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Rated: E · Fiction · Contest · #2305138
A young man gets a magical surprise in study hall.
"Study Hall"
W. P. Gerace

The loud sound of the seventh-period bell rang through the halls of North Phoenix Middle School. Franky was sitting at a table by himself in the far corner of the cafeteria. He was hoping that no one noticed he was still sitting there. He knew study hall was next, but it was a place he would rather not be right now. It was run by the meanest teacher in the school, Mr. Pierce, with his dark brown eyes and petite body. Most of the kids did not pay him mind, but something about that man scared Franky. He had an almost alien-like look on his pale face. Furthermore, the school bullies Colt Jenkins, and his friends were there and tortured Franky the whole time.

"Hey, Franky, you know that was the seventh-period bell. You have to go now. "Mrs. Harper, the nice lunch lady, came holding her blue bucket and sponge.

"Yeah, I know Mrs. Harper. I could stay here if it's ok. "Franky asked, knowing already what her answer would be.

"No, honey. I'm sorry. I know you don't like study hall, but I think there is a substitute today. I heard Mr. Pierce isn't in, and it might be." Franky didn't wait to hear the rest of what she was saying as he bolted down the hallway.

The auditorium was only a few minutes away from the first-floor lunch room. Franky sped along the tiled halls, looking into the schoolyard where kids hung between classes. Colt Jenkins and his buddies Lex and Hector stood beside him, leaning against the tilted tree that had probably been there for ions. They must have heard we had a substitute today; Franky figured and decided to cut class. A replacement will only know some people's names. He was so happy. It was a double bonus that Mr. Pierce wasn't there.

Just as he entered the auditorium, Franky could tell things were different. A brilliant golden light beamed from the bulky auditorium doors. Peaking inside, he saw a tall woman with puffy blonde hair and pretty tanned skin. Dressed in a long golden gown and holding a flashing blue wand and a sparkling horseshoe in her hands, it was like watching a magic show. Usually, the seventh-period study hall was a wild mess, with Mr. Pierce screaming, demanding the kids sit down. They wouldn't budge to his commands at all.

Excited to see that Mrs. Harper was telling the truth. Everyone was sitting obediently in their seats like little soldiers, their eyes glued to the woman standing before them. Standing at the podium, Franky watched as he silently took a seat in the back row.

"Boys and girls, my name is Mrs. Gold. I will be your study hall teacher for a little bit. Mr. Pierce will be out awhile. Now, usually, this is the time for you to study. But I want to play a game. Who wants to play a game. "Mrs. Gold asked; her eyes, like staring at golden coins, sparkled in front of the children.

Mrs. Gold had a strong influence on the kids in his study hall class. No one dared throw a piece of paper, run around, or act crazy. For once, Franky did not feel he would have an unpleasant experience. This is how school should be fun and exciting.

"You young man. Can you come up to the front? "Mrs. Gold pointed her flashing horseshoe towards Franky.

"Me? "Franky asked.

"Yes, you Franky. Come now. "Mrs. Gold asked. Franky wondered how did she know his name.

"I know a lot of things, Franky. I am the famous Mrs. Gold. Now come child. "Swinging around in her flashy dress, holding the bottom of the skirt so it didn't get dirty from the dusty floor
Walking up, the kids stared at him as if he were something special. These were the same kids that pushed and teased him and gave him a hard time. Today, he was the big deal. Raising his head, he was excited to see what Mrs. Gold wanted.

"Come there, Franky. Now, this is what I want you to do, young man. Touch my horseshoe. Don't be afraid, child. Come on now. "Mrs. Gold spoke, her voice booming through the entire auditorium as if she were speaking through a megaphone.

Franky touched the horseshoe and felt tingling go up his fingers and arms. Franky had a surge of power go throughout his entire body. He felt confidence and strength he never had before. Before today, he was the shortest boy in the whole seventh grade, often called a Pea by his peers as they all would push him around. Standing up the top of his head almost hit the auditorium's roof. The kids sat back in their seats, their terrified looks glazing at Franky.

Swinging open the back doors was Colt and his bully gang. Their eyes were staring at Franky and Mrs.
Gold. Moving his hands around, they stretched through the whole room as if they were made out of an elastic material. Every seventh grader, including Colt and his gang, bolted the area, yelling for help.

"Now, you will be the king of the school. I know you won't abuse your powers like your peers did. Tomorrow, I will show you how to use your new abilities and make this place happy. For now, enjoy your day, child. "Mrs. Gold patted Franky's back.

Smiling, Franky ran down the aisle, his giant size shaking all the chairs and floorboards as he passed through. He would not abuse his powers, just like Mrs. Gold said, but would make North Phoenix Middle School a safe place.
© Copyright 2023 W.P. Gerace (phoenixdude71 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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