Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2305329-read-the-universe-needs-to-be-heard
by tbone
Rated: E · Other · Environment · #2305329
these are my thoughts
This is my first doc I'm making. My names Tommy and I think a lot about random stuff and I think it would be beneficial to write it down. When I'm writing I'm thinking abt current thoughts and past ones. There's this thought I've been thinking about a lot. So basically it's about why everything is how it is. Everything that happens is bound to happen by science not by a god or anything of the sort. Everything happens the way it does because of how the big ban happened. From that point on everything has stayed to the algorithm. It's like the butterfly effect but no one can change it. Anything that you do was already planned on happening. Like if you are trying to be a better person, it doesn't matter because you were bound to do that on the way your brain is, the way other people's brain influenced your brain to do that, the way your ancestors brain created yours without their choice. I'm writing this because I feel like it and my brain was made that way dating all the way back to the big bang. I don't know if I'm going to post any writings of mine on the internet but if i do I'd just like to say i don't care about grammar because I'm literally just writing the words that come from my head. My theory i just talked abt might be hard to comprehend and it's even hard for me sometimes also lots of people will disagree with me because it disagrees with almost all religions and it believing it doesn't give out any benefit it only would discourage someone because if they believe that they changing the future but they aren't. I'm only 13 years old so I could be out of my mind but I don't think I am. Ever since I was little I've always thought abt the world like how something is made and why there's leap years and stuff like that. I used to ask my dad questions like these in car rides but now I've stopped and I think I'm answering them myself now but I honestly don't know much and i have many questions and I don't know much about science but I know simple stuff. I don't know what to write. It's hard to think of something knew if I'm only thinking about the present i might just find a place to post this all on rn.
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