Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2299058-Magnus
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2299058
An Underground Fairytale
Magnus was quite dapper, for a mole. He parted his fur down the middle and was even known to wear spats. He was something special.

The only real trouble in Magnus' life was his vision. Although he wore trifocals, he still could not see well and used a seeing-eye worm named Edgar. Of course, worms were delicious and every now and then there would be an unfortunate accident and consequently, a new Edgar.

THIS Edgar did a wonderful job. He ate copious amounts of dirt and left a clear path behind him that was easy for Magnus to follow. Magnus liked to travel, so he strapped his luggage to Edgar's back, and off they went. This time to the library so Magnus could check out some books in Braille.

Magnus was an avid reader and if he liked a book very much, he took a bite out of it. Well, you can imagine the fines he had to pay for THAT behavior. Even so, the library kept loaning books and Magnus kept getting paper cuts from the pages.

Sporting bandages on his hands from the aforementioned paper cuts, off they went tunneling to the Underground from which they were whisked off right underneath the library. From there, Edgar cleared the way for Magnus to arrive in the library's first floor in style. Ah...books!

While Edgar went to the Children's section, Magnus perused cookbooks. There were lots of recipes for Edgars, there were also root medleys and a dirt fudge cake. After that, Magnus went to the Fiction section and glanced through a novel about a farmer and his cow – a love story.

Finally, Magnus checked out his books and one for Edgar and they were off to their home mound.

That is when Magnus heard what could only be described as ethereal music from outside the Underground. Someone was singing and playing an Irish harp. Magnus was enchanted. Who was this musician?

When the song ended, Magnus introduced himself. He couldn't really see who he was talking to, but from the voice he surmised it was a she. And so he asked her about herself and her music.

Magnus discovered that the musician was another mole who wanted to make both a little money and to entertain others. Her name was Gladys and her home mound had collapsed which was why she needed a little bit of money so that she could shore up a new mound.

Magnus, always a gentleman, asked Gladys if she would like to visit him in his mound until her own was finished. He only had one request: that she not eat Edgar.

Quite pleased, Gladys accepted the magnanimous offer and followed Magnus and Edgar home.
(Two years later)
Magnanimous Magnus and Gladys were married. She curled her fur for the occasion, wore a lovely gown woven of roots, and played the harp herself for music. Edgar was the ring bearer and Gladys kept her promise and never even took a nibble out of him.

Magnus and Gladys lived happily ever after, the blind leading the blind.
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