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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Animal · #2300769
A Tiger Rescues A little Boy from Being Killed.
By W. P. Gerace
Finally, after a long day of searing oppressive desert heat, Charlotte got some relief. The sun had been setting for several hours, and the Northern mountains were dark amidst a sea of white glittering stars. In the distance, a few feet above, stood a full glowing moon. The full moon troubled Charlotte the most. It was when anything and everything could occur in the animal kingdom as far as she was concerned. Spending nearly twenty years in this aging body of a female Tiger, she thought only humans had such beliefs with full moons. However, she quickly learned that animals shared so many similar sentiments. Several feet away, she could hear the howling of wolves thirsty for anything they could dig their incisive teeth into. Once a human herself before being brought back as a female Tiger as a punishment for not being a good person in her mortal life, she constantly spent time in this form guarding humans and even her fellow animals.

Peering through her cage, the thick steel bars a permanent block from her and the rest of mankind, a faint smell came through. It almost smells human, innocent, and light, reminding her of a child. Was a child locked away here in North Phoenix Zoo when no one was around, and wild animals could get in and feast on anything they wished. Trepidation crept into her anxious spirit as that scent of warm flesh became more potent each minute. She could hear the creature's heartbeat resonate through her heightened spiritual and animal-like senses. In her previous life, a witch used her powers to lure humans to her home and then sacrifice them to hell and live off their flesh. Sometimes those deep desires consume human flesh and drain the human spirit returned. This was one of those times, but she must not give in to her previous old, wicked ways.

Bent down behind a black barrel of overflowing trash was a small figure. The little boy's tiny hands covered his face as he cried terribly. Wearing nothing but a white tee shirt and what appeared to be blue denim shorts and no shoes, Charlotte's heart sank. It was a child left here in the middle of a dark zoo where night creatures would come and feast upon this poor being's flesh. For the first time in centuries, she had compassion for mankind and this poor child. Coming from a woman who had done such devious things in her past, she had to use her animal instincts to get this child.

Placing her paws on the cage; the sturdy bars were so strong that it was almost impossible to budge open. Frustrated and worried, she put all her strength behind her body and pushed upon the unyielding steel. Amazingly the bars buckled under the immense pressure. She could hear the twisting and crumbling of the metal surface disintegrating under her tremendous strength. Luckily, leaving through the hole, the boy was only a few short feet away.

A black-haired wolf leaped down from the mountains above. His eyes were red with rage. Parting his lips displaying his razor-sharp fangs, he was about to have himself a feast if it had not been for Charlotte. Roaring in her face, the wolf showed off its sharp teeth and challenged Charlotte. The last thing she wanted to do was put this boy in any more danger.

"I command you, a creature of darkness, to be gone. You can find something else to eat. This is a child; nothing for you here. "Charlotte bellowed her thunderous words stopping the animal in his tracks. Dropping his furry tail and lowering his eyes, he walked off, whining as if he were hit with some blunt object.

"Come, child. You will stay with me till sunrise. Then I will get my friend Lilly, one of the great pelicans here, to take you home. She will know where to take you. Come, please. "Charlotte beckoned the child as he raised his small blue eyes.

"But you are a Tiger. Won't you eat me like that Wolf wanted to? "The child asked in a shaky voice, trying to stifle his cries.

"No, son. I am a rare creature in this zoo. Trust me. Follow me, and I will keep you safe till sunrise. Climb on my back. Please, we only have a little time. "Charlotte knew that evil wolf probably was part of some pack that would be back seeking revenge.

The child obliged and put his small, frail hands on the back of her smooth black and golden fur. Clutching onto her, she walked slowly and gracefully, humming a sweet Lullaby she remembered her mother singing to her when she was his age. Thankfully he quickly fell asleep by the time they returned to her cave.

Staying up until sunrise to ensure the child's safety, she quickly called out using her secret code to alert Lilly. Moments later, she arrived, fluttering her broad white wings. Lilly had gorgeous light green eyes and was a beautiful creature inside and out. She was one of the few that Charlotte associated with here.

"We have another lost one, I see, friend. "Lilly asked, flapping her wings and shaking her feathers everywhere in Charlotte's cage.

"Yes, please, let's get him home. He was almost eaten last night by that evil pack that lurks here. Luckily, I was able to scare him off. "Shaking her head Charlotte was worried that the group would be back.

"I got him, honey. Put him on my back. "Lilly said, lowering her back to Charlotte.

Charlotte lightly grabbed the boy by his shirt and put him on Lilly's back. Quietly lifting her body off the ground, she flew away with the sleeping child toward the Western mountains, knowing exactly where she needed to take him. Tears slid down Charlotte's face. She wished she could have children of her own.
© Copyright 2023 W.P. Gerace (phoenixdude71 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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