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Rated: E · Article · Biographical · #2317120
This egotistic metal son of a gun is in my class he scales people based on their music...
In my school i have one friend,we'll name him Josh.So he's weird.He listens to Black Metal and new metal,etc.And that's not the weitd part he values people based on their music taste.So whenever i play a balade(i like baledes ok) he thinks he's better then me.So in school he thinks who listens to rap is stupid and brain dead.It's pointless arguing with him because he always sais"Oh you listen to______so why should i listen to you?"like what the F bro.My music taset is not "worse" or "better" then yours it's just different.He is an egotistic bich and rants every time his ego gets hurt.Me and one of my friends are the only two people who can hurt his ego,and you bet your bottom dollar i do.So just to hurt his fragile ego i just kept trash talking him while he was doing a math proble on the board.Cause his stupid brain has for 1(im european so 1 is like an F in the amarican grading sistem) while i have all 5s(As).So yeah that's all i had to say.

(Please review this so you can let me know if i should keep doing this.)
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