Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2320740-Broken-Dreams
Rated: E · Novel · Other · #2320740
Reality of life
This story revolves around a girl who lives what she believes is her dream life, where she thinks life is easy and everyone is kind. She enjoys a happy life with her family, envisioning her life akin to a fairy tale where a prince charming resides in his palace. However, life isn't a bed of roses. Tragedy strikes when her family dies in an accident, leaving her devastated. She pleads with her deceased father and mother, expressing her longing for them to return home, but they're gone forever. Soon after, numerous troubles arise. Her greedy relatives deceitfully claim all the property for themselves and mistreat the girl. Feeling helpless and alone, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Under the cover of night, she flees from home, taking all the money she can gather. Lost and unsure of her next steps, she visits her parents' graves, pouring out her heart and sharing her plight with them. Determined to forge her own path, she rents an apartment and starts anew, symbolizing her resilience and determination to overcome the challenges that life has thrown her way.

Then she realizes that life is not a drama or a story; life is reality. This truth is something every person faces—so many problems in life.

1. "In her youthful innocence, she believed life to be a tapestry of joy and kindness, a storybook where every chapter ended with a happily ever after."
2. "But tragedy knows no script, and reality shattered her illusions with cruel precision, leaving behind a shattered heart and a soul adrift in a sea of grief."
3. "Amidst the wreckage of her shattered dreams, she found herself facing a harsh truth: life's trials are not scripted; they are raw and unyielding, demanding resilience and courage."
4. "In the depths of despair, she whispered to the stars, longing for the comforting embrace of her lost loved ones, but only the silent night answered back."
5. "Betrayal, like a venomous serpent, coiled around her heart, poisoning her trust and leaving scars that would never fully heal."
6. "With each step away from the ashes of her former life, she felt the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon her, yet a flicker of determination burned bright within her soul."
7. "In the quiet solitude of the graveyard, she found solace among the silent stones, pouring out her heart to the ones she had loved and lost."
8. "And so, with trembling hands and a resolve forged in the fires of adversity, she took the first hesitant steps towards a new beginning, guided only by the light of her own courage."
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