Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2317037-the-Cat-Always-Knows
Rated: E · Poetry · Animal · #2317037
the Cat Always Knows who would win the game

the Cat Always Knows

Sam the cosmic cat
Lived in NYC
With his owner Bob
And Larry the deaf dog
Who was his best buddy.

Sam loved playing
With Bobs baseball glove
For he was a big baseball fan.

And had an uncanny ability
To pick winning teams
He was always right.

Bob and his buddies
Had made money
Betting on Sam’s picks.

Sam loved to run outside
With Larry the deaf dog
In the late spring snow.
Which covered the daffodils.
Then go inside
And camp out
By the TV
Watching his beloved Yankees
Win yet again.

NEW PROMPT DUE 3 hours 57 minutes 41 seconds
Write a story or poem titled - The Cat Always Knows - (it must also be the title of your static item) - and include in any order the following, all bolded:

baseball glove
spring snow
deaf dog

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