Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2298156-Magical-Gift-Shop-Bulletin
Rated: E · Bulletin · Business · #2298156
A sporadic monthly bulletin for news, updates, and special announcements
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⭐Magical ⭐Gift ⭐Shop ⭐Bulletin
** Image ID #2298157 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #2298157 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #2298157 Unavailable **

Our first news bulletin! If you would like to receive this bulletin each time a new issue is released, please let me know and one will magically appear in your in box while its hot off the press! Simply email me at: wordgeek@writing.com

Thanks to everyone in the community for their support we have had a fantastic launch and first few weeks!

** Image ID #2298166 Unavailable **
Community Charity Give Away

*Wand* We are excited to announce this month's winner is: The Simple Fundraiser by Annette
With a gift donation of 210 000 gift points! *Wand*

image for book project Just Because image for book project

This month 200,000 gift points were ANONYMOUSLY donated to a WDC member to assist them with renewing their paid membership fees!
⭐Iif you or someone you know would like to be added to the pot for the monthly drawing, please send me an email. This is to help pay to renew a current paid membership.... 💜Donations are also gratefully accepted, please be sure to specify that your donation is for this particular charity.

🎉The July Blow Out Deal🎉 will end July 30th. 75%of proceeds from this sale benefits The Simple Fundraiser.

Do you have an exclusive merit badge, or other item you'd consider placing in the Magical Gift Shop on consignment? Email me and let's talk! Do you have a raffle and want to sell more tickets? I can help with that! Email me for details. *Wand*

© Copyright 2023 Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love (wordgeek at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2298156-Magical-Gift-Shop-Bulletin