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Rated: E · Chapter · Sci-fi · #2320920
First Chapter of a new sci-fi/fantasy story
Lander West is the President of United North, this fine but dangerous country, and he is more than irate at the moment. Lander has

ended the phone call with Storm Jones, the Presidential Aide, forty-five minutes ago. A Presidential Aide is nothing more than being a glorified

receptionist but the position is needed. Storm is not very good at his job for he is always late for some idiotic reason or another and he

frequently disobeys orders. Storm is still not in the office as of yet, even though a long period of time has passed, and this frustrates Lander to

no end. Lander is particular when it comes to being on time and does not tolerate it well when others are late or running behind or something

like that.

The door to the presidential office slides open with a beeping noise and Storm Jones is finally stepping into the office. Once Storm is

fully occupying the office, the door to the room closes as Lander orders the door to lock, and Storm is a little alarmed by this. Normally it does

not matter to Lander if the door is opened, closed, or locked. Lander just usually blurts out what is happening and the Federal Government

and Federal Council have been on Lander about certain information should be classified and not discussed with certain individuals. One of

those people that do not have the rank or status to have confidential information is Storm. Storm is technically a civilian who should only have

limited information about cases or events and that sort of thing.

Lander demands out of frustration, “Where the hell have you been Storm? We ended the call almost an hour ago. When I say I need you here and it is urgent I expect a timely response. I know it should have taken you twenty minutes to get ready and arrive here.”

Storm replies, “I thought I should stop down at the BioGenetics Laboratory to get the most recent reports.”

Lander exclaims, “I have the Federal Police there and I have a great many contacts to get the latest data. I do not need you to do that for me. If I really needed you to get that type of information I would have directed you to do so. I didn’t ask you to stop there and what I did say was report to my office immediately for there is an urgent matter that we must discuss.”

Storm blushes for he is being scolded like a child, “I just thought that I would be kind and try to help you out.”

Lander says, “Storm you are always disobeying me and I am getting more drained that I am constantly after you on your punctuality and your obedience. I expect so little from you but you only try my patience and it makes me weary.”

Storm wonders, “So what is this urgent matter that we have to discuss at this ungodly hour?”

Lander states, “Alexis West arrives this morning through the Portal at ten o’clock in the morning. I need you to report to Calyx Hall and collect
Alexis and bring her to my office immediately. That means no stops or anything to that effect.”

Storm asks, “Is this in regards to the BioGenetics disaster?”

Lander glares at Storm as he rises from his seat, “It does not really matter Storm for all you need to know is that I need Alexis here as soon as she is back from her mission.”

Storm says, “Alexis has to have her down time like you promised her when you sent her out on this last mission.”

Lander folds his arms, “I cannot help when Elite Time Jumping missions come in or whatever.”

Storm comments, “It has been eight years, sixteen missions, since Alexis has had her mandatory seventy-two hours of down time. Lander you are well aware of what happens to the human body if denied that down time for it has happened before. Alexis may not survive this detrimental blow to her system.”

Lander spits forth, “I have contacted Nikole Russell down at the Federal Time Association to clear Alexis for this one last mission before she is entitled to her time off.”

Storm questions, “What did Nikole tell you Lander?”

Lander states in a firm tone, “That Alexis may go on this one mission but afterward she must have time off to regroup.”

Storm asks, “Are you being honest?”

Lander states, “Of course I am. This is extremely important and it is classified so I cannot go into detail with you on the information that has me making this difficult decision.”

Storm wonders and he knows that he is pushing Lander, “But does it have to do with the BioGenetics attack?”

Lander speaks in a firm tone, “That doesn’t matter for the Portal Room down at Calyx Hall has had a breach and there was an unauthorized Time Jump a mere thirty minutes after the attack at the BioGenetics Lab. I must take care of this issue now.”

Storm says, “So that is why you need a Time Jumper. You should be asking if you could have another Elite Time Jumper to go on this mission so Alexis can have her down time.”

Lander fiddles with the gun in the holster at his chest, “Don’t you think that I tried that Storm? Nikole down at the Federal Time Association denied me that due to stressing my current Time Jumpers. So I have no choice.”

Storm says, “But Alexis is your goddamn sister. You have to treat her right for she is the best that you have and Alexis is rightfully the best of the best.”

Lander shrugs his shoulders, “So Alexis is my sister. That does not mean that I should favor her. That would make a difficult working environment for her if I did that.”

Storm raises his voice, “So instead you are choosing to mistreat her? You have never showed Alexis any kind of compassion towards Alexis and she had completed hundreds of missions that surpass your expectations. Lander you are nothing more than a damn bastard.”

Lander states, “I know all this Storm and yeah I am a freaking bastard but I know it. I don’t mistreat Alexis in any way, shape, or form. Alexis knows I value her completion of the missions and that I respect her for it.”

Storm restrains himself, “But you have never gotten along with her, not even when you both were growing up, and this is not a good scene. Alexis is not gonna be happy with this development.”

Lander shrugs again, “And I really do not care how Alexis feels. She is going on this mission whether she likes it or not.”

Storm stiffens as Lander removes the gun from the holster at his chest. Is Lander just trying to intimidate Storm? Or is Lander really

planning on shooting Storm right there where he stands? Lander has a wicked smile plastered on his face for Lander has been planning this

moment for several months now. Lander has had it with Storm and he is going to pay the ultimate price for all the years he has been late and

disobedient. Lander takes careful aim at Storm’s chest as Storm says that Lander will not shoot him. Lander cocks his head as Storm


Storm says, “You have murdered some poor soul six years ago and claimed that it was self defense. That explanation will not work again
Lander and Cooper will wonder what really happened here.”

Lander laughs slightly, “It will work as I inform Cooper, my personal Federal Police Officer, and that you attempted to attack me for some odd reason.”

Storm states, “Cooper is very perceptive and will know that is not what happened here on this day.”

Lander replies, “Cooper will believe whatever I tell him. Cooper can be observant but I can make a scene appear to be whatever I want it to
look like.”

Storm says, “Don’t do this Lander. If you do decide to shoot me right this minute there will be a boat load of questions that you personally will try to avoid.”

Lander just wickedly smiles as he fires his gun three times. Bullet one connects with Storm in the gut, the second bullet entered Storm’s

massive chest, and the final bullet missed Storm all together. Storm’s body collapses to the metallic floor with a moderate thud. Lander

ambles to Storm’s corpse and swiftly kicks it to make certain that he is deceased. Blood pools out from under Storm’s lifeless body. Lander is

relieved that he has finally got the opportunity to end Storm’s life. Lander had been planning this for months, killing Storm means no more

aggravation, and now he will be able to discipline another Presidential Aide and create a new bond.
© Copyright 2024 Julie D (jjdel1326 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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