Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2315080-The-attack-of-the-emissary
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2315080
someone has killed the emissary what that may mean for the kindgom

The Pope

Watch Commander Dera Finn
Member of the watch Tern ConIt
King's Guard Sir Grey Arm
commoner Bill tightus
Treasurer Philip House
Queen Marissa

         In the house of the church, the Pope looked at the water that showed where he witnessed the

death of his bishop as he walked the streets of the city. The bishop had been busy making deals here ]

and there for the church.

         There was no one who desired him to be harmed, the church would supply the kingdom as it

so often did. Their ore was desired, by all. They gave it for the purposes that they desired. The kingdom

where the bishop currently was one that they had no argument with or withdrawn in quarter with any

one who opposed the Pope.

         The pope saw the attack of the commoner who approached their bishop. They witnessed his death,

The pope looked at the waters seeing his death. He would want them to repay the cost of the bishop's body

was more than enough for them to lay siege to the kingdom. Reduce it to ashes.

         Tears ran from the Pope's eyes as he saw this. He knew what would happen to them. They

would know war as they never realised it before. Their streets would run with blood. the Pope looked

at his army as they stood before his eyes, the pope lifted a goblet to drink from.

         He smiled, as he finished the glass. Scowled as he looked at the water that allowed him to see this.

Water rose and became turbulent, splashing over its sides to wash upon the floor. The water was frothy.

         Tears spilled from his eyes, He remembered the queen and king as being his friends why would they

have done this? He questioned.


         "Well, it seems we have been lied too. The bastard Jules Mile and Oliva have not gone into the

water, they have not gotten onto a ship to go there," Dera FInn said as he looked into the face of Sir

Grey as he stood there looking at him. This was eight days after they have been given the

information that they had left by the means of ships on the coast line.

         "How can you not be sure of this happening?" Sir Grey said as he stepped toward Dera, his

hands were taunt. He was glaring at him. Dera recognised the anger that Sir Grey was feeling toward him.

         "We have sent our messengers to the ships that were on the coast line, and we have received

their answers, now. I am afraid what they are doing here," Dera said as he stepped away from Sir

Grey stepped to be within the grasping range of his hands for Dera's throat. He opened his hands

was about to throw his hand at his throat.

         Tern stepped into Sir Grey's path to stop him from reaching Dera, he could see the muscles

being drawn taunt and Sir Grey's eyes locking on Dera. Sir Grey tried to shove Tern from his feet so

Sir Grey could grab the watch commander. His hand shot out to grab Finn, but Tern grabbed his wrist

as he was falling to the ground. His body's weight on his arm drew Sir Grey's hand down to the floor.

Tera and he wrestled on the floor to stop him from his hand closing on his neck, his neck had a guard

about it.

         Dera stepped back from his hand that had flown toward his neck until Tern stopped his hand

from arriving there.

         "The captains sent back the information to confirm that they did not have these people who

we wanted to know where they were."

         "So where were they?" Sir Grey asked as he looked into the face of Dera as he stood there

watching Tera climb back to his feet along with Sir Grey.

         "That's what we want to know." Dera said as he smirked looking at Sir Grey.

         "We did not know, but that we had been lied too. How could we know this? You were with us when we got the

information, weren't you," Tern said, "If you reach for your weapon. You will die. Do you understand me?"

         "How could we be duped into believing this having had happened to to them," Dera asked as

he looked into the wide eyes of Sir Grey began struggle to be free from the member's hand. "I don't

know, I thought we had been given the god's truth of what had happened to them,"

         "I know what you thought it was as we did. Do you have any idea where he has gone," Sir

Grey asked as she looked at his face. his face had look that said, he was worried. What did he do by

telling Sir Grey. Where did they go? He did not know the answer to the question that was poised by



         Bill knew what he had seen. There was a warrant for the arrest of the emissary or the body

of the emissary to be brought to the sheriff's office. He witnessed Carl approach the emissary, the

emissary guards tried to stop Carl. The person brought his friends over there to draw away the

guards from him.

         When the guards were draw away, Carl raced toward the noble. With his mace in hand.

         The noble laughed as he saw the person step into his path. He asked, "What do you think you are doing?"

         "Arresting you for the sheriff. Or killing you if you refuse to come with me," Carl said, as he reached for the noble's wrist

with his hand, his opposing hand brought the mace forward to strike him with it.

         "Surely, you're mistaken." the noble said staring at Carl as he stood there holding the noble's wrist with his hand. The

noble froze where he stood, he tried to shake Carl's hand from holding him. The escort began to close the gap with the noble and

Carl. The guards brought their weapons toward Carl. the sharp edge cut through his flesh to tear his flesh from his body. Blood

ran in torts.

         Carl's mace struck the noble in the face, it crushed the cheek and the eyesocket as well as a portion of his brain spilled

from where it was in the skull. The mace had slain him, the noble toppled to the ground,

         The guards swung the weapons at Carl. Carl was struck by their weapons. They wounded him, they dragged him into the

jailer's office. They dropped him on the floor, Carl looked up to see the escort glare at him. They told the jailer what they had seen

Carl do to the emissary,

         Carl said, when he got enough air in his lungs to speak,"I wanted to collect the bounty on his head. That is all, I wanted to


         "There is no bounty of his head." one of the escort said to him, as he looked at him with disbelief on his face. He could not

believe that this commoner said this.

         The jail\er looked at him, blood stained his garments, The jailor grabbed Carl by his collar. The jailer pulled Carl to his

feet and shoved the door open. Carl hung from his hand like a sack of flour, Carl's feet were unable tp reach the ground. The

jailer was a big man, strong as an oxe threw him into the cell.

         Carl said. "What is the meaning of this?"

         "Why were you attacking the emissary?" one of the escort asked as he shoved

the door of the cell closed.

         "There is a bounty put on his head." Carl said as he scowled at the guard

who brought him in.

         "Nonsense, it makes no sense, that there was a bounty on him," one of the

guards said this as he made a bridge with his hands peering at the man now behind


         "What do you mean, there can be no bounty on his head? That is what I saw.

I swear it, Wait a moment I have the warrant in my possession," Carl said as he

wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt.

         "What do you mean there's a bounty on Bishop Marata, that is impossible.

There could be no bounty on him, I tell you," Derrick Carton said, as he looked at

the man in the jail. He knew, that he could not have been forced to do this. The

bishop was not likely to have committed a crime.

         "You say, you have seen a warrant of this man on it," Derrick said as he

had stared angerly at him. He balled his fists,

         "i have the warrant. I took it from a tree where it was posted there by the

sheriff I tell you," Carl said as he reached into his pocket to retreive the warrant

he had seen. It was the warrant. That he has said, he saw there. He handed it to

the Jailer.

         The jailer uncrumpled the warrant to see the face of the bishop looking at

him from the picture. He stepped away from the warrant and shrugged his

shoulders as he looked at Carl, his shoulder was bleeding, his skin had been torn

from his shoulder.

         Carl held his gaping shoulder wound together with his opposing hand.

         "I am afraid, he may be right." The blood drained from his face as he

looked at Derrick, "I think you've made a mistake."


         Bill saw Queen Marissa. he couldn't believe she wasn't the one

responsible for killing the merchant and the emissary of Maleat. He wanted

her to pay for her actions,

         When he saw the queen with her escort walk toward the treasurer's

building again. Began to walk in the same direction as her. She turned to

face this man as he came toward her. He grit his teeth and glared at her and

said, "How dare you walk the streets. You should be hung for your actions

toward the death of a commoner."

         Bill reached out to grab her by the arm, her escort began to close the

gap between him and her. Sir Grey was not with her at the moment. Drove her

towards him. She grit her teeth. With her right hand she drove her nails into his

arm drawing blood which rose from his arm.

         The guards got to him, just before he had been able to grab her. He spun around as he saw the

guards close the gap between them. The nearest guard closed his hand on him

         Bill said,"What are you doing? Let go of me," He tried to lift his hand from the guard's grasp.

Finding his hand was held as tightly as lobster's claw on his prey. He wimpered.

         "I tell you she is responsible for this happening here,"

         The guard drove him onto his knees another guard grabbed him by his collar to arrest him.

         "What do you think the queen was trying to do?" Marissa asked as she just entered the

establishment. In the dark room, Phillip turned to face her, his skin was pale. the treasurer lifted his

hand from the document he was working on to look at her. She looked a might frightened by this

happening to her.

         "I do not think I could know what they were doing? If what Sir Grey said was true, than they

were trying to create a divide between us and the other kingdoms nearby. There was letter that the

kingdom of Maleat sent to us. Describing something that they claimed has happened in our walls.

That could not possibly be happening, someone killed the emissary of their kingdom on our soil. They

have evidence of the bounty that has brought against him from us. They sent us the document with

the bounty put on it," the treasurer said as he looked at the queen.

         "What do you mean, the emissary was killed in our kingdom. We would not do this." Queen

Marissa said as she looked shocked upon hearing this being said to her.

         "I know this and you know this but they do indeed have a warrant of bounty on his head." the

treasurer said as he lifted the warrant up from the letter he was reading to show her what they had

received from Maleat.

         She looked at the picture of his face on the document. She knew the emissary he was loved

by all here. Tears ran down her cheeks, She bit her lip. She asked, "Who poised this warrant. Let me

guess the Queen or the viceroy or his council to do this. Did no one dare to speak against their doing


         She glared at the treasurer who shrugged his shoulders as he looked at her, "They may not

have seen what they have done to Maleat's house by putting this warrant on their emissary to do


         "Do you know, what Maleat supplies us with? If they refuse to do this, We would be in trouble

thanks to this happening?" Queen Marissa said.

         "I know but what can we do to change their minds." Philip said.

         "Has this assassination happened already." Marissa said as she looked into his eyes.

         "I am afraid, so," Philip said as a tear ran from his right eye.


         Jules smiled as he was relaxing as he looked out the window to see the street, he knew, that

they would have news tonight about the attack on the emissary of Maleat. He knew, he had paid

enough for this to happen there. Queen Marissa had arrived how good of her to have come to her


         Oliva climbed into the bath to relax as they were going to relax. She began to grab some soap

to wash Jules back. He smiled as she did this.

         It felt good to be able to relax, Marissa and the King;s guard would have no knowledge of them

being here. She could imagine the kingdom falling to its knees without the coal to come into the

kingdom to keep them warm come winter. They knew it would come it was a certianty.

         What could they do to get the kingdom of Maleat to bring them their precious ore. It would be

fun for this to happen to them, she laughed as she had been able to do this to them.

"The desire to quash the attacks on them/
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