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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2317614
In which Jet tries to mend his relationship with Kai
Beneath a mesmerizing canopy of lanterns, the vibrant night market pulsates with energy. The air is filled with the tantalizing aroma of smoked meat skewers and savory green curry from the food stalls. Vendors showcase souvenirs and jewelry that sparkle under the neon lights. In the lively symphony of laughter and conversation, the market transforms into a feast for the senses, immersing everyone in the rich tapestry of Bangkok's culinary and cultural delights.
Kai glares. Not at anyone or anything in particular, just at the situation in general. Normally he loves this night market, and visits several times a week either alone or with Zone and Iris. But neither of them are here tonight. Instead, the person with him is someone that heā€™s both loved and hated most of his life.
Jet had been late. Granted, this was partly Kaiā€™s fault because he hadnā€™t sent Jet the location until heā€™d actually arrived at the night market. Even after that, Kai had realized that due to the size of this place, Jet would be able to find the market itself, but not Kai. Calling was useless due to the noise of the crowd, so they had texted instead. This turned out to be a lot more trouble than it was worth, since neither of them had each otherā€™s LINE and had to resort to standard text messages instead of the messaging app.
Neither of them have spoken since they met up, wandering through the stalls in what other people would think is companionable silence. Jet doesnā€™t speak because heā€™s waiting for Kai to initiate conversation when heā€™s ready, and Kai doesnā€™t speak because heā€™s annoyed. Actually, Kai should be annoyed at himself, but itā€™s easier to be annoyed at Jet. The good news is that since theyā€™re meeting at a night market, if Kai gets too annoyed with his older brother, all he has to do is melt into the crowd.
But he needs to get some answers first.
Which means that words need to actually come out of his mouth. Except if he does open his mouth and words come out, Jet could leave. And if Jet leaves, he might not come back. Kai isnā€™t sure if heā€™s happy about that or not. Heā€™s been less and less sure since Zone printed off the Google results this morning.
Zone hadnā€™t stopped digging through the internet for results on Jet even after they had gone back to campus. Between final exams that afternoon, Zone had gone beyond Google and sent Kai links to both ManiratInfinateDrift and Jetā€™s personal social media accounts. Whether itā€™s a photo of a company event on his professional profile or a casual selfie on his personal one, Jet is smiling in every picture. Also, according to video clips on his personal IG, Jet speaks Italian in addition to Thai and English.
Zone had been watching the clips over Kaiā€™s shoulder. Instead of expressing surprise, he had casually mentioned that Jet had spent a lot of time in Italy with all three Manirat brothers over the summer, but had no idea that Kai and Jet were related. Zone had even pulled up his own Instagram and showed Kai a clip of the four of them speaking fluent Italian.
Kaiā€™s best friend knew his brother better than he did.
That revelation made Kai feel like he'd swallowed lead.
ā€œWant one?ā€ Jetā€™s voice pulls Kai back to the present, raised slightly over the clamoring of the crowd. When Kai says nothing, Jet grabs his younger brother by the elbow, and steers him to a couple of tables near the food stalls. ā€œLetā€™s sit.ā€
Kai doesnā€™t say anything, just lets Jet steer him. He drops the folder heā€™s been carrying around all night on the table, next to the paper plate that Jet sets down. Heā€™s angry and confused and annoyed and can't figure out how to vocalize that snarl of emotions.
If Jet came back to Thailand for legitimate business, then why had he disappeared this morning? On the other hand, if heā€™d been in Thailand all this time, why did he never reach out to Kai? If he was friends with Kaiā€™s best friend, had Jet ever mentioned that he had a younger brother, even in passing? Had he been deliberately looking for Kai last night, or was it just a coincidence? And if Jet had been deliberately looking for Kai, why the hell had it taken him so damn long? Why disappear for ten long years and reappear now?
Most importantly, how the hell is Kai supposed to condense all those questions into one? And once he did, would Jet even answer them? Would they even be answers Kai wanted to hear?
Or maybe it was just easier to stay angry and get this ā€œmeetingā€ over with, so that Jet could go do whatever it was he needed to do and Kai should just let him disappear again.
ā€œKai,ā€ Jet sounds like he has been repeating Kaiā€™s name and is losing patience.
Kai blinks, forcing his brain to shut up so he can focus. ā€œWhat?ā€
ā€œI said, will you consider this a peace offering?ā€ Jet taps the paper plate on the table in front of them, but Kai keeps his focus on Jetā€™s face.
ā€œPeace offering?ā€ Kai makes an effort to keep his face and voice equally neutral. ā€œAre we fighting?ā€
ā€œYou tell me.ā€ Jet slides the plate a little closer. ā€œYou want one or not?ā€
Kai stares blank-eyed at Jetā€™s peace offering. ā€œSatay?ā€
ā€œYou used to like it,ā€ Jet doesn't look the least offended by Kaiā€™s tone. ā€œIf you arenā€™t going to eat it, then I will.ā€
Kai takes the pork laden skewer, looking very much like he would prefer to shove it somewhere other than his mouth. The aromatic combination of ginger and turmeric fills Kaiā€™s nostrils, and his mouth waters in spite of himself. He takes a bite, chewing as long as possible both to savor the flavor of the meat, and figure out what the hell heā€™s going to say. Jetā€™s lips curve up just the tiniest bit, and he takes one of the pork skewers and bites into it, too. Theyā€™re silent for a minute, each seemingly absorbed in enjoying the food, but Jetā€™s body is as tense as Kai feels.
ā€œI told you that you could ask me anything you like,ā€ Jet finally breaks the silence. ā€œBut you havenā€™t said a word.ā€
ā€œYouā€™ve been back in Bangkok for a while, and you work for a car restoration and customization company,ā€ Itā€™s not the question that Kai wants to ask, but once the words are out, he canā€™t exactly take them back.
Jet smiles at him. ā€œDid you Google me, or something?ā€
ā€œYouā€™re the COO for ManiratInfinateDrift.ā€ Kai elaborates. ā€œZone told me.ā€
If Jet noticed the little white lie in Kaiā€™s answer, he doesnā€™t show it. ā€œHis older brother hired me after we graduated. I donā€™t do the actual restoration, but Kit and I find and sell the cars.ā€
ā€œZone also says you speak Italian,ā€ Kai is fully aware that this is another trite statement, but canā€™t think of anything else.
Jet nods. ā€œIf Iā€™m going to buy and sell cars to international clients, it helps if I can speak the language. Kit said that you left as soon as you woke up this morning. Why didnā€™t you wait for me?ā€
ā€œI had a final exam.ā€ Kai feels the tiniest twinge of guilt at the realization that Jet might have really been worried about him, but he squashes it. Thereā€™s one more pork skewer left on the plate, so Kai takes that rather than look at Jet. If thereā€™s food in his mouth, he doesn't have to talk.
ā€œWhat are you studying?ā€ Jet sounds genuinely interested--like an older brother is supposed to sound.
ā€œMedia Arts.ā€ The answer is automatic--something Kai would say to anyone who asked the question. He takes his time finishing the pork skewer, still not looking at his older brother. ā€œI graduate this year.ā€
ā€œLike Mali?ā€ Jet thinks he knows the answer to the question, but will say anything to keep his little brother talking to him.
ā€œMaliā€™s fifth year,ā€ Kai corrects him. ā€œAnd sheā€™s in Communication Arts. Thatā€™s different. She wants to do PR and keep working for her boyfriendā€™s company.ā€
ā€œOmniVentures,ā€ A funny little twitch crosses Jet's face when he says the name. ā€œThatā€™s also where youā€™re interning, right?ā€
ā€œYeah,ā€ Civil conversation is all well and good, but thatā€™s not why Kaiā€™s here. Answers. He wants answers. But to get answers, he has to ask questions, not make statements. ā€œWhat do you want from me, Jet?ā€
The words came out a little sharper than Kai wanted them to, and he can see that in the look on Jetā€™s face. His older brother leans forward a little bit. ā€œI missed you.ā€
Itā€™s only three little words, but they slam into Kai with the force of a tidal wave. His eyes sting and heā€™s pretty sure itā€™s not from the turmeric on the pork skewer. Of all the words to come out of Jetā€™s mouth, these were definitely not ones heā€™d expected. He really has no idea what to say.
ā€œI donā€™t blame you for being angry,ā€ Jetā€™s voice is quiet enough to make Kai look up. ā€œYou have every right to be. I know I canā€™t change the past, but I want to build something better.ā€
Kaiā€™s body stiffens. ā€œBuild what? A relationship?ā€
ā€œRebuild what we had,ā€ Jet clarifies.
ā€œWhat we had?ā€ Kai scoffs. ā€œYou disappeared--ā€
ā€œI didnā€™t have a choice.ā€ Itā€™s the wrong thing to say and Jet knows it before the words even finish coming out of his mouth. ā€œI want you to know I never forgot about you. It was just-- complicated.ā€
In Kaiā€™s experience, ā€œcomplicatedā€ is a word people used when they needed to prevent others from asking questions. Well, Kai has questions, and heā€™ll ask them whether Jet likes it or not. ā€œComplicated enough that we had no contact at all for the past ten years?ā€
Ten years of no calls, no email, not even a sticker from LINE. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The logical part of Kaiā€™s brain is whispering that when Jet had left Kai didn't even have a phone, so of course there would have been no calls, and no LINE. But that was beside the point. Kai wants to be angry, not logical.
ā€œYou could have reached out, too, Kai,ā€ Jetā€™s jaw clenches, but his voice stays steady. ā€œIt works both ways.ā€
It doesnā€™t help Kaiā€™s mood that Jet is absolutely correct, but this is not how the conversation is supposed to be going. None of this situation ever has been or ever will be Kaiā€™s fault. None of it. Kai is the one who got left. He is the one who got hurt, and ignored, and forgotten. If anyone should apologize for how things turned out, itā€™s Jet, right?
Kaiā€™s knuckles go white as his face as he grips the edges of the table.ā€ Did you even ask if Mali and I could come with you? Or were you so busy celebrating with your new family that you forgot about the old one?ā€
Now Jet stiffens. ā€œYou know thatā€™s not how it happened.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t I? You canā€™t just expect to show up out of nowhere and be the heroic big brother and make everything ok. Oh wait,ā€ Kai shoves the folder across the table at Jet. ā€œYou didn't just show up. Like I said, youā€™ve been in Bangkok for a while.ā€
ā€œYou did Google me,ā€ Jetā€™s face is completely expressionless.
ā€œHow the hell else was I supposed to know what you were up to?ā€ Kai realizes heā€™s almost shouting and lowers his voice with an effort, dropping his gaze to the now empty plate. ā€œI didnā€™t even get a LINE sticker from you.ā€
Jetā€™s voice is quiet. ā€œHow was I supposed to know what your LINE ID was?ā€
ā€œYou could have looked it up.ā€ Nevermind that Kai could have done the same thing, and hadnā€™t. That was not the point, nor was it the answer that Kai wanted.
ā€œIā€™m sorry I didnā€™t.ā€ Thereā€™s sincerity in Jetā€™s eyes. ā€œThatā€™s the first thing I really want to tell you Kai--Iā€™m sorry.ā€
For just a minute, Kai remembers the three of them--him, Jet and Mali--being hugged by the nuns when theyā€™d arrived at the orphanage days after their parentsā€™ accident. Kai and Jet had slept in the boyā€™s dormitory, and Mali with the girls, but they had seen each other every single day. Sometimes Mali had sneaked into the boysā€™ dormitory to sleep in either Kai or Jetā€™s bed, and neither of them had chased their sister away, leaving that task to the nuns. Kai and Jet had even pushed their beds together every night, so neither would feel alone while they slept.
They had been inseparable as always, eating together, talking together, being scolded by the nuns together. Walking to and from school and sometimes racing to see who would reach the school or the gates of the orphanage first.
And then that day when Jet was really quiet. When he got taken to see the Mother Superior, Mali and Kai were so sure that Jet had done something wrong. Kai had nearly worn a hole in the carpet of the dormitory waiting for his brother.
Jetā€™s face when he had come back to the dormitory was stoic, and he brushed Kai off when asked what was wrong. He had stayed at the orphanage, still not answering Kaiā€™s questions, while Mali and Kai had been ushered off to school, and heā€™d hugged both Kai and Mali so tight before they left. Kai had remembered a forgotten assignment halfway there and told Mali to get to school and heā€™d meet her there.
A black car with tinted windows had been parked outside. A well dressed couple were standing next to it. Jet came out of the orphanage with the Mother Superior, backpack on his shoulders and dragging a suitcase. Kaiā€™s mouth had dried out and he had tried to run, to stop his brother from getting into that car with those people. But traffic had halted him, and he could only stand across the street, watching as Jet drove away.
Mali had found out Jet was gone after school. Kai didnā€™t want to be the one to tell her--he let the nuns do it. Sheā€™d cried herself to sleep in Kaiā€™s dormitory that night, and after that, they would take turns sneaking into each otherā€™s beds after lights out, caring even less if the nuns caught them.
Mali had cried.
Kai didnā€™t.
Angry people donā€™t cry.
That was what he told himself, over and over until his eyes stopped burning and the hole in his chest stopped aching and he could push every thought and memory of Jet into the back of his head and keep it there for the rest of his life.
Except now Jet is in front of him, offering an apology that Kai doesnā€™t want to hear.
ā€œYou donā€™t get a relationship with me just by asking for it.ā€ Kaiā€™s voice is shaking. ā€œYou lost that chance a long time ago.ā€
Jet holds his younger brother's gaze. ā€œWhat if Iā€™m willing to earn it back?ā€
Screw this.
ā€œNo,ā€ Kai is on his feet. ā€œI donā€™t want an older brother, asshole. I donā€™t need one. I can take care of myself, so stay the hell away from me.ā€
He walks away, leaving Jet staring silently after him.

"9. Family Dinner

Read from beginning: "1. Ignored
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