Lander and Storm just was not there and the mesh factor just did not happen.

Lander says, “I have to have Alexis collected from Calyx Hall at ten this morning. With Storm dead I must have someone else gather Alexis and bring her here.”

Cooper knows Lander is going to try to get him to do this, “I will not collect Alexis because she should not be going on another mission. I am against this.”

Lander states, “You can do this willingly Cooper or I can issue you an order which you will be forced to bring Alexis to me.”

Cooper replies, “Either way I don’t want to be involved.”

Lander says, “So it must be an order. You will collect Alexis from Calyx Hall.”

Cooper asks, “You really want me to gather my best friend and bring her here so she must go on another mission?”

Lander states, “That is the order. I will see you around ten fifteen or so with Alexis West.”

Cooper states, “I am going to file a complaint with the Federal Government, the Federal Council, and with the Federal Time Association. I am
tired of all the bullshit Lander and I will do this because I don’t defy orders.”

Lander says, “File your reports Cooper but nothing will be done about it. I am pretty much untouchable.”

Cooper reminds Lander, “You are not above the law and I am going to make certain that you get what you deserve.”

Lander laughs, “Believe what you want but I am not worried.”
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