Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2319929-THE-FALLEN-MOON
Rated: E · Novel · Supernatural · #2319929
Werewolf chapter. NO LONGER THE LUNA
As the day of Illian's induction into the Rholf pack approached, I couldn't shake the feeling of longing that gnawed at my heart. It was meant to be a joyous occasion, a celebration of his 21st birthday and the beginning of his journey as alpha. But instead of standing by his side, I found myself confined to the shadows, hidden away from prying eyes.

My parents had made the difficult decision to conceal my situation from the pack, knowing full well that it could be used against me as a weapon. The truth of my forbidden love for Illian and the child growing within me was a vulnerability they could ill afford, especially in the midst of the tensions between our packs.

As I watched from afar, hidden behind the veil of secrecy that shrouded my existence, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of not being there for him on this momentous day. But even as my heart ached with longing, I knew that my absence was necessary to protect both myself and the fragile peace that hung in the balance between our packs.

So I remained hidden, a silent observer to the festivities unfolding in the Rholf pack, my thoughts consumed by the man I loved and the child we had created together. As the echoes of celebration drifted through the forest, I whispered a silent prayer to the moon above, hoping that Illian would find strength in my absence and that our love would endure despite the challenges that lay ahead.

The sound of twigs snapping beneath someone's weight shattered the silence around me, and my senses went on high alert as a strong, familiar scent filled the air. Before I could react, a deep voice cut through the stillness like a blade.

"Why are you here?" the voice demanded, its tone sharp and accusatory. "Isn't it the full moon you've been waiting for? Your induction should be your focus, not spying on the ceremonies of another pack."

Startled, I turned to face the source of the voice, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to make sense of the situation. Standing before me was a figure cloaked in shadow, his features obscured by the darkness of the surrounding forest. Magnus Thorne.

"I... I was just..." I stammered, my voice faltering as I searched for an explanation. But before I could form a coherent response, he stepped forward, his presence looming over me like a specter in the night.

"You have no business here," he continued, their voice dripping with disdain. "You should be with your own pack, celebrating your induction as Luna. Instead, you choose to skulk in the shadows like a coward."

I bristled at the accusation, my pride stung by his harsh words. "I am here because..." I began, but he cut me off with a dismissive wave of their hand.

"I don't want to hear your excuses," he interjected, their tone icy and unforgiving. "Whatever your reasons, they are of no concern to me."

With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, I made the difficult decision to surrender my place as Luna to my sister.

"I... I cannot be the Luna they need," I began, my voice barely a whisper as I struggled to find the words to explain my decision. "I have brought shame upon our pack, stained our name with my actions. The crimson moon that showed that night... it was no coincidence. It was a warning, a sign that I am not fit to be the Luna my pack wanted."

Tears welled in my eyes as I spoke, the weight of my confession hanging heavy in the air like a shroud.

Magnus's words cut through the air like a sharp blade, his tone firm and unyielding as he addressed me with a steely gaze. "Crying won't change anything," he declared, his voice devoid of sympathy or pity.

I blinked back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes, a mixture of hurt and frustration welling up inside me at his callous words. How could he be so cold, so indifferent to the pain that gnawed at my heart?

His words struck a chord deep within me, a reminder that strength was not found in succumbing to despair, but in rising above adversity. Despite the bitterness that lingered in my heart, I knew he was right. Crying would not change my circumstances, and would not undo the mistakes of the past.

Magnus's question caught me off guard, and for a moment, I was unsure how to respond. His gaze bore into mine, intense and probing as if searching for some hidden truth lurking beneath the surface.

"Have you ever wolf-shifted?" he asked, his voice low and measured.

I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the question. "No," I replied, the laughter tinged with bitterness. "I am not like the others. I am not blessed with the same gifts or the same abilities. But I can smell wolves."

There was a flicker of something in Magnus's eyes, a glimmer of understanding or perhaps sympathy before his expression hardened once more. "It matters not," he said dismissively. "Strength comes in many forms, not just physical prowess or the ability to shift."

As I opened my mouth to respond, a sudden emptiness filled the air, and I realized with a sinking feeling that Magnus had vanished once again, leaving me alone in the silence of the forest. It was a familiar sensation, one that echoed the countless times I had been abandoned and left to fend for myself.

As I watched Illian stand before his ancestors, a sense of bittersweet pride welled up within me. Despite the pain and heartache that had come between us, I couldn't help but feel a swell of admiration for the man I love.

With each sip from the chalice, Illian's form seemed to glow with newfound strength and determination, his resolve shining like a beacon in the darkness. I could see the weight of responsibility settling upon his shoulders, the weight of his ancestors' legacy mingling with the weight of his dreams and aspirations.

As his ancestors welcomed him as the new alpha of their pack, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness, knowing that I would never be able to stand by his side as his Luna. But despite the ache in my heart, I knew that this was his moment, his time to shine. And I know he will choose me as his destined Luna, as he promised.
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